Placebos and Painkillers Is Mind As Real As Matter

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Placebos and painkillers: Is mind as real as


Article in Nature reviews Neuroscience · August 2005

DOI: 10.1038/nrn1705 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Luana Colloca
University of Maryland, Baltimore


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It should also be recognized that, despite

the recent explosion of neurobiological
study on the placebo effect, research in this

Placebos and painkillers: area is still in its infancy and many questions
remain unresolved — for example, how
and when opioid and non-opioid mecha-
is mind as real as matter? nisms come into play in placebo analgesia.
However, there is compelling reason to
believe that, in light of the rapid advances in
Luana Colloca and Fabrizio Benedetti placebo research in recent times, the coming
years will be characterized by a real attempt
Abstract | Considerable progress has It is important to stress, and there is con- to place the placebo effect in an emerging
been made in our understanding of fusion on this point, that the real placebo neuroscience of mind–brain–body inter-
the neurobiological mechanisms of the response is a psychobiological phenomenon actions. In this review, we describe these
placebo effect, and most of our knowledge that can be due to different mechanisms, new neurobiological insights into placebo
originates from the field of pain and which include the expectation of clinical mechanisms, their clinical applications and
analgesia. Today, the placebo effect benefit9–17 and Pavlovian conditioning16–22. the ethical and social implications. So far,
represents a promising model that could In other words, there is not one single pla- the interest in and the success of placebo
allow us to shed new light on mind–body cebo effect, there are many, so we need to research resides in its multifaceted meaning,
interactions. The mental events induced look for different mechanisms in different which involves key issues in modern science
by placebo administration can activate conditions. As there is experimental evi- — from neurobiology to philosophy, from
mechanisms that are similar to those dence that expectations have a fundamental ethics to social psychology, and from clinical
activated by drugs, which indicates a role in placebo-induced analgesia12,16, most trial design to medical practice.
similarity between psychosocial and of this article is devoted to the link between
pharmacodynamic effects. These new expectancy and pain — an interesting An emerging uncertainty principle
neurobiological advances are already model with which to study mind–body Today, the gold standard in clinical trial
changing our conception of how clinical interactions. design is the double-blind randomized
trials and medical practice must be viewed So far, the placebo effect has been consid- placebo-controlled study with two arms23–24.
and conducted. ered a troublesome artefact and a nuisance in One arm of the trial consists of a group of
clinical research, in which the validation of randomized patients who are given the
All medical procedures are associated with a new treatment requires comparison with a active treatment, whereas the second arm
a complex psychosocial context that might placebo treatment. In recent years — partly consists of a group that is given the placebo
affect the therapeutic outcome1–7. To analyse due to advances in laboratory research, both — an inert treatment that mimics the active
the effects of the psychosocial context on in patients and in healthy volunteers — the one in all respects. This is done according
the patient, we need to eliminate the specific placebo effect has been transformed from to a double-blind design, in which neither
action of a therapy (for example, a drug) a nuisance factor in the setting of clinical the doctors nor the patients know what is
and to reproduce a context that is similar in research to a target of scientific inquiry. being given. The patients are told that they
all respects to that of real drug administra- The results of recent neuropharmacologi- could receive either the active treatment
tion, without the specific action of the drug cal, neurophysiological and neuroimaging or the placebo, with a chance of 50%. In
itself. To do this, a dummy treatment (the studies promise to cast direct light on the order to conclude that the active treatment
placebo) is given, which the patient believes neural mechanisms that are involved in this is effective, the outcome that follows its
is an effective therapy, and so expects a phenomenon, not only for pain but also for administration must be better than that
reduction in symptoms. The placebo effect, other conditions. It is worth noting that in of the placebo. This approach is necessary
or response, is the outcome that follows the order to be certain that we are dealing with because the placebo group might itself
dummy treatment. Therefore, the study of a psychobiological effect, we must rule out show a clinical improvement BOX 1. The
the placebo effect is essentially the study of other phenomena, such as the spontaneous key question is: is this design appropriate
the psychosocial context that surrounds the remission of a symptom or symptoms to enable us to conclude that a therapy
patient8. BOX 1. is effective?


