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Assignment 05

SUS1501 – Sustainability and Greed

Student Number: 67926746
Date: 9/09/2022
Teaching Assistant Name: Neil Stuart ECCLES


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• Read the “1. Background Facts” and “2. Introduction” sections below;
• Fill in your assignment contributions under the relevant headings 3 – 5 below;
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Assignment 5.

• “In the 2018/2019 financial year, Bob van Dijk, the CEO of Naspers earned a total
remuneration (salary, incentives and options) of R 1.9 billion.”
• “60% of the world’s cobalt is mined in the DRC. Significant amounts of this is mined
under appalling conditions often by child labourers.”
• “Of the top 10 wealthiest people (all men), seven are tech billionaires. Their net worth is
US$ 847 billion or ZAR 13 trillion!”

2. INTRODUCTION (written for me by Prof Eccles)

In assignments 2, 3 and 4 we have, as a group, reflected on the facts above. We debated whether it was
ok for Bob van Dijk to earn ZAR 1.9 billion in a single year. Some of us thought this was a reflection of a
job done excellently. Some of us thought that this was morally outrageous.

We debated the issue children working in appalling conditions in cobalt mines in the DRC. Although
most of us thought that this was a problem, we saw how other ethical interpretations were possible.

And in the final analysis we considered the possibility that these two scenarios – great wealth and great
poverty – might in fact be linked. On the basis of this, we debated whether the whole picture looked ok.
I think it is safe to say that most of us were left feeling a bit uneasy about things.

That is all well and good. But what about me? In this short essay, I’m going to think about this question.
I’ll start out by trying to figure out where I currently fit in in this picture. Then I’m going to think forward
in time. Specifically I’m going to imagine what I hope my legacy will have been over the course of the
good (eudaimonic) life I have lived. In formulating this vision of a life well lived, I’m going to make
reference to key virtues or excellences (arête) that I think I will need to develop in order to achieve this
good life. And I’m going to think about the sort of problems that these excellences might present if
taken too far or not far enough.

3. WHERE DO I FIT IN NOW? (200 words)

Considering the annual pay I get at my current job, let's say I'm in the lower class. I do live with my
family and make a monthly net income of less than 6,000 rand, however owing to I'm living alone while
attending school, and I'm just below the top 60%. I am now included in a group of folks attempting to
make it in a challenging economy. I thus find it difficult to satisfy my fundamental necessities and am
unable to do so. Spend excessively on goods like designer clothing. Instead, I set aside money if I need to
buy something new. receive cash. I am unable to afford holidays or any other expensive travels. Because
spending too much time with certain of my peers will make me live an unrealistic existence, I avoid their
company. While I cannot afford to live as luxuriously as some of them can. Nevertheless, I am
appreciative since I can afford it. an evening meal and lodging. I feel unimportant given where I am in
the economic situation right now. and underperformed. I want to put in a lot of effort to increase my
income and establish myself as a key figure in my neighborhood and society at large. But doing all of this
is not simple. Therefore, I shall focus on retaining my aspirations. I'll also constantly remind myself of my

4. AT THE END OF MY LIFE …… (300 words)

I want to have fulfilled every desire I had at the end of my life. Personally, this is my primary and
foremost goal. The Giving back to the community is the next. I wish to help individuals who are in need
while also supporting others. I will undoubtedly remember me as a great person. Eudaimonia is defined
as a state of human happiness and well-being, and I will strive to be a better person than I currently am
in this regard. Even though studying is difficult for me, I must do it to achieve my goals, break down the
barriers I grew up with, and care for my parents because I still belong to the lower class, which means I
must fight against this in the middle. I would have prioritized more important topics and used all of my
abilities, such as grabbing every opportunity to make my life better. Good values lead to strong
interpersonal interactions; hence I would have made a concerted effort to uphold them and preserve
good morals and relationships. A phronesis is a kind of knowledge or intellect that can be used in
practical settings. I want to put forth a lot of effort to create a distinctive profession I want to be the
businesswoman who will be known worldwide. I don't need to work every day of the week since I want
to live for my family. However, even if you just work from home, many companies need you to work at
least Monday through Friday. I anticipate that there will be ups and downs, struggles, and joys, and
many other emotions throughout my life. There will be joyful and sad tears, hardships, and tremendous
accomplishments. What will happen Despite my occasional feelings of stress, I will never give up. I wish
to go on an international trip. Give some of the things that my parents couldn't afford for me to my
family and my own kids. I want to be the woman who, due of her tenacity, kindness, and labor, was
looked up to.

5. CONCLUSION (100 words)

My idea of a nice life seems unattainable given the present economic climate and where I am in life
financially. My goal is to live a life where I can provide enough for other people. Those close to me may
be able to purchase certain expensive items for myself and my family, but I still have a way to go since I
don't believe the nation's economic situation or the prejudice, we experience will change any time soon.
Because of the benefits that certain people have, most of us are poor and only continue to become
poorer. And I will make sure that all my community people are living standard lifestyle I will fight for
those who are unemployed, and I’m inclined to leave a best legacy in this world people healed and

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