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ABB Power Systems

ESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure
User Manual
User Manual FOX61x
ESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure

Release History: Release 1A: October 2013

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB LTD.

Manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying,
reproduction, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form
is not permitted, either in whole or in part. The contents of the manual may not be disclosed
by the recipient to any third party, without the prior written agreement of ABB.
An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use. For
devices with embedded software, the end-user license agreement on the enclosed CD
This document may not be used for any purposes except those specifically authorised by
contract or otherwise in writing by ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however ABB accepts no liability
whatsoever for any error or omission in the information contained herein and gives no other
warranty or undertaking as to its accuracy.
ABB can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of
use specified in the license contract.
ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without prior notice.

Blank pages: Any blank page present is to accommodate double-sided printing.

Document No.: 1KHW028546

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © October 2013 by ABB Switzerland Ltd
Table of Contents

1 Purpose and scope 5

2 Background information 7
2.1 Target ESW sets 8

3 Upgrade prerequisites 9
3.1 Use case 1: upgrade from system release R1A Dec 2012 10
3.2 Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A SP00 Apr 2013 11
3.3 Use case 3: add a redundant core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F) 12

4 ESW upgrade procedure 13

4.1 Prepare the FOX ESW upgrade (download new ESW) 13
4.2 Execute the FOX ESW upgrade 15

5 Feature upgrade: Redundancy 17

6 Annex 19
6.1 Terms and abbreviations 19
6.2 References 19

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 3

4 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure

1 Purpose and scope

This User Manual (manual) describes the procedure for upgrading a
FOX612 or FOX615 network element from...
• software provided with system release R1A, published in December
2012, or
• software provided with system release R1A SP00, published in April
to ...
• software provided with system release R1A SP01 published in autumn
Upgrades from system release states earlier than R1A are not supported
since they include functionality that is incompatible with the system release
R1A contents.
This manual also describes prerequisites for the FOXCST and for the
FOX61x units that can be upgraded.
Beside the set of units and their embedded software (ESW) also some more
prerequisites need to be fulfilled in order to upgrade successfully. Please
refer to section 3 "Upgrade prerequisites" (page 9) for details.

Please note:
An ESW running on a FOX61x unit can be a regular ESW, a hotfix ESW, a
test ESW, or a customer specific ESW, as shown in the following example.
→ The ESW names are composed as follows:
regular ESW: <name>_rnxnn (e.g. samo1_r3c06),
hotfix ESW: <name>_rnxnn_nn (e.g. samo1_r3c06_01),
test ESW: <name>_rnxnn_tnn (e.g. samo1_r3c06_t01),
customer ESW: <name>_rnxnn_cnn (e.g. samo1_r3c06_c01),
<name> stands for the ESW name in small letters and digits,
n stands for a digit 1 .. 9,
x stands for a letter a .. z,
nn stands for two digits 01 .. 99.
Any test ESW or customer ESW running on a unit that is to be upgraded
may present an increased risk for encountering problems during the upgrade

Please note:
Before upgrading, check if any hotfix ESW is available - either provided by
ABB customer support or via download on the ABB Extranet
( - for the units you want to upgrade.
Hotfixes are correcting deficiencies of previously published versions of the

Please note:
Please contact ABB customer support (see 6.1 "Terms and abbreviations"
on page 19) if you have ESW running on any of your units that is different
from the ESW types and versions listed in Table 2: "Upgradeable units and
ESW for use case 1" (page 10) or Table 3: "Upgradeable units and ESW for
use case 2" (page 11).

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 5


The upgrade procedure described in this manual is exclusively applicable

for the FOX61x units listed in the “Unit name” column of the following tables:
• For upgrading from the initial R1A system release (published in Decem-
ber 2012) to the current contents of the system release R1A SP01:
Table 2: "Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 1" (page 10).
• For upgrading from the R1A SP00 system release published in April 2013
to the current contents of the system release R1A SP01: Table 3:
"Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 2" (page 11).
Units that are not listed in these tables are not upgradeable with the proce-
dure described in this manual.

