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Almansour eddahbi Date 

: Quize two

Full Name/class: ……………………………………………………………………………….……..

Being aware of changes to your body is very important. Your body changes a lot during puberty-as it begins
to change from being a kid to being an adult. So be aware of your body as you grow, and know what is normal
for you, and report any changes without delay to your parents or doctor. Don’t be ashamed-it’s part of making
sure you are healthy!

If you become aware of the physical changes that occur to your body, you will prevent a lot of trouble.
Many health problems are preventable on condition that we diagnose them as early as possible. Medicine can
do very little to help patients when diseases reach advanced stages.

A. Suggest a title to the text:(1pt) ……………………………………………………………….

B. Give the general idea for the text (2pts):………………………………………………………............................................


C.Are these sentences true or false? Justify your choice. (2pts)

1) Knowing changes to the body is not necessary. ……….. ………………………………………………………………………….……

2) You can’t prevent health problems even if you diagnose them early ……….

D . What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2pts) 1) It: …..........… 2) them: ………………….…………

E. Find in the text words which mean almost the same as: (3pts)

1) Appear (pgh2) …………………………. 2)Timid: (pgh 1):……………………………………..

3) Embarrassed (pgh1) …………………..……. 4) can be stopped (pgh2) ……………………………………

5) develop: (pgh1)…………………… 6) sickness: (pgh 2):……………………

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