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Plant and Soil (2006) 279:229–242  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s11104-005-1302-z

Relationships between climatic variables and sap flow, stem water potential
and maximum daily trunk shrinkage in lemon trees

M.F. Ortuño1, Y. Garcı́a-Orellana2, W. Conejero1, M.C. Ruiz-Sánchez1,3, O. Mounzer1,

J.J. Alarcón1,3 & A. Torrecillas1,3,4
Dpto. Riego y Salinidad, Centro de Edafologı´a y Biologı´a Aplicada del Segura (CSIC), E-30100 Espinardo,
(Murcia), Spain. 2Dpto. Ingenierı´a Agrı´cola, Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA),
Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 3Unidad Asociada al CSIC de Horticultura Sostenible en Zonas Áridas (UPCT-
CEBAS), E-30203 Cartagena, (Murcia), Spain. 4Corresponding author*

Received 24 May 2005. Accepted in revised form 21 July 2005

Key words: irrigation scheduling, lemon, plant–water relations, sap flow, trunk diameter fluctuations

The feasibility of obtaining sap flow (SF), maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) and midday stem water
potential (Ystem) baselines or reference values for use in irrigation scheduling was studied in adult Fino
lemon trees (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil.) grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstocks. Plants were
irrigated daily above their water requirements in order to obtain non-limiting soil water conditions. The
results indicated that baselines for plant-based water status indicators (MDS, SF and Ystem) can be ob-
tained, even though there was a certain scattering of the data points representing the relations between the
plant-based measurements and the environmental variables (reference evapotranspiration, solar radiation,
vapour pressure deficit and temperature). SF was more closely associated with changes in the studied
evaporative demand variables than were MDS and Ystem. SF and Ystem were more closely correlated with
changes in reference evapotranspiration (ETo) (r2 = 0.93 and 0.79, respectively), while MDS behaviour
was best correlated with mean daily air temperature (Tm) (r2 = 0.76). Increases in the evaporative demand
induced more negative Ystem values and, as a consequence, SF increased, which, in turn, was translated into
an increase in MDS. This confirmed that SF and MDS were very good predictors of the plant water status
during the observation period and their continuous recording offers the promising possibility of their use in
automatic irrigation scheduling in lemon trees.

Abbreviations: Ystem – midday stem water potential; ETc – crop evapotranspiration; ETo – reference
evapotranspiration; MDS – maximum daily trunk shrinkage; Rs – solar radiation; SF – sap flow; TDF –
trunk diameter fluctuations; Tm – mean daily air temperature; Tmd – midday air temperature; VPDm – daily
mean vapour pressure deficit; VPDmd – midday vapour pressure deficit

Introduction tus may be useful for irrigation scheduling

because of its dynamic nature, which is directly
In recent years the use of plant-based water sta- related with climatic and soil conditions, as well
tus indicators have become very popular to study as with crop productivity (Goldhamer et al.,
plant–water relations and for planning irrigation 2003; Remorini and Massai, 2003). The most
programs. The measurement of plant water sta- widely used approach for evaluating tree water
status has been to determine leaf water potential
* FAX No: +34-968-396213. (Améglio et al., 1999; Hsiao, 1990). However,
E-mail: Choné et al. (2001), Naor (2000) and Shackel

et al. (1997) showed that midday stem water 10 January 2005, DOY 10. The soil is a Paralith-
potential (Ystem) is a significant and more reliable ic mollic-calciorthid, and the profile shows only a
plant water status indicator for scheduling the slight differentiation between horizons (an ochric
irrigation of woody crops. However, the main epipedon on a C horizon). The clay loam soil of
disadvantage of Ystem is the relatively cumber- the experimental site (1.28% organic matter,
some measurement procedure, the necessity of 4.92 mmol kg)1 available potassium, 1.81 mmol
frequent trips to the field and a significant input kg)1 available phosphorus, 51% lime content
of labour. and pH of 7.8) was characterized by volumetric
The robustness of the sensors used to measure water content of 0.19 cm3 cm)3 at field capacity
sap flow (SF) and trunk diameter fluctuations and 0.08 cm3 cm)3 at permanent wilting point,
have renewed interest in using these parameters 1.5 g cm)3 bulk density, high stone content (43%
as plant water status indicators (Cohen et al., w/w), and 8.0 cm h)1 saturated hydraulic con-
2001; Fernández et al., 2001; Goldhamer and ductivity, which provided an excellent internal
Fereres, 2001; Moreno et al., 1996). These tech- drainage (Trout et al., 1982).
niques permit continuous and automated regis- The experiment was performed on 24-year-old
ters of the plant water status, and an immediate, lemon trees (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil.) cv. Fino
consistent and reliable response to water deficit grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) root-
(Goldhamer et al., 1999; Ortuño et al., 2004a, b), stocks. Tree spacing followed a 6  6 m square
with a reduction in the labour needed for the pattern, with an average ground cover of about
measurement procedure. Goldhamer and Fereres 65%.
(2004) obtained promising results using only Micrometeorological hourly data, namely air
maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) for temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, air
scheduling almond trees irrigation. relative humidity and wind speed at 2 m above
To correctly interpret the values of each soil surface were collected by a weather station
plant-based water status indicator and their use of the Servicio de Información Agraria de Mur-
for irrigation scheduling, it is necessary to devel- cia (SIAM), located 8.4 km from the experimen-
op baselines or reference relationships, which are tal site. Daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo)
obtained with their values in plants under non- was calculated using the Penman–Monteith equa-
limiting soil water conditions versus the evapora- tion (Allen et al., 1998). Daily mean vapour pres-
tive demand of the atmosphere (Goldhamer and sure deficit (VPDm) was calculated from mean
Fereres, 2001; Martin et al., 1990; Shackel et al., daily vapour pressure and relative humidity
1997). (Goldhamer and Fereres, 2001).
For the above reasons, the objective of this No weeds were allowed to develop within the
study was to evaluate the feasibility of obtaining orchard, resulting in a clean orchard floor for the
SF, MDS and Ystem measurement baselines in duration of the experiment. Pest control and fer-
adult lemon trees to be used in irrigation schedul- tilization practises were those commonly used by
ing. This approach involved characterizing the the growers.
behaviour of SF, MDS and Ystem under non-lim- Irrigation was carried out during the night by
iting soil water conditions with respect to changes drip using two lateral pipes per tree row and 12
in several parameters related with the evaporative emitters per plant, six of which delivered 2 L h)1
demand of the atmosphere. The relations between (0.06 mm h)1) and six 4 L h)1 (0.11 mm h)1).
SF, MDS and Ystem were also investigated. Plants irrigation requirements were determined
according to ETo and a crop factor based on the
time of the year and the percent of ground area
Materials and methods shaded by the tree canopy (Domingo et al.,
1996). During the experimental period, total crop
Plant material and experimental conditions evapotranspiration (ETc) was 566.5 mm.
From the beginning of the experimental peri-
Experiments were conducted at the CEBAS- od, lemon trees were irrigated daily above crop
CSIC experimental station in Santomera (Mur- water requirements in order to obtain non-limit-
cia) from 2 April 2004, day of year (DOY) 93, to ing soil water conditions. A total water amount

of 843.5 mm, measured with in-line water meters, Once the heat-pulse velocity (V) was deter-
was applied during the experiment. Even though mined, the next step was to relate it to the actual
the amount of irrigation water applied to plants SF. In our analysis, the sap flow density (J) was
during the experimental period was clearly above related with the heat-pulse velocity (V) using the
crop water requirements, the absence of plant equation developed by Edwards and Warwick
symptoms and the lemon tree water relations (1984):
indicated the absence of any waterlogging situa-
J ¼ ð0:505Fm þ Fl ÞV
tion (Garcı́a-Orellana, unpublished data).
where Fm and Fl are the volume fractions of
wood and water, respectively. These were calcu-
Measurements lated at the end of the experiment by taking
5 mm diameter wood samples from all trees with
Trunk diameter fluctuations (TDF) were mea- a special auger and measuring the fresh mass,
sured throughout the experimental period in four mass of displaced water by immersion in a vessel
trees, using a set of linear variable displacement of distilled water on a balance, and oven dried
transducers (LVDT) (model DF ± 2.5 mm, accu- mass. The factor 0.505 is related to the thermal
racy ± 10 lm, Solartron Metrology, Bognor properties of the woody matrix, and is assumed
Regis, UK) attached to the trunk, with a special to be constant within and between species. This
bracket made of Invar, an alloy of Ni and Fe with equation provides an estimate of the values of J
a thermal expansion coefficient close to zero (Kat- at any point in the conducting sapwood. It is
erji et al., 1994), and aluminium. Sensors were widely recognized that sap flux density is not
placed on the north side and were covered with uniform throughout the sapwood, for which rea-
silver thermoprotected foil to prevent heating and son our probes measured J at four radial depths.
wetting of the device. Measurements were taken The volumetric measurement of total sap flux
every 10 s and the datalogger (model CR10 with (Q) was obtained by the integration of these
AM 416 multiplexer, Campbell Scientific Ltd., point estimates over the sapwood conducting
Logan, USA) was programmed to report 30 min area, which was determined at the end of the
means. Maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) experiment by cutting the trunks and immersing
was calculated as the difference between maxi- them in a safranin solution overnight and mea-
mum and minimum daily trunk diameter. suring the radius of sapwood at the point where
Sap flow was measured from 2 June 2004 the heat-pulse sensors were installed. The temper-
(DOY 154) using the compensation heat-pulse ature signals and the corresponding heat-pulse
technique (Swanson and Whitfield, 1981) in the velocities were recorded at a 30 min intervals
same trees as used for TDF measurements. One using compensation heat-pulse instrumentation
set of heat-pulse probes was located above the (MITRA-3.1, Polytechnic University of Cartage-
LVDT sensors on each tree. Each set consisted na, Spain) controlled by a data logger (CR10,
of two temperature probes inserted 10 mm Campbell Scientific Ltd., Logan, USA).
downstream and 5 mm upstream from a heater Midday (12.00 h solar time) stem water
needle. Heater and thermocouples had a diame- potential (Ystem) was measured from 9 July 2004
ter of 1.8 mm and were installed in parallel holes (DOY 191), every 2–3 days, except when rainfall
drilled radially in the trunks. The temperature prevented measurements, in two mature leaves
probes comprised four copper–constantan ther- per plant, taken from close to the trunk. Leaves
mocouples to measure the sap velocity at four were covered using a small black plastic bag cov-
radial depths of 10, 20, 30 and 40 mm below the ered with aluminium foil for at least 2 h before
cambium to monitor the sap velocity profile over measurement with a pressure chamber.
a radial depth. For the experiments, pulse dura-
tion of 1 s was used. Sap velocity was measured
following the procedure of Green and Clothier Statistical design and analysis
(1988) and taking into account the Swanson cor-
rection factors for a wound size of 2.4 mm The design of the experiment was completely ran-
(Swanson and Whitfield, 1981). domized with four replications, each replication

consisting of three adjacent rows of five trees. The overall increases in any of the selected envi-
Measurements were taken in the inner tree of the ronmental variables were associated with in-
central row of each replicate, the other trees creases in MDS and SF and decreases in Ystem
serving as borders. (Figures 3–6). The r2 values of the data around
All the measurements were taken in the same the regression lines varied from 0.39 to 0.93. In
tree in each replicate. Ystem values for each day all cases, r2 was higher for SF than for MDS and
and replicate were averaged before the mean and Ystem (Figures 3–6).
the standard error were calculated. Figure 3 presents the MDS, Ystem and SF as
a function of ETo. Of the relationships between
the water status indicators and ETo, the correla-
Results tion between MDS and ETo (Figure 3a) pre-
sented the weakest r2 value. A cubic fit of the
All the parameters concerning the evaporative regression between SF and ETo (Figure 3c) yiel-
demand of the atmosphere increased from the ded an equation with a determination coefficient
beginning of the experiment, reaching maximum higher than those found for the first and second
values in summer and then decreasing until the order regressions (data not shown). Increases in
end of the experiment (Figure 1). During the ETo were associated with increases in SF until
experimental period, rainfall was 250.2 mm, ETo reached values of around 3.5 mm, after
mainly occurring during spring and autumn, the which SF levelled off as ETo increased
usual rainy periods in the experimental site area (Figure 3c). Ystem showed a better correlation
(Figure 1a). Mean daily air temperature (Tm) and with ETo than with the other selected evapora-
midday air temperature (Tmd) presented a similar tive demand parameters (Figures 3–6).
seasonal trend, reaching maximum values in late The first order regression of Ystem values
June and early August (Figure 1a). During the against Rs was characterized by a tighter correla-
experiment, average Tm and average daily mini- tion than that of MDS against Rs (Figure 4a and
mum temperatures were 25 and 13 C, respec- b). Moreover, in the case of the relationship
tively (Figure 1a), and average mean relative between SF and Rs a departure from linearity
humidity was 66% (data not shown). was evident (Figure 4c) and a second degree
During the experiment, daily ETo reached regression significantly improved the goodness of
maximum values in June and July and decreased the first order fit (data not shown). In this case,
afterwards. Total ETo was 1009.9 mm (Fig- increases in Rs values were associated with
ure 1b). Solar radiation (Rs) fluctuated widely increases in SF until Rs reached values of around
during the experimental period, showing maxi- 230 W m)2, after which increases in Rs values
mum values in mid June and minimum values in were associated with near constant SF values
late November (Figure 1b). Midday VPD (Figure 4c).
(VPDmd) and VPDm values presented similar sea- The MDS and Ystem regressions against
sonal trends, and maximum values were obtained VPDm and VPDmd (Figure 5a and b) showed
in late June and early August (Figure 1c). relatively low correlations. The quadratic fit
Ystem values varied between )1.5 and regression between SF and VPDm and VPDmd
)0.6 MPa, increasing during the observation per- (Figure 5c) rendered coefficients of determination
iod (Figure 2a). MDS values ranged between higher than that found for the linear fit (data not
0.03 and 0.49 mm, increasing from the beginning shown). The relations between SF and VPDm and
of the experiment to early July and decreasing VPDmd departed from linearity at VPDm and
afterwards (Figure 2b). Daily SF values were be- VPDmd values above 2 and 3 kPa, respectively.
tween 64 and 227 L day)1, presenting nearly con- The relations between MDS, and Tm and Tmd
stant values from the beginning of the presented tighter correlations than that consider-
measurements to mid August and decreasing ing the other environmental variables (Figure 6a),
afterwards (Figure 2c). while those of SF and Ystem against both
Figures 3–6 represent the plant-based water temperatures (Tm and Tmd) correlated well but
status indicators (MDS, Ystem and SF) as a func- more weakly than those obtained against ETo
tion of ETo, Rs, VPDm, VPDmd, Tmd, and Tm. (Figures 3b, c and 6b, c).


35 35

Air temperature (ºC)


Rainfall (mm)
15 Tm
10 5


8 300

Rs(Wm-2 )
ETo (mm)


4 150



4 Días Julianos vs Eto (mm/d)

Días vs Rad solar
VPD (kPa)

100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360


Figure 1. Daily mean (Tm, dotted line) and midday (Tmd, solid line) air temperature, and daily rainfall (vertical bars) (a), solar
radiation (Rs, dotted line) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo, solid line) (b), daily mean (VPDm, dotted line) and midday
(VPDmd, solid line) air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) (c) values during the experimental period.

-0.6 (a)

Ψstem (MPa) -0.8





MDS (mm)





SF (L day )






100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360


Figure 2. Midday stem water potential (Ystem) (a), maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (b) and daily sap flow (SF) (c) values
during the measurements period. Vertical bars are twice the overall mean SE.
MDS = 0.06 + 0.05 ETo
r = 0.6561

MDS (mm) 0.4






Ψstem (MPa)



-1.50 Ψ stem = -0.60 - 0.13 ETo

r 2 = 0.7921


SF (L day-1 )



50 SF = 33.28 + 78.75 ETo - 13.56 ETo2 + 0.83 ETo3

r2 = 0.9266

1 2 3 4 5 6

ETo (mm)

Figure 3. Relationships between ETo and maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (a), midday stem water potential (Ystem) (b) and
daily sap flow (SF) (c) values during the measurement period.
MDS = 0.06 + 0.001 Rs
r =0.4666

MDS (mm)




Ψstem = -0.49 - 0.01 Rs
r2 =0.6613

Ψstem (kPa)




SF = 21.49 + 1.08 Rs - 0.01 Rs
r2 =0.7840

SF (L day )




50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Rs (W m-2)

Figure 4. Relationships between solar radiation (Rs) and maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (a), midday stem water potential
(Ystem) (b) and daily sap flow (SF) (c) values during the measurement period.


MDS (mm)


MDS = 0.07 + 0.15 VPDm
r 2 =0.5560
0.1 MDS = 0.09 + 0.08 VPD md
r =0.5293


Ψst em = -0.70 - 0.18 VPD md
r = 0.394
-0.75 Ψstem = -0.68 - 0.31 VPDm
Ψstem (MPa)

r 2 = 0.4268



VPD md

(c) VPDm

SF (L day-1)


100 2
SF = 26.43 + 163.99 VPD m - 36.61 VPDm
r = 0.8464
SF = 37.25 + 91.47 VPDmd - 12.09 VPDmd2
50 2
r = 0.7883

1 2 3 4 5
VPD (kPa)

Figure 5. Relationships between daily mean (VPDm, open symbols) and midday (VPDmd, closed symbols) air vapour pressure defi-
cit, and maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (a), midday stem water potential (Ystem) (b) and daily sap flow (SF) (c) values
during the measurement period.

MDS = -0.07 + 0.02 Tm
0.5 r = 0.7591

MDS = -0.13 + 0.02 Tmd

0.4 r = 0.7460
MDS (mm)


0.1 Tmd

-0.50 Tmd

Ψstem (MPa)


Ψstem = -0.37 - 0.03 Tm
r 2 = 0.5979
Ψstem = -0.22 - 0.03 Tmd
r = 0.5492

SF = 31.97 + 6.30 Tm
r = 0.8613
SF = 1.38 + 6.11 Tmd
r = 0.8609
SF (L day )




10 15 20 25 30 35
Air temperature (ºC)

Figure 6. Relationships between daily mean (Tm, open symbols) and midday (Tmd, closed symbols) air temperature, and maximum
daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (a), midday stem water potential (Ystem) (b) and daily sap flow (SF) (c) values during the measure-
ment period.

(a) (b)

Ψstem (MPa)



-1.50 Ψ stem = -0.48 - 2.20 MDS Ψstem = -0.18 - 0.01 SF

r 2 =0.7796 r 2 =0.6453

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 50 100 150 200

MDS (mm) SF (L day-1)

Figure 7. Relationships between midday stem water potential (Ystem), and maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) (a) and daily
sap flow (SF) (b) values during the measurement period.

MDS = - 0.11 + 0.01 SF

r =0.7586

MDS (mm)




50 100 150 200

SF (L day-1)
Figure 8. Relationship between maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) and daily sap flow (SF) values during the measurement

The regressions analysis between Ystem, and dimensions and time scales, it was to be expected
MDS and SF, pooling data across the observation that MDS and SF would correlate better with the
period, indicated clear associations (Figure 7). evaporative demand indicators measured on a
Also, the MDS versus SF relationship showed a whole-day basis, while Ystem would best fit the
high coefficient of determination (Figure 8). parameters measured at midday. The regression
analysis indicated that the highest coefficients of
determination were obtained for the regressions
Discussion of SF, MDS and Ystem against ETo, Tm and ETo,
respectively (Figures 3–6). The fact that SF was
Since the three plant-based water stress indicators more closely associated with changes in ETo can
studied (MDS, SF and Ystem) encompass different be explained by taking into consideration that SF

is directly related with daily transpiration the fact that the relationships between MDS and
(Alarcón et al., 2005; Ortuño et al., 2004a). Even the environmental variables (Figures 3–6) were
though temperature is not an accurate indicator linear even at high values of evaporative demand
of the evaporative demand of the atmosphere was probably the result of the efficient water
(Hatfield and Fuchs, 1990), MDS was closely recruitment from additional stem tissue capaci-
related with Tm. In this sense, Fereres and Goldh- tances when evaporative demand increased and
amer (2003) showed that MDS correlated well Ystem decreased below a threshold. In this sense,
with both Tmd and Tm in almond trees. However, Zweifel et al. (2001) showed that internally
Vélez (2004) indicated that MDS was more stored water contributed to daily transpiration
directly related with changes in Rs and ETo than even in well-watered trees, indicating that stored
VPD and temperature in Citrus clementina trees. water plays an important role not only during
According to the characteristics of the data periods of drought, but whenever water transport
for the different studied regression models (Fig- occurs within the tree.
ures 3–6), it can be concluded that the behaviour Previous authors have shown weak correla-
of SF can be more adequately predicted (higher tions between MDS and Ystem on a seasonal
r2) by changes in the evaporative demand basis in almond trees (Fereres and Goldhamer,
variables than can MDS and Ystem. Also, the 2003), in plum trees (Intrigliolo and Castel, 2004)
MDS was more adequately described by changes and in peach trees (Marsal et al., 2002), but
in the environmental variables than was Ystem, when they were broken into different time peri-
except when ETo or Rs were considered. ods the correlation for individual periods clearly
At first sight, the fact that SF levelled off improved, suggesting that this may be a general
after ETo, Rs, VPDmd and VPDm reached trend for deciduous fruit trees due to trunk
threshold values (Figures 3c, 4c and 5c) would growth rate and tissue elasticity changes during
suggests that spatial variability of soil moisture the season (Intrigliolo and Castel, 2004). Our
availability and/or the high hydraulic conductiv- results, on the other hand, pointed to a constant
ity of the soil constraints plant transpiration even relationship between MDS and Ystem (Figure 7a),
with a high volume of irrigation. However, other which means neither postulated cause was impor-
logical explanation could be that maximum and tant in adult lemon trees during the observation
constant values of SF correspond to physical period.
constraint of plant transpiration. In this sense, Molz and Klepper (1973) indicated that the
Pataki and Oren (2003) studied factors control- main factor controlling MDS is the leaf water
ling transpiration of some trees species, and potential, which determines the driving force for
showed that Quercus rubra, Q. alba, Carya water transport between the bark and the xylem.
tormentosa and Fraxinus americana plants were The goodness of the correlation found between
responsive to vapour pressure deficit and pre- Ystem and MDS (Figure 7a) confirmed this view.
sented saturation in increases in daily sap flux Moreover, the fact that there were direct relation-
density with vapour pressure deficit, these re- ships between Ystem and ETo (Figure 3b), Ystem
sponses being similar at different soil moisture and SF (Figure 7b) and SF and MDS (Figure 8)
levels. Moreover, considering that MDS respond indicated that the control of MDS by Ystem could
sooner to water stress than other continuous and be mediated through SF. The mechanism, under
discrete plant and soil water status indicators non-limiting soil water conditions, would be
(Goldhamer et al., 1999) and that MDS is a ver- described as follow: increases in the evaporative
satile indicator of transpiration stream intensity demand of the atmosphere induce decreases in
when the soil water content is not strongly de- Ystem (Figure 3b), which increases the soil–plant
pleted (Huguet et al., 1992; Ortuño et al., 2004a, water potential gradient, and as a consequence
b), the fact that when SF presented high and SF increases (Figure 7b) turning into an increase
constant values (Figure 2c) MDS values progres- in MDS (Figure 8).
sively decreased (Figure 2b) indicated that lemon The above mentioned results indicated that
trees were not under a water stress situation. baselines or reference values for plant-based wa-
In contrast with the observed behaviour in ter status indicators (MDS, SF and Ystem) can be
the SF versus ETo, Rs and VPD relationships, obtained for adult lemon trees, even though there

was a certain scattering in the relations between deficits by continuous monitoring of trunk diameter changes.
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Shackel K A, Ahmadi H, Biasi W, Buchner R, Goldhamer D,
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