AP08-AA9-EV06. Inglés - Presentación Oral. Mi Idea de Proyecto Co

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AP08-AA9-EV06. Inglés - Presentación oral.

Mi idea de proyecto

José Alexander Buriticá Burgos

Tecnólogo Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información

Centro de Industria y la Construcción Regional Tolima

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA

Curso: 2386426

Medellín 2023
I. Introduction

• Hi, Nice to meet you, my name is: José Alexander Buriticá Burgos,
Information technology development and analysis apprentice

My project is based on the creation to develop an information system that allows to

keep track of entry and exit of personnel for the company and customers;
Database is a dynamic fundamental component since it contains the necessary
information for the company to carry out the operation and classification of the data
entered by customers and employees.

It also serves to clarify that there are many types of database but in this case we
will choose the relational database.

II. Body

Objetive of this system

Our project to develop is how from the entrance to the page we will find the
database models like the parts of a database In databases, the table refers to the
type of data modeling, where data collected by a program is stored.

Its general structure resembles the general view of a spreadsheet program.Record:

is each of the rows into which the table is divided. Each record contains data of the
same types as the other records. Example: in a table of names and addresses,
each row will contain a name and an address

III. Closing

Closing statement or summary about your topic or assignment:

Question requests from audience:

Specific objectives

The main purpose of our project is to know that a database provides great
information in a simple way on any subject. since our purpose is none other than to
store, organize and provide the stored datawhich can be simply a series of records
or can also be amounts of data, when we store and organize the information in a
database allows us to access the data at any time this quick and easy access can
be done by multiple users through specificqueries therefore the main objectives of
a database are:
• Concurrent access to information.
• Controlled data redundancy.
• Data protection, consistency and integrity.
• High capacity of relationship between data.
• Physical and logical independence.
• High performance in the handling of information.

Provide the client with quality software that the Company feels satisfied with the results.
That software is the future and many solutions for all companies y crazy and absurd ideas
are the most interesting of the road.

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