Spective, No Attempt Is Made To Include Developments

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Proceedings of the 1995 Winter Simulation Conference

ed. C. Alexopoulos, K. Kang, W. R. Lilegdon, and D. Goldsman


Richard E. Nance

Systems Research Center and Department of Computer Science

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State [University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0251, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT Figure 1 shows the chronological development of

simulation programming languages from both a vertical
Knowing history can be protective; we have all heard and horizontal perspective. The vertical perspective
that those who do not are doomed to repeat it. follows the division among world views, the
Considering one well regarded expert’s estimate of 137 “WELTANSICHT” of Lackner (1962, p.3). ‘The “event
simulation programming languages (SPLS) created by scheduling, “ “activity scan,” and “process interaction”
1981, many perhaps have already duplicated the numer- categorizations are now termed the “classical” because
ous mistakes of their predecessors. History can also be they were used very early by Lackner (1964) and Kiviat
informative, instructive and entertaining as hopefully (1967; 1969) as the basis for distinguishing and contrast-
this abridged and differently focused approach can illus- ing SPLS. overstreet (1986, p. 171) captured the dis-
trate. Questions concerning the causes for so many tinctions best by using the concept of locality:
SPLS, the remarkably similar parallel developments, and
the role of the SPLS versus programming languages in Event scheduling provides locality of time:
general might admit to historical answers. At the least, each event routine describes related actions
sharing speculations could prove enlightening and that may all occur in a single instant.
Activi& scanning provides locality of ~state:
1 INTRODIJCTION each activity routine describes all actions that
must occur because a particular model state is
This abridged history of discrete event simulation pro- reached.
gramming languages is taken from the more complete
version presented at the History of Programming Pi-oce,ss interaction provides locality of ob-
Languages II Conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts ject: each process routine describes the entire
20-23 April 1993. A preprint appeared in A CM action sequence of a particular model object.
SIGPLANNotices 28 (3): March 1993, pp. 149-175.
Discrete event simulation programming languages The horizcmtal perspective in the SPL chronology de-
(SPLS) must meet a minimum of six requirements: (1) scribes the organization of the remainder of this paper.
generation of random numbers to represent uncertainty, The five periods chosen, although somewhat arbitrarily,
(2) process transformers, to permit other than uniform reflect remarkably similar developments occurring in the
SPLS of that period. In fact, the earliest SPLS have con-
random variates to be used, (3) list processing capability,
tinued, either in extended or modified forms c~ras gener-
so that objects can be created, manipulated, and deleted,
ational successors. These five periods are labeled:
(4) statistical analysis routines, to provide the descriptive
summary of model behavior, (5) report generation, to 1955-60: The Period of Search,
provide the presentation of potentially large reams of 1961-65: The Advent,
data in an effective way for decision making, and (6) a 1966-70: The Formative Period,
timing executive or time flow mechanism. Clearly these 1971-78: The Expansion Period,
requirements could be met by a general purpose lan- 1979-86: The Period of Consolidation and
guage (GPL), but developments of SPLS progressed with Regeneration.
the conviction that model complexity could be better ac-
Since some time is needed to develop a historical per-
commodated and modeling conveniences better provided
spective, no attempt is made to include developments
with a language reflecting the problem-solving domain.
beyond 1986,
Nevertheless, packages of simulation-specific routines in
numerous GPL/s are significant; some have emerged to a
very popular form in use historically and today.