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Box 1 | Identifying real psychobiological placebo responses interfere with the top-down mechanisms
— this uncertainty cannot be resolved using
The investigation of the placebo response is full of pitfalls because, for a placebo response to be the standard clinical trial design. The only
shown, several other phenomena must be ruled out. The placebo itself is not always the cause of way to partially resolve this problem is to
the effect that is observed8,80,81. For example, people experience spontaneous variations in pain make the expectation pathways ‘silent’. This
intensity in most painful conditions, which is known as ‘natural history’82,83. If a patient takes a can be achieved by the hidden administration
placebo just before his or her pain starts to decrease, he or she might believe that the placebo is
of drugs (see below).
effective, even though the decrease would have occurred anyway. Another example is represented
In the following sections we focus our
by the regression to the mean — a statistical phenomenon that assumes that individuals tend to
attention on the nature of the placebo-acti-
receive their initial pain assessment when the pain is near its greatest intensity, and that their pain
level is likely to be lower when they return for a second assessment84. A further source of
vated expectation pathways, their biochem-
confusion might be represented by false positive errors, which, according to signal detection istry and their localization in the brain. This
theory, are based on the occurrence of errors in the detection of ambiguous signals, such as pain85. understanding is crucial and fundamental
Sometimes it is a co-intervention that is responsible for the reduction of pain — for example, the to our understanding of the dynamical
analgesic effect that is induced by the mechanical stimulation of a syringe needle for injecting a disturbance that drugs might produce in
solution8. Such examples show that the placebo is not necessarily the cause of the improvement expectation mechanisms (FIG. 1c).
that is observed. All of these possibilities must be ruled out through adequate controls. For
example, to rule out spontaneous remission, a group taking the placebo is compared with a group Biochemistry of placebo analgesia
receiving no treatment, the latter of which gives information about the natural course of the So far, most studies investigating the placebo
symptom(s). The difference between the placebo group and the no-treatment group represents analgesic response have used verbal sug-
the real psychobiological placebo response82. As all these factors cannot be adequately controlled gestions of analgesia, and verbally induced
in clinical trials, placebo mechanisms need to be studied in the laboratory setting under strictly expectations of pain reduction have been
controlled experimental conditions86. In fact, in a meta-analysis of the power of placebos87, small found to play a crucial part in placebo anal-
placebo effects were found in some clinical trials. This was probably due, among other factors, to gesia, even though a conditioning procedure
the fact that a 50% chance of getting a placebo was openly communicated to the patients. When has previously been carried out16. In fact, the
only the experimental placebo studies were considered, in which the information about the association between the context in which a
placebo was ‘you will be given a powerful analgesic drug’ , larger placebo effects were observed88. patient is treated (conditioned stimulus) and
Therefore, manipulating the degree of expectation in the laboratory setting changes the degree of a painkiller (unconditioned stimulus) can be
the placebo effect.
learned consciously through the expectation
that the conditioned stimulus brings about
the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the
In 1995, we ran a classical clinical trial of systems26, which emphasizes the involve- unconditioned stimulus16,28,29. However, it is
