My Meditate Reflection

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First of all I can say that during our meditation my butt hurt’s even it is only 20 min, and
all I can hear is just like a calming sound that relax our mind and soul. meditation results
in feelings of calm and relaxation, allows you to regulate your emotions better and
overcome distressing situations.

When meditating your concentration improves, When you can easily concentrate on one
activity at a time, you’re doing something right,  You feel less stressed about the future
and more focus in what we are doing that time, As our concentration improves we also
relax our mind even more, even when you aren’t formally meditating, you are becoming
more aware of your mind from that moment.

Although we might be experiencing different meditation sensations while meditating

Sometimes we’re not focus on meditation that we lose focus and at some point we open
our eyes, and Being aware of what you are experiencing in that moment and maintaining
the proper posture but there is this time that I cannot focus on the proper posture and just
lean back on the wall.

And Meditation teaches us that we are trying to analyze what we’re feeling at that time,
Deep meditation come with particular emotions. You eventually let go of self-concious,

when you meditate intensely Your mind changes to a other level of awareness as you get
more comfortable with the meditate you kind a feel sleepy You lose your stress in school
and etc. There can be a strong feeling of discomfort like I said earlier that my butt hurt’s
during meditating and emotional stress may temporarily disappear and I become more



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