1308 Nance

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Figure 1. The Genealogical Tree for Simulation programming Languages ●
simulation Programming Languages: An Abridged History 1309

2 THE PERIOD OF SEARCH (1955-1960) a joint venture of Esso Petroleum Company Ltd. and
IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. The creators, John Buxton
This period is marked by efforts to discover not only and John Laski, readily acknowledged the contributions
concepts of model representation but the representational of Tocher and his colleagues at United Steel Companies
needs for doing simulation analysis. Early groups at (Buxton and Laski 1962, p. 198). A seconcl version of
General Electric, UCLA, and elsewhere were cited in CSL, labeled C.S.L. 2 by Clementson (1!)66), is at-
Conway (1967, p. 2 19). The General Simulation tributed to P. Blunden, P. Grant, and G. Parncutt of IBM
Program (GSP) of K.D. Tocher and D.G. Owen (Tocher, UK (IBMUK 1965). CSL draws heavily on FORTRAN
1960) is considered the first “language effort.” Tocher for the implementation, but the conceptual basis is
describes his identification and reuse of routines needed clearly influenced by GSP. A simpler two-p base execu-
for each simulation application as a “simulation struc- tive is used in CSL, in contrast with the three-phase ex-
ture. ” The claim that such a structure would enable “au- ecutive adopted in GSP. The language became a favorite
tomatic programming of simulations” (Tocher 1960, p. for program generation techniques based on the entity
51) seems a little inflated; however, the same claim was cycle or act wity cycle diagrams, which were successors
made for assemblers about five years earlier. to the wheel charts originally developed by Tocher
(Tocher 1966).
3 THE ADVENT (1961-1965) GASP (General Activity Simulation Program), devel-
oped by Philip J. Kiviat at the Appliecl Research
The forerunners of SPLS currently in use appeared dur- Laboratory of the United States Steel Corporation, was
ing the period of 1961-1965. GPSS was developed on begun in 1961, originally in ALGOL. Early on the deci-
various IBM computers and the name changed to the sion was ]made to base the GASP simulator on
General Purpose Simulation System (from General FORTRAN II. Originally designed to bridlge the gap
Purpose System Simulator). Originating in the problem between operating personnel and computer program-
domain of communication systems, the original block mers, GASIP, like GPSS, utilized flow chart symbols
semantics were ideally suited for queuing models. An considered familiar to engineers. The set of FORTRAN
interesting exercise demonstrating the importance of II subroutines that made up GASP included a random
graphical output for on-line validation occurred in 1965 number generator from the resident library. The GASP
with an IBM 2250 interactive display terminal tied to a executive controlled the timing following an event
