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Transition metals are good catalysts for several reasons:

They have variable oxidation states: Transition metals can easily change their oxidation
state, which allows them to transfer electrons to reactants and facilitate chemical reactions.
For example, iron can change between Fe2+ and Fe3+, which allows it to act as an electron
donor or acceptor in reactions.

They have empty d-orbitals: The empty d-orbitals in transition metals allow them to bond
with reactants and stabilize reaction intermediates, which lowers the activation energy
required for a reaction to occur.

They form stable complexes with ligands: Transition metals can form stable complexes with
ligands, which are molecules that bond to a central metal atom. These complexes can help
orient reactants in the correct orientation for a reaction to occur.

They have a high surface area: Many transition metals have a high surface area due to their
small particle size or porous structures. This allows for more reactive sites on the catalyst to
be exposed to reactants, increasing the efficiency of the catalytic process.

Overall, the combination of these factors makes transition metals effective catalysts for a
wide range of reactions.

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