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George Best

Heading to the Top

Best was born on May 22nd, 1946 in

Belfast, UK and was born and raised
in Northern Ireland. Best played
football since he was little so when
he turned 15 he joined Manchester
United and made his first debut
when he was 17 and the rest was
BEST in the World
Best had a fantastic start in the football world,
he played winger for Man. Utd. In 1968, George
Best was awarded with European footballer of the
year and made 470 appearances. However, in 1974
Best left Man. Utd but it was only downhill from
there. Afterwards, George Best played for
Los Angeles Aztecs, Fort Lauderdale Strikers and
later San Jose Earthquakes. Unfortunately, Best
retired in 1982.
Best often enjoyed “adultery’’ and
A Second Life alcohol so eventually 2002 he had a
liver transplant.
A scoring senior 2 Fun Facts:
Unfortunately, on November Next month Best will turn 74!
25th, 2005 Best was sent to He scored 178 goals.
Bupa Cromwell hospital in
London and sadly died of organ
failure the night. George Best
will always be remembered..

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