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Institución Municipio:
Formación Código ficha

Estimado aprendiz; a continuación encontrará las distintas evidencias que deberá desarrollar correctamente y así
aprobarlas, correspondientes a la segunda etapa de la formación en inglés.

Activity 1 – My eating habits - Please write a short paragraph (no more than 4 lines) about your eating habits /Mis
hábitos alimenticios - Por favor escriba un párrafo corto (no más de 4 líneas) acerca de sus hábitos alimenticios:

Suggested paragraph Your paragraph

I eat all types of food: fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. I
usually have a big breakfast with chocolate, bread
and scramble eggs. I have lunch at 12 in my office. I
usually eat a portion of meat and some rice.

Activity 2 – Describing my kitchen – Please write a short paragraph (no more than 4 lines) about your kitchen. Use
“there is a/an” and “there are” to describe your kitchen / Mi cocina – Por favor escriba un párrafo corto (no más de 4
líneas) acerca de su cocina. Use “there is a/an” y “there are” para describir su cocina:

Suggested paragraph Your paragraph

My kitchen is big. There is a big fridge and inside it
there are a lot of vegetables and frozen food. There
is a bottle of milk. There aren’t any fruits at the
moment but there is some pork and some chicken.

Activity 3 – My favorite vacation – Please write a short paragraph where you describe your favorite vacation (no more
than 4 lines)/ Mis vacaciones favoritas – Por favor escriba un párrafo corto en el cual usted describa sus vacaciones
favoritas (no más de 4 líneas):

Suggested paragraph Your paragraph

My favorite vacation was in 2005. I went to
Venezuela. I traveled by plane. I went to many
places in Caracas. I visited museums, restaurants,
parks, theaters and churches. I stayed in a beautiful

Activity 4 – Memorable moments – Please read the following questions and answer them according to your own
information/Momentos memorables – Por favor lea las siguientes preguntas y respóndalas de acuerdo a su propia

Question Suggested answer Your answer

1. When were you born? 1. I was born on June 26
2. Where were you born? 1993.
3. What was your first school? 2. I was born in Bogota.
3. My first school was “Las
4. When did you start school? letras de Teresa”.
5. When did you finish school? 4. I started school in 1995.
6. What was your first job? 5. I finished school in 2005.
6. My first job was as a waiter.

Activity 5 – Your next holiday destination – Please write a paragraph (no more than 4 lines) telling someone good
things about your hometown. / El lugar de destino de tus próximas vacaciones – Por favor escriba un párrafo (no más
de 4 líneas) contándole a alguien cosas buenas acerca de su ciudad o municipio.

Options Suggested answer Your answer

City or town = Padua Padua is a cold and beautiful town
Description = Cold and located in the department of Tolima. In
beautiful Padua, you can visit a coffee farm.
Activities to do = Visit coffee People are friendly. You can eat beans.
People = Friendly
Traditional food = Beans

Activity 6 – Planning my trip – Please write a paragraph (no more than 4 lines) telling someone what do in
Colombia. /Planeando mi viaje – Por favor escriba un párrafo (no más de 4 líneas) contándole a alguien que hacer en

Suggested answer Your answer

When you visit Colombia, you have to eat Bandeja
Paisa in Medellin. Also, you have to walk around the
streets of Salento, a beautiful town. You have to
climb a snow mountain called “Nevado del Ruiz”.

Activity 7 – Visiting “La Candelaria” neighborhood in Bogota – Please write a short paragraph (no more than 4 lines)
telling a person the things he or she should do in “La Candelaria” neighborhood /Visitando el barrio La Candelaria en
Bogotá – Por favor escriba un párrafo corto (no más de 4 líneas) donde usted le diga a una las cosas que debería hacer
en el barrio La Candelaria.

Suggested answer Your answer

You should drink a hot cup of coffee. You should
observe all the people who visit the neighborhood.
You should eat in a romantic restaurant. You should
visit the museums in that area.

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