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Modules Core Functions

Organizational Chart would link to each employee's profile, when creating an

employee on HRIS, there should be a Position Number that will determine
each position and separate from each other. E.g, there are 5 Plant Attendant,
each plant Attendant should carry a different number to differentiate from
each other.
Organizational Charts

New Employees are to be added on the HRIS, generating a unique employee

ID. Once all the fields are completed and the profile is save, the system should
be able to tell that each employee on the system is active and still employee.
Once they are active, HR should be able to make changes such as promoting
employees, transfering, changing salary information or even deactiving the
employee once they have left.
New Employee

Compensation Module is used to save Payroll Information, such as Salary Base

and Incentives (Monthly, Fortnightly, Daily or Hourly) Banking information.
When there is a change in salary, there should be history data that shows the
change and date it was change, each change in compensation should be linked
to changes in their employee status, ie, if an employee is promoted and get a
20% increase, there should be an area for reasons for the change.


This module should be to enter disciplinary matters and greviences, track its
progress, store data and record resolution date of each matter. Must be able
to give history data on IR/ ER Matters.

IR/ Employee Relations

HRIS should be able to record and store data on different benefit plans each
employee is in, eg. Some employee may have different pension plans, they
should be able to see all active benefits they are contributing too. Eg. If an
employee is contributing 5% of their base salary of $5,000 to their pension
plan, HRIS should be able to
store this information

Leave Management on HRIS should benefit all parties, HR, Supervisors and
Employees. HR Needs to enter onto the system employees entitlement for
Vacation, Sick Leave and Casual.
However, the system should be built in a way, where it can capture all types of
leave, inclusive of Berevement, Maternity, Paternity, Injury Leave etc. It should
also give us employees entitlement, used days, leave balance, total utilized
days. Employees should be able to go onto the system and apply for days,
Leave Management then the system should re-direct to line manager/ direct supervisor. Once they
approve on the system then the leave days will be saved

HR should be able to pull various reports, such as employee dump,

absenteeism, manpower report, new hires report, leavers/ exit report, critical
positions report, birthday listing, retirement report, age listing, training report,
high performers report, low performers report, compensation report, pension
listing, life and health listing,
emergency contact report, disciplinary report etc.

HR Fun ctions Supervisors View and Functions

Viewing/ Editing
HR should be able to add Each Supervisor/Manager should be
new positions, make able to see where they are located
adjustments to their details on the Organizational Chart and
and should be able to archive their direct reports and those
a position once the position reporting under their direct reports.
is no longer available

HR should be able to add Should be able to see employees

new employees linking it to that are reporting to them but
Position Numbers on should have limited information,
Organizational Chart, HR can such as Employee name, position,
create new employees, department, division, employment
terminate, promote or date, probation date, emergency
transfer employees Editing contact and telephone contact.

HR should be able to enter

compensation information
when an employee is
entered onto the system,
when there are salary
increases or promotions
Editing N/A

HR should be able to
create multiple greviences
and Disciplinary Fields to
store data. Managers/ Supervisors should be
able to view this aspect not edit.

HR Should be able to add
employees' benefits on HRIS.
Administer each to health/
life and pension, upload
supporting documents that
goes with their
admission documents

Editing N/A
HR should be able to enter
employees absent days if it
was not previously requested
prior to use. HR should be
able to pull reports on
absenteeism. Give total days
and absenteeism rate per Managers/ Supervisor can approve
month/ or the duration the Editing leave requests, view leave balances
report is pulled for. and pull reports on absenteeism

HR would be the only

personel pulling reports Viewing/ Editing N/A
Employees' View and Proposed
Functions Timelines
ors View and Functions

Viewing/ Editing Viewing/ Editing

Employees should be able to
see where they are on the
company's organizational chart
and their team E.g HR
Coordinator should be able to
see where they are in HRs Org
Viewing Chart and the entire of HR's Viewing 19th April
Org Chart

Employees should be able to

see their core information,
such as employment date,
position, department,
probationary date, email
address, salary, home
Viewing addresss, emergency contact Viewing 06th April 2023
and telephone contact.

Employees should be able to

view their salary. They can also
make requests on the system
to Change their banking
information, however, when
they make the request, it
should be re-routed to Payroll
Viewing for approval. They should also Viewing 14th April 2023
be able to view their payslip.

Employees should be able to

view and not edit details Viewing

Viewing 19th April

Employees should be able to
view their benefit plans and Viewing
their contribution

N/A 14th April 2023

Employees can apply for leave
and view their absenteeism
rate, they should be able to
see their entitlments, utilized
days, balance days and total
utilized days.

Editing Editing 19th April

N/A N/A N/A 30th April

Status Completion Date

In Progress 50% TBD

In Progress TBD

Pending TBD

Pending TBD
Pending TBD

Pending TBD

In Progress

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