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B. Tech Mid Semester Examination-2020

Duration of Examination: 2 Hours
Answer all questions, Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks
All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Q. Marks
1 Write in brief about any five of the following: 5X2

a) Classification of underground coal mining methods.

b) Geological features and coal measuring rocks of major coalfields in
c) Status of coal reserves upto 1200 m depth, and overall performance of
underground coal mining in India.
d) Selection of Underground coal mining methods with reference to
thickness of coal seams.
e) Local fall Vs main fall in a caving panel of underground coal mine
f) Pattern of potato, and induced blasting in Blasting Gallery method
g) Principle of wide stall mining as special method of partial extraction of
pillars and stability of workings.
h) Critical, sub-critical, and super critical width of extraction and its effect
on overlying strata in underground coal mines

Explain the cycle of operations in a bord and pillar development panel with Side
2 5
Discharge Loaders and mine cars as coal evacuation system in a 3 m thick coal
seam at 400 m depth cover. Give the layout of workings, coal evacuation system,
District OMS (Output per Man Shift) and manpower required to produce 800
tons of coal per day from the development panel. Assume other conditions of
any typical underground coal mine in India.

3 Describe the sequence of extraction and design of a Blasting Gallery panel with 5
LHD’s with pillar size of 50 m with 10 m thickness of the seam at 300 m depth
cover. Give the pattern of ring blasting in this Blasting Gallery method, and
expected powder factor. Assume other conditions of any typical underground
coal mine in India.

4 Give the layout of workings along with manpower requirements, production and 5
productivity in extraction of pillars using modern continuous miner for cutting of
coal at face and shuttle car combination. Panel size is 250 m X 200 m with pillar,
split, and rib size of 45 m, 4.5 m and 2 m, respectively. Assume other conditions
of any typical underground coal mine in India.

5 Describe various methods of extraction of pillars in coal mines by caving system 5

of goaf control with neat sketches assuming pillar size of 40 m at a depth cover
of 200 m.

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