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Huawei Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Form

Site ID: Site location City: Region location : 0 East ;

Temperature degree: Team leader name and Permit ID No:
Team member No: How far to site:
Date/Month / Year: Weather forecast:
Departure Time: Operation Duration: hours Return time:
Site landform: Target city political situation
0Urban 0Suburbs 0Desert 0Mountain 0No risk 0Religious sensitive 0 Violence Terrorist attack/War zoon
Severity Likelihood Priority (Results
Death/Major injury or major damage to
property or equipment
1 Likely to occur A1/A2/B1

Reportable injury (I.e. Over 3 days

B absence) or damage to property or 2 Possible to occur A3/B2/C1

Minor injury or minor damage to

property or equipment
3 Slight chance of occurring B3/C2/C3

hazard category EHS Risk EHS evaluation

1 Site security and journey to site.
2 EX. War zone - desert area - mountain area - bad
roads etc…..
4 Eegonomic hazards.
5 EX. Weather tempreture , work at night, wind
speed ,…
7 opertion physical hazaeds.
8 EX. Machinery (cranes – cutting tools ,….)
10 Bilogical hazards.
11 EX. insect bites – wild birds / animals – snakes
Bilogical hazards.
EX. insect bites – wild birds / animals – snakes

sment Form

cation : 0 East ; 0 South ; 0 West a; 0 North ; 0 C entral


t attack/War zoon
Priority (Results)
Unacceptable, Stop the work, immediate action to
reduce the risk, apply more control

Urgent attention to reduce risk

Attention is required , Frequent review to ensure risk is

Risk Control measures

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