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Intelligent Completions First Implementation of Injector

Multi-Zones – Injectivity Optimization and Efficiency for IOR Integrated

M. Firdaus B. Razak, Aizuddin Khalid, Nik Fazril Ain Sapian, Asba Madzidah, Orient Balbir Samuel, M. Zaidan B.
Khalid, Shamsulbahri B. Mohd, M. Farris Bakar, Mohamed Sharief Saeed Salih, Jazael Ballina Ruvalcaba, Nur
Syazana Sadan, M. Al-Perdaus B. Misron, A. Satar Afzan, Ajmal Faliq B. Jamal, Nurul Aula bt A'akif, Ludovic Mohr,
and Nor Baizurah bt Ahmad Tajuddin, PETRONAS; Sanggeetha Kalidas, P. Mosar Nur Faizah, Gordon Goh, Tina
Tan, Ravishankar Palanisamy, and Darren Luke, SCHLUMBERGER

Copyright 2018, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 27–29 August 2018.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s).
Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction
by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the International Association of Drilling Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations
may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of IADC/SPE copyright.

The ‘B’ Field is located about 40 KM, offshore Sarawak and was discovered in 1967 with 70-80 m water
depth. Structurally, ‘B’ field is charaterised by a simple relatively flat, low-relief domal anticline which is
bounded to the north and south by the north-hading growth faults. The major faults are acted as effective
lateral seal, which is indicated by the difference in the fluid type and fluid contacts across those faults. ‘B’
field consist of multiple hetereogenous sandstone reservoirs with permeability and porosity ranging from
25 −1700 mD and 16 −29% respectively.
‘B’ Field injectivity conformance for reservoir pressure support is very crucial as the field is undergoing
severe depletions over years and unable to meet the production target. The Operator realized the importance
in order to further increase the recovery factor, hence has included ‘B’ field in the Improved Oil Recovery
(IOR) project to boost the production and prolong ‘B'field's life. Based on comprehensive IOR/EOR
screening study, water injection process has been identified as the most amenable IOR process in ‘B'field.
Hence, in Phase 1 drilling campaign, two (2) water injectors were drilled in 2016 in order to achieve the
target oil recovery. Both well BWI-01 and BWI-02 were completed with Intelligent completions (IC) and
expected to come online in Q4 2018.
This paper further discusses the injection strategy in ‘B’ field multi-zones to meet the zonal injectivity and
reservoir zonal voidage replacement requirement for pressure maintenance over field production life. The
discussion covers the reservoir characteristics and zonal injectivity challenges with surface constraints that
require intelligent completions solution for IOR phase. Completions architecture and customized metallurgy
needs is crucial to meet operational challenges. Fit-for-purpose and maintaning development cost is pre-
requisite to achieve well injection performance for optimal production
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‘B'field is under IOR phase to maintain zonal pressure support as part of reservoir management plan (RMP).
Downhole water injection conformance is critical for managing a thin and dynamic oil rim reservoirs and
multi-zone injectivity. The Injection plan in ‘B'field considered several factors including the uneven zonal
splits injection, unfavourable zonal water-front propagation and changing reservoir conditions/scenario
over time. Hence, zonal control with optimum valve design are critical to achieve the optimal IOR RMP.
Treated injection sea water will be used for injections and to cater any injection treatment upsets, metallurgy
selections is one of the key consideration in the completions architecture and its accessories. A process
was established to ensure a cost-effective completion which both meets the objectives and maintaining the
accuracy of required injectivity result.
Predrilled injectivity and conformance study were performed for 2 water injectors with 3 zones
respectively to ensure the optimum valve sizing design. Study starts with the base case simulation assuming
no downhole zonal control (i.e. all zones are fully open) to understand zonal injection performance and
distribution, i.e. subsequently served as a guide for the zonal control strategy. Collectively with the defined
zonal injection control objectives including target injection rate for all cases and zonal injection split ratio,
zonal control strategies are then incorporated into the modeling for optimum valve sizing by considering
the pre-defined constraints that will be discussed further in the next section.
Final valve sizing range optimization was achieved to ensure the design working range for balancing
zonal injection contribution effectively and providing effective zonal outflow control required for future
zonal injection selectivity. Real time updates of reservoir properties and well trajectory was done upon
drilling to TD to ensure the feasibility of the valve that is working within actual RIH design range prior to
the injection phase in Q4 2018. Actual petrophysical data (Figure 1) was compared to the dynamic model
and evaluation has been done to finalize the completion design and to ensure pre-drilled design validity.