Please note:
Table 2: and Table 3: list the required ESW versions before starting the
upgrade but may not consider all latest hotfixes. The tables show the latest
ESW that was available at the editorial deadline of the present manual.
Newer ESW may have been published since that date.
Table 1: in section 2.1 "Target ESW sets" (page 8) lists the target ESW ver-
sions after the upgrade.
→ Make sure that you have installed the latest ESW hotfixes (where
available) of the respective system release on each of the units
before starting the upgrade procedure. Hotfixes can be downloaded
from the ABB Extranet (
For more details about the ESW released with the FOX61x system release
R1A SP01, please refer to 1KHW002459 FOX61x Release Notes.

6 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


2 Background information
You need to follow a specific procedure for upgrading...
• the core unit CESM1 or CESM1-F of a FOX61x network element;
• the service units of a FOX61x network element.
The prerequisites for the upgrade are described in section 3 "Upgrade pre-
requisites" (page 9), while the step by step upgrade procedure is described
in section 4 "ESW upgrade procedure" (page 13).

Risk of system crash!

If an upgrade is done while operating units with a HW or ESW state not
matching the states or versions given in this manual the FOX61x may get
into an operation state that doesn’t allow to provide services as expected.
Also in case of complying with the HW and ESW states and versions given
in this manual there is a small risk of getting the FOX61x into an operation
state that doesn’t allow to provide services as expected after the upgrade.
→ In such a case we recommend to restore the previous configuration
and contact ABB customer support (see 6.1 "Terms and abbrevia-
tions" on page 19).
→ Make sure that you save the NE configuration and create a backup
file before proceeding to the upgrade procedure.

Risk of system crash!

Upgrading FOX61x network elements with FOXMAN-UN is not supported
with the current release and may lead to an operation state that doesn’t
allow to provide services as expected.
→ Do not perform the upgrade with FOXMAN-UN.
→ The upgrade procedure described herein requires a standalone instal-
lation of the local management tool FOXCST and is only supported
while using the standalone FOXCST version.

Risk of system crash!

Unit placement in slot 13 of a FOX61x subrack is not supported in the cur-
rent release for the following units: EPSI1, SAMO2, SAMO2-F, ETOP1,
ETOP1-F, ELET1, EPOI1, SAMO1. Taking any of these units into operation
in slot 13 may lead to an instable or non-operating system.
→ Do not plug or take into operation any of the above units in slot 13 of a
FOX61x, but use any other slot (except slot 11).
→ TDM units without access to the Ethernet backplane, i.e. LESU1,
TEPRO, OPTIM, can be placed and operated in slot 13. However, if
you are using or intend to use core unit redundancy, the slot 13 is
reserved for the redundant core unit (see section 3.3 "Use case 3: add
a redundant core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F)" (page 12)).

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 7


Please note:
When doing a NE Software Download while using CESM1 / CESM1-F
redundancy, FOXCST is checking which of the two core units is the active
one and, after installation of the new ESW, FOXCST restarts the standby
core unit before the active core unit, so that the active core unit remains the

2.1 Target ESW sets

Please note:
The target set of units and related embedded software (ESW) need to be in
accordance with the items listed in Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8)
→ Before starting the upgrade procedure you need the target ESW types
and versions as listed in Table 1: available on the machine that is run-
ning the FOXCST.

Table 1: Units and target ESW

Unit name Target ESW1) after upgrading
CESM1, CESM1-F cesun_r1f02
CESM1, CESM1-F: NE Controller cesne_r1f02
EPSI1 epsi1_r2c02
LEDE1 lede1_r4c03
SAMO2, SAMO2-F samo2_r1e03
DATI1 dati1_r5c03
ETOP1, ETOP1-F etop1_r1d01
ELET1 elet1_r1d01
EPOI1 epoi1_r1a18
LESU1 lesu1_r2b03
SAMO1 samo1_r3c08
LEDS1 leds1_r2d02
LEDA1 leda1_r2c02
LECO1 leco1_r1c03
LEXI1 lexi1_r2b04
1) Use the latest hotfix where available.