GPSS model (Reitman 1992). scheduling view, and debugging help was provided in a
At the Norwegian Computing Center the language special subroutine.
SIMULA was begun in 1963 by Ole-Johan Dahl and OPS-3, while relatively unknown to current day users,
Kristen Nygaard. The language was developed for the was an SPL ahead of its time. It represented an innova-
Univac 1107 and represented an extension to Algol 60, tive technical effort at MIT to build simulation capability
the most popular GPL in Europe. The early language on the time sharing system CTSS. Principal developers
version proceeded through four stages: (1) a discrete were Greenberger, Jones, Morris, and Nes:s; however
event network concept, (2) basing of the language on many others contributed in various ways (Gh-eenberger
Algol 60, (3) modifications and extensions of the Univac 1965). The OPS-3 system was intended to be a multi-
Algol 60 compiler as the process concept is introduced, purpose, open-ended, modular, compatible support for
and (4) the implementation of the SIMULA I compiler. creative researchers that were not necessarily computing
More follows concerning the impact of SIMULA, par- experts. Additions to OPS-3 could be made in a variety
ticularly the successor version, on programming lan- of GPLs. Clearly, the influence of SOL and
guages in general. SIMSCRIP”r are present in the time flow mechanism,
The event scheduling SPL SIMSCRIPT appeared in but the power of interactive model execution was unique
1963. Harry Markowitz, later to receive a Nobel Prize to the language. The manifestation of the timing control
for his work in portfolio theory, provided the major con- was more akin to the three-phase method in Tocher’s
ceptual guidance. The RAND corporation developed the GSP than to any other format the time.
language under sponsorship by the US Air Force, and Numerous other SPLS appeared during this advent pe-
Bernard Hausner was the sole programmer. Herbert riod. Notable, although not a discrete event language,
Karr authored the SIMSCRIPT manual (Markowitz was DYNAMO. Developed at MIT for s:ystems dy-
1963, p.iii). ]Both syntactically and organizationally, namic modeling, DYNAMO influenced several of the
SIMSCRIPT was heavily influenced by FORTRAN. developers of discrete event SPLS (Kiviat 199 1).
The entire FORTRAN language was included as a sub- Significant in the effect of DYNAMO was graphical
set. Later SIMSCRIPT 1.5 was developed as a propri- output, strong typing, and extensive error detection
etary version by CACI (Karr 1965). A major difference capability. Other languages of note were SIMPAC, with
was that SIMSCRIPT 1.5 was compiled into assembly a fixed-time-increment timing routine, developed at the
language rather than FORTRAN. System Development Corporation (Bennett 1[962); SOL
The Control and Simulation Language (CSL), repre- (Simulation Oriented Language), created by Knuth and
senting the activity scan world view, appeared in 1963 as McNeley as an extension to ALGOL and structured
131(J Nance

