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ENROLMENT 01-112212-151




 Write a summary of the chapter that was assigned to you for group
presentation in first assignment.
Flattener # 9 (IN-FORMING)
Informing means to give someone fact and information. In-forming is the individual
personal analog to uploading, outsourcing, insourcing, supply-chaining, and offshoring.
In-Forming is the ability to build and deploy your own personal supply chain. Informing
is about self-collaboration searching for knowledge. Provides universal access to
knowledge information and research. Anyone with an internet connection can access
knowledge from the world's libraries.
 In this chapter the author presents different informing uses of Google.
 Author and his friend met a guy at restaurant the author didn't like that guy as he
was suspicious about him. With the help of Google he found that the man they
met was arrested in some Case. So the author warned his friend. So the Google
helped him to get the information about that guy.
 Author thanked to the Google for providing translation services. With the help of
translation services author communicated with the labors because they speak
Spanish and author speaks English. So with translation services author solved
the misconception of labors.
 With the help of Google services author found his brother in Mexico through
Mexican website.
 The author found Google spinning Globe in the Google headquarters which emits
light beams based on the volume of people searching on Google. He found that
most of the searches being appeared from America, Europe, China and Korea.
He found pretty dark side from the Middle East and Africa.
 Google provide their recipe book with some ingredients you can easily make
 Google made the history on the planet as it gives any information of anything or
any person. Through the Google search engine you can search anything you
want at any time, in any language.
 Google gives all the basic access to everyone if someone is a kid or a professor
all have the universal access and library in the pocket to get information from the
web. Google have aim to organize immense and to give infinite number of
information to its users.
 Google idea is to give knowledge to everyone on their fingertips by presenting
(knowledge) anytime anywhere.
 There is no discrimination in accessing knowledge but there would be if you don't
know how to use the computer because without knowing you can't use Google.
So if you can type you can use the computer. Google is known searchable in
more than 100 languages and also Google is known presenting Google access in
this we can search on Google through our voice.
 What is collaboration? Collaboration means in- forming and informing means
getting knowledge from any source in which source include out- sourcing and in-
sourcing Peoples getting knowledge from Google as per one billion searches per
day. Up from 150 million searches just 3 years ago.
 Every day people are getting knowledge form Google in their own languages also
Google scanned thousands of Michigan's and Stanford University’s library books
to spread knowledge to all over the world which are available on web and
searchable online.
 Today the consumers can efficiently get information related to knowledge or any
product services also Google provide information about issues related to work
health and leisure. The consumers can also connect to others to share their
information through this platform.
 Google have hundreds of thousands web pages on their platform and they linked
it to each other. It means if you want to browse any topic you will also get more
web pages related to that topic so with this you can easily get knowledge what
you want.
 Google gives Address information to its consumers as author was going along
with his wife and daughter to meet his daughter's friends. His daughter forgot the
address of her friend’s home address. So the the author goggled their numbers
and their home address come up.
 World is quickly fading away through flattening technologies. Now with TIVO you
can become your own TV. Through TIVO you can watch your show or any
broadcast at any time at any place. And you can watch commercials what you
want to watch and can skip what you want to skip. The Unique feature of TIVO is
you can pause and replay live television to view the incident again and again.
 Google and other search engines and Wikipedia are the prime examples. "Never
before in the history of the planet have so many people – on their own – had the
ability to find so much information about so many things and about so many other
people", writes Friedman. The growth of search engines is tremendous; for
example, Friedman states, Google is "now processing roughly one billion
searches per day, up from 150 million just three years ago".
 Google not only a search engine but hugely a profitable business was its founder
realization that they could build a targeted advertisement that would show you
ads that are relevant to you when you search for a specific topic and then could
charge advertiser for the number of times Google users clicked on their ads.
Google know exactly what you are interested and began a personal service.
 Today consumers are much more efficient. They can find information product,
services, faster than through traditional means. They are better informed about
issues related to work, health, leisure, etc. Small town are no longer
disadvantaged relative to those with better access to information and people
have ability to be connected to things that interest them, to quickly and easily
become experts in given subjects and to connect with other who share their
 New Technology has empowered consumers. They have unlimited access to
information and demand products, and services when they want. Social media
has given consumers a bigger voice and new channels to communicate with
trends and share their opinions.

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