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Reason for Square pitch

Group Number 3 Easier cleaning

Mass Flow Rate_Heavy Nap 1.1 Lower del_P
T_hin 76 C
T_hout 55 C
T_cin 30 C
T_cout 42 C

Step-1 Calculate Calarofic Temperature

gamma 0.7352941176

Step-2 Calculate kc from graph

kc naptha 0.105 fc_naptha 0.415
kc water 0.6215 fc_water 0.415

Step-3 Corrected Temperature

T_h* 63.715
T_c* 34.98

Step-4 Properties of Fluids at Calorofic Temperature

Water Heavy Naptha
Specific heat capacity 4180 2202
Viscosity 0.719 0.35
Density 999 780
Thermal Conductivity 0.6215 0.15

Step-5 Enthalpy Balance

mass flow rate(water) 1.0140789474 kg/s
Q 50866.2 J/s
del_T1 34
del_T2 25
LMTD 29.269749055

Step-6 Assume UwU

U_assumed 450 Btu/hr*ft^2*F
Area 3.861871169 m^2

Step-7 Number of Tubes

Tube Length 3m
di 0.0174 m 0.0148336
do 0.01905 m
nt 21.509567318
Standard Number of tubes av 26 DQ Kern Pg 841
Number of Tube passes 1 Shell ID 0.0254 m
Number of shell passes 1 Square Pitch 0.0254 m

Step-8 Tube side reynolds number

Re_tube_side 4305.7748543
D 0.56 in 0.014224 m
Step-9 Tube side heat transfer coefficient
h_i 374.0194605

Step-10 Shell side heat transfer coefficient

Ds 0.2032
Pitch(Pt) = 1in 0.0254 Baffle spacing = 0.1016
Tube Clearance 0.00635
a_s= CBDs/Pt 0.00516128
Eq. Diameter of Shell 0.0025101896
G_s 213.12542625
Reynold's number Shell side 1528.5292389

Colburn Factor 20.309645485

h_o 2060.069

1/U_cal 0.0024468253
U_cal 408.6928551

U_cal < U_assumed

We will go for multipass
1 Shell 2 tube pass
No of passes 2
Area Correction
R 1.75
S 0.2608695652
From graph F_t 0.955
A_Corrected 4.043844156

Theoritical number of tubes 22.534531187 From Table 9 of DQ Kern

n_a(Actual tube 26
D_s(Shell ID) 8 inches
0.2032 m
Baffle spacing = Ds/2 0.1016
Tube Clearance=Pt - d_o 0.00635

Shell side heat transfer coefficient

flowarea a_s 0.00516128
G_s 213.12542625
Reynolds No 1528.5292389 From Fig 28 of DQ Kern
J_H(Colbourn fa 21
h_o 2164.2053135 W/m2K We consider ϕ_s=1

Tube side heat transfer coefficient

flowarea a_t 0.002067 from table 10 of DQKern
flow area/tube 0.247 in2
G_t 490.60423192 0.000159 m2
Reynolds No 9705.6392139 Pr 4.8357522124

From Fig.24
Coulborn Factor j_h 30
h_i 2215.476609 W/m2K We consider ϕ_t=1

Calculation of wall temperature

Tw 49.17930506
At Tw viscosity_water 0.55 cP
hi_corrected 2300.1620681
viscosity_napht 0.548 cP
ho_corrected 2032.5381551

Overall heat transfer coefficient

1/U_calc 0.0018917616
U_calc 528.60784609 W/m2K Area_calc 3.4424950058

Area overdesign
A% 17.468410241 <20%
So our design is acceptable.
Pr 5.138

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