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Second Codicional 9A

Structure: + , + .
 Para y como se escribe:


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 Como usamos el Be en este Tiempo:

 Para que usáremos primero y segundo Condicional:

 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb to make second conditional
sentences :
- If I ___________ a Good job, I__________ to the Usa. (find, move).
- We___________ a dog if we _________ a garden. (get, have).
- I love living here. I___________happy If I ______ leave.(not be, heave to).
- _____you_____ abroad if you________ a well-paid job?(work, find).
- If you ______ Indian food, I’m sure you ________ it. (try, like).
- I_________ to work if the traffic_____ so bad. (cycle, not be).
- If we ________ a car, we________ drive to the mountains.(hire,can).
- I______ to that restaurant if I ______ you-it´s very expensive. (not go,be).

 Match the sentence halves.

1 You’d feel much better. A If you did some exercise.

2 I’d enjoy the weekend more. B Would you come to visit me?
3 If you didn´t have to study for your exams, C If I bought one for you?
4 Would you really wear a suit D We could go out tonight.
5 If we took a taxi, E If I didn’t have to work on Saturday.
6 I wouldn’t work F We would get there sooner.
7 If went to live in London, G If I didn’t need the money.
 Complete the words and write its meaning, indicate which ones bite or sting:
A. Insec____=_________:
a. Mos__________=__________.
b. Butte_________=__________.
c. W____________=__________.
d. Spi___________=__________.
e. Fl____________=__________.
B. F___Ani____=___________:
a. B_______=__________.
b. Chi______=__________.
c. Co______=__________.
d. Go______=__________.
e. Ho______=__________.
f. P_______=__________.
g. Sh______=__________.
C. Wild Ani____=___________:
a. Bat=________.
b. Bear=_______.
c. Bird=________.
d. Ca____=______.
e. Cro________=_________.
f. De____=______________.
g. Ele_______=___________.
h. Gira______=___________.
i. Kan______=___________.
j. Lion=________.
k. Mon_______=_______.
l. Mou_______=_______.
m. Ra_______=________.
n. Rat=________.
o. Sna_____=_______.
p. Ti_____=______.
D. S____ animals=Animales del mar:
a. Dol_____=_______.
b. Jelly________=________.
c. Shar________=________.
d. Wha________=________.

 Read and answer:

If a jellyfish stings you, you should clean the sting with vinegar as this stops the poison. If you don't
have any vinegar, then use sea water. But don't use fresh water, for example water from a tap or
mineral water, as this will make the sting hurt more. And you shouldn't rub the sting as this will
make it worse too. After you have washed the sting, you should clean off any bits of tentacles that
are on your skin. And take a painkiller!
If you are near the shore and the shark is not too close, you can probably swim to the shore without
attracting its attention. For this reason it is important to swim smoothly and not to splash or make
sudden movements. Keeping still is dangerous because if the shark swims in your direction it will
see you and it will attack you. Don't shout because shouting will provoke the shark and it will attack
Dogs like to attack any part of you that is moving, usually hands or arms. It is also dangerous to
turn your back on the dog. You shouldn't look the dog in its eyes because this will make it angry.
Shouting 'down' or 'go 'away' at the dog will not work because dogs usually only react to their
master's voice.
Wasps and bees will usually fly out of an open window, but don't wave your hands around as they
follow movement and might try to sting you. And you mustn't hit the wasp or bee as this will make
them very angry. Of course, as soon as you can, you should stop the car and open the doors.
A. what would you do If you were in the sea and you saw a shark,?
__________________________________________________________(I’d definitely…)
B. What would you do if you were in the sea and a jellyfish stung you?
_________________________________________________________(I think I’d
C. Do you have or have you ever had a pet? what would happen if it bite you?
________________________________________________________(I don’t think I’d…..)
D. If you saw a dog attacking someone, what would or wouldn’t you do?
________________________________________________________(I definitely
E. What would you do if a bee or wasp flew into your room?
________________________________________________________(I probably

Present Perfect 9B for and since

Structure pregunta con How long: + + + + ?
Structure : + + +
 Para y como se escribe:


 Como usamos el for o since:



 Write question with How long and present perfect:

1. / you / be married:___________________________________________________.
2. /you / be afraid of flying:______________________________________________.
3. / your sister/ have her new car:_________________________________________.
4. /you /have /your cat:_________________________________________________.
5. /Spain/be in the EU:__________________________________________________.
6. /you/know your boyfriend:_____________________________________________.
7. /your dad/be a teacher:_______________________________________________.
8. /they/live in this town:________________________________________________.
9. /Dan/be this class:______________________________________________________.