8 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


3 Upgrade prerequisites
This section lists the prerequisites that you need to fulfil before you can start
the upgrade procedure of your FOX61x network elements.
The following upgrade method is described in this manual:
• upgrade using the FOXCST GUI with the “NE Software Download” func-
tion, using the “System Release Upgrade” algorithm, for one FOX61x net-
work element at a time.
In general there are other possible ways to upgrade a FOX61x, like an
upgrade using the FOXCST GUI with the “NE Software Download” function
and the “Upgrade Units Only” algorithm, or an upgrade using the FOXCST
GUI with manual upgrade of each unit; however these are not supported for
a system upgrade and are not covered in the present manual.
This section distinguishes three major use cases:
• 3.1 "Use case 1: upgrade from system release R1A Dec 2012" (page 10);
• 3.2 "Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A SP00 Apr 2013"
(page 11);
• 3.3 "Use case 3: add a redundant core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F)"
(page 12).

Please note:
For executing an upgrade according to “Use case 3: add a redundant core
unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F)” it is required that you have successfully com-
pleted an upgrade in accordance with “Use case 1: upgrade from system
release R1A Dec 2012” or “Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A
SP00 Apr 2013”.
If you have conditions that do not match one of these use cases please con-
tact ABB customer support (see 6.1 "Terms and abbreviations" on page 19).

Please note:
In any case you need to install the FOXCST R1B, if not yet done, before
starting the upgrade procedure.

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 9


3.1 Use case 1: upgrade from system release R1A Dec


For use case 1 the following prerequisites must be fulfilled to start an

1. One core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F) in slot 11; service units in any of
the remaining slots (see warning related to the use of slot 13 in section 2
"Background information" (page 7));
2. Unit ESW as per Table 2: "Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 1"
(page 10) below;
3. Fault free units, i.e. no equipment related alarms such as hardware or
software incompatibilities or units that are unassigned.

Table 2: Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 1

Unit name Initial ESW before upgrading
CESM1, CESM1-F cesun_r1c16_02
CESM1, CESM1-F: NE Controller cesne_r1c16_02
EPSI1 epsi1_r2b07
LEDE1 lede1_r4b06
SAMO2, SAMO2-F samo2_r1b09_06
DATI1 dati1_r5b01
ETOP1, ETOP1-F etop1_r1a45
ELET1 elet1_r1a45
LESU1 lesu1_r2b03
SAMO1 samo1_r3b04
LEDS1 leds1_r2c04
LEDA1 leda1_r2b07
LECO1 leco1_r1c03
LEXI1 lexi1_r2b04

Please note:
Please contact ABB technical support (see 6.1 "Terms and abbreviations" on
page 19) if any of the units in your FOX61x is running an ESW not listed
above, or if you operate units that are not listed above.

Please note:
Make sure that you have installed the ESW that corresponds to the versions
listed in Table 2: "Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 1" (page 10),
including the latest hotfix where available.
Once you fulfil the above prerequisites, you are ready to proceed to the
upgrade procedure described in section 4 "ESW upgrade procedure"
(page 13).

10 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


3.2 Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A

SP00 Apr 2013

For use case 2 the following prerequisites must be fulfilled to start an

1. One core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F) in slot 11, or two core units
(CESM1 or CESM1-F) in slots 11 and 13; service units in any of the
remaining slots (see warning related to the use of slot 13 in section 2
"Background information" (page 7));
2. Unit ESW as per Table 3: "Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 2"
(page 11) below;
3. Fault free units, i.e. no equipment related alarms such as hardware or
software incompatibilities or units that are unassigned.

Table 3: Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 2

Unit name Initial ESW before upgrading
CESM1, CESM1-F cesun_r1d14
CESM1, CESM1-F: NE Controller cesne_r1d14
EPSI1 epsi1_r2b07
LEDE1 lede1_r4b06
SAMO2, SAMO2-F samo2_r1c07
DATI1 dati1_r5b01
ETOP1, ETOP1-F etop1_r1b13
ELET1 elet1_r1b13
LESU1 lesu1_r2b03
SAMO1 samo1_r3b04
LEDS1 leds1_r2c04
LEDA1 leda1_r2b07
LECO1 leco1_r1c03
LEXI1 lexi1_r2b04

Please note:
Please contact ABB technical support (see 6.1 "Terms and abbreviations" on
page 19) if any of the units in your FOX61x is running an ESW not listed
above, or if you operate units that are not listed above.

