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Semester #3
Objective: To determine the Resolving power of diffraction
Submitted to: Dr Sarmad
Lab lll
Problem statement:
To determine the Resolving power of diffraction grating.

To study the different waveforms, to measure the angle and
distance between spacing.

Laser source, optical bench, viewing screen, any kind of lamp
(Sodium), diffraction grating.

The diffraction of classical waves refers to the waves encounter
an obstacle that fragments the wave into components that
interfere with one another. Interfere simply means that the wave
fronts add together to make a new wave. For example, a pair of
sine waves having the same amplitude, but being 180º out of
phase will sum to zero, so everywhere on is positive, the other is
negative by an equal amount.

The Resolving power of a grating is measure of its ability to

spatially separate two wavelengths. It is determined by applying
the Rayleigh criteria to the diffraction maxima; two wavelengths
are resolvable when the maxima of one wavelength coincides
with the minima of the second wavelength.

Condition for nth principle maximam for λ is
(a + b ) sin Ɵ = n
Similarly nth principle maximan of (λ + d λ) is expressed as
( a + b ) sin ( Ɵ+d Ɵ) = n(λ + d λ)
Condition for minima is
(a + b) sin = m λ/N
Monochromatic source: A light source which consist of only
one single wavelength. Example: Helium-Neon laser beam
Polychromatic source: A light source which consist of several
spectral lines of various wavelength. Example: Mercury vapor
lamp which emits violet, blue, green, yellow and red wavelengths.
Key Point: Diffraction grating > Prism.


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