Figure 1—Well BWI-01 Actual OH Log

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Zonal Valve Sizing and Range Optimization for Intelligent Completions

The active downhole control intelligent completions system in both wells were incorporated with permanent
downhole sensors (Pressure and Temperature) and surface-controlled downhole flow control valve (FCV).
This has enabled Resevoir Surveillance Engineer to monitor, evaluate and actively manage the zonal
injection (i.e. by means of surface-adjustable downhole valves via hydrallic actuation and control) in
realtime without any well interventions.
Flow Control Valve implementation are usually in a challenging environment for instance where the
reservoir section are subjected to zonal permeability-contrast (i.e. reservoir heterogeneity) and the regions
of reservoir pressure variation. In this case, the 3 intervals are having a wide range of permeability, k.
Hence, without FCV in place it will be really challenging to control the water injection in a mutli zone
injection wells, resulting in irregular, uncontrolled flood-front and ‘short-circuited’ injected water-break
from injection to producer. Therefore, with FCV, the target water injection rate for each zone can be achieved
and subsequently provides an even sweeping of oil in ‘B’ field targeted reservoir sections. This has resulted
in improving oil recovery and reducing the undesirable pre-mature water breakthrough at producers.
The surface-adjustable and hydraulically-actuated intelligent valve-control system is responsive with the
variable valve choke positions, which can be manipulated throughout the well lifetime. With the guidance of
permanent downhole (tubing and annulus) pressure and temperature monitoring for derivation of injection
rates and thus over-intakes, this mechanism provides the respond to remedy zonal injectivity in coping with
future injectivity profile changes and injectivity anomalies.
These FCV wells were installed with maximum of ‘8'valve positions (i.e. open, close and six choking
positions in between) for each zone. In order to identify an optimum valve size, a detail valve-sizing
optimization exercise was performed for each well. This is an important step in the multizone injection
in order to ensure a sensible and responsive variable flow control valve range that corresponds effectively
to the appropriate distribution of the water injection volume and zonal split required for uniform pressure
maintenance or more balanced voidage replacement.

Figure 2—Example of injector without FCV- Premature water breakthrough

Figure 3—Example of injector with FCV - An even sweeping of oil

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Basically, the valve sizing and optimization were based on below criteria;

• To achieve total injection target rate (base and high case scenarios)

• To achieve zonal injection split ratio

• Surface injection pressure should not exceed more than the defined fracture pressure by operator
to ensure matrix injections is achieved.
Apart from the considerations in the above criteria, sensitivity analysis was also performed for different
reservoir pressure and tubing sizes range with different metallurgy. This is to address the varying complexity
of the reservoir uncertainties that are captured in the IC modeling and optimization workflow as per in
Figure 4.

Figure 4—Design Workflow

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Downhole Zonal Injectivity Control Simulation

A zonal model with 3 reservoir layers, Figure 5 was built for the downhole zonal injectivity control
simulation. The water injector zonal control objectives for both wells are as per Table 1 below;

Figure 5—ICV Zonal Model

Table 1—Zonal Control Objectives

Zonal Control Objectives BWI-01 BWI-02

Total Injection Targe Rate • BC- 10,000 BWPD • BC- 9000 BWPD

• HC- 18,000 BWPD • HC- 18,000 BWPD

Zonal Injection Split Ratio • BC - Z1:Z2:Z3 (50%:25%:25%) • BC - Z1:Z2:Z3 (39%:24%:37)

• HC - Z1:Z2:Z3 (40%:40%:20%) • HC - Z1:Z2:Z3 (39%:24%:37)

Max. Surface Injection Pressure ≤ 2350 psi ≤2350 psi

Max. Bottomhole Annulus Pressure ~4200 – 4350 psi • <5000 psi@ Pr −2200psi

• <5200 psi @ Pr −3100psi

*BC-Base Case
*HC-High case

The zonal model is based on surface injection pressure as one of the control constraint. Basically, reservoir
parameters such as Pr, K, h and skin were the inputs into this simulation. Since Pr and skin were the uncertain
parameters, sensitivity analysis on their impacts was also performed.
As for the base case, all the 3 zones were subjected to water injection at fully open (FO) condition. This
is to understand the zonal injection distribution in FO condition.
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Figure 6 and 7 showing results for well BWI-01 and BWI-02. With the injection surface pressure of
2350psi, there is imbalanced zonal injection distribution for boths wells. This result shows that downhole
control valve for zonal injection control is required to meet the target injection rate for each zone. The
injection rate will be obviously highest in the highest kh zone compare to the lower kh zone. If this
uncontrolled injection condition continues, the oil producer will suffer from an early water breakthrough,
undermining the injection energy applied for oil sweep and displacement efficiency.

Figure 6—Injection Rate Distribution Plot for Well BWI-01 (Base case)

Figure 7—Injection Rate Distribution Plot for Well BWI-02 (Base case)

The base case results were used as a guideline for the zonal valve sizing in order to meet the target
injection split ratio and also the pre-defined objectives as tabulated in Table 1.
Figure 8, showing an example summary results plot of sensitivity analysis performed for well BWI-01
using different tubing ID at the required reservoir pressure of 2400 psi and surface injection pressure ≤ 2350
psi. Skin of 30 was applied to simulate the worst injection-capability case scenario. Zonal injection with
FCV at initial start of injection with both tubing sizes 5 ½" or 4 ½" met all the target rates (10-18k bwpd)
and the target zonal splits as per requirement for both base and high cases. All the optimical IC cases are
confirmed to stay below the provided fracture pressure. The final optimal valve size configurations for the
both well are in the range of 0.05 to 0.2 in2.
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Figure 8—Summary results plot for Well BWI-01 with different tubing ID

Intelligent Water Injector Completions Design

To enable Intelligent Water Injector Completions Design for zonal monitoring and control, each zone
comprises with multiport hydraulic set packer, hydraulic actuated Flow Control Valve (FCV) and Permanent
Downhole Gauge. Extensive tubular movement simulation was conducted to ensure Completions System
designed can sustain load throughout well life. Figure 9 shows the illustration of multizone configuration

Figure 9—Illustration of the designated FCV Full SIT Setup with Hydraulic Control Lines and HPU
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Figure 10—Actual Hydralic Flatpacks used for SIT

Figure 11—FCV Cycling activity charted

Figure 12—Various type of cable protector tested with its specific coupling and control lines
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Figure 13—WHO test with Flange Adapter was checked for proper interface and clearence

Figure 14—Dual Exit Flange Adapter SIT with Wellhead Compact Housing

Figure 15—TH Fitting with TH Port FIT Test and wrapping multi-lines in wellhead compact housing
10 IADC/SPE-191031-MS

Figure 16—BWI-01 Step Rate Test Results Plot

Hydraulic actuated flow control valve designed has eight positions; Fully Open, Fully Close and 6 finite
chokes. The control lines used to actuate the FCV uses the principle of N+1 in which N is referring to the
number of valve. In total, for 3 zone's FCV, 4ea Hydraulic Control Line deployed for FCV Valve actuation.
Zonal tubing and annulus permanent downhole gauges that reads pressure and temperature for each
zone can transmit data every second to enable real time reservoir monitoring. Six downhole gauges was
multidropped with one Permanent Downhole Cable (PDC) from the bottom-most zone until Tubing Hanger
(TH). Wellhead Outlet (WHO) is terminated as interface from downhole cable to surface cable which was
then connected to Surface Acquisition Unit (SAU). Up to 16 wells can connect to single SAU which simplify
surface design for future wells.
Multiport hydraulic-set packer provides zonal isolation for multizone application. Hydraulic Control
Lines and PDC from bottomhole was fed through the packer and packers’ feedthrough fitting were
terminated and pressure tested to ensure good seal integrity. Splices are made up above each packer
repeatatively to provide continuation to surface.
System Integration Test (SIT) is critical to ensure all critical interface is checked and tested for smooth
offshore operations. Listed below are SIT conducted prior installation to ensure the job can be done

• Multidrop FCV to simulate downhole configuration with Surface Hydraulic Pump Unit (HPU)

• The designated FCV was actuated manually using the hydraulic cable and using specific key which
is part of contingency plan.
• Multidrop multiple PDG were set up to simulate downhole configuration with SAU

• Cable protectors SIT were performed with Hydraulic Control Lines Flatpacks and PDC

• WHO with Wellhead Compact Housing was inspected to ensure no obstruction and proper interface

• Dual Exit Flange Adapter was checked with Wellhead Compact Housing

• Compatibility of TH Fitting and TH were checked against the hydraulic control lines and PDC.
TH was fed with control lines and PDC and placed inside the wellhead compact housing. Control
lines and PDC were then wrapped and fed through dual flange exit block to ensure sufficient space
for wellhead termination.
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Detailed planning during design stage, procurement, base preparation and execution has resulted in
successful two wells installation with zero Non-Productive Time (NPT). In addition, several lessons learnt
from the first well was captured to improve efficiency for the second well which has saved one day of rig
time for the second well. It is very valuable rig-time saving, thus money-saving for such offshore operation
as further explained below:

• Different types of encapsulation were used from TH to top packer and from top packer to bottom
most zone in order to address the compatibility of the well fluid to the control lines’ encapsulation
material. Due to this, it increases the number of spoolers to be used. Due to tight space on the
platform, not all spoolers can be spotted on the deck. Hence, spooler in use is required to be rigged
down to locate the other spooler. This has translated in additional rig time. For the second well,
in order to eliminate to change out spooler while running in hole, the two types of flatpacks was
pre-spaced out and secured in one spooler.
• Concurrent hydraulic and electrical splices above packer were performed in the second wells to
save rig time
Several best practices are captured from the installation that can be replicated in similar completions
design for future campaign as listed below:

• Using a correct tubular handling equipment for running Intelligent Completion with multiple
control line to prevent tubing pinch with the precision slip elevator
• Run in hole with the bottom most FCV in open position so that if there is any well control issue,
well can still be killed from the bottom of the string.
• Safety injection valve is installed to prevent sand production to surface due to water hammering
and swapping effect during flowback downhole due to planned/unplanned surface shut-off later
during injection. This eliminates the installation of sand screen in the well which requires multiple
run of completion assy.

