Research Proposal Students Perception Toward Using Quizziz To Enhance English Grammar in Classroom

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Lecturer: Maya Defianty, Ph.D

Zulfa Jasmine Camilia Fadilah


5th semester

English Education Department

Faculty Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences
Islamic States University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 1: Brief summary of the research proposal

The use of online forums for educational purposes has lately spread the world, as an increasing
number of individuals see the potential that these platforms offer for providing superior education
to students of all levels. The purpose of the study was to look at students' perspectives of Quizizz
as a Learning tool for learning grammar in written discourse, as well as their resistance to using it.
This study's data was gathered through questionnaires. This research falls under the descriptive
qualitative technique, which is appropriate for application in this study. This study's participants
were 20 student of fifth semester English Department students. This study's instruments were
subjective. The researcher presented 19 questions that were related to the topic by utilizing Quizizz
as a game-based learning tool. The data are analyzed using likert scale between agree and disagree.

Part 2: Research proposal

1. Research background
The utilization of online forums for educational purposes has recently swept the globe,
as an increasing number of people have realized the potential that these platforms hold for
providing superior education to students of all levels. In addition to presenting a plethora of
benefits, researchers have argued that e-learning makes the process of acquiring new
knowledge more enjoyable. In addition, e-learning imparts knowledge in a novel way that is
at the same time efficient and likely to stick with the recipient. Recent research indicates that
e-learning is more appealing to students because it encourages them to learn, provides an
interactive learning environment, and enables them to learn in a meaningful and collaborative
way. Moreover, e-learning is advantageous because it enables learners to receive immediate
feedback in the appropriate context. This is in addition to the fact that it can facilitate learning
even among learners who are anxious. This is one of the main reasons why e-learning is so
widely accepted.
Learning grammar plays an essential role in language acquisition because it is a
component of the language itself. According to Chang (2011), the teaching and learning of a
language's grammar, which is also known as the set of rules governing a language, is of the
utmost importance. Grammar is widely regarded as an indispensable resource for successfully
acquiring English language skills. The development of one's language knowledge and social
skills in context is also greatly aided by proper usage of the English language's grammar.
According to Widodo (2006), grammar is considered to be the foundation of an entire series
of language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For instance,
understanding and expressing one in spoken language requires a solid grasp of grammar, which
is an essential component of both listening and speaking skills. Teaching proper grammar is
therefore an essential component of English language instruction.
Enhancing Students' Achievement in English Grammar through the Use of Educational
Games and Other Teaching Methods are Crucial Components to Any School's Performance
and Overall Well-Being Improving teaching practices and strategies can have a positive impact
on students' levels of learning. Utilizing games and warm-up activities within a cohesive
structure that has been clearly defined is one of the most effective ways to improve one's
proficiency in English grammar.
The usage of online media in the learning process has been extensively applied (Harefa,
2020), and media in general in the form of apps has widely cooperated with the administration
of online and blended learning systems. Implementing online media like exe-media may help
students enhance their general scientific abilities. Similarly, with the deployment of Sway
media, students' learning motivation improves dramatically). In addition to the two approved
media, Quizziz is one of the recommended media for use in the learning process.
Quizizz is an educational application that uses the idea of gamification. It includes
several fascinating elements such as avatars, music, a leaderboard, and a theme that makes kids
learn something while playing a game. Furthermore, (Zuhriyah & Pratolo, 2020) claim that the
Quizizz application may give students with an engaging and enjoyable experience of
conducting exercises, particularly answering questions. After the students answer the question,
Quizizz automatically displays the memes to indicate whether their response is correct or
According to (Zhao, 2019), the Quizizz application is an educational game-based
software that incorporates interactive activities into classrooms and gives students with an
engaging learning experience. In this scenario, the students may perform the exercises of the
materials that they have studied on their laptop, smartphone, or other electronic devices, and
they can have a healthy rivalry in completing the quiz with their friends since Quizizz includes
a scoreboard to show the students' active rankings. Furthermore, (Zhao, 2019) indicates that
the instructor may follow the process and obtain the summary at the conclusion of the quiz to
assess the students' achievement.
From the above, we can conclude that Quizziz is an educational platform with
wonderful features such as memes, music, avatars, and themes to increase students' interest
and engagement in learning as well as quizzes. Furthermore, the instructor may view the
students' quiz results in the report and save them to use as a guideline for providing feedback
to the students. According to the explanation above, the researcher was interested in using the
Quizizz Application as a media to improve the fifth semester students' grammatical
performance. The researcher wanted to know: 1. is utilizing Quizizz for learning English
grammar beneficial in the classroom? 2. How are the students’ perspective toward Quizziz for
learning English grammar?

