Group 5 - Field Trip Project

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Compiled to Fulfill One of the Assignments of the
Field Trip Project (FTP)
Supporting Lecturer:
Anis Azimah, M. Pd.

Presented by:
Group 5
1. Achmad Noven Choirul (126203202138)
2. Diyah Julianing Tyas (126203201056)
3. Ninis Wulandari (126203203192)
4. Rohmatun Mu’awanah (126203202118)




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, We offer
praise and thanksgiving for His presence, who has bestowed His grace, guidance
to us, so that we can complete this paper entitled Assignment Of Field Trip
Project Accomodation, Ameneties and Planning for Field Trip Project ’. We
are very grateful to have received assistance from various parties so as to facilitate
the preparation of this paper. For that we express our gratitude to:
1. Mr. Prof. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag, as the Rector of the State Islamic
University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung and his staff.
2. Mrs. Prof. Dr. Hj. Binti Maunah, M.Pd.I, as the Dean of the Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and the staff.
3. Mrs. Dr. Erna Iftanti, S.S., M.Pd, as the Head of the English Education
Department and her staff.
4. Mrs. Anis Azimah, M. Pd. as a Lecturer of Field Trip Project who provide
guidance, advice, ideas, and opportunities.
5. My friends who have encouraged each other and also to our parents who
have given the spirit and encouragement to us.
Despite all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings both in
terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, with open hearts, we
welcome all suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve this
paper to be better.
Finally, we hope that this paper can be useful and can provide inspiration
to readers.

Tulungagung, April 5, 2023





TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................................1


A. Background of the paper.........................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation...............................................................................................1

C. Purpose of the paper................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................2


A. Definition of an Accommodation.......................................................................2

B. Definition of Ameneties.....................................................................................2

1. Accommodation and Hospitality........................................................................2

2. Ensuring the Safety of the Tourists....................................................................3

D. Planning for Field Trip Project...........................................................................3


A. Conclusion.........................................................................................................5

B. Suggestion...............................................................................................................5



A. Background of the paper

A field trip is a type of educational excursion in which a group of people,

usually students, visit a place or location outside of their normal learning
environment. Field trips are often used to complement and enhance classroom
learning, and can provide students with hands-on experiences that are difficult to
replicate in the classroom. In this paper, we will discuss the importance of field
trips, the benefits they offer, and some of the considerations that should be taken
into account when planning and executing a successful field trip.
Field trips are an important part of a well-rounded education. They offer
students the opportunity to experience new environments, cultures, and ideas, and
can help to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Field trips can also provide students with real-world experiences that are difficult
to simulate in a classroom setting. For example, a field trip to a museum or
historical site can give students a better understanding of the past, while a trip to a
science center or zoo can provide them with hands-on experience in scientific

B. Problem Formulation
1. What are the definition of accommodation
2. What are the definition of ameneties?
3. How to planning for field trip project

C. Purpose of the paper

1. To know about the definition of accommodation
2. To know about the definition ameneties
3. To know about make a planning for field trip project


A. Definition of an Accommodation
In tourism, accommodation refers to the provision of lodging or a
place to stay for travelers. It can range from basic facilities such as
tents or hostels to luxurious hotels or villas. Accommodation options
can also include vacation rentals such as apartments, cabins, or houses.
The type of accommodation that a traveler chooses will depend on
their preferences, budget, and the purpose of their trip. The hospitality
industry is responsible for providing a comfortable and safe
accommodation experience for travelers, with amenities such as clean
bedding, hygiene products, security, and customer service.
Accommodation is something like place to stay or live. Tourist
accommodation is the facilities serve as a psychological base for
travellers when they are temporarily away from home.
Accommodation, thus, is an indispensable element in the development
and promotion of tourism in any destination. The scope and quality of
accommodation facilities available can both mirror the extend of
tourism development at the destination and also persuade visitors to
choose that destination.
Accommodation in a field trip project refers to the arrangements
made for overnight stay or lodging during the duration of the field trip.
It includes finding suitable accommodation facilities that can provide a
comfortable and safe environment for the students and teachers
involved in the field trip. Accommodation can vary depending on the
nature and location of the field trip. For example, if the field trip is in a
remote location, camping or staying in dormitories may be necessary.
On the other hand, if the field trip is in a city, hotels or hostels may be
more appropriate. When planning accommodation for a field trip
project, it is important to consider factors such as cost, safety,
accessibility, and proximity to the field trip location. It is also essential

to ensure that the accommodation facilities are appropriate for the age
and needs of the students, and that there are adequate facilities for
meals and activities.

B. Definition of Ameneties
Amenities tourism refers to a type of travel that focuses on
experiencing and enjoying the various recreational and cultural
amenities of a destination, such as parks, museums, shopping centers,
restaurants, and other attractions. It involves seeking out destinations
that offer a wide range of amenities and facilities for tourists to enjoy,
rather than solely focusing on natural or historical sites. Amenities
tourism is often associated with urban tourism, as cities are typically
the primary destinations for travelers seeking such experiences. This
type of tourism is popular among travelers who seek a more
comfortable and convenient travel experience with a wide range of
amenities and activities to choose from.
Defined as a desirable or useful feature of a building or place,
amenities look to provide comfort and convenience for tenants
occupying the property. Amenities encompass additions that are in
excess of the basic needs of an individual, and usually include features
such as pools, workout facilities, and internet.
Amenities are popular across several real estate asset classes, such
as multifamily and student housing, and add another layer of value for
the underlying tenant. Amenities are not limited to real estate of this
sort, however, and can be included in single-family housing as an
added benefit as well. Offering amenities can help to separate a
property from its competition. If competitors are already offering
amenity packages, other properties will have to at least offer similar
packages to keep up. Amenities should be considered part of the
marketing plan. Amenities can also become part of a company’s
identity and help it to attract hard-to-get talent.
Amenities refer to the various facilities and services that are

provided to ensure comfort, convenience, and safety during a field trip
project. Examples of amenities that may be included in a field trip
project are:

1. Transportation: This includes buses, vans, or other modes

of transportation to transport the group to the field trip

2. Accommodation: If the field trip involves an overnight

stay, accommodation may be required. This could include
hotels, lodges, or cabins.

3. Food and Beverages: Meals and snacks may be provided

during the field trip project. These could be catered, or
participants may bring their own food.

4. First Aid: A first aid kit may be provided to ensure the

safety of the participants.

5. Guide or Tour Leader: A guide or tour leader may be

provided to lead the group during the field trip project.

6. Equipment and Supplies: Any equipment or supplies

needed for the field trip project may be provided, such as
binoculars, cameras, or scientific equipment.

7. Restrooms: Restrooms may be available at the field trip

location or provided by the transportation.

Overall, amenities are provided to ensure that the field trip project
is comfortable, safe, and enjoyable for all participants.

C. Essential Amenities in Tourism

The amenities in tourism refer to providing cozy and
comfortable facilities to the visitor or traveler throughout the tourism,
such as drinking water, food, and sanity. Ameneties include an access
to basic facilities and services that help a visitor feel comfortable and
secure in your destination.

1. Accommodation and Hospitality

Accommodation is one of the essential amenities that
tourists require. Tourists usually look at the hotels with the best

service and good food, cuisine, and sanitary service. Furthermore,
there’s a drastic development in improving amenities by
introducing apartments, beach houses, stay homes, holiday
villages, etc. Therefore, people get attracted to unique and different
development opportunities to experience them once in their
lifetime. Sometimes, people visit a few places only because there is
a luxurious hotel and would like to experience the same.
Currently, Austria, Netherlands, Holland, and Switzerland
are known for their elegant and good-service hotels! The hotels try
to provide unique and extra features to attract customers;
Recreational activities such as swimming pools, indoor games
(Billiards, carrom, chess, badminton, Table Tennis), cuisine
restaurants, and bars inside the hotels.

When you look from the travel and tourism perspective, the
hotels try to facilitate the customers with sponsored programs,
most likely called natural amenities like trekking, fishing, boating,
sightseeing, sunrise or sunset activities, sea bath, etc. Man-made or
artificial amenities are nothing but the amenities that the hotels
create. For instance, music, arts, games, resting food,
communication, and dance parties are arranged so that the
customers enjoy and be satisfied. However, most hotels provide the
most basic needs, such as water, food, and health service.

2. Ensuring the Safety of the Tourists

Tourists are new to the place; therefore, it’s essential to
ensure safety and security to them. Make sure the hotel’s basic
details are provided to each visitor and ensure personal safety.
Other factors like welcoming the tourists or during the send-off, be
kind and humbled. The hotels also include newspapers, free wi-fi,
e-mails, TV service, telephone, etc. A tour to any place becomes
successful when it meets basic requirements and expectations; this
is possible only through amenities or facilities. Thus, amenities are

significant in tourism.

● Recreational Facilities means spas, saunas, steam baths, swimming
pools, exercise, entertainment, athletics, playground or other
similar equipment and associated accessories.
● Campsite means any place where any bedding, sleeping bag, or
other material used for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is
placed, established or maintained for the purpose of maintaining a
temporary place to live, whether or not such place incorporates the
use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or any other structure, or any vehicle
or part thereof.

D. Planning for Field Trip Project

Planning for field trip project, there are several things that must be
considered, including:
1. Destination: Clearly define the destination or place you want to visit. This
is important in order to be able to plan activities and agendas in
accordance with these objectives.
2. Budget: Determine the budget or budget available for the activity. By
knowing the available budget, we can adjust the activities and places to be
visited with the budget we have.
3. Transportation and lodging: Choosing the right mode of transportation and
ensuring all participants have access to the venue. Choose comfortable
and safe transportation. If a trip requires lodging, it is necessary to find
lodging that suits your needs, such as sufficient rooms, adequate facilities
and a strategic location.
4. Availability of time: Adjusting the right time for the visit so that it does
not collide with other activities.
5. Weather: Check the weather and season conditions at the destination, to
ensure that the visit is safe and comfortable to make.

6. Backup plan: Have a backup plan in place in case of unforeseen
circumstances, such as schedule changes, inclement weather conditions, or
other emergencies.
7. Physical preparation: Prepare equipment and physical needs, such as
clothes according to the conditions of the place, medicine and food
needed, as well as other equipment needed for the activity.
8. Documentation: Setting up a camera or other equipment for
documentation during the trip. It is important to capture the important
moments during the trip.


A. Conclusion
Field trip is one of learning methods used to give the students experience
out of their daily activities in the class. An accommodation is something like
place to stay or live. Tourist accommodation is the facilities serve as a
psychological base for travellers, while the amenities in tourism refer to
providing cozy and comfortable facilities to the visitor or traveler throughout
the tourism, such as drinking water, food, and sanity. The accommodation and
ameneties is the very important thing when we want to field trip.

B. Suggestion
It is hoped that this paper will be useful for the readers. There are still
many mistakes and shortcomings in the preparation of this paper, therefore we
expect constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the preparation of our
next paper.


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