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Upapada - Quality, Longevity & Happiness from Marriage


But first, some house keeping:

What do 7H, 7L of D1, 7L of D9, Upapada and Upapada Lagna mean?

7H of D1 = It is your attitude towards marriage, how you to relate to people in

7L of D1 = how the spouse behaves in your presence (their assumed character)
7L of D9 = how the spouse behaves in your absence (their true character). This is
the actual spouse. It also shows the talents they have.

Upapada = (1) It tells us about the actual marriage or a serious relationship like
a live-in relationship and (2) Spouse's background

Upapada Lagna (UL) = tells us about the spouse, their nature, profession, kids,
success or failure of the marriage/relationship

Quality of Spouse
If benefics are posited in UL or influencing it, it shows that the spouse has good
qualities and an overall positive image and attitude towards marriage, profession
and kids. If the lord of UL itself is exalted, it indicates that the spouse comes
from a good, well to do family.

On the hand if malefics are posited in UL or influencing it, it shows the opposite
of the above. Same is the case if
the lord of UL is debilitated.

Ketu is a first rate benefic when it comes to marriage. If Ketu is in UL, the
spouse will guide the native. If it is in 4H from UL, the spouse will keep the
native happy. If you have this in your chart, you will be super happy in marriage.

Quality of Marriage
More important than the UL is the 2H from it. 2H from UL is the speech, resources
of the spouse. It is the longevity of the marriage. If benefics are posited or
influencing it, it will sustain the marriage even if the UL is under malefic
influence. But if 2H from UL is weak, then it becomes difficult to sustain the

Personal Observation
Let's say UL is positive and 2H from UL is also positive. Meaning, you are married
to a good person for a long time. But, are you happy?

I've noticed that 4H from UL needs to have strong benefics or their aspects, for it
to be a happy marriage. If there is a strong malefic influence on 4H from UL OR if
malefics are posited there, then it will be a long, painful marriage. So, do the
remedies for the malefic planets influencing 4H from UL or do the Upapada fasting
till the problem goes away.

Mechanics of UL fasting
Why pray to Vishnu?
He will make saturn positive.

What's the outcome for girls?

If girls observe this fast, they will get married as soon as saturn turns positive
in their chart.

What time to fast?

Sunrise till sunset. Breaking the fast doesn't mean bingeing and making up for lost
meals. Use discretion.

How to fast?
You can have milk and fruits. Some people just drink water and get through. Some
observe a nirjal fast. Choose as per your capacity. If you are having health
issues, choose wisely. You can break the fast after sunset by having a light meal.

How long to fast?

Till you get married. If married, till the problems go away.

Credit to Pt.Rath and his students


The dharma of 12H is to remove all debts indicated by 8H.

UL shows our debts or our compromises (rina) and by the act of giving/compromising,
we strengthen UL. Because marriage is probably the biggest area of giving or
compromising, it is seen from UL. This rina can only be seen from the 12H and UL is
the manifestation of the area where we are to compromise/give generously in life.
UL should also be checked for donations and all other giving. I also recall
Sanjay's advice that one should look at where Ketu is located relative to the
Upapada, since it is a first rate benefic.

Fortunate is the man who is to be guided in the Divine path by his spouse. That is
the meaning of Ketu in Upapada. Ketu gives Kulasya Unnatim in Upapada and the
family rises. Spouse is very spiritual, especially after 43 years, but can be
whimsical and will also have other characteristics seen in Sadhu's. Unless Darapada
(A7) aspects Upapada, the sexuality will not be the focus of marriage.

pada Lagna:This is the arudha of the 12th house.The arudha as given by Jaimini
states that for each house an arudha pada can be calculated.The arudha of the 12th
house is seen for married life. This is so because the 12th house apart from alot
of other things also deals with giving. Marriage is a commitment and hence in a
marriage we give, this giving could be our word of commitment, love, sharing our
life and material comforts etc. Hence, even though the 7th house and lord are seen
in a chart in some matters regarding the spouse, to know about the spouse the
upapada is seen. The lord of the upapada shows us alot about our spouse. The UL
also shows us about our marriage. The 8th house from the UL shows the success or
failure of marriage in the long run. Similarly, the indications of the 2nd house
from the Upapada will even more vividly indicate the outcome of marriage. The
relationship between the UL and the AL also gives us the picture about the
relationship or quality of the marriage. So, UL becomes very important when we want
to see the married life as it is the arudha of our commitment of marriage.