Please note:
Make sure that you have installed the ESW that corresponds to the versions
listed in Table 3: "Upgradeable units and ESW for use case 2" (page 11),
including the latest hotfix where available.
Once you fulfil the above prerequisites, you are ready to proceed to the
upgrade procedure described in section 4 "ESW upgrade procedure"
(page 13).

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 11


3.3 Use case 3: add a redundant core unit (CESM1 or


Use case 3 describes the enhancement of adding a second, redundant core

unit to a FOX61x network element that is currently operated with a single
core unit in slot 11.
Core unit redundancy has been added as a feature with the maintenance
ESW release in 2013 (initial version in April 2013, final version in September
2013) and is available with the core unit ESW set “cesne_r1f02” and
Before adding a redundant core unit you need to perform an upgrade to the
latest core unit ESW according to “Use case 1: upgrade from system release
R1A Dec 2012” or “Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A SP00 Apr
For use case 3 the following prerequisites must be fulfilled to start an
1. One core unit (CESM1 or CESM1-F) is operated in slot 11;
2. Service units are operated in any of the remaining slots except slot 13;
3. An upgrade according to “Use case 1: upgrade from system release R1A
Dec 2012” or “Use case 2: upgrade from system release R1A SP00 Apr
2013” has been successfully completed, i.e. all running unit ESW is as
per Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8);
4. All units are fault free, i.e. no equipment related active alarms such as
hardware or software incompatibilities or units that are unassigned.
Once you fulfil the above prerequisites, you are ready to proceed to the
upgrade procedure described in section 5 "Feature upgrade: Redundancy"
(page 17).

12 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


4 ESW upgrade procedure

Please note:
You may only perform the upgrade procedure if all prerequisites given for
one of the listed use cases in section 3 "Upgrade prerequisites" (page 9) are

Risk of operating trouble!

Any deviation from the steps described herein for the upgrade procedure
conceal a risk of operating trouble after the upgrade procedure.
→ Make sure you follow these steps to minimize the risk of system una-
vailability or malfunction.

Risk of operating trouble!

Please note that the upgrade procedure will interrupt services for up to a few
→ If you do not want services to be interrupted at the moment, do not
perform the upgrade now but choose a time for the upgrade when the
impact of service interruptions on customers is minimal.
→ As a first step you will need to download the new ESW to the
FOX61x without installing the new ESW and without re-starting the
units yet. This considerably reduces the risk of a failed upgrade. Also
see steps 9. to 15. in the procedure below.

Please note:
The risk of failed upgrades can be further reduced by having only one man-
agement connection active to your FOX61x during the upgrade.
You will need to perform the following steps for upgrading.

4.1 Prepare the FOX ESW upgrade (download new


Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure you have the latest element manager FOXCST installed (i.e.
the version FOXCST R1B) on your computer. For information on how to
install the FOXCST, please refer to 1KHW002465 FOXCST Installation
of the current FOX61x system release.
2. Start the FOXCST GUI.
3. Select the menu command “File - Manage ESW...”. In the “ESW Pack-
age Manager” dialogue window click on the “Import...” button.
4. Browse to the appropriate folder or file source containing the new
ESW/SIM files, select all ESW/SIM files needed to get your units to the
target ESW (see Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8)), and click on
the “Open” button.