postoperative pain, in which the cholecysto- ment of cholecystokinin–opioid systems in worth noting that the distinction between
kinin antagonist proglumide was shown to cognitive processes. conditioning and expectation goes beyond
be better than the placebo, and the placebo We believe that the trial described above the understanding of the placebo effect itself,
was shown to be better than no treatment is the best example with which to explain our as it relates to the more general problem of
for relieving pain25 (FIG. 1a). According to urgent need to understand the neurobiologi- whether conditioning in humans can occur
classical clinical trial methodology, these cal mechanisms of the placebo response. By at all in the absence of consciousness30.
results indicate that proglumide is a good borrowing the Heisenberg uncertainty prin- Several lines of evidence indicate that the
painkiller that acts on the pain pathways, ciple from physics27, which imposes limits administration of a placebo, combined with
whereas the placebo reduces pain by inducing on the precision of a measurement, we can the suggestion that it is a painkiller (verbal
the expectation of analgesia, which activates apply a similar principle to the outcomes context), can reduce pain by both opioid and
expectation pathways (FIG. 1a). However, this of clinical trials. In the same way that the non-opioid mechanisms (FIG. 2). In the first
conclusion proved to be erroneous, as a hid- uncertainty principle states that a dynami- case, placebo analgesia is typically blocked by
den injection of proglumide — a procedure in cal disturbance is necessarily induced in the opioid antagonist naloxone31–34, whereas
which participants were completely unaware a system by a measurement, a dynamical in the second case it is not12,35. Which of these
that a treatment was being administered disturbance might be induced in the brain in mechanisms is used depends on the proce-
— was totally ineffective (FIG. 1b). Therefore, clinical trials by almost any type of drug. The dure that is applied to induce the placebo
the likely interpretation of the mechanism of very nature of this dynamical disturbance is analgesic response12. In a model of human
action of proglumide is that it does not act on the interference of the injected drug with the experimental ischaemic arm pain, the pla-
pain pathways at all, but, rather, on expecta- expectation pathways, which affects both the cebo response can be blocked by naloxone
tion pathways, which enhances the placebo outcome measures and the interpretation of if it is induced by strong expectation cues;
analgesic response (FIG. 1b). In other words, the data. In other words, as in the Heisenberg if the expectation cues are reduced, the pla-
proglumide induces a reduction in pain if, uncertainty principle, the disturbance is the cebo response is insensitive to naloxone. In
and only if, it is associated with a placebo cause of the uncertainty. A pharmacological addition, if the placebo response is obtained
procedure. We now know that proglumide is analgesic treatment, for instance, has a phar- after exposure to opioid drugs, it can also
not a painkiller, and that it acts on placebo- macodynamic effect on pain pathways, but be blocked by naloxone. By contrast, if the
activated opioid mechanisms (see below). might also interfere with the mechanisms of placebo response occurs after exposure to
Importantly, cholecystokinin has been found top-down pain control (FIG. 1c). As we have no non-opioid drugs, it is naloxone-insensitive.
to play a part in the interaction between a priori knowledge of which substances act These data indicate that opioid and non-
complex environmental–social stimuli, such on pain pathways and which on expectation opioid mechanisms come into play under dif-
as safety cues, and the endogenous opioid mechanisms — and almost all drugs might ferent circumstances. The placebo-activated