much like GPSS; and MILITRAN, produced by the manual form in 1967 (Pritsker 1967) while a listing of
Systems Research Group of the Office of Naval FORTRAN subprograms designated as a GASP II com-
Research (Systems Research Group, Inc. 1964). pilation is dated “3113/63 .“ This early revision is due to
Kiviat alone.
4 THE FORMATIVE PERIOD (1966-1970) OPS-4 is primarily the doctoral research of Malcolm
M. Jones (1967). Based on PL/1, OPS-4 encouraged in-
The period from 1966-1970 reflected the conceptual cremental construction in test of model components. All
clarification of languages, Concepts, possibly consid- three world views were supported in the language.
ered as secondary during the trials of bringing a SPL to Extensive debugging and tracing capabilities and on-line
implemented form, were reviewed and refined to pro- diagnostic explanations were available. Model execu-
mote a more consistent representation of a world view tion could be interrupted and attribute values redefined.
and to clarify its presentation to users. Rapid hardware New languages introduced during this period included
advancements forced some languages, notably GPSS, to BOSS (Burroughs Operational Systems Simulator) in
undergo major revisions. GPSS II and III, both of which 1967, Q-GERT in the early 1970s, and a number of oth-
emerged during the advent period, were replaced by ers described in the hallmark workshop on simulation
GPSS1360, an extended version of the language. Other programming languages chaired by Buxton (1 968).
vendors also began to produce look-a-likes: RCA with
its flow simulator (Greenberg 1972, p. 8), from 5 THE EXPANSION PERIOD (1971-1978)
Honeywell in 1969 (GPSK 1969) and GPSSAJCC. As a
measure of the change in the language from GPSS III to Major advances in GPSS during this period came from
GPSS/360, the number of block types increased from 36 outside IBM as the success of the language caused others
to 44 and set operations were expanded by the introduc- to extend either its capabilities or the host hardware en-
tion of groups. A HELP block opening the simulator to vironment. GPSS/NORDEN was an interactive, visual,
routines in other languages was also provided. on-line environment programmed in COBOL. This ver-
Major changes occurred in SIMULA, and the version sion permitted user interaction through a CRT terminal
SIMULA 67 emerged as a principal player at least on the and interruption by the user to redefine certain standard
conceptual level among programming languages. The numerical attributes and then resume execution. A sec-
concept of “classes of objects was added; subclassing ond version NGPSS (NORDEN GPSS) is described as a
and class concatenation to enable inheritance were pro- superset of GPSS1360 and GPSS V for both batch and
vided; and direct, qualified references for object manipu- interactive execution. Limited database capability was
lation was created. Standardization emerged with the provided.
SIMULA 67 Common Base Language (Nuggard and GPSS V/6000, developed by Northwestern University
Dahl 1981). for Control Data Corporation, was completed in 1975.
SIMSCRIPT II, also dependent somewhat on Complete compatibility with the IBM product was
SIMSCRIPT 1.5 for its basic concepts of entity, attribute, claimed. GPDS (General Purpose Discrete Simulator)
and set, clearly represented a major advancement in was developed as a program product of Xerox Data
SPLS. An expressed goal of SIMSCRIPT II was to be Systems for Sigma Computers. Similarly, a UNIVAC
self-documenting. In fact, the language was written to product labeled GPSS 1100 is referenced with a 1971
be used on five levels, and with its free-form, English- date (UNIVAC 197 1a, 197 lb). A major addition was
like mode of communication, and “forgiving” compiler, GPSS/H in 1975, created by James O. Henriksen and
the user received major considerations in the language produced in a compiled version. Released by Wolverine
design. Markowitz (1979) indicated that the language Software Corporation, GPSS/H has become the principal
was initially intended to be used for two additional lev- version of the language since that time,
els, one that dealt explicitly with database entities and This period of expansion for SIMULA took the form
yet another to provide a language useful for writing other of a pure system description language called DELTA
languages. (Markowitz 1979, p. 29). (Holbaek-Hanssen 1977). The DELTA project sought to
ECSL, developed for Courtaulds Ltd. by the origina- implement system specification for simulation execution
tors of CSL, became a popular language in the UK. through a series of transformation from a high level user
ECSL departed from the heavy emphasis on FORTRAN perspective through an intermediate form called BETA,
of CSL, and Clementson (1966, p. 215) with the ex- culminating with an executable language called
pressed intent to embrace users who were non-pro- GAMMA.
grammers relied heavily on the entity-cycle diagrams for A major departure from its roots was taken by
model input. ECSL was the target language for CAPS SIMSCRIPT with the adoption of a process interaction
(Computer Aided Programming System), the first inter- world view in the mid- 1970s. During this period, the
active program generator (Mathewson 1975). capability for combined (discrete event and continuous)
The carefil reader has perhaps noted that GASP II ap- modeling was added to the language. This expansion pe-
pears twice in the genealogical tree of Figure 1. A pre- riod marked the beginnings of the breakdown in concep-
liminary description of the revised version appears in tual distinctions among SPLS.
Simulation Programming Languages: An Abridged History 1311

