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Samuel Doll

Dr. Paul Boling

Midterm Essay

Feb. 10th, 2023

Who are You a Slave to?

How does one respond biblically to a person who vehemently insists that they have and

can use inherent freedom to love and be intimate with whomever they so choose? It seems to

be a difficult question to answer at first, if we try to explain using our own intellect. But the key

lies in God’s word and using His established standard.

But where, exactly, does one begin arguing against this? The logical place would be in

the beginning of all things. If God designed the universe with a plan in mind for its continuation,

he surely designed humans with the ability to accomplish its continuation through propagation.

This is exactly what He did. In other words, sex is God’s tool to allow for His world to remain

populated. His standard for intimacy began and ended with one man and one woman, in one

marriage, with intimacy with each other alone. And He blessed it, and knew it was good. “…in

the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. God blessed [The man

and woman] and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply…’ God saw all that He had made, and it

was very good.” (Genesis 1:27-28, 31, New International Version) As Christians arguing this

point, we need to remember those formative days in the beginning, when and with what

purpose God made humans. This is more than the old cliché “It was Adam and Eve, not Adam
and Steve”. Instead, it is to say that God’s blessing went to Adam and Eve. Man and Woman.

Husband and Wife. One and one. The mantle of marriage, and the blessing it entailed, is what

was blessed and passed down nothing else, and nothing more.

So, at its simplest, the argument is not just about proving homosexuality wrong, just

explaining why polyamory is wrong, or just about explaining why bestiality is evil. It is crucial to

first take back the suppositions of what exactly God’s love means, and then reestablish that

God created humanity, marriage, and sex in His image. To take these suppositions and twist

them into an “I can be intimate when and how I like” is to upend all that God created the

concepts and standards of intimacy for.

Progressive culture has become so far removed from culture, that the concept of sex

has simply become something casual, something that just “happens” in relationships and is only

viewed in terms of its pleasure, not its actual function. This is the crux of their argument,

because in their mind, sex is just another “thing.” There is no other purpose for it than it being

the “last base.” Therefore, there is no reason to worry about how frivolous it becomes, or how

special it should be, and any kind of relationship that deviates from “normal” should be

allowed, since sex and intimate relationships are inconsequential and trivial.

The choice to deviate from God has always existed. That’s what makes this path of faith

and righteousness so special. To get on, and remain on it, one must refuse themselves and

become subservient to God and His plan. Paul introduced himself as “Paul, a slave of Jesus

Christ…”, meaning all his deference, all his life, was to Him. Conversely, those who chose

themselves, and gave deference to themselves, become lost. “Because of this, God gave them

over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural
ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were

inflamed with lust for one another.” (Romans 1:1, 26-27, New International Version).

“Natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.” Sex on its own is a beautiful,

consummatory act of marriage between a man and a woman, but through the design of

modern society, it has been cheapened to the point of near worthlessness in the eyes of the

general world, especially when compared to what it once was. God’s standard is perfection, and

to attempt to change it is to declare that which is already flawless to need reform. Instead of

forcing God’s morality to fit our fleshly desires, we need to change ours to His. We should

enslave ourselves to the will of One who is unchanging, rather than becoming enslaved to the

broken, fractured, and lost minds we possess.

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