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 13


5. Wait until all ESW/SIM files have been imported, then close the “ESW
Package Manager” dialogue with the “OK” button.
 You have successfully imported the required ESW / SIM files to the
6. Connect the FOXCST to the FOX61x to be upgraded, with user class
7. Make sure the equipment status is OK for all units to be upgraded. If this
is not the case, take the appropriate measures to correct this before pro-
ceeding. The appropriate measures depend on the type of fault.
8. Make sure there are no equipment related alarms active. If you have
equipment alarms, take the appropriate measures to correct this before
proceeding. The appropriate measures depend on the type of fault.
 You are now ready to configure the software download procedure.
9. Select the menu command “Tools - Software Download ...”. Wait until all
units are listed in the table, including the “/unit-11/neController”.
10. Select a unit you want to upgrade and click on the empty field in the
“Software to install” column.
11. From the list of available ESWs that is now opening, select the target
ESW in accordance with Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8). If the
required ESW is not available, import the required ESW as described
from step 3.
12. Mark the checkbox “Delete unused Software” to make sure there is
enough free memory on the unit to store the downloaded ESW.
13. Repeat the above steps 10. to 12. for every unit you want to upgrade,
including the core unit (one or two CESM1 or CESM1-F), and including
the “/unit-11/neController” and/or “/unit-13/neController” entries in the
table. Use the “Copy” command for units of the same type.
14. Double check that all settings displayed in the “Software Download” table
are correct.
 You are now ready to start the software download procedure.
15. When the ESW for each required unit is configured, click on the “Down-
load” button to start downloading the ESW files.
16. Wait until all ESW files have been downloaded to the respective units.
17. Double check that the downloaded ESW files (shown in the “Software
Download” table) are the correct ones, and that all required ESW files
have been successfully downloaded (see column “Status”).
18. If not all ESW files have been downloaded repeat the download for those
units having shown a failed download (make sure “Delete unused Soft-
ware” is checked to free up space in the unit’s flash memory).
19. Close the “NE Software Download” dialogue window by clicking the
“Close” button.
20. Perform a “Save to NE” operation of the network element configuration
to store the current running configuration to the NE database.
21. Make sure you have saved the NE configuration to your PC. If not, save
the NE configuration now.
 This is done on the FOXCST GUI by using the menu selection “File -
Save Configuration to Disk As ...”.
22. proceed with step 23. in section 4.2.

14 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


4.2 Execute the FOX ESW upgrade

This assumes that you have executed the steps 1. to 21. in section 4.1 "Pre-
pare the FOX ESW upgrade (download new ESW)" (page 13).
23. Make sure you are connected to the FOX61x NE you want to upgrade,
using the FOXCST GUI.
24. In the FOXCST GUI select the menu command “Tools - Software Down-
load ...”. Wait until all units in the subrack are listed in the table.
25. Select a unit you want to upgrade from the list and click on the field in
the “Software to install” column.
26. From the list of available ESWs select the target ESW in accordance
with Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8). This should cause the
text “Software is downloaded” to be displayed in the “Status” column.
27. Repeat the above steps 25. to 26. for every unit you want to upgrade.
This includes the “/unit-11/neController” entry in the table. Use the
“Copy” command for units of the same type, including the redundant
core unit, if available.
 You are now ready to start the software installation, i.e. the restart of the
units with the new ESW.
28. When the ESW for each required unit is configured and shows the status
“Software is downloaded”, click on the “Start ...” button to initiate the unit
reboot process.
29. When prompted with “Parameters for command [Download and] Start”
set the Start Algorithm to “System Release Upgrade”:

30. Click “OK” to apply the settings and start the reboot process.
31. Since you will lose the management connection to the FOX61x during
the reboot of the core unit(s), you need to re-connect to the FOX61x
when the ESW upgrade has been completed.
32. After re-connecting, check that everything is OK with the upgraded core
unit(s) and service units.
33. Save the NE configuration to your PC.
 This is done on the FOXCST GUI by using the menu selection “File -
Save Configuration to Disk As ...”, entering a name for the configura-
tion file, and clicking “Save”.
 You have successfully upgraded your FOX61x to the latest ESW.
End of instruction