 Answer the questions previously. Use the presente perfect + for or since:
1. I_____________________20 years.
2. I ________________ I was about 15.
3. She_____________three weeks.
4. We______________about two years.
5. It__________________1986.
6. I_______________________May.
7. He_____________more than 20 years.
8. They_____________________a long time.
9. He______________________last month.

 What´s it?
1. Fear=_________.
2. Suffers from=___________.
3. Panic=____________.
4. Scared=___________.
5. Frightened=___________.
6. Terrified=___________.
7. Dizzy=____________.

 Complete the gaps with for or since:

1. _______1990.
2. _______about 20 years.
3. _______I was a child.
4. _______the 4th of May.
5. _______then
6. _______8.15
7. _______a long time.
8. _______ages
9. _______six months
10. _______a few weeks
11. _______I got up this morning
12. ______ five minutes

 Order the sentences:

1. a pet Do have you:_______________________________?
2. Years here for have worked ten I:__________________________________________
3. It how had long you have:_________________________________?
4. Since we London have in 2012 lived:________________________________________.
5. have you a Do tablet:____________________________________?
6. Kind what:_____________________________?
7. you have long it had How:_________________________________?
8. have years lived I in twenty Manchester for:____________________________________.
9. Flat in live a Do modern you:________________________________?
10. Old How it is:_________________________________________?
11. How have there live long you:_________________________________?
12. child I a have I been was since afraid of spiders:

Present Perfect or Pasat Simple 9C

 Para y como usamos:
Pasado Simple:
Presente Perfecto:

 Circle the correct form:

1. She was/She’s been ill since May.
2. Martin left/ Martin has left school two years ago.
3. I lived/ I’ve lived in Cardiff for two years, but then I moved to Swansea.
4. Anna was / Anna’s been in this company since April.
5. My sister had/ My sister has had her baby yesterday!
6. I work in a travel agency. I worked /I’ve worked there for 20 years.
7. The city changed/ The city has changed a lot since I was a child.
8. They’re divorced now. They were/They have been only married for there years.
9. I met/I´ve met Sandra when I was/have been on holiday in Italy.
 Complete with the present perfect or past simple.
1. A. Where does your brother live?
B. In Verona.
A. How long________________________there? (he/live)
B. Only for six months. He___________________________there last September. (move)

2. A.When _____________________________? (Picasso/die)

B. In 1977, I think. In Paris.
A. How long ______________________________________in France? (he/live)
B. For a long time. He______________________Spain when he was 25. (leave)

3. A. My brother and his wife get on very well.

B. How long ______________________________married?(they/be)
A. They _______________________________________marriend since 1995. They
_______________________at university. (be,meet)
B. Really? What university ______________________________to? (they/go)

 Complete each word and writer its meaning:

1. Be bo______=___________________________
2. Go to p_________ school=___________________
3. Go to s_________ school=___________________
4. Leave s_______=______________________
5. Go to U_____________=____________________
6. Get a J_________=___________
7. Fall in L________=_______
8. Marry sb/__________=______________________
9. Have ch___________=______________________
10. Se___________=____________________
11. Divorce sb/ get ______________=______________
12. Re_____=__________
13. D____=_______

 Complete and answer:

1. The Past:
a. When was________born? =________________________________.
b. Where was _______born?=________________________________.
c. What did _____ do after_______left school?=
d. What ___ you do after_______job?=
e. ____ did______do ____ go to university?=
f. What did____ do after have________?=

2. The Present:
a. Where does ________live now?=_____________________________________.
b. How long has__________lived there?=_________________________________.
c. What does____________do? (job)=____________________________________.
d. What does_____ do in ____free time?=_________________________________.
e. Do you think ______has had a good life?=________________________________.