2. Literature review
Learning Grammar
The significance of grammar in the English language cannot be overlooked (Savignon,
2017), since it is a relatively important language form that learners must master in order to
generate sentences with meaning. Grammar is the study of how words work together to create
coherent sentences. It is crucial for ESL students to be able to create sentences and boldly
articulate their views, while some may be hesitant to do so out of fear of committing
grammatical errors that lead to misinterpretation of the original concepts. Similarly, some
students find it difficult to comprehend grammatical rules (Baharudin, 2018), proposing the
usage of technology as a beneficial teaching aid. It demonstrates the value of language games
for enhancing the teaching and learning of grammar and, more crucially, for assisting students
with their grammatical competency. This technique to teaching and studying English grammar
is adaptable and effective, particularly with young and adolescent ESL students.
The system of a language is referred to as its grammar. The "rules" of a language are
commonly referred to as the language's grammar; nevertheless, no language actually possesses
rules. As if it were a new game, when we refer to something as having "rules," we indicate that
somebody came up with the rules first and then spoke the language. On the other hand, this is
not how languages first developed. The transformation of sounds by humans into words,
phrases, and sentences led to the development of languages. There is no one language that is
understood everywhere. Over the course of time, any language undergoes change. What we
refer to as "grammar" is really just a frozen representation of a language at a certain point in
A language's sounds, words, sentences, and other components, as well as their
arrangement and interpretation, are all governed by its grammar, which is a system of rules
that governs these aspects of language. The term "grammar" can also be used to refer to the
study of these intangible characteristics or to a book that outlines the rules governing their use.
The sole aspect of linguistics that this term refers to in its most restricted sense is the study of
sentence and word structure (also known as syntax and morphology), leaving out vocabulary
and pronunciation. After this, there will be a quick review of the grammar. For a more in-depth
analysis, please refer to linguistics.
In Europe, the Greeks are credited with being the first to create grammars. Because of
this, they placed a significant focus on Greek as a literary language. To them, grammar was a
tool for understanding Greek literature. The Alexandrians of the first century BC made
substantial progress in the development of Greek grammar in order to maintain the integrity of
the language. Later on, Dionysus Thrax of Alexandria penned The Art of Grammar, a widely
read and important book in which he dissected literary writings in terms of the individual
letters, syllables, and the eight different components of speech.
According to Gagne (1965), there are the following forms of learning:
a. signal learning
To learn, the person develops a general response signal. In the overall language process,
signal learning is prevalent; individuals usually respond to language with emotional,
cognitive, or nonverbal responses.
b. Stimulus-response learning
The learner gets a precise reaction to distinguish.
c. Multiples discrimination
The person learns some of the many identifiable reactions to numerous stimuli, which may
resemble one another in appearance to a greater or lesser degree. Despite the ease with
which each stimulus-response association may be learned, the associations tend to conflict
with one another.
d. Problem-solving
Problem-solving is a kind of learning that needs cognitive processes, sometimes known as
thinking. Combining previously learned notions and principles with an unsettled or
confusing sequence of events.
From the above description, it is clear that there are four forms of learning: signal learning,
stimulus-response learning, multiples discrimination learning, and problem-solving learning.
Generally speaking, signal learning is a component of the whole language process; in response
to language, humans exhibit an emotional, cognitive, verbal, or nonverbal reaction. Stimulus-
response learning is the acquisition of a foreign language's sound system. Multiple
discrimination focuses on the identification of reactions to various stimuli. In problem-solving,
the learner is repeatedly confronted with a large number of really problematic situations.

Game-Based Learning & Quizizz

Games were widely used in the 1980s to help students learn English in the classroom.
In later years, it became clear that using games to teach kids was a great way to improve their
retention and understanding of a wide range of topics. Recognizing the great potential of games
to improve students' academic performance, the area of education has recently given game-
based learning a lot of attention, especially in the teaching and learning of the English
It has become clearer that games may be used to reinforce English language instruction
and study over the course of time. When using games in the classroom, students are more likely
to become involved. Additionally, it was found that gamers would appreciate a chance to pick
up useful information in a pleasant and engaging setting while playing games. These findings
over time have led to a shift away from the more conventional approaches once used to instruct
students in the English language; instead, educators are increasingly favoring online resources.
A good example of this is the game Quizizz, which is quite popular these days. It is a well-
known online learning platform that gives instructors and students access to a large number of
different quizzes that can be used in their regular classes. As long as there is an active Internet
connection, users are able to make copies of the website's quizzes and share them with others
at any time and from any location. Quizizz is a free platform that is simple to use due to its
intuitive design. It is also easily accessible. The requirements of the students as well as the
preferences of the teacher can be taken into consideration when designing the quizzes. As a
consequence of this, it is easy to comprehend why educators would favor utilizing Quizizz in
their respective methods of education and instruction.
Quizizz has a great deal of untapped potential for application in a variety of contexts,
including grading and activities in the classroom. According to the findings of a study
conducted by Poole and Midura (2020), Quizizz outperforms older, more conventional
methods by a significant margin. This is because Quizizz has the ability to attract students and
assist them in remembering the significant information they have acquired. This is as a result
of the fact that in order for players to advance in the game and earn more points, they must
correctly answer questions. The nature of humans is to be competitive, and the sense of
competition that exists among students will indirectly encourage them to perform better in their
academic pursuit
Many teachers have made use of Quizizz in the classroom. Quizizz, for example, may
be used to design class activities and organize assessments. Furthermore, (Cadieux Bolden,
Hurt, & Richardson, 2017) used the Quizizz program to help students decide the sorts of
questions that are productive or nonproductive. (Rahayu & Purnawarman, 2019) utilized
Quizizz to examine students' self-assessment in order to enhance grammar knowledge. They
noted that by using Quizz, the students were able to self-evaluate their strengths and
limitations. Furthermore, the majority of the pupils displayed significant growth in their
grammatical skills.
Furthermore, (Adam, 2019) shown that the Quizizz application is beneficial in
improving students' learning results in the Arabic classroom. Furthermore, (Sorakin, 2018)
shown that the Quizizz application is excellent for improving students' learning
accomplishment and decreasing their learning anxiety. Furthermore, (Zhao, 2019) revealed
that the Quizizz application is excellent in improving students' learning success in accounting
classrooms. Furthermore, (Hamilton-Hankins, 2017) revealed that the Quizizz application may
boost students' motivation in the English Language Arts classroom. According to Cadieux
Bolden et al. (2017), the Quizizz Application resulted in a greater rate of activity than Kahoot.

