Plant Cell Environment - 2018 - Djanaguiraman - Reproductive Success of Soybean Glycine Max L Merril Cultivars and

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13653040, 2019, 1, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [23/03/2023].

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Received: 31 December 2017 Revised: 26 June 2018 Accepted: 27 June 2018
DOI: 10.1111/pce.13421


Reproductive success of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril)

cultivars and exotic lines under high daytime temperature
Maduraimuthu Djanaguiraman1,3 | William Schapaugh1 | Felix Fritschi2 |
2 1
Henry Nguyen | P.V. Vara Prasad

Department of Agronomy, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, Kansas Abstract
Division of Plant Sciences, University of The objectives were to (a) quantify the effects of high daytime temperature (HDT)
Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
from gametogenesis to full bloom on photosynthesis and pod set in soybean (Glycine
Department of Crop Physiology, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
max L. Merril) genotypes and (b) assess the relationships among photosynthesis, car-
Correspondence dinal temperatures for pollen germination, in vitro pollen germination percentage,
P.V. Vara Prasad, Department of Agronomy, canopy reflectance, and pod‐set percentage. Three field experiments were conducted,
Kansas State University, 2004 Throckmorton
Plant Science Center, Manhattan, KS 66506. and Experiment I had HDT between gametogenesis and full bloom (36.5°C to 38.6°C)
Email: compared with Experiments II and III (29.5°C to 31.6°C; optimum temperature). HDT
Funding information
decreased photosynthesis (22%) and pod‐set percent (11%) compared with Experi-
United States Agency for International Devel-
opment, Grant/Award Number: AID‐OAA‐L‐ ment III. Cultivars had higher photosynthesis and pod‐set percent than plant introduc-
14‐00006; United Soybean Board
tion (PI) lines. The cultivars (i.e., IA3023 and KS4694) and PI lines (i.e., PI393540 and
PI588026A) were HDT tolerant and susceptible, respectively. The decreased pod‐set
percentage in susceptible genotypes (PI lines) was associated with pollen characteris-
tics. Significant positive (r2 ≥ 0.67) association between photosynthesis, cardinal tem-
peratures for pollen germination (Topt and Tmax) with pod‐set percentage was
observed. However, a negative (r2 ≥ −0.43) association between photosynthesis
and pod set with canopy reflectance at visible spectrum was observed. In vitro pollen
germination and canopy reflectance at visible spectrum can be used as a high‐
throughput phenotypic tool for breeding HDT‐tolerant genotypes.


cardinal temperature for pollen germination, high daytime temperature, high temperature, pod‐set
percentage, pollen morphology, soybean, spectral reflectance

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N >35°C (Choi, Ban, Seo, Lee, & Lee, 2016; Penalba, Bettolli, & Vargas,
2007; Schauberger et al., 2017), which is above the optimum temper-
Soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) is an important legume crop, which ature (30°C) for soybean reproductive stages (Boote, Jones, &
contributes to one fourth of the global edible oil and two thirds of Hoogenboom, 1998; Gibson & Mullen, 1996; Parent & Tardieu,
the world's protein concentrate for livestock feeding (Agarwal, Billore, 2012; Schauberger et al., 2017). For each 0.8°C increase above
Sharma, Dupare, & Srivastava, 2013). High daytime temperatures 26.7°C, the current mean temperature of the southern United States,
(HDTs; >30°C) coinciding with reproductive stage can cause signifi- soybean yields are expected to decline by 2.4% (Hatfield et al., 2011).
cant damage to reproductive processes in soybean (Prasad, Similar reductions in soybean yield by high temperature have been
Bheemanahalli, & Jagadish, 2017). The average daytime maximum reported for the United States (Lobell & Field, 2007; Mourtzinis
temperatures during the soybean reproductive stages often reach et al., 2015) and across the globe (Mohanty et al., 2015). The average

