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Production Cost Analysis

September 2017
Product Version / LoB: E2E Solution/Solution Capability:
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise 1709 / LoB Finance Management Accounting

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

 Have an overview of the Production Cost Analysis app
 Understand the overall functionality

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 Business Context & Benefits

 Application Introduction

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Business Context and Benefits

One common view of actual costs

based on the Universal Journal Entry

Product Cost comparison and component

Production Process
Cost analysis based on flexible analysis
Orders Orders
key figures

New and improved user


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Business Context and Benefits

❖ The centralized cockpit-like approach to viewing KPIs Company

supports variance tracking to identify potential issues. Code
❖ The improved variance tracking helps you to isolate causes Plant
and ensure costs are being captured correctly in all
processes and orders. Order Type
❖ Additional information helps you to analyze both overall and Status
detailed costs to make sure actual production costs are Orders/
close to target costs. Collectors
Material Component
Cost Details

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 Business Context & Benefits

 Application Introduction

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Application Brief: Production Cost Analysis(I)

❖ The Production Cost Analysis app enables you to do the following:

Order analysis Cost Component

Exception Cost Component
Status Groups of Orders

Order Cost
Status Components

Overall and
Detailed Cost Cost Details

Exception Rules Definition & Currency Setting

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Application Brief: Production Cost Analysis(II)

❖ The Production Cost Analysis app enables you to do the following:

Order analysis Cost Component Group Work Center

• Overall and Detailed Cost • Cost Details • Plan/Actual Costs at Work
• Order Status • Cost Components Center/Operation Level
• Exception Status • Cost Component Groups of • Harmonized plan costs
Orders based on new planning
solution for manufacturing

Flexible navigation and collaboration capabilities

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Order Status
Based on Proceeding Business Processes

 The number of open or closed orders is shown on the tile

 A detailed status list is available for each order

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Exception Rule Definition

 Any of 15 exception rules can be used with user-defined thresholds based on

absolute and/or percentage values, for example:
❖ Actual Cost vs Target Cost
❖ Actual Cost vs Plan Cost
❖ Actual Quantity vs Plan Quantity

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Distinguish and Highlight Exceptional Orders According
to Defined Criteria

 Exceptions, as defined by your exception rules, are highlighted using a quickly

identifiable visual indicator of abnormal order

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Order Analysis I

 Overall Cost of Orders

❖ View cost comparisons based on budgeted costs (plan or target) and actual costs
❖ Track variances so that you can find the root cause of these variances and thereby make
appropriate changes to bring costs down, for example, by switching to an alternative machine
material, iterative activity options (external or internal)

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Order Analysis II

 Joint Production: Option to include or exclude joint production orders, either

exclusively or inclusively
❖ Cost at Order level
❖ Cost at Order Item level

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Analyze Order Cost Detail

 View detailed costs according to account, business transaction, and so on

❖ Switch among different views
❖ Used advanced navigation options

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Cost Component Group at Order Level

 Actual costs by Cost Component Groups at order level in the initial view to
analyze cost components and component groups for each order/collector

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Cost Component in Cost Detail

 Cost components shown in an order’s Cost Details

 Assignments between Cost Components and Cost Component Groups shown

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Work Center View

 Enabled new planning solution (Based on ACDCOP) for manufacturing orders

related Plan Costs
 Reports on Work Center/Operation to help customer analyze production costs at
more detailed responsible area

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Lesson Summary

You should now be able to

 Describe the overall functionality of the Production Cost Analysis
 Describe the business benefits and several detailed functional
aspects of the app

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