 Read the biography, put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or present perfect:
Matt Damon is an American actor and film producer. He___________ (be born) in 1970 in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. His father Kent worked in finance, and his mother Nancy was a
university professor. His parents_______(divorce) when he was two years old, and he ________
(live) with his mother and brother in a large house with five other families.
Matt Damon____________ (become) interested in acting when he was at high school, and
he__________(appear) in several school theatre productions. When he was 18 he _________(go) to
Harvard University to study English. He ________ (write) a film script as part of his course - the
script was for the film Good Vill Hunting. Matt and his friend Ben Affleck___________(star) in the
film and it made them famous. They both___________(win) an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay
Screenplay for their work on the script. Matt decided to become an actor and he________- (not
finish) university.
Since then, Matt Damon ____________________(become) one of the most successful actors in
Hollywood. He ________(appear) in over 70 films, but he is most famous for playing Jason
Bourne, a CIA assassin, in the Bourne films. He_________(receive) many awards,_and in 2015
he________ (win) a Golden Globe for Best Actor for his performance in The Martian. He
________(be) married to Luciana Barroso since 2005. They live in Los Angeles with their four
 Writing a biography - use of tenses:
If you write a biography of a person who is dead, the verbs will all be in the past simple. If the
person is alive, all finished actions will be in the past simple (such as the person's early life, e.g. He
was born, He went to university, etc. or specific actions in their life, e.g. He got married, He moved
to another country, etc.).
However, you must use the present perfect for unfinished actions which started in the past and are
still true now (and which might change), e.g. He has lived in Los Angeles since his wedding. (= he
lives there now) He has appeared in a lot of films. (= he might appear in more in the future)
Use the present simple (or present continuous) to talk about the present day, e.g. He lives in Los
Angeles. He's working on a new film.

 Directions. Complete the phrases and write its meaning:

1. Turn ______.=______________.
2. Go___________on.=_____________.
3. Take the _________turning on the right.=________________________________.
4. Turn right at the _______________lights.=_________________________________.
5. Go round the__________ and take the third exit.=_____________________________.
Expressing movement 10 A Sports
 How we use to express movement:



 How we use in or into, out oro ut of:

 Circle de correct word.
1. I lost my mobile signal when we went across/through a tunel.
2. We ran to/ down the sea, and jumped into/ out of the water.
3. If you go over/past the bank, you´ll see the supermarket on the right.
4. James walked along/ across the street until he came to a big house.
5. Look! We’re flying on/to me, but then it suddenly stopped.
6. We cycled over/out of the bridge and in/into the park.
7. In the 800 metres, the runners run round/ across the park twice.
8. The cat suddenly ran across / through the road.

 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. Alex jumped_______his car and drove away.
2. Whe I was walking under the bridge, a train went __________it.
3. Come _______. The door´s open.
4. This is the first floor. Go______ the stairs- the office is on the second floor.
5. He walked _________the café and ordered some lunch.
6. Go_________of the building and turn left.
7. Go_________!I don´t want to talk to you.
8. I cycle__________a big hill on my way home. I go really fast!

 Complete and put sports in the correct column. Write its meaning:

Play (sports with a ball) Go (+verb+-ing) Do

Base_____=________ Cycl____=________ Ath________=___________
Basket____=_________ Ski_____=_________ Gym_______=___________
Foot______=_________ Wind Kara________=___________
Hand_____=_________ Bow_____=__________ Yo______=___________
Vo___ b___=_________ Camp____=_________ Aero______=__________
Hoc_____=_________ Dan______=__________ Exec_______=_________
Pin___po___=__________ Fich______=__________ Push ____=__________
So_______=_________ Gol_______=___________ Sit__=_________
Squ______=___________ Hik______=__________ A warm ___=_____________
Te______=__________ Ice-Skat____=___________
Ru______=________ Runn______=___________
Po_____=________ Scuba d______=__________
Go_____=_________ Snow