546 | JULY 2005 | VOLUME 6

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a No CCK b Hidden CCK placebo responders showed a higher concen-

treatment Placebo antagonist antagonist tration of endorphins in the cerebrospinal
0 0
fluid than placebo non-responders39.
Pain reduction

Pain reduction
The placebo-activated endogenous
–1 –1
opioids have also been shown to produce a
typical side effect of opioids — respiratory
–2 –2
depression40,41. After repeated administra-
tion of analgesic doses of buprenorphine
–3 –3
in the postoperative phase, which induces
Wrong interpretation Correct interpretation a mild decrease in ventilation, a placebo is
able to mimick the same respiratory-depres-
Expectation Expectation
pathways Placebo Top-down
pathways Placebo sant response. Remarkably, this respiratory
+ placebo response can be completely blocked
Pain Pain by naloxone41. Therefore, not only do pla-
CCK CCK cebo-activated opioid systems act on pain
Bottom-up Pain – antagonist Bottom-up Pain antagonist mechanisms, they also act on the respira-
pathways pathways
tory centres (FIG. 2). The involvement of
other systems during placebo analgesia
c Top-down
is further supported by a recent study in
which the sympathetic control of the heart
Expectation was analysed during placebo analgesia in
both the clinical and laboratory settings42.
Placebo (psychosocial) It was found that placebo analgesia was
Pain accompanied by a reduced heart rate and a
decreased β-adrenergic response — an effect
Disturbance that was reversed by naloxone. These find-
Pain ings indicate that opioid-mediated placebo
pathways Treatment
Specific analgesia also affects the cardiovascular
pharmacodynamic system (FIG. 2).
In recent years, attempts have been made
to identify the different neurochemical sys-
Figure 1 | An emerging uncertainty principle imposes limitations on our understanding of the tems that are involved in placebo analgesia.
effects of a therapeutic agent. a | A clinical trial with 3 arms shows that a placebo is better than no For example, the analgesic drug sumatriptan,
treatment, and that proglumide, an antagonist of cholecystokinin (CCK), is better than a placebo in a serotonin agonist of the 5-HT1B/1D recep-
relieving pain. According to classical clinical trial methodology, this leads to the erroneous belief that the
tors that stimulates growth hormone and
cholecystokinin antagonist acts specifically on pain pathways (the bottom-up action) whereas the
placebo acts on expectation pathways (the top-down control). b | The interpretation in (a) is incorrect inhibits cortisol secretion, has been used
because if the same cholecystokinin antagonist is given covertly, so that the patient is completely as a preconditioning drug to induce pla-
unaware that a drug is being administered and, therefore, has no expectations, the drug has no effect at cebo responses16. In this study, participants
all. As the drug has analgesic effects only in association with a placebo procedure, its action is not were given sumatriptan repeatedly before a
directed specifically to the pain pathways, but to the expectation pathways, which enhances the placebo placebo was administrated in the absence
analgesic response. c | Any analgesic treatment consists of two components: the specific
of the drug. The placebo was found to be
pharmacodynamic component and the placebo component. The latter is induced by the psychosocial
context in which the treatment is given and elicits expectations of therapeutic benefit. The uncertainty
more likely to induce an increase in growth
principle in a clinical trial is represented by the fact that a drug might act on expectation pathways hormone secretion and a decrease in cor-
(broken arrow) rather than pain pathways, which makes it extremely difficult to conclude whether or not a tisol secretion — outcomes that would have
pharmacological substance is a real painkiller. The only way in which this uncertainty can be partially been caused by sumatriptan — in partici-
resolved, and the identity of the real pharmacodynamic effect of a painkiller established, is through the pants who had previously been treated with
elimination of the placebo component, and, therefore, of the expectation pathways, by hidden sumatriptan. Therefore, a placebo procedure
treatments. Data in panels a and b taken from REF. 25. Anatomical image in panel c adapted, with
permission, from REF. 99 © (1996) Appleton & Lange.
that involves sumatriptan preconditioning
might affect serotonin-dependent hormone
secretion, which indicates that neurotrans-
mission other than that mediated by the
endogenous opioid systems have been shown On the basis of the anti-opioid action of opioid pathway might be responsible for
to have a precise and somatotopic organiza- cholecystokinin 38 , the cholecystokinin some placebo effects.
tion. Highly specific placebo responses can antagonist proglumide is able to enhance
be obtained in specific parts of the body13,36,37 the placebo analgesic effect through the Where the biochemical events occur
and these local placebo responses can be potentiation of the placebo-activated opioid Although the pharmacological approach
blocked by naloxone13. systems25,34. Therefore, the placebo analge- with agonist and antagonist drugs has
Further experimental evidence to support sic response seems to result from a balance provided important information about the
the role of endogenous opioids in placebo between endogenous opioids and endogenous biochemical events that are triggered by pla-
analgesia comes from the cholecystokinin- cholecystokinin (FIG. 2). In another study on cebos, it has not allowed identification of the
antagonist trial that is described above25. patients with chronic pain, it was found that specific brain regions that are involved.


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Placebo Another study used functional magnetic

(psychosocial context)
resonance imaging to analyse the brain
Expectation or conditioning regions that are involved in placebo analgesia
(FIG. 3b,c). This study showed that the activity
Non-opioid of pain regions, particularly the thalamus,
aINS and caudal rACC, was decreased by
– a placebo treatment, which indicates that
Endogenous placebos reduce nociceptive transmission
CCK Pain opioids
+ – along the pain pathways52. Furthermore,
during the anticipation phase of the placebo
analgesic response, activation of the dorsola-
teral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), OrbF, rostral
Pituitary gland medial and anterior anterior prefrontal cortex
(rmAPC and aAPC), superior parietal cortex
(SPC) and the PAG was found, which indi-
GH, ACTH cates that a cognitive-evaluative network is
activated just before the placebo response52–53.
Respiratory The increased activity of the PAG indicates
centres –
that the release of endogenous opioids might