Notable changes occurred to GASP during this period, (Pegden 1991). The marketing of SIMAN has recog-
primarily through the work of Pritsker and his graduate nized the major advantage of output animation with a
students at Purdue. GASP IV became available in 1974 companion product called CINEMA.
(Pritsker 1974). GASP IV provided combined modeling, Almost as history repeating itself, the emergence of
and differentiated between state events and time events PASCAL, yet another popular GPL, stimulated the ap-
as a means for representing both the condition concept of pearance of a number of simulation packages based on
activity scan and the temporal change concept of event the language. SIMPAS (Bryant 1980; 1981)1 is an event
scheduling. A transaction flow world view was scheduling package that captures all the requirements
incorporated into GASP during 1975-1976 (Washam identified for simulation modeling. SIMPAS, imple-
1976a; 1976b). Pritsker and Young (Pritsker 1975) pro- mented as a preprocessor, was designed to be highly
duced a PL/I version of the language, a phenomenon that portable yet complete in its provision of services. In
occurred repeatedly during this period (the mapping of contrast, PASSIM (Uyeno 1980) provided less services,
an SPL onto PL/1). requiring more knowledge of PASCAL by tlhe modeler.
Interactive program generators were a major domain Yet another example was INTERACTIVE, described as
of activity in the U.K. Although initially beginning with a network simulation language using graphical symbols
Programming By Questionnaire in the U. S., CAPS- for model representation (Lakshmanan 1983).
ECSL, DRAFT/FORTRAN, DRAFT/GASP and others INSIGHT was developed by Roberts (1983a) to model
sought to simplify the modeling task through the entity health care problems and for general simulation use.
cycle (or activity cycle) diagram as a means for con- INSIGHT adopts the transaction flow world view and of-
structing the basic outline of the model. Mappings to fers a graphical model representation that must be trans-
different languages enabled a user to select the particular lated manually into INSIGHT statements. A FORTRAN
implementation with which he or she was most comfort- preprocessor, INSIGHT provides the usual process trans-
able. A related, but very different approach, was taken formers and some assistance in output analysis.
by George Heidorn in the early 1970s in his work to
build a natural language interface to GPSS (Heidorn 7 CONCLUDING SUMMARY
1976). In addition to GASP noted above, other map-
pings to PL/I included SIMPL/1, a PL/I preprocessor Why do the simulation programming languages exhibit
(SIMPL/I 1972), PL/I GPSS (Metz 1981) and SIMPL, a remarkably similar periods of development? Perhaps it
descendant of OPS-4 (Jones 1971a; 1971b). Slightly is the intense commercial competition, more intense than
later SIML/I appeared in 1979, as a language for com- that for GPLs, which explains this fact. Perhaps many of
puter system modeling (McDougall 1979). the ideas and concepts, recognized eventually as impor-
tant for general purpose use, in having their birth in
6 CONSOLIDATION AND REGENERATION SPLS created the early conceptual clashes which are in-
(1979-1986) evitable for new ideas. Consider the numerous concepts
and techniques that either originated with SPLS or gained
This final period in the chronology might be character- visibility through their usage in a language:
ized as one where predominant SPLS extended their im-
plementation to many computers and microprocessors the process concept,
while keeping the basic language capabilities relatively object definition as a record data type,
static. However, two major descendants of GASP ap- - definition and manipulation of sets of objects,
peared to play major roles: SLAM II and SIMAN. The implementation of the abstract data type concept,
Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling (SLAM), - quasi-parallel processing using the co-routine
produced by Pritsker and Associates, Inc., sought to pro- concept,
vide multiple modeling perspectives and combined - delayed binding with run-time value assignment,
modeling capabilities (Pritsker 1979). SLAM is a English-like syntactic statements to promote self-
FORTRAN preprocessor, whereas its predecessors were docurncntation,
packages. The major structure of the SLAM design still error detection and correction in compilation,
follows that clf GASP; in fact, many of the identical - dynamic storage allocation and reclaim, iand
subroutine andl function names in GASP IV are repeated tailoredl report generation capabilities.
in SLAM.
SIMAN is derived from Simulation ANalysis. The importance of simulation in its influence on pro-
Originally couched in a manufacturing systems applica- gramming language development and concepts cannot be
tion domain, SIMAN possesses a general modeling capa- denied. The claim of Sammet (1969, p.650) that her
bility found in SPLS such as GASP IV. C. Dennis justification for categorizing simulation languages as a
Pegden develclped SIMAN as a one person faculty pro- specialization warranting limiting description is, “their
ject in about a two year period. SIMAN is claimed to be usage is unique and presently does not appear to repre-
the first major simulation language executable on the sent or supply much carry-over into other fields. ”
IBM PC and designed to run under MS-DOS constraints Clearly the above list serves to dispel that misperception.
1312 Nance