3. Research methodology
Nunan (1992: 3) defines study as the process of creating questions, issues, or hypotheses,
gathering data or evidence related to these questionnaires, and evaluating or interpreting it.
This suggests that research is a process that begins with identifying a problem, then moves on
to establishing an aim and developing a hypothesis. It entails acquiring information,
categorizing, analyzing, and interpreting it to assess the degree to which the primary goal has
been met. Nunan defines methodology as the study of teaching techniques and processes, as
well as the values and attitudes that underpin them. This research used a qualitative method
with case study features to get an in-depth knowledge and show the phenomena of students'
impression of Quizizz as Game-Based Learning in grammar learning. When the topic under
research cannot be easily distinguished from its substance, a case study is the technique of
The researcher concluded, based on the aforementioned theory that the descriptive
qualitative approach is appropriate for application in this research since it fits the goal of the
study, which is to describe students. Cohen et al. (2011) claimed that this technique was chosen
through analysis and interpretation during data collection. This research was done to describe,
investigate, and explain the students' perceptions of Quizizz as Game-Based Learning for
grammatical instruction.
The participants of the research were 20 fifth semester of English department students of
UIN jakarta. This study's data collection was based on the results of questionnaires. The
questionnaire was used to collect information on students' opinions toward the implementation
of Quizizz. There are only one questionnaire formats presented 19 questions. The form is a
questionnaire in which alternative replies have been provided for each issue, In this study, the
researcher used a closed form because it is simple to complete, takes little time, keeps
respondents focused on the topic, is reasonably objective, and is relatively straightforward to
tabulate and evaluate.
The participants were handed the surveys after they completed utilizing Quizziz. The
questionnaire was chosen as the tool for a number of reasons. It can gather data from a huge
number of students, and the students, as respondents, may complete and submit the survey fast.
Here, the author wished to emphasize that the questionnaire will be used to gauge students'
perceptions. The researcher used the Likert Scale to analyze the questionnaire responses.
According to Sugiyono (2008), the likert scale evaluates the attitude, opinion, and perception
of an individual or a group about a social occurrence. This particular social phenomena was
designated by the researcher as a research variable in the study. Using a Likert scale, the
measured variable will be expressed as a variable indicator. At that time, this indicator will be
used to group instrument items that may be declarations or queries. In this instance,
questionnaires were employed to assess the English proficiency of the pupils.
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Part 3 attachment (research instruments)
SA: strongly agree
A: agree
D: disagree
SD: strongly disagree

1 Quizziz really enhanced my understanding of the
2 Quizziz makes me like learning this grammar.
3 Quizziz facilitates leaning in pairs.
4 Quizziz makes active learning enjoyable.
5 Quizziz provide me fresh knowledge.
6 Quizziz assists me in understanding the content.
7 Quizziz helped my learning.
8 Quizziz make me to prefer studying grammar in witten
9 Quizziz increases our interest in studying grammar for
written conversation.
10 Quizziz make me glad to study the course material.
11 I answer each Quizizz question with as much precision
as possible.
12 I like the teamwork and rivalry of Quizizz sessions.
13 I am determined to win every single Quizizz session.
14 I pay more attention to lectures because I intend to
succeed in the and Quizizz sessions.
15 I am keen to study using Quizizz.
16 I should prepare for the Quizizz sessions in order to
17 Quizizz generate a lively classroom environment.
18 I want to participate in all Quizizz sessions.
19 Quizizz must be utilized in daily online quizzes.

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