 Complete the sentences with a verb from the list:

Hit kick run throw
1. In basketball you have to ________ the ball through a hoop.
2. In football you have to __________ the ball into a goal.
3. In tennis you have to ___________ the ball over a net.
4. In the 800 metre race you have to ___________twice round the tranck.
 Complete the sentences with a verb and a preposition:
1. She’s jum______ ov___ the bar.
2. He’s throw_______ the ball through the hoop.
3. She’s hit_______the ball ov_____the net.
4. She´s sk_____ dow___ the mountain.
5. He’s ci_____ arou______the track.
6. He’s th_____ the ball ______the goal.
7. He’s runn_______ tow______ the line.

 Expressing of movement. Complete the words and write its meaning=

1. Do_____ the steps= ___________________.
2. acr______the road=____________________.
3. ov____ the bridge=_____________________.
4. in_____the shop=_______________________.
5. out of the shop=________________________.
6. un___ the bridge=_______________________.
7. pa___ the church=_______________________.
8. thr________ the tunel=___________________.
9. tow_______ the lake=____________________.
10 ro_____ (around) the lake=________________.
11. al___ the street=_______________________.
12. u_ the steps=__________________________.

To= voy a.
Toward(s)=hacia, que te acercas a algo.
Up to=hacia pero terminas en ese lugar.
Up/down=hacia arriba, hacia ti/hacia abajo, lejos de ti.
Across= hacia el otro lado de espacios abiertos.
Into/onto: hacia adentro/encima.
Around= alrededor de/en un circulo.
Through= a través de espacios cerrados como un túnel y luego
Along= a lo largo de/en línea recta,
Below=debajo de algo.
Over=sobre algo
away= irse, salir.
back=volver al lugar donde antes estabas.
 Write an article with four paragraphs about an activity that you enjoy in your free time, with the
title ‘Why I Love _____________’:
Answer to the questions:
-Do you do any sport or exercise?What?
-What sport do you hate?
-What sport would you like to practice?

Phrasal Verbs 10 B
 A phrasal verb= verb+particle(preposition or adverb).e.g get up, go out, turn on, look for.

 When the object is a pronoun(me, you, him, her, it, us, them) it always goes between the
verb an particle.

 Phrassal Verbs: Write its meaning:

Never separated Can be separated Never separated
+ no object + object +object
Check in Call back Go on
Come on Drop off Get on/off
Get up Give back Get on with
Go away Pay back Look for
Go back Pick up Look round
Go out Put away Run out of
Sit down Send back Looking after
Stand up Take back Looking
Wake up Take out
Be over Try on
Goes off Turn off
Set off Turn off
Write down
Give up
Throw away
Turn down
Turn up
Looked up
Fill in
Find out
Put on
Take off

 Circle the correct form. If both are correct, tick(✔) the box:

1. Turn off your mobile / Turn your mobile off before the film starts.
2. Tonight I have to look my little sister after / look after my little sister.
3. Let's go out this evening/ go this evening out.
4. I'll drop off the children/ drop the children off at school.
5. My brother is looking for a new job/ looking a new job for.
6. You should throw away those old jeans / throw those old jeans away.
7. I don't like shopping for clothes online - I prefer to try them on/ try on them before I buy
8. Take off your shoes/Take your shoes off before you come in.
9. We're meeting my mother tomorrow - I think you'll really get on with her/ get on her with.
10. If the jacket doesn't fit, take back it / take it back to the shop.
11. What time do you get up in the morning / get in the morning up?

 Complete the sentences with it or them and a word from the list.
Back in on (x2) up (x2)
1. I can't hear the radio.Turn __________.
2. Your clothes are all over the floor. Pick______.
3. Here's your coat. Put_____.
4. A What does this word mean?
B Look ______.
5. To get your passport there are three forms. Please fill_________ now.
6. You remember that money | lent you?
7. When can you give _______?
6. A Is the match on TV?
B I don't know. Turn__________and see.

