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Blake Fuller and Ethan Fraginals

Mrs. Meyers

English 1 P4

26 January 2023

An Ode to Piggy


To my dear friend Piggy

Some think you’re a nuisance

Some think you dying is no biggie

To some you made sense

If only we listened to your wise thoughts

Your knowledgeable and trustworthy word

Our once strong hope might have not been left in knots

The split that plagued our group may have not even occurred
Out from the pink layered rock

They emerged ungracefully like a bloodthirsty beast

Their slow and devious walk

Hoping to feast

You were the angel to the devil on my shoulder

Underappreciated and unnoticed

Your life ended by a boulder

if only we focused

If only I were a better chief

You don’t deserve to be dead

As I lay distraught and in disbelief

I wish it was me instead

I stare into the ocean filled with rage

Thoughts of revenge fill my mind

If only we didn’t engage

Don’t worry Piggy vengeance is what I will find

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