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 15


16 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


5 Feature upgrade: Redundancy

If you have successfully completed an upgrade to the target ESW listed in
Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8), and if you are operating only one
core unit in the FOX61x network element you can now plug a core unit in slot
13 of the FOX61x, provided that you want to operate your FOX61x with core
unit redundancy.
Proceed as follows:
1. Get hold of a core unit CESM1 or CESM1-F in factory default state, i.e.
without ESW installed. Make sure the two core units are of the same HW
type. Do not use CESM1 and CESM1-F in the same subrack. CESM1 is
for fan-based operation only. CESM1-F is for fanless operation.
2. Plug the unit in slot 13 of your FOX61x. Wait until the bootloader soft-
ware has started and the unit appears in the shelf view and tree view of
3. Select the unit-13 in the tree view.
4. Expand the unit-13 in the tree view so that the “neController” item
appears. Select the “neController” item.
5. Select the “Main” tab in the right hand part of the FOXCST. Below the
“Main” tab select the “Software” tab.
6. Download the “NE Controller” ESW (cesne_r1f02.esw) from the Element
Manager to the unit, in accordance with Table 1: "Units and target ESW"
(page 8).
7. Once the ESW is downloaded and listed in the “Software On Unit” table,
select the downloaded ESW under “Configuration - Software” and apply
this setting by clicking on the button (“Apply changes to the NE”) in
the FOXCST main window. After that click on the “Start Software” button:

8. Wait until the software is started. Once started, the neController appears
like “neController: CESM1 Rxy (cesne_r1f02) : Ok” in the tree view.
 You have now installed the NE part of the core unit ESW in slot 13.
9. Click on the unit-13 item in the tree view.
10. Select the “Main” tab in the right hand part of the FOXCST. Below the
“Main” tab select the “Software” tab.
11. Download the unit ESW (cesun_r1f02.esw) from the Element Manager to
the unit, in accordance with Table 1: "Units and target ESW" (page 8).
12. Once the ESW is downloaded and listed in the “Software On Unit” table,
select the downloaded ESW under “Configuration - Software” and apply
this setting by clicking on the button (“Apply changes to the NE”) in
the FOXCST main window. After that click on the “Start Software” button:

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 17


13. Wait until the software is started. Once started, the unit-13 appears like
“unit-13: CESM1 Rxy (cesun_r1f02) : Plugged” in the tree view.
 You have now installed the unit ESW on the redundant core unit, but the
unit is not yet assigned.
14. Assign the unit in the tree view or shelf view via the context menu on the
15. Wait until the unit-13 status is “Ok (Standby)”; the unit-11 status should
then be “Ok (Active)”.
 The redundant core unit is now assigned and in standby mode. The
standby unit may not yet be synchronized with the active core unit.
16. If no alarm is active, go to step 18. below. If a “REDSBN” (Stand-by CU
Not Synchronized) alarm is active on the /unit-13/neController you may
need to join the two core units. Proceed with step 17.
17. On the “ne: FOX61x: Ok” item in the tree check the “Status” - “Redun-
dancy” tab. If the “All Components Synchronized” checkbox is empty,
and if the “Units Isolated” checkbox is marked, click on the “Join Units”
 You have now successfully installed basic core unit redundancy.
18. In order to have full protection of features and settings of the active core
unit, you now need to apply the relevant cabling and the settings of “unit-
11” to “unit-13” also. For more details on core unit settings refer to
1KHW002469 FOX61x CESM1.
19. Perform a “Save” operation on the NE. This will create a new database.
20. Save the NE configuration to your PC.
 This is done on the FOXCST GUI by using the menu selection “File -
Save Configuration to Disk As ...”, entering a name for the configura-
tion file, and clicking “Save”.
 You have successfully implemented core unit redundancy on your
End of instruction

18 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure


6 Annex
6.1 Terms and abbreviations

For an explanation of abbreviations and terms used in this document please

refer to 1KHW028514 FOX61x Terms and Abbreviations.

6.2 References

1KHW002459 FOX61x Release Notes

1KHW002465 FOXCST Installation
1KHW002466 FOXCST Operation
1KHW002469 FOX61x CESM1
1KHW028514 FOX61x Terms and Abbreviations

FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure 19


20 FOX61xESW R1A SP01 Upgrade Procedure

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ABB Switzerland Ltd

1KHW028546 © Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.

Power Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Tel. +41 58 585 77 37
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