 Answer the questionnaire:

1. Do you ever get up very late or very early? Why? When?
2. What's the first thing you turn on after you wake up in the morning?
3. Have you ever forgotten to turn your phone oft in the classroom?
4. Do you throw away old clothes or do you give them to other people?
5. Do you enjoy trying on clothes when you go shopping?
6. When you go shopping, do you usually write down what you have to buy? Do you only buy
what's on the list?
7. What kind of shops do you enjoy looking round? What kind don't you enjoy?
8. Do you often go away at the weekend? Where to?
9. Do you enjoy looking after small children? Why (not)?
10. Have you ever asked your neighbours to turn the TV or the music down? What happened?
11. How do you usually get around your town or city during the day? What about late at night?

The Pasive 10 C,
Present: + .

Past: + .
Donde y como usamos el pasivo

 Complete with the present or past passive.

1. The Eiffel Tower _____________________ in 1889. (complete)
2. Many of the things we use every day _______________by women.(invent)
3. In the UK most children ______________in state schools. (educate)
4. DNA______________by Watson and Crick in 1953. (discover)
5. This morning I ______________ by the neighbour's dog. (wake up)
6. Cricket____________in the summer in the UK. (play)
7. The songs on this album___________ last year. (write)
8. Millions of toys __________in China every year. (make)
9. Carols are songs which______________at Christmas. (sing)
10. These birds_______ in northern Europe. (not usually see)
11. The London Eye ___________on 31 December 1999 to celebrate the new millennium.

 Rewrite the sentences in the passive, beginning with the highlighted words:
1. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1603.
2. Christopher Wren designed St Paul's Cathedral.___________________________________.
3. A small Italian company produces this olive oil.____________________________________.
4. The Russians discovered Antarctica in 1820.
5. Spielberg didn't direct the Star Wars
6. Van Gogh painted Sunflowers in 1888.
7. The Chinese didn't invent
8. 7 J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
9. They make Skoda cars in the Czech

 People from different countries:

We usually use the + nationality adjective + -s to talk about the people from a country, e.g. the Americans,
the Belgians, etc. If the nationality adjective ends with /s/, /z/, //, or /ts/, we don't add -s, e.g. the English, the
Chinese, the Dutch, etc. For some countries there is a special word for the people, e.g. Poland > the Poles,
Turkey > the Turks.


Country Nationality adjective People from that country

The United States(or the USA)
The Czech Republic

 Complete your sentences with the verb in the passive and circle the correct answer.
1. Until 1664 New York______________________(call)...
a New Amsterdam b New Hampshire c New Liberty
2. he Lord of the Rings films___________(direct) by...
a Ridley Scott b James Cameron c Peter Jackson
3. The noun which ______________ (use) most frequently in conversation is...
a money b time c work
4. Penguins _____________________(find)...
a at the South Pole b at the North Pole c in Alaska
5. The Italian flag ____________________(design) by...
a Garibaldi b Mussolini c Napoleon
6. The first mobile phones_____________(sell) in...
a 1963 b 1973 c 1983
7. The British politician Winston Churchill ________________(be born)...
a on a train b in a toilet c under a bridge
8. The Statue of Liberty_________________(give) to the United States by....
a Germany b the UK c France
9. The smartphone _______________ (invent) by...
a Apple b Nokia c IBM
10. Star Wars was_____________(create) by...
a George Lucas
b Steven Spielberg
c Stanley Kubrick
11. The book which ________________(steal) most often from libraries is...
a The Bible
b The Guinness Book of Records
c The Lord of the Rings
12. In the world 16,000 babies_____________(be born)...
a every second b every hour c every day
13. Chess ______________(invent) by...
a the Egyptians
b the Indians
c the Chinese
14. The first Skype call ____________(make) in...
a 1993 b 2003 c 2013
15. Football __________________first (play) by...
a the British b the Romans c the Greeks
16. In 1962 the original London Bridge_________________(buy) by...
a a rich American
b a museum
c the Royal family

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