Results and Discussion

Both BWI-01 and BWI-02 were successfully completed with ZERO HSE/NPT. There were no operational
issues recorded during installations of the intelligent well components.
In 2017, a step rate test applying surface choke was performed to measure the well injectivity performance
at various injection rate. The test was conducted in both BWI-01 and BWI-02 where all the FCVs were at
fully open position. In this paper, only well BWI-01's step rate results will be discussed as a representation;

• The Permeability and its contrast in these reservoirs contributes towards the highest uncertainty.
Post drilling result showed that, permeability for all zones are observed to be higher than prognosis
value used during design phase. The zone to zone permeability differences ranging from 200mD
to 1.7D. Hence during the design phase an average permeability across a zone has been taken into
consideratons to cover the high range permeability differences.
• Highest injection rate tested was at 15,000bwpd at surface injection pressure of 1150psig at 75/64"
choke size. Downhole pressure is still 30% lower than the estimated fracture pressure of 4200 psig.
• Surface injection pressure (i.e. <1150 psig) is comparatively lower than designed surface injection
pressure at all the test points indicating good reservoir injectivity (i.e. Maximum Allowable
ITHP=2200 psig). This shows more volume is allowable for injection. However, the volume of
injection has to be advised based on 3D dyanamic simulation as it should reflect in the production
gain as counter-measure for the injection efficiency.
• It is in the planning to perform the zone by zone injection test in the future to calibrate the zonal
FCV model before exercising the analysed optimal valve setings. Eventhough the target injection
12 IADC/SPE-191031-MS

rate at surface (i.e referring to base case) and suface injection rate were met, the optimal valve
settings (i.e valves’ positions comingledly) can only be manipulated/maneuvered effectively with
the newly acquired data to meet the zonal injection target for an efficient floodfront propagation,
sweep and voidage replacement

The 2 water injector wells in B Field have been successfully deployed with Intelligent Completions as
the first water injectors with this type of downhole flow control valves and zonal measurement (P/T)
permanently in Malaysia. This technology solution is aimed at assisting the Reservoir Surveillance Engineer
to monitor the zonal injection conformance, injectivity performance and zonal selectivity over times of
planned volume-injection or contingency-of-changes in real time without any well interventions. With
"8" positions’ valve in place, the Production Engineer could be able to optimize the zonal valve setting
effectively across comingled injection multi-zones more rigorously to achieve the target zonal injection rate
and exerting downhole flow control in respond to zonal analysis. Meanwhile the asset Reservoir engineers
benefit from applying the downhole permament measurement of pressure and temperature data for further
reservoir management plan (RMP). Meanwhile, diagnostics of the efficiency of floodfront propagation,
sweep and voidage displacement can be analysed before updating the dynamic model of the field IOR for

The authors would like to thank the project team of PETRONAS Carigali and SCHLUMBERGER for the
full support to make this SPE paper publications possible. We also would like to thank each and everyone
who has contributed in the execution of this "First" implementation of FCV in PETRONAS Carigali's 2
Injector wells.

FCV - Flow Control Valve
Pr - Reservoir Pressure
Kh - Permeability.Reservoir Thickness
TH - Tubing Hanger
WHO - Wellhead Outlet
SAU - Surface Acquisition Unit
PDC - Permanent Downhole Cable
SIT - System Integration Test
HPU - Hydraulic Pump Unit
PDG - Permanent Downhole Gauge
NPT - Non-Productive Time
FIT - Fast Inspection Test

M.E. Mohammed Tawfik, S. MOHD, C. Ogbonna, A. Ahmad, SPE, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Ian Raw, Gordon
Goh, P.K. Kaka Singh, SPE, Schlumberger.: Innovative Solution to Produce Intelligently from a Multi-zone Gravel-
packed Completion with a Multi Drop Hydraulic Module - First in Offshore Malaysia, SPE 167421
Mahendra Pratap, ONGC, Zahari B. Ibrahim, PRSS and Mohd. G. Karim, Petronas Carigali: Reservoir simulation study
of Baronia field, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia indicates higher Reserves and OIIP, SPE 64442

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