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Ritchelle C Marvan

Bsoa 1 Block 10

PES Report


What is abortion?

Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a child. Sometimes it is
called 'termination of pregnancy'.

BPAS cares for women with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. They treat thousands of women
who've decided that abortion is the right choice for them, and give advice and counselling to women
who don't know what to do next.

There are two types of abortion treatment, 'Medical' and 'Surgical' abortion:

1. Medical abortion: The abortion pill

Some women feel that a medical abortion is a more natural process.

2. Surgical abortion

Surgical abortion involves a quick, minor operation.

Evidence shows that abortion rates are higher in countries where there is limited access to
contraception. Abortion rates are lower where people, including adolescents have information about
and can access modern contraceptive methods and where comprehensive sexuality education is
available and there is access to safe and legal abortion on broad grounds

An abortion is when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. Sometimes
this is called 'termination of pregnancy'.

The causes of Abortion:

1. Birth control failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method
during the month they became pregnant

2. Inability to support or care for a child.

3. To end an unwanted pregnancy.

4. To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often
unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.

5. Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.

Effects of Abortion:

1. Regret

2. Anger

3. Guilty feelings

4. Shame

5. Sense of loneliness or isolation

6. Loss of confidence

7. Insomnia or nightmares

8. Relationship issues

9. Suicidal thoughts or feelings

10. Eating disorders, Depression and Anxiety

Solutions to the Issue of Abortion :

-Comprehensive healthcare
- sex education

- easy access to contraceptives

- family management

- education for women

- helping people in need

You can Call it Abortion but it's Still a murder on eyes of God and to the people..

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