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sciences and business about to be universally recog- Jones, M. M. 1967. Incremental simulation on a time-
nized? Is Licklider’s (19670 prediction in 1967 about to shared computer. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,
be realized: Alfred P. Sloane School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In their static form, computer-program models Jones, M. M. and R. C. Thurber. 197 la. The SIMPL
are documents. They preserve and car~ infor- Primer.
mation just as documents printed in natural Jones, M. M. and R. C. Thurber. 1971b. SIMPL
language do, and they can be read and under- Reference Manual.
stood by recipients who know the modeling lan- Kiviat, P. J. 1967. Digital Computer Simulation:
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greatest boon to scientl>c and technical com- Knuth, D. E. and J. L. McNeley. 1964a. SOL - a sym-
munication, and to the teaching and learning of bolic language for general purpose system simulation.
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,guages. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Simulation 35:183-190.

Confei-ence, eds. T. I. Oren, C. M. Delfosse, C. M. Washam, W. B. 1976a. GASPPI: GASP IV with process
~hb, 45-52. interaction capabilities. Unpublished Master’s thesis,
Overstreet, C. M. and R. E. Nance. 1986. World view Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
based discrete event model simplification. Modeling Washam, W. B. and A. A. B. Pritsker. 1976b. Putting
and Simulation Methodology in the Artificial process interaction capability into GASP IV,
Intelligence eds. M. S. Elzas, T. E. Oren, and B.
Era, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Philadelphia.
P. Zeigler, 165-179. North Holland.
Pegden, C. D. 1991. Personal Communication. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
Pegden, C. D., R. E. Shannon, and R. P. Sadowski. 1990.
Introduction to Simulation Using SIMAN. McGraw- RICHARD E. NANCE is the RADM John Adolphus
Hill. Dahlgren Professor of Computer Science and the
Pritsker, A. A B. 1967. GASP II User’s Manual. Director of the Systems Research Center at Virginia
Arizona State University. Polytechnic Institute and State University. He received
Pritsker, A. A. B. 1974. The GASP IV Simulation B.S. and M.S. degrees from N.C. State University in
Language. New York John Wiley and Sons. 1962 and 1966, and the Ph.D. degree fro]m Purdue
Pritsker, A. A. B. and C. D. Pegden. 1979. Introduction University in 1968. He has served on the faculties of
to Simulation and SLAM. New York: John Wiley and Southern Methodist University and Virginia Tech, where
Sons. he was Department Head of Computer Science, 1973-79.
Pritsker, A. A. B. 1990, Papers, Experiences, Dr. Nance has held research appointments at the Naval
Perspectives. Indiana: Systems Publishing Company. Surface Weapons Center and at the Imperial College of
Pugh, A. L., III. 1963. DYNAMO User’s Manual. The Science and Technology (UK). Within AC.M, he has
MIT Press, 2r~d Ed. chaired two special interest groups: Information
RCA. 1967. Flow Simulator. RCA publication #70-05- Retrieval (SIGIR), 1970-71 and Simulation (,SIGSIM),
008. 1983-85. He has served as Chair of the External
RCA. 1967. Flow Simulator Information Manual. RCA Activities Board and several ACM committees. The
publication WO-35-503. author of over 100 papers on discrete event simulation,
Reifer, D. J. 1973. Simulation Language Survey. Hughes performance modeling and evaluation, computer net-
Aircraft Corporation, Interdepartmental works, and software engineering. Dr. Nance lhas served
Correspondence, Ref. 2726.54/109. on the Editorial Panel of Communications ACM for re-
Reitman, J. 1992. How the hardware and software world search contributions in simulation and statistical com-
of 1967 conspired (interacted?) to produce the first in puting, 1985-89, as Area Editor for Computational
the series of winter simulation conferences. In Structures and Techniques of Operations Research,
Proceedings of the 1992 Winter Simulation 1978-82, and as Department Editor for Simulation,
Conference, eds. J. J. Swain, R. C. Crain, and J. R. Automation, and Information Systems of IIE
Wilson, 52-58. Transactions, 1976-81. He served as Area Editor for
SIMPL/I. 1972, SIMPL/I (Simulation Language Based Simulation, 1987-89 and as a member of the Advisory
on PL/1). Program Reference Manual. IBM publica- Board, 1989-92, ORSA Journal on Computing. He is the
tion #SH 19-5060-0. founding Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on
Systems Research Group, Inc. 1964. Systems Research Modeling and Computer Simulation. He served as
Group, Inc. MILITRAN Programming Manual. Program Clhair for the 1990 Winter Simulation
Prepared for the Office of Naval Research, Conference. Dr. Nance received a Distinguished Service
Washington, “DC. Award from the TIMS College on Simulation in 1987.
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