? be activated in the anticipatory phase of the
placebo response54.
+ system Reduced efficacy of hidden treatments
The best evidence to indicate that expecta-
Adrenal glands tion is involved in the therapeutic outcome
is the decreased effectiveness of covert thera-
pies55. It is possible to eliminate the placebo
(psychosocial) component and analyse the
pharmacodynamic effects of a treatment,
free of any psychological contamination. To
Figure 2 | Putative cascade of biochemical events in the brain after placebo administration. eliminate the context in which a treatment
Placebo administration, combined with the verbal suggestion of analgesia (psychosocial context) might is given, the patient is not made aware that a
reduce pain through opioid and/or non-opioid mechanisms by expectation and/or conditioning medical therapy is being carried out. To make
mechanisms. The respiratory centres might also be inhibited by opioid mechanisms. The β-adrenergic
this possible, drugs are administered through
sympathetic system of the heart is also inhibited during placebo analgesia, although the underlying
mechanism is not known and could occur through the reduction of the pain itself and/or the direct action hidden infusions by machines33,35,55–58. A hid-
of endogenous opioids. Cholecystokinin (CCK) counteracts the effects of the endogenous opioids, den drug infusion can be performed through
thereby antagonizing placebo analgesia. Placebos can also act on serotonin-dependent hormone a computer-controlled infusion pump that is
secretion, in both the pituitary and adrenal glands, thereby mimicking the effect of the analgesic drug pre-programmed to deliver the drug at the
sumatriptan. ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; GH, growth hormone. Anatomical brain image desired time. It is crucial that the patient does
adapted, with permission, from REF. 99 © (1996) Appleton & Lange.
not know that any drug is being injected,
so that he or she does not expect anything.
The computer-controlled infusion pump can
Not only does a recent brain imaging periacqueductal grey (PAG). The data indicate deliver a painkiller automatically, without a
study provide information about the brain that a descending rACC–PAG–pons–medulla doctor or nurse in the room, and without
regions that are involved in placebo analgesia, pain-modulating circuit is involved in placebo the patient being aware that an analgesic
it also supports the opioid hypothesis. Using analgesia, and support the previous sugges- treatment has been started.
positron emission tomography (PET), it was tion that the PAG–pons–medulla-modulating In postoperative pain following oral sur-
found that the same regions of the brain are circuit might be involved in complex cognitive gery, a hidden injection of 6–8 mg of mor-
affected by both a placebo and the opioid functions, such as placebo analgesia45. In fact, phine was found to correspond to an open
agonist remifentanil43,44 , which indicates an opioid neuronal network in the cerebral injection of saline solution in full view of the
a related mechanism in placebo-induced cortex and the brainstem has been described patient (placebo)33,56. In other words, telling
(psychosocial effect) and opioid-induced as a descending pain-modulating pathway a patient that a painkiller is being injected
(pharmacodynamic effect) analgesia (FIG. 3a). that connects the cerebral cortex, either (actually a saline solution) is as potent as
In particular, the administration of a placebo directly or indirectly, to the brainstem14,45,46,47. 6–8 mg of morphine. An analgesic effect
induced the activation of the rostral anterior In particular, the rACC and OrbF project stronger than the placebo was only observed
cingulate cortex (rACC), the orbitofrontal to the PAG which, in turn, modulates the when the hidden morphine dose was increased
cortex (OrbF), and the anterior insula (aINS); activity of the rostral ventromedial medulla to 12 mg. This indicates that an open injection
there was also a significant co-variation in (RVM). All of these regions are rich in opioid of morphine in full view of the patient, which
activity between the rACC and the lower receptors48–51, so this pain-modulating circuit is the usual medical practice, is more effective
pons and medulla, and a sub-significant is probably the same as that activated by than a hidden injection, because in the latter
co-variation between the rACC and the placebo analgesia. the placebo component is absent.

