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Blake Fuller

Aaden Amador
Ethan Fraginals
Mrs. Meyers
English 1 P4

He wears the mask

An illusion
To put away his old self
That is innocent
That is unsure
That is hesitant to kill

A painted face
Now no longer himself
But now a stranger
That is full of rage
Hungry for more than just violence
Empowered by his evil intentions
The only joy he experiences is at the sight of pain

The sun sank

Darkness dropped on the island
His once normal laugh
Transformed into a dark bloodthirsty snarl
The wind grew stronger
Cuffing the head of the forest
Till they roar
His original self
Now obsessed with killing
gives in to his evil impulsions
Impulsions that control him like a ruthless monster

He uses and manipulates his followers

Driven by his need for attention and glory
He seeks power over his peers
His intimidating attitude strikes fear

He slowly gains knowledge

Knowledge that will only lead to trouble

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