Giving is seen from the 12th house. The manifestation of giving or 'who will you
give to' is seen from the Arudha pada of the 12th house, From lagna, the upapada
will represent the spouse and the fifth therefrom will represent the children to
whom you give.

Any kind of giving is seen from the 12th house.

12H from moon is giving to pitris. That's why water is given to pitris.
12H from sun is giving to the world, devatas, gurus. The purest form of sun is
light. That's why diya is given to them.
Why fast?
The concept of fasting is to give. When we fast we give up our food for our prayer
or what ever we are fasting for.In most cases fasting on the UL day indicates our
dedication to our commitment or the need to have a commitment. In rare cases where
the UL is greatly afflicted one may be advised not to fast on this day.For example,
if Rahu is
present in the UL and along with some other afflictions and the married life has a
very negetive influence in the natives life perhaps its not the best thing to be
more giving to Rahu and the native may be reqired tobe stronger in terms to face
the Rahu in thier life. So,its important to study the various aspects of the UL.

What are the exact benefits of fasting on UL days?

Fasting on UL days indicates ones dedication to the need for the commitment and
also to pacify the planet. This results in improving the relationship which is
already present or may bring the spouse to the native sooner in case of the single
person.So while fasting on the UL lord's day we are praying for the better ment of
our marriage or for it to happen in our life.

The idea of this post is not to spread fear mongering. Astrology is a science of
probabilities ONLY. It is not deterministic! People who have unfavorable planetary
positions should not be disheartened cuz it's like missing the forest for the
trees! You've been around in the group and understand astrology fairly well. Now
that you are aware of the problem areas, fix them. Otherwise, what's the point of
learning astrology? Astrology/Jyotisha means light, to guide you. So, use the
gudiance to your benefit. You have every chance of improving your chart, so get
started - use your freewill judiciously and modify your behavior/actions and change
the outcome/karma/destiny that's in the offing, seek the help of experts in the
group or elsewhere, do your pujas/remedies, game it, fix your chart!

Remember: No planetary position is more powerful than the will of a man

Ketu marriage is good for longevity. Venus marriage is good for emotions like love,
caring, etc.

Two planets can give marriage - ketu and venus; ketu gives marriage for the purpose
of having a child so that the lineage can continue; venus gives marriage for the
sake of companionship.

When marriage occurs due to any other reason than emotions, as in the case of
arranged marriages, that's due to ketu. They want to have kids, so they get

One rotation of Venus is 8 months, which is the prashna period of Ketu. The
rotation indicates maturity. So, two planets are given the same time period of 8

UL shows our debts and, by the act of giving and compromising, we strengthen the
UL. We give the most in a marriage: commitment, love, money, creature comforts and
a lot many. We give generously in a marriage. By performing these acts of giving,
we make the UL strong. Meaning, we make the spouse and the marriage happy.

Fasting on UL days shows your commitment to marriage and pacifying the malefic

Sun is a significator of dharm. Therefore, it can never be a malefic for the

Ketu, as metioned earlier, is great for the Upapada.

Saturn will become positive when you start praying to Vishnu.

That leaves Mars and Rahu. There are umpteen number of remedies for them in our
group. Do them. Will add to this if I think of something.

The 8th house from the UL shows the success or failure of marriage.

The dharm of 12H is to remove all debts indicated by 8H.

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