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Blake Fuller

Mrs. Meyers

English 1, P4

22 February 2023

The desperate need for approval and pure power over one another has corrupted our society

day after day. Golding portrays this idea through the character Jack. Another flaw in society that

Golding depicts is judging a book by its cover. This is represented by Piggy being neglected each

day and misunderstood. These are only some of the endless flaws Golding presents through his

characters and their experiences.

Jack demonstrates his constant desire to be in control countless times throughout the story.

Starting from the very beginning Jack believes that he is the clear and only valuable choice to be

chief of the Island. Again, later in the story Jack manipulates his peers, making them believe

hunting is the most important island duty and even more necessary than going home. “Bollocks

to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and

beat and beat and beat” (Golding 99)! With this new savage ideology, the hunters turn to Jack

instead of Ralph. Jack achieves his goal to be in charge and emphasizes the bloodthirsty and

aggressive mindset upon his followers. Jack's goals and ways of thinking are displayed all

throughout the society we live in today. One example is gangs. Where one person wants control

over others regardless of the possible violence.

Further, Piggy is constantly taken advantage of and judged as weak and not valuable.

Regardless of Piggy’s numerous ideas and quick analysis skills he is bullied and overlooked

every day. Furthermore, Piggy’s various skills and smarts should have earned him the title of

chief, however his overweight frame and nerdy attire has limited his opportunities to be heard.

Many times, throughout the story, Piggy tries to take the conch and present his thoughts, but they

are ignored. “Piggy held up the conch and the booing sagged a little, then came up again to

strength. I got the conch he shouted, I tell you, I got the conch” (Golding 179-180)! In this quote

Piggy and Ralph are captured. Jack punches Ralph, and Ralph hits him back. Before they are

able to begin a full-on fight, Piggy begins to shout at the top of his voice trying to make himself

heard. No one cares at all; until he uses the fact that he has the conch to gain attention.

To conclude, Golding represents various flaws in society through his story Lord of the Flies.

The immediate need to be in control and have all the power. As well as the effects of seeking

total authority. Golding also displays misjudgment in our society with the character Piggy’s

unfortunate struggles. Overall, William Golding does a great job of pinpointing humanities major

flaws and spreading awareness for these issues through his writing.

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