548 | JULY 2005 | VOLUME 6

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A careful analysis of the differences a

between open and hidden injections in
the postoperative setting has recently been
performed for four widely used painkillers
(buprenorphine, tramadol, ketorolac and aINS Placebo
metamizol)57. The open injection was car- OrbF

ried out by a doctor at the bedside who told

l ef
the patient that the injection was a powerful s o
analgesic and that the pain would subside in a Psyc

few minutes. By contrast, the hidden injection Pharmaco

rACC n
of the same analgesic dose was performed by

ic e
an automatic infusion machine, which started

the painkilling infusion without a doctor or
nurse in the room, so that patients were com- Opioid
Pons drug
pletely unaware that an analgesic therapy had
started. In one analysis, the analgesic dose
required to reduce the pain by 50% (AD50) Medulla
was much higher for hidden infusions than
for open ones, which indicates that a hidden
administration is less effective than an open b Increased activity during anticipation c Decreased activity during placebo analgesia
one. In another analysis, the intensity of post- SPC
operative pain was found to be much higher in
patients who had received a hidden injection
of analgesic than in those that had received an aAPC aINS
open one57. In the same study, it was shown OrbF
that the difference between open and hidden
administrations could be eliminated by block-
ing the opioid receptors with naloxone, which rACC
indicates that an open injection activates the rmAPC
endogenous opioid systems, presumably Th
through the expectation pathways. Therefore, PAG
the opioid mechanisms described above are
also likely to be activated during the routine
therapist–patient interaction.

Beyond pain Figure 3 | Summary of brain imaging studies showing the different brain regions that are
The placebo response is not limited to the involved in placebo analgesia. a | Brain regions activated by both the administration of a placebo and
field of pain — it is also present in many the administration of an opioid drug, which indicates that mental events (psychosocial effect) and
painkillers (pharmacodynamic effect) might have similar effects on the brain. b | Detailed representation of
other conditions59. The integration of our the brain regions that are activated by the administration of a placebo. During the anticipatory phase, the
understanding of the placebo mechanisms activated brain regions are likely to represent the activation of a cognitive-evaluative network. c | During
in pain and analgesia and in other illnesses placebo analgesia, there is a decrease in the activity of different brain areas that are involved in pain
is fundamental to identifying similarities processing, which indicates an effect of the placebo on pain transmission. aAPC, anterior anterior
and differences that might help us to better prefrontal cortex; aINS, anterior insula; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; OrbF, orbitofrontal cortex;
appreciate the complexity of the placebo PAG, periacqueductal grey; rACC, rostral anterior cingulate cortex; rmAPC, rostral medial anterior
prefrontal cortex; SPC, superior parietal cortex; Th, thalamus. Data in panel a taken from REFS 43 and 44.
effect. We would like to focus our attention
Data in panel b taken from REFS 52 and 54. Anatomical image adapted, with permission, from REF. 99 ©
on three aspects of the placebo response in (1996) Appleton & Lange.
conditions other than pain that are relevant
to placebo analgesia: conditioning, reward
and hidden treatments.
Immunosuppressive placebo responses study supports a conditioning mechanism shown to activate endogenous dopamine in
can be induced by repeated administration of in immunosuppressive placebo responses, the striatum63 and change the firing pattern
an immunosuppressive drug60–62. For example, although, as discussed above, further research of the neurons of the subthalamic nucleus64.
repeated associations between cyclosporin A is needed to allow us to better understand the It has been proposed that the placebo-
(unconditioned stimulus) and a flavoured roles of conditioning and expectation. induced release of dopamine represents a
drink (conditioned stimulus) induced con- In recent years, Parkinson’s disease has mechanism of reward. According to this
ditioned immunosuppression in humans, in been used as a model to enable us to under- hypothesis, dopamine release in response
which the flavoured drink alone produced stand the neurobiological mechanisms of the to the expectation of reward — in this case
suppression of immune functions, as assessed placebo response, which might help us to the expectation of clinical benefit — could
by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-γ (IFNγ) better understand placebo analgesia. Placebo- represent a common biochemical substrate in
mRNA expression, in vitro release of IL-2 and induced expectation of motor improvement many conditions, including pain. It is worth
IFNγ, and lymphocyte proliferation61. This in patients with Parkinson’s disease has been noting that there is an important interaction


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a 10 we must consider the possibility that a new

Metamizol drug might have no analgesic properties, but
Open injection
Hidden injection might enhance placebo-activated endogenous
We believe that this new way of consid-
Pain intensity (NRS)

6 ering the action of a drug might have an

important impact on the design of clinical
trials. For example, we can only be certain of
4 the real pharmacodynamic effect of a drug
if it is administered covertly, free of any
2 type of psychological contamination. The
similarity between the pharmacodynamic
action of an opioid drug and the psycho-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 logical action of a placebo (FIG. 3a) poses
b 10 several problems for the interpretation of
Open injection a clinical trial. So the question is: can we
Hidden injection separate the pharmacodynamic effects of a
drug on pain pathways from its effects on
expectation pathways? A partial solution to
Pain intensity (NRS)

this question can be achieved by using an
open–hidden paradigm, whereby drugs, or
medical treatments in general, can be given
4 covertly. To overcome the ethical constraints
of the hidden administration of a treatment,
2 the experimental design might consist of
an unknown temporal sequence of drug
administration, in which subjects know that
a painkiller will be administered but they
0 2 3 4 5 6 do not know when. If the painkiller is really
Injection Hours effective, pain reduction should be correlated
Figure 4 | Examples of two clinical trials that used the open–hidden paradigm, revealing an with the timing of drug administration55.
ineffective and an effective treatment. In a clinical trial of this type, the larger the difference between the FIGURE 4 shows a totally ineffective drug and
open and hidden administration, the larger the placebo component and, therefore, the smaller the active an effective drug, tested using this approach.
effect of the treatment being investigated. Conversely, the smaller the difference, the greater the specific
effects of the treatment. a | In this trial, a 300-mg dose of metamizol was tested in 10 patients to investigate
The open–hidden paradigm might serve to
whether it is effective in relieving post-thymectomy pain. One group of patients received an open injection of decrease the debate on the use of placebos in
metamizol combined with the information that the pain would soon subside. The patients in the other group clinical trials, as no placebo is administered
knew that metamizol was going to be administered, but they did not know when. To do this, a computer- in this procedure70,71. This would provide
controlled infusion pump was pre-programmed to deliver the drug at the desired time, out of view of the a good alternative to placebo-controlled
patient. The figure shows that a hidden injection was totally ineffective in reducing pain, which indicates that trials, and would keep within the World
the positive outcome of the open administration was only a placebo effect. b | In this trial, a 0.2-mg dose of
Medical Association’s (WMA) ‘Declaration
buprenorphine was tested in 12 patients to investigate whether it is effective in relieving post-thoracoscopy
pain. The figure shows that the difference between the open and hidden conditions was small, which of Helsinki’ ethical guidelines72.
indicates that buprenorphine is an effective analgesic. However, note the slower decrease of pain in the Another important point is represented
hidden patient group compared with the open one, which indicates that most of the initial benefit in the open by the role of expectations and subsequent
group was due to a placebo effect. Using this approach, the real pharmacodynamic effect of the drug and the neurobiological changes in clinical trial
placebo component can be assessed without the administration of a placebo. NRS, numerical rating scale. design. In a recent double-blind study that
addressed the perceived assignment of
treatment in human fetal mesencephalic
between dopamine and opioid systems, and Do we need to change clinical trials? transplantation for Parkinson’s disease, it
that endogenous opioids are also involved in An important implication of placebo research was found that the perceived assignment
reward mechanisms65–67. in clinical trials is illustrated in FIG. 1. When of treatment (either active or placebo) had
Finally, the reduced effect of hidden treat- we give a painkiller, we cannot be certain a more powerful impact on both quality of
ments occurs not only for pain, but also for that it acts on the pain pathways, as it might life and motor function than did the actual
other conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease also, or only, act on the expectation pathways treatment73. In other words, which group
and anxiety55. Recently, the effect of methyl- (the uncertainty principle). Indeed, almost participants believed they belonged to was
phenidate on glucose metabolism in the brain all pharmacological substances might act more important than the group to which
was analysed in two different conditions: on the neurotransmission of the expectation they were actually assigned (active treat-
when cocaine abusers expected to receive the pathways — the cholecystokinin antagonist ment or placebo). This study raises a crucial
drug and when they did not. The effect in the proglumide represents the best example25 question about how a clinical trial should be
former was ~50% greater than in the latter, (FIG. 1). Therefore, in light of the fact that conceived: should we consider the perceived
which indicates that expectation enhanced some substances might interfere with assignment to an arm of the trial rather than
the pharmacological effect of the drug68. placebo-activated endogenous opioids, the actual assignment74? These results were

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