Plant Cell Environ. 2019;42:321–336. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 321
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reduction in soybean yield was 3.1%/°C rise above the present tem- (Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, et al., 2013; Djanaguiraman, Prasad,
peratures (Lobell & Field, 2007; Schlenker & Roberts, 2009; Zhao & Schapaugh, 2013; Salem, Kakani, Koti, & Reddy, 2007).
et al., 2017). Related with these maximum temperatures, prediction In general, high‐temperature‐tolerant genotypes maintain a higher
models indicate that the average surface temperature could rise level of pollen viability than sensitive genotypes under high tempera-
between 2°C and 4°C by the end of the 21st century (IPCC, 2014), tures (Dane, Hunter, & Chambliss, 1991). Recent study showed that
with a frequent occurrence of extreme high temperatures (>40°C) in soybean genotypes sensitive to high temperatures had longer
soybean production areas (Urban, Ingwers, McGuire, & Teskey, flowering duration and large reduction in number of flowers and pods
2017). These temperature extremes can affect the soybean yield sig- per plant compared with tolerant genotypes under high temperatures
nificantly (Schauberger et al., 2017). Understanding the response of (Jumrani, Bhatia, & Pandey, 2018). Similarly, high‐temperature‐sensi-
soybean reproductive processes to high temperature is critical for tive genotype had increased flower length and decreased number of
improving stress tolerance. pollen grains per anther and pollen germination under high tempera-
In various crops, HDT coinciding with reproductive growth can tures than tolerant genotype (Salem et al., 2007). The use of pollen
significantly decrease yield between 2.5% and 10% (Arshad et al., viability as a phenotyping tool will provide valuable information about
2017; Craufurd, Bojang, Wheeler, & Summerfield, 1998; the male gametophytic tolerance to high temperatures because pollen
Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, & Schapaugh, 2013; Hatfield & traits are less complex than seed yield (Paupiere et al., 2017). Previous
Prueger, 2015; Prasad et al., 2017; Prasad, Boote, Allen, & Thomas, research in rice (Oryza sativa L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench),
2002; Sita et al., 2017). However, the percent yield reduction varies pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.) peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.),
with species, duration and intensity of stress, and growth stage of and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) showed that the cardinal tempera-
the crop (Prasad et al., 2017). In soybean, as daytime temperature tures for pollen germination vary among and within species (Coast,
increased from 30°C to 35°C, the seed set decreased in male‐sterile, Murdoch, Ellis, Hay, & Jagadish, 2016; Djanaguiraman et al., 2018;
female fertile plants regardless of nighttime temperature ranges of Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Murugan, Perumal, & Reddy, 2014; Kakani
18°C to 23°C (Wiebbecke, Graham, Cianzio, & Palmer, 2012). This is et al., 2005; Kakani, Prasad, Craufurd, & Wheeler, 2002) and that dif-
in accordance with earlier observations that partially male‐sterile soy- ferences in pollen cardinal temperatures among genotypes are related
bean was converted to complete sterility when daytime temperatures to combined high daytime and nighttime temperatures tolerance or
exceeded 35°C. This indicated that daytime temperatures during susceptibility (Coast et al., 2016; Craufurd, Prasad, & Kakani, 2003;
flowering and pod set were important factors affecting reproductive Djanaguiraman et al., 2014; Djanaguiraman, Perumal, Jagadish, et al.,
success in soybean (Caviness & Fagala, 1973). Controlled environment 2018). Under combined high daytime and nighttime temperature, a
experiments with limited genotypes have indicated that high daytime significant, positive relationship between pollen viability or in vitro
or nighttime or combined daytime and nighttime temperatures during pollen germination percentage and seed‐set percentage was observed
flowering decreased pod‐set percentage and seed yield of soybean in rice (Shi et al., 2018); sorghum (Nguyen et al., 2013; Singh et al.,
(Gibson & Mullen, 1996; Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, & Schapaugh, 2015); and peanut (Prasad, Craufurd, & Summerfield, 1999). However,
2011; Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, & Schapaugh, 2013; the effects of HDT on soybean pollen viability and its reproductive
Djanaguiraman, Prasad, & Schapaugh, 2013; Caviness & Fagala, success, namely, pod‐set percent, was not documented under field
1973; Zhang, Zhu, Yu, & Zhong, 2016). However, little is known about conditions.
how soybean reproductive processes respond to HDT between game- Large genetic diversity exists in legumes, but this diversity often is
togenesis and flowering under natural field conditions in diverse soy- not fully leveraged in active breeding programs (Considine, Siddique, &
bean genotypes. Foyer, 2017). Current available genomic resources for soybean may be
Historical analyses of soybean cultivars released throughout the employed to improve the resilience of soybean to abiotic stresses
past 90 years showed that a major driver of the increase in yields is (Considine et al., 2017; Li et al., 2017). To unravel the genetic basis
an increase in number of seeds per plant (seed‐set percentage) and of abiotic stress tolerance, including HDT stress, genotypic informa-
seed mass (individual seed weight; Ainsworth, Yendrek, Skoneczka, & tion needs to be associated with corresponding phenotypic data. Can-
Long, 2012; Jin et al., 2010; Koester, Skoneczka, Cary, Diers, & Ains- opy spectral reflectance characteristics can be used for large‐scale
worth, 2014; Morrison, Voldeng, & Cober, 1999). Seed set primarily screening of genotypes for several traits (Babar, Ginkel, et al., 2006;
depends on synchrony in the development of male and female repro- Babar, Reynolds, et al., 2006a, 2006b). Spectral reflectance can be
ductive organs and coordinated signalling between the pollen and used to monitor plant pigments, canopy architecture, water status,
ovule for normal fertilization and embryo development. In most nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations and detect abiotic and biotic
legumes, high temperature during reproductive growth causes stresses (Babar, Ginkel, et al., 2006; Babar, Reynolds, et al., 2006a,
decreased male and female gamete viability (Kumar et al., 2013); 2006b; Penuelas & Filella, 1998; Chaerle & Van Der Straeten, 2000)
reduced fertilization (Porch & Jahn, 2001); and increased abortion of and has been used in soybean to identify genetic loci associated with
flowers and pods (Djanaguiraman, Prasad, & Schapaugh, 2013), ulti- canopy pigmentation as well as the photochemical reflectance index
mately resulting in decreased seed yield. In soybean, lower pollen ger- (Dhanapal et al., 2015; Dhanapal et al., 2016; Herritt, Dhanapal, &
mination under combined high daytime and nighttime temperature Fritschi, 2016). However, the use of spectral reflectance to differenti-
was observed, and it was associated with reduced pollen viability, ate soybean genotypes for their HDT stress tolerance during repro-
thicker exine wall, disintegrated tapetum layer, decreased saturated duction has not been explored. A better understanding of the
phospholipids, and increased phosphatidic acid levels in pollen grains relationships between physiological and reproductive success of
13653040, 2019, 1, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [23/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

multiple soybean genotypes and high‐throughput phenotyping tools using PAR sensors (LightScout Quantum Light Sensor, Spectrum Tech-
may expedite breeding for HDT in soybean. nologies, Aurora, IL, USA).
Most of the earlier studies have quantified the effects of high day-
time, high nighttime, and combined high daytime and nighttime tem-
peratures during full bloom on limited soybean genotypes on leaf 2.2 | Chlorophyll index, thylakoid membrane
and reproductive physiology under controlled environments. How- damage, and photosynthetic rate
ever, quantification of effects of HDT on diverse genotypes from
In Experiments I and III, the chlorophyll index, chlorophyll a fluores-
gametogenesis to full bloom stages on soybean leaf physiology and
cence, and photosynthetic rate were recorded in 1‐week intervals
pollen functions was not attempted in either controlled environment
from beginning of flowering (R1) to full pod (R4; Fehr & Caviness,
or field conditions. This study provides a mechanistic understanding
1977), between 11:00 a.m. and 02:00 p.m. Three plants per replication
of the effects of HDT during gametogenesis and full bloom on soy-
were randomly selected and tagged during vegetative development
bean reproductive success, its association with other physiological
for repeated measurements of above physiological traits. Physiological
traits, and a characterization of using high‐throughput phenotyping
traits were assessed on a fully expanded leaf (third leaf from the top of
to assess HDT response under field conditions. With this background,
the plant) on the tagged plants in each replication.
we hypothesize that in soybean under HDT, the reproductive success
Thylakoid membrane stability was assessed by measuring chloro-
(pod‐set percent) will be associated with photosynthetic rate and
phyll a fluorescence using a pulse‐modulated fluorometer (OS 30p+,
in vitro pollen germination percentage and cardinal temperatures for
OptiScience, Hudson, NH, USA). The minimum fluorescence ( F o) and
pollen germination and canopy reflectance can be a proxy for identifi-
maximum fluorescence ( F m) were measured on 60‐min dark‐adapted
cation of soybean genotypes tolerant to HDT. The objectives were to
leaves. Thylakoid membrane damage was estimated as the ratio of
(a) quantify the effects of HDT from gametogenesis to full bloom on
F o to F m (unitless; Krause & Weis, 1984; Ristic, Bukovnik, & Prasad,
photosynthesis and pod set in diverse soybean genotypes and (b)
2007). Chlorophyll index was measured using a self‐calibrating chloro-
assess the relationship among photosynthesis, cardinal temperatures
phyll metre (Soil Plant Analytical Development, SPAD, Model 502,
for pollen germination, in vitro pollen germination percentage, canopy
Spectrum Technologies, Plainfield, IL, USA) and expressed as SPAD
reflectance, and pod‐set percentage.
units. Leaf photosynthetic rate (μmol m−2 s−1) were measured with
an infrared gas analyser (CI‐340 portable photosynthesis system,
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS CID Inc., Camas, WA, USA). The leaf was allowed to habituate for
5 min before measurements began; and measurements were taken
2.1 | Crop husbandry with the leaves oriented perpendicular to the sun with the PPFD
reaching the leaf surface ≥1,600 μmol m−2 s−1.
Three field studies were conducted at the Kansas State University
research farm, Manhattan (39°8′N, 96°37′W, elevation of 322 m),
KS, during 2012 and 2013 to evaluate the response of soybean geno-
types to HDT stress. The experimental design was a randomized com-
2.3 | Canopy spectral reflectance
plete block design with four replications. The soil type was coarse‐ In Experiments I and III, the canopy spectral reflectance was recorded in
silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, mesic Typic Udifluvents. Twenty‐ 1‐week intervals from beginning of flowering (R1) to full pod (R4; Fehr
two maturity groups III and IV soybean genotypes (12 cultivar and & Caviness, 1977), between 11:00 a.m. and 02:00 p.m. Canopy reflec-
10 plant introductions [PIs]) were used in this study. The cultivars rep- tance was measured using an ASD LocationSpec 3 spectroradiometer
resented genotypes that possessed excellent yield potential at the (Analytical Spectral Devices, Boulder, CO, USA). Solar radiation
time of their release in the United States between the 1960s. The reflecting from the soybean canopy was captured between 350 and
PIs were originated from Japan or China and were received into the 1,050 nm with the sampling intervals of 1.4 nm in the electromagnetic
U.S. National Plant Germplasm System from 1975 to 1998. The PIs spectrum using fibre optics with a 25° field of view. Moving averages
were selected based on their high seed germinability when grown were calculated automatically to achieve 1‐nm‐width continuous
under high temperature conditions (Smith, Mengistu, Nelson, & Paris, bands. A Spectralon (Labsphere, Inc., North Sutton, NH, USA) reflec-
2008). In both Experiments I and III, the replicated plots were planted tance panel was used to calibrate the spectroradiometer with a dark
during the first week (third to fifth) of May 2012 and 2013 and har- current and white reference for every 22 plots or when needed (this
vested during the last week (28th to 30th) of October 2012 and ranged from every plot to 22‐plot intervals, depending on conditions)
2013. Experiment II was planted on June (third to fifth) 2012 and har- to create reflected light percentages. The sensor was mounted on an
vested during first week (fifth to seventh) of November 2012. Each adjustable monopod pole and held vertically, approximately 1 m above
experimental unit consisted of four rows (3.4 m long; spaced 76 cm the canopy, to achieve approximately a 50‐cm diameter collection area.
apart). Experiments I and III were grown under irrigated condition, by Two measurements were taken per plot on the second and third rows,
providing flood irrigation as necessary to avoid water deficit condi- excluding the first metre of each plot to eliminate border effect. Each
tions. However, Experiment II was conducted under rainfed condi- measurement was the average of 10 scans, which was calculated auto-
tions. Air temperature and relative humidity (RH) were measured matically. Spectral data were collected on nearly cloud‐free days within
using WatchDog data loggers (1000 Series Micro Station, Spectrum 2 hr of solar noon. The spectral data were collected on the same days
Technologies, Aurora, IL, USA). Incoming solar radiation was measured on which other physiological traits were recorded.
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2.4 | Cardinal temperatures for pollen germination Images were taken at 3,000×; 12,000×; and 24,000× magnifications
(Djanaguiraman, Boyle, Welti, Jagadish, & Prasad, 2018).
Cardinal temperatures for pollen germination was studied in Experi-
ments I and II. To determine the cardinal temperatures for pollen
germination, flowers (corolla slightly opened) from tagged plants of 2.6 | Pod‐set percentage
different genotypes were collected at the time of anthesis
Pod‐set percentage was documented in all the three experiments. To
(07:00 a.m. to 09:00 a.m.). Collected flowers were air‐dried for
follow the fate of individual flower buds, 25 floral buds (corolla not
1 hr in the laboratory (~25°C), and pollen grains from each flower
opened) were randomly tagged with twine in each replication on five
were dusted on germination medium by brushing anthers with a
different plants (five flowers per plant). The flowers were tagged on
nylon hairbrush. The germination medium was prepared by dissolv-
the top third and fourth main‐stem node from each plant. These floral
ing 15 g of sucrose, 0.03 g of calcium nitrate, and 0.01 g of boric
buds opened 3–4 days after tagging. The ability of floral buds to set
acid in 100 ml of deionized water (Salem et al., 2007). To this liquid,
pods (pod set) was estimated after 30 days. The pod‐set percentage
0.5 g of agar was added and slowly heated on a hot plate. After the
was determined based on the number of pods that formed on tagged
agar was completely dissolved, 3 ml of the germinating medium was
flower buds. Pods greater than 2 cm long having seeds were consid-
poured on clean glass slides and allowed to cool for about 15 min to
ered to be fertile pods.
let the agar solidify. Each glass slide layered with germinating
medium was kept in an empty petri dish lined with moistened filter
paper to provide a humid atmosphere and incubated at different 2.7 | Statistical analyses
temperatures ranging from 10°C to 45°C at 5°C increments for
The data were analysed using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, 2008). The
30 min in an incubator (Echotherm, Torrey Pines Scientific, Inc.,
PROC GLM procedure of SAS was used for analysis of variance for
Carlsbad, CA, USA). A total of 100 to 200 grains were counted on
cardinal temperatures for pollen germination, in vitro pollen germina-
each slide. The percentage of pollen germination was estimated by
tion, and pod‐set percentage. However, PROC MIXED procedure
counting the total number of pollen grains and number of germi-
was used for repeated measure analysis. Because the main objective
nated pollen grains in a random microscopic field on each micro-
was to examine the overall response of the genotypes, the physiolog-
scope slide using a compound light microscope (Nikon Instruments
ical data from the different measurement dates were averaged for
Inc., Melville, NY, USA). Pollen was considered germinated if the
each plot. Data on physiological traits from Experiment II were not
length of the pollen tube was greater than the diameter of the pol-
included in the analysis because it had combined drought and high
len grain (Prasad, Boote, & Allen Jr, 2006). The germination percent-
temperature effects from postflowering to maturity stages. A separate
ages were used to determine pollen temperature response curves
PROC GLM analysis was carried out to assess the responses of culti-
and model cardinal temperatures (Tmin [minimum temperature below
vars and PI lines to various growth temperatures (experiments) by
which pollen grains did not germinate], Topt [temperature where
nesting different cultivars and PI lines within group. Standard errors
maximum germination occurred], and Tmax [temperature above which
are shown as an estimate of variability, and the means of various var-
pollen grains did not germinate]).
iables are separated for significance by a least significant difference
test using a probability level of 0.05. The response of pollen germina-
2.4.1 | In vitro pollen germination at 30°C and 38°C tion to temperature was analysed from three randomly selected,
tagged plants from each replication at three different times. Cardinal
In vitro pollen germination percentages at 30°C and 38°C were mea-
temperatures for pollen germination were estimated following a pro-
sured on all the genotypes in Experiments I and III as previously
cedure similar to that presented by Djanaguiraman et al. (2014).
Briefly, to determine cardinal temperatures (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax) for
different genotypes, different regression equations (linear, broken
stick, and quadratic) were compared for variation, determined by cal-
2.5 | Pollen morphology culating the coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square
Pollen morphology was studied in Experiments I and II. To determine deviation for observed and fitted values. A quadratic equation best
pollen morphological characteristics, the pollen grains were collected described the responses of pollen germination to temperature for
from at least four randomly tagged plants of different genotypes as most of the genotypes. The response surface regression procedure
explained above. The pollen grains were dusted on double stick in SAS was used to estimate parameters in the quadratic equation,
carbon tape affixed to a carbon stub, dipped immediately in super‐ as it uses least squares to fit quadratic response surface regression
cooled ethanol for 1–3 s, and stored at −80°C until further analysis. models.
The carbon stub was placed in a vacuum desiccator for ~2 min to Spectral reflectance data (350 to 2,500 nm) were initially trimmed
remove excess moisture from the stub at the time of analysis. to 400 to 1,050 nm to eliminate the noise from atmospheric absorp-
Pollen grains were viewed under a scanning electron microscope tion regions focused around the water absorption wavebands in the
(SEM; Nova NanoSEM 430, FEI, Hillsboro, OR, USA) using a low vac- infrared and the atmospheric scatter of blue light in the ultraviolet
uum detector. At least, 25 pollen grains per genotype per replication portion of the spectrum. The data were combined to form 10‐nm
was analysed for morphological features. The SEM was operated in a means to reduce the dataset size and eliminate some of the collinear-
vacuum, 5 kV, with a spot size of 3 and a pressure of 72.5 Pa. ity associated with hyperspectral reflectance wavebands in proximity
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(De Jong, Pebesma, & Lacaze, 2003). Combined bands contain less condition; therefore, the observed differences might be primarily asso-
variation from sample to sample than single‐band measurements ciated with HDT, but with little VPD effects, because high tempera-
(Lin, Yang, & Kuo, 2012), and due to the high correlation with ture effect will be confounded with VPD effect. This was validated
wavebands in proximity, minimal information is thought to be lost from canopy temperature and stomatal conductance values of cultivar
due to waveband combination. The PROC REG procedure of SAS and PI lines (Figure S3). From these observations, it is clear that Exper-
was used to characterize the relationship among the physiological iment I experienced HDT during gametogenesis and flowering stages
traits, in vitro pollen germination, cardinal temperatures for pollen ger- (R1 to R2) compared with Experiments II and III, which experienced
mination, spectral reflectance, and pod‐set percentage. The classifica- more optimum temperatures (Figure S2).
tion of soybean genotypes for HDT tolerance was performed using
principal component analysis (PCA) as described by Kakani et al.
3.2 | Effect of HDT, comparison between PI lines
(2005) using the data (photosynthetic rate, pollen germination at
and cultivars, and genetic variability for
30°C and 38°C, pod‐set percentage, and cardinal temperatures for
pollen germination) from Experiment I. Eigenvectors generated by
photosynthesis‐related traits
PCA were used to identify soybean genotypes tolerant to HDT. Irrespective of genotypes, HDT (Experiment I) significantly (P ≤ 0.001)
decreased the chlorophyll index (6%) and photosynthetic rate (22%)
and increased the thylakoid membrane damage (8%) over optimum
temperature (Experiment III; Table 1). Across the experiments, the cul-
tivars had increased chlorophyll index (7%) and photosynthetic rate
(43%) than PI lines (Table 2). However, the thylakoid membrane dam-
3.1 | Environmental conditions age was higher in PI lines (19%) than the cultivars. There was a signif-
The average daytime maximum temperature during 7 days before the icant (P ≤ 0.001) difference among the genotypes for chlorophyll
start of flowering (R1), namely, gametogenesis in Experiments I, II, and index, photosynthetic rate, and thylakoid membrane damage (Figure
III, was 36.5°C, 29.5°C, and 31.6°C, respectively. The corresponding S3). In Experiment I, across the genotypes, the chlorophyll index and
average nighttime minimum temperature was 21.8°C, 17.0°C, and photosynthetic rate ranged between 32.7 and 42.0 SPAD units and
20.0°C, respectively (Figure S1). Similarly, the average daytime maxi- 11.4 and 23.4 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively, and the thylakoid membrane
mum temperature from start of flowering (R1) to full bloom (R2) damage ( F o/ F m ratio) ranged from 0.270 to 0.340 (Figure S3). In
flowering stage was 38.6°C, 30.4°C, and 30.0°C, and the correspond- Experiment III, chlorophyll index, photosynthetic rate, and thylakoid
ing nighttime minimum temperature was 22.5°C, 17.0°C, and 19.4°C membrane damage ranged from 36.7 to 42.0, 12.4 to 30.7, and
during Experiments I, II, and III, respectively (Figure S1). From 2010 0.233 to 0.376, respectively (Figure S3). Overall, HDT decreased chlo-
to 2017, average daytime maximum and nighttime minimum tempera- rophyll index and photosynthetic rate and increased thylakoid mem-
tures from gametogenesis to start of flowering (R1) of irrigated soy- brane damage compared with optimum temperature. The cultivars
bean grown in Shawnee county representing the study area were had higher photosynthetic rate than PI lines through less thylakoid
32.8°C and 20.7°C, respectively (Figure S1). The average daytime membrane damage. There was a wide variability among the genotypes
maximum and nighttime minimum temperatures from start of for photosynthesis‐related traits.
flowering (R1) to full bloom (R2) were 33.6°C and 21.6°C, respectively
(Figure S1). The average day and nighttime relative humidities during
3.3 | Effect of HDT, comparison between PI lines
gametogenesis and flowering stages (R1 to R2) of Experiment I was
and cultivars, and genetic variability for pod‐set‐
50% and 47%, respectively. Similarly, for Experiments II and III, the rel-
ative humidities were 58% and 60%, and 61% and 73%, respectively
related traits
(Figure S1). In‐season total precipitation was 272 and 244 mm in In both the experiments, cultivars had higher cardinal temperatures for
Experiments I and II, respectively. However, in‐season total precipita- pollen germination (Topt and Tmax) than PI lines (Table 2). The Topt and
tion was 39.5 mm in Experiment III. Experiments I and III were main- Tmax varied significantly (P ≤ 0.001) among genotypes in Experiments I
tained under irrigated conditions by supplemental flood irrigation. and II (Tables 3 and 4). Across all genotypes, in Experiment I, the
Experiment II was rainfed, and it received 98 and 107 mm of precipi- means Topt and Tmax were 28.5°C and 47.2°C, respectively (Table 3).
tation during vegetative and flowering stages (R1 to R2), respectively. Similarly, in Experiment II, the means Topt and Tmax were 27.7°C and
Seddigh and Jolliff (1984) observed no significant differences in seed 47.3°C, respectively (Table 4). Among the genotypes, Topt in Experi-
number at nighttime temperatures ranging from 10°C to 24°C. Simi- ments I and II ranged from 25.5 to 31.6, and between 23.7°C and
larly, Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, and Schapaugh (2013) have 31.3°C, respectively (Tables 3 and 4). The Tmax was ranged from 43.7
reported that no significant difference between 20°C and 23°C for to 50.5, and between 41.0°C and 50.6°C, in Experiments I and II,
pod set and seed yield of soybean. A rise in temperature will lead to respectively (Tables 3 and 4).
a decrease in RH of the ambient air and an increase in vapour pressure Across the genotypes, significant (P ≤ 0.001) decrease in pollen
deficit (VPD). Comparing the experiments (I with II or III), an increase germination percentage at 30°C (9%) and 38°C (7%) was observed
of 7°C and 5.5°C during daytime and nighttime has decreased the day- under HDT (Table 1). The percent decrease in in vitro pollen germina-
time and nighttime RH by ~10% and 25%, respectively (Figure S1). In tion by HDT was smaller among the cultivars (7%) than the PI lines
both experiments (I and III), the plants are maintained under irrigated (20%) at 38°C (Table 2). Across the experiments, the in vitro pollen
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TABLE 1 Effect of temperature regime (high daytime temperature [Experiment I] and optimum temperature [Experiment III]) on chlorophyll
index (SPAD units); thylakoid membrane damage ( F o/ F m ratio, unitless); photosynthetic rate (μmol m−2 s−1); in vitro pollen germination at 30°C
and 38°C (%) and pod‐set percentage in diverse soybean genotypes

Temperature regime
Traits High daytime temperature (Experiment I) Optimum temperature (Experiment III)
Chlorophyll index (SPAD units) 37.21 ± 0.311b 39.63 ± 0.297a
Thylakoid membrane damage ( F o/ F m ratio, unitless) 0.301 ± 0.002 0.280 ± 0.003b
−2 −1 b
Photosynthetic rate (μmol m s ) 17.42 ± 0.307 22.40 ± 0.446a
In vitro pollen germination at 30°C (%) 64.09 ± 1.467 70.54 ± 1.544a
In vitro pollen germination at 38°C (%) 50.93 ± 1.722b 54.56 ± 1.794a
Pod‐set percentage 41.73 ± 1.728 46.60 ± 1.668a

Note. SPAD: Soil Plant Analytical Development. Mean values are shown with standard error. Means followed by same letter(s) were not significantly dif-
ferent (P ≤ 0.05) as determined by the least significance difference test.

TABLE 2 Effect of temperature regime (high daytime temperature [Experiment I] and optimum temperature [Experiment III]) on chlorophyll
index (SPAD units); thylakoid membrane damage ( F o/ F m ratio, unitless); photosynthetic rate (μmol m−2 s−1); cardinal temperatures (°C) for pollen
germination (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax); in vitro pollen germination at 30°C and 38°C (%); and pod‐set percentage in diverse soybean genotypes
Temperature regime
High daytime temperature (Experiment I) Optimum temperature (Experiment III)
Traits Cultivar PI lines Cultivar PI lines
a b A
Chlorophyll index (SPAD units) 39.30 ± 0.301 34.70 ± 0.482 40.04 ± 0.311 39.14 ± 0.322B
b a B
Thylakoid membrane damage ( F o/ F m ratio, unitless) 0.29 ± 0.003 0.31 ± 0.004 0.24 ± 0.003 0.32 ± 0.005A
Photosynthetic rate (μmol m−2 s−1) 21.27 ± 0.250a 12.81 ± 0.187b 28.27 ± 0.235A 15.36 ± 0.347B
a b A
Cardinal temperature for pollen germination (°C)—Tmin* 10.02 ± 0.064 9.59 ± 0.150 7.50 ± 0.014 8.35 ± 0.022B
a b A
Cardinal temperature for pollen germination (°C)—Topt* 29.50 ± 0.113 27.39 ± 0.127 29.11 ± 0.011 25.98 ± 0.014B
a b A
Cardinal temperature for pollen germination (°C)—Tmax* 49.13 ± 0.123 45.54 ± 0.120 49.48 ± 0.025 43.35 ± 0.027B
In vitro pollen germination at 30°C (%) 75.17 ± 0.753a 50.81 ± 1.031b 82.01 ± 1.013A 56.80 ± 1.069B
a b A
In vitro pollen germination at 38°C (%) 64.33 ± 0.942 34.87 ± 0.949 68.94 ± 0.740 37.31 ± 0.868B
a b A
Pod‐set percentage 55.48 ± 0.869 25.25 ± 0.731 59.29 ± 0.913 31.38 ± 1.152B

Note. PI: plant introduction; SPAD: Soil Plant Analytical Development. Mean values are shown with standard error. The cultivar and PI lines were compared
within each temperature regime. Means followed by same letter(s) were not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) as determined by the least significance dif-
ference test.
*Data from Experiments I and II, others from Experiments I and III.

germination was consistently lower at 38°C compared with 30°C in germination at 30°C (15%) and 38°C (15%), and photosynthetic rate
most of the genotypes (Figure 1a,b). The in vitro pollen germination (15%) among the soybean genotypes. The second principal component
at 30°C and 38°C during Experiment I ranged between 43% and (PC2; 6.8%) have captured the variability for cardinal temperature
79% and 25–70%, respectively (Figure 1a,b). Similarly, in Experi- (Topt) for pollen germination (39%; Figure 4). Based on the eigenvec-
ment III, the in vitro pollen germination ranged between 45% and tors and factor loading values, the cultivars IA3023, Williams,
90% and 27–75%, respectively. KS4694, Macon, and Pella86 were grouped in quadrant I (+PC1 and
When averaged across all genotypes, the pod‐set percentage was +PC2). The genotypes in this quadrant had the highest pod‐set per-
significantly (P ≤ 0.01) lower (10%) in Experiment I than in Experiment cent, pollen germination percentage at 30°C and 38°C, photosynthetic
III (Table 1). In both the experiments, the pod‐set percentages of PI rate under HDT stress, and Topt value. Conversely, the PI lines,
lines were lower than those of the cultivars (Table 2). Significant geno- PI588026A, PI603719A, PI393540, PI423932, PI603723, and
typic variability (18% to 67%) was observed for pod‐set percentage in PI587982A were grouped in quadrant IV (−PC1 and −PC2), and these
all experiments (Figures 2 and 3). Overall, HDT decreased in vitro pol- PI lines had the lowest pod‐set percent, pollen germination percentage
len germination and pod‐set percent. Cultivars had higher Topt, Tmax, at 30°C and 38°C, photosynthetic rate under HDT stress, and Topt
in vitro pollen germination, and pod‐set percent than PI lines. Among value. In general, cultivars are grouped under tolerant, and PI lines
the genotypes, there was a wide genetic variability for pod‐set‐related under susceptible, category.

3.5 | Pollen morphology

3.4 | Principal component analyses
Under HDT (Experiment I) and optimum temperature (Experiment II), all
The PCA has indicated that the first principal component (PC1; 86%) the pollen grains of all cultivars appeared globular in shape with clear
captured the variability for pod‐set percentage (16%), pollen columella head; however, the pollen grains of most of the PI lines were
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TABLE 3 Quadratic equation constants (y = ax2 + bx + c) and cardinal temperatures for pollen germination of soybean cultivar and PI lines in
response to temperature (the data are from Experiment I, irrigated condition)

Equation constant Cardinal temperature

Genotype a b c r2 RMSE Tmin Topt Tmax
Calland −0.280 16.17 −148.24 89.97 13.85 11.4 28.9 46.4
Clark63 −0.211 12.15 −82.67 94.01 8.30 7.9 28.7 49.8
Harper −0.225 12.73 −104.57 88.44 11.92 10.0 28.1 45.5
IA3023 −0.187 11.29 −86.49 90.00 9.35 9.0 31.6 50.5
KS4694 −0.235 14.37 −126.80 90.48 12.70 10.7 30.5 50.1
LD00‐3309 −0.243 14.66 −128.99 90.30 13.47 10.7 29.5 49.7
Macon −0.235 14.19 −126.76 86.38 14.41 10.9 29.8 49.5
Pella86 −0.199 11.91 −98.77 80.88 15.89 9.9 29.7 49.8
Pioneer9411 −0.235 14.09 −120.24 92.97 10.84 10.3 29.5 49.6
Stressland −0.207 12.19 −96.02 90.06 11.23 9.4 28.9 49.6
Union −0.198 11.62 −94.11 83.64 15.14 9.7 28.7 48.9
Williams −0.216 13.06 −112.66 92.53 10.07 10.4 30.2 50.2
PI393540 −0.219 11.77 −89.08 85.07 12.26 9.1 26.8 44.5
PI423932 −0.157 8.16 −56.27 88.88 7.87 8.3 26.1 43.7
PI423941 −0.130 7.37 −60.88 70.90 12.29 10.0 28.0 46.8
PI587982A −0.249 13.98 −118.46 77.67 17.84 10.4 27.7 45.7
PI588026A −0.265 13.47 −82.50 98.41 4.54 7.1 25.5 43.7
PI603670 −0.219 12.69 −120.78 95.32 4.80 12.0 28.3 45.8
PI603719A −0.152 8.07 −59.60 82.00 9.49 8.9 26.5 44.3
PI603723 −0.202 10.87 −80.08 76.60 14.12 8.8 26.9 45.0
PI603746 −0.187 10.58 −83.82 91.44 8.36 9.5 28.1 47.0
PI603751A −0.157 8.91 −80.97 80.24 10.36 11.4 27.9 45.4
Mean −0.212 12.20 −100.12 87.01 11.49 9.9 28.5 47.2
LSD ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.25*** 0.63*** 0.20***

Note. LSD: least significant difference; PI: plant introduction. The data are based on incubator temperature and not medium temperature. “‐” means data not
analysed statistically.
***Significant at P ≤ 0.001.

collapsed, flattened with no clear columella head under HDT (Figures Figure 2c); Topt (r2 = 0.52, Figure 3a); Tmax (r2 = 0.73, Figure 3b); in vitro
S4–S7). Among the cultivars, the pollen grains of Clark63, Harper, pollen germination at 30°C (r2 = 0.82, Figure 1a); and 38°C (r2 = 0.84,
LD00‐3309, Calland, and Union had rough surface under HDT com- Figure 1b) with pod‐set percentage. However, a significant (P ≤ 0.001)
pared with optimum temperature; however, the pollen grains of most negative relationship between thylakoid membrane damage and pod‐
of the PI lines had deep pits except PI603746, PI603751A, and set percentage was observed (r2 = 0.44, Figure 2b).
PI423941 under HDT (Figures S4–S7). The morphology of cultivar/PI Strong correlations were observed between photosynthetic rate,
lines representing four quadrants (I to IV) was shown in Figure 5. The thylakoid membrane damage, and pod‐set percentage and selected
pollen grains of the genotypes in quadrant I (+PC1 and +PC2) had spectral reflectance wavebands of Experiments I and III (Figure 6a,
smooth exine ornamentation, globular pollen grains with clear colu- b). However, the chlorophyll index showed a strong correlation with
mella head with mucilage secretion on the surface under HDT and opti- spectral reflectance in Experiment I. The association between green
mum temperature (Figure 5a–d). In contrast, the pollen grains of (505–595 nm) and red (605–695) regions of the spectrum with pho-
genotypes in Quadrant IV (−PC1 and −PC2) had abnormal exine orna- tosynthetic rate, chlorophyll index, and pod‐set percentage was sig-
mentation, collapsed, and flattened with no clear columella head under nificant (P ≤ 0.001) and negative (r ≥ −0.42) in Experiment I.
HDT compared with optimum temperature (Figure 5m–p). The pollen However, thylakoid membrane damage had a significant (P ≤ 0.001)
grains of genotypes in Quadrant II (+PC1 and −PC2) and Quadrant III positive (r ≥ 0.42) association in these spectral ranges (Figure 6a).
(−PC1 and +PC2) was globular with clear columella head under HDT, However, in Experiment III, significant (P ≤ 0.001) negative
but with abnormal exine ornamentation (Figure 5e–l). (r ≥ −0.33) correlations between the visible spectrum with photosyn-
thetic rate and pod‐set percentage and significant (P ≤ 0.001) posi-
tive (r ≥ 0.49) correlations with infrared regions of the spectrum
3.6 | Relationships among spectral reflectance,
were observed (Figure 6b). However, the thylakoid membrane dam-
physiological traits, and pod‐set percentage age was positively (r ≥ 0.33, P ≤ 0.001) and negatively (r ≥ −0.49,
There were significant (P ≤ 0.001) positive relationships between P ≤ 0.001) correlated with visible and infrared regions of the spec-
chlorophyll index (r2 = 0.37, Figure 2a); photosynthetic rate (r2 = 0.76, trum, respectively.
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TABLE 4 Quadratic equation constants (y = ax2 + bx + c) and cardinal temperatures for pollen germination of soybean cultivar and PI lines in
response to temperature (the data are from Experiment II, dryland condition)

Equation constant Cardinal temperature

Genotype a b c r2 RMSE Tmin Topt Tmax
Calland −0.143 8.42 −69.62 90.59 7.13 10.0 29.4 48.9
Clark63 −0.154 9.09 −75.22 91.47 7.28 10.0 29.4 48.9
Harper −0.116 6.05 −25.62 93.87 4.34 4.6 26.1 47.6
IA3023 −0.151 9.26 −79.25 82.96 11.65 10.3 30.6 50.6
KS4694 −0.094 5.72 −34.54 90.77 4.89 6.8 30.4 50.2
LD00–3309 −0.109 5.83 −30.60 83.56 7.01 5.9 26.7 47.5
Macon −0.111 6.92 −48.53 94.51 4.72 8.0 31.3 50.5
Pella86 −0.074 4.56 −27.46 90.36 4.24 6.7 31.0 50.5
Pioneer9411 −0.150 8.76 −65.15 92.76 6.32 8.7 29.2 49.6
Stressland −0.100 5.46 −23.97 95.72 2.95 4.8 27.4 49.9
Union −0.150 8.54 −58.32 92.48 6.26 7.9 28.5 49.1
Williams −0.105 6.16 −34.59 91.74 4.77 6.3 29.3 50.4
PI393540 −0.106 5.74 −36.18 83.02 6.03 7.3 26.5 46.8
PI423932 −0.172 9.14 −85.37 89.89 5.21 12.1 27.0 41.1
PI423941 −0.113 5.67 −40.35 89.28 4.42 8.5 25.8 41.8
PI587982A −0.147 7.25 −45.78 88.13 6.06 7.4 25.2 42.0
PI588026A −0.119 6.42 −47.52 89.14 6.04 8.9 26.9 44.9
PI603670 −0.128 6.01 −25.41 92.96 4.14 4.6 23.7 42.3
PI603719A −0.086 4.43 −27.37 91.66 2.86 7.1 25.9 44.4
PI603723 −0.084 4.64 −35.74 91.73 3.33 9.2 27.4 46.6
PI603746 −0.124 6.74 −67.78 90.69 3.48 13.3 27.3 41.0
PI603751A −0.109 5.21 −23.99 86.81 5.02 5.1 24.1 42.6
Mean −0.120 6.64 −45.83 90.19 5.37 7.9 27.7 47.3
LSD ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.59*** 0.36*** 0.85***

Note. LSD: least significant difference; PI: plant introduction. The data are based on incubator temperature and not medium temperature. “‐” means data not
analysed statistically.
***Significant at P ≤ 0.001.

FIGURE 1 Scatterplot illustrating relationship between (a) pollen germination at 30°C, fitted line y = −25.1 + 1.02×; r2 = 0.82 (P < 0.001), and (b)
pollen germination at 38°C, fitted line y = −3.2 + 0.89×; r2 = 0.84 (P < 0.001) with pod‐set percentage in diverse soybean genotype as determined
by linear regression. represents Experiment I dataset, and represents Experiment III dataset. PG; pollen germination. The closed circles
represent cultivars, and open circles represent plant introduction lines. The standard error of mean for both dependent and independent variables
is shown

4 | DISCUSSION percentage) in diverse soybean genotypes; (b) cultivars had higher

photosynthetic rate and reproductive success than PI lines; (c) there
The study showed that (a) HDT from gametogenesis to full bloom was a significant positive (r2 ≥ 0.67) association between photosyn-
decreased photosynthetic rate and reproductive success (pod‐set thesis, Topt, Tmax, and pollen germination with pod‐set percentage; (d)
13653040, 2019, 1, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [23/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

FIGURE 3 Scatterplot illustrating relationship between (a) Topt for

pollen germination, fitted line y = −119.7 + 5.9×; r2 = 0.52
(P < 0.001), and (b) Tmax for pollen germination, fitted line
y = −159.7 + 4.38×; r2 = 0.73 (P < 0.001) with pod‐set percentage in
diverse soybean genotype as determined by linear regression.
represents Experiment I dataset, and represents Experiment II
dataset. The closed circles represent cultivars, and open circles
represent PI lines. The standard error of mean for both dependent and
independent variables is shown

in vitro pollen germination at 38°C and canopy reflectance at visible

spectrum can be used as a high‐throughput phenotypic tool for iden-
tification of HDT‐tolerant genotypes; and (e) PCA showed that
IA3023, Williams, KS4694, Macon, and Pella86 and PI588026A,
PI603719A, PI393540, PI423942, PI603723, and PI587982A were
FIGURE 2 Scatterplot illustrating relationship between (a)
chlorophyll index (Soil Plant Analytical Development [SPAD] units), HDT tolerant and susceptible, respectively.
fitted line y = −300.0–3.74×; r2 = 0.37 (P < 0.001); (b) thylakoid High temperature is a major environmental stress that limits the
membrane damage ( F o/ F m ratio, unitless), fitted line y = 132.9– yield of soybean. Modelling data have shown that for each 0.8°C
307.5×; r2 = 0.44 (P < 0.001); and (c) photosynthetic rate (μmol m−2 s increase above 26.7°C, the soybean yields are expected to decline
), fitted line y = 2.2–0.22×; r2 = 0.76 (P < 0.001) with pod‐set
by 2.4% (Hatfield et al., 2011). In this study, during Experiment I, the
percentage in diverse soybean genotype as determined by linear
mean daytime temperature from gametogenesis to flowering stages
regression. represents Experiment I dataset, and represents
Experiment III dataset. The closed circles represent cultivars, and open was 37.5°C, which is ~8°C and 7°C increase over Experiments II and
circles represent plant introduction lines. The standard error of mean III, respectively (Figure S1). HDT decreased photosynthetic rate and
for both dependent and independent variables is shown chlorophyll index and increased thylakoid membrane damage com-
pared with optimum temperature (Table 1). Earlier studies in soybean
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FIGURE 4 Classification of 22 soybean genotypes for high daytime temperature stress tolerance based on the factor scores of first (PC1) and
second (PC2) principal components. represents cultivars, and represents plant introduction (PI) lines

have indicated that irrespective of timing (day, night, and day and higher photosynthetic rates also had higher pod‐set percentages
night), high temperature stress has decreased photosynthetic rate to (Figure 2c). Several studies have reported the natural variation in leaf
the same level (~8% decrease over optimum temperature; photosynthetic rate in soybean (Jin et al., 2010; Morrison et al.,
Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, & Schapaugh, 2013; Gibson & Mullen, 1999; Sakoda, Tanaka, Long, & Shiraiwa, 2016). The linear increase
1996). Similar to combined high daytime and nighttime temperature, in photosynthetic rate against year of release was reported, and the
HDT may have caused structural and functional changes in the thyla- newer cultivars had 23% greater photosynthetic rate than older culti-
koid membrane, leading to loss of chlorophyll pigments, because it is vars and local genotypes (Koester et al., 2014; Sakoda et al., 2016).
bound to chloroplastic membranes (Djanaguiraman, Perumal, This explains the increased photosynthetic rate and pod‐set percent-
Ciampitti, Gupta, & Prasad, 2018; Narayanan, Prasad, Fritz, Boyle, & age of cultivars over the PI lines.
Gill, 2015; Ristic et al., 2007; Tewari & Tripathy, 1999). In soybean, Pod‐set percent (number of pods formed from flowers) depends
the number of seeds per plant is linearly correlated with photosyn- on the functionality of male and female gametes. The environmental
thetic rate under optimum growth conditions (Egli, 1988; Egli & Yu, conditions from gametogenesis to anthesis stage can influence the
1991; Jiang & Egli, 1993) and mild drought stress conditions (Liu, performance of gametes (Prasad et al., 2017). Similar to combined high
Jensen, & Andersen, 2004). Similarly, a positive relationship between daytime and nighttime temperatures or high daytime or nighttime
photosynthetic rate and pod‐set percentage was observed under HDT temperatures during full bloom (Djanaguiraman, Prasad, Boyle, &
(Figure 2c). In soybean, vegetative growth lasts until the middle or late Schapaugh, 2013), HDT from gametogenesis to full bloom has
stages of reproductive growth (pod development stage), causing a deceased the pod‐set percentage in soybean compared with optimum
strong competition between developing vegetative and reproductive temperature (Table 1). The decrease in pod‐set percentage was attrib-
organs for photosynthate (Brun & Betts, 1984). In soybean, shading uted to a decrease in pollen viability, because a positive linear relation-
treatments from flowering to pod development significantly decreased ship between pollen germination percentage and pod‐set percentage
the number of pods per plant (Kurosaki & Yumoto, 2003); however, was observed (Figure 1). Similar to this observation, Prasad et al.
increased light intensities by supplemental lighting have increased (1999) in peanut; Aloni, Peet, Pharr, and Karni (2001) in bell pep-
the number of pods per plant, suggesting that inadequate supply of per (Capsicum annuum L.); Djanaguiraman et al. (2014); Nguyen et al.
photosynthates to the developing reproductive organ is the major rea- (2013); and Singh et al. (2015, 2016) in sorghum have established a
son for pod abortion (Egli & Yu, 1991; Abdin et al., 1998). Confirming high positive correlation between in vitro pollen germination and
these findings, in the present experiments, the genotypes having fruit/seed set under combined high daytime and nighttime
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FIGURE 5 Scanning electron microscopic images of pollen grains of representative soybean genotypes (Williams [Quadrant I, +PC1 and + PC2]);
Stressland (Quadrant II, +PC1 and −PC2); PI603746 (Quadrant III, −PC1 and + PC2); and PI393540 (Quadrant IV, −PC1 and −PC2) of Experiments I
and II. † indicates columella head; * indicates the exine ornamentