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In my future, I see no impoverished people, but people who have been given the same opportunities

and situations. A style of life where money isn't a regular source of stress in the home I know for a fact
that many of you here and many students in our educational facility struggle with this contemporary
issue. It is a difficulty for us to solve this issue since it restricts our options and prevents us from
exercising fundamental rights. Let's face it; having money may certainly make life much simpler. What
about the others, though? Not everyone can afford to live comfortably. Many folks are in debt and
scrimping and saving. I see a day when this issue will not exist at that particular moment. One of the 17
Sustainable Development Goals will now be discussed. I'm referring to eradicating poverty.

In this future, there will be no poverty. Our crime rate will go down dramatically. Because one of the
causes of crime's first presence is poverty. Criminals given the option to commit crimes or starve to
death. Additionally, everyone will have access to education, and hunger will be significantly decreased. It
needs a lot of intelligence and international cooperation to accomplish this aim, as well as the
cooperation of our fellow citizens. Many of our societal issues will be resolved if we succeed in this goal.
After that, we may concentrate on other crucial concerns like renewable energy and strive to enhance
our general wellbeing. However, this is still merely a goal at this point; it has not yet been implemented.
A small improvement is sufficient, but we must work hard to achieve this aim. Observing advancement
makes us need more. We are motivated to keep going on our quest to solve this problem by our desire
for improvement.

Our nation faces a number of difficulties. We have dealt with this problem before since we have
survived so many others. This is something that we have been dealing with for a while. Now is the time
to find a solution to this. It will be simpler if we all work together and have the same vision for the
future. As we all agree, two brains are better than one. Goal-setting requires all of our involvement.
Anything is attainable, in my opinion, provided we put our thoughts and our efforts to it. I'm hoping this
problem can be rectified as soon as feasible. Up until that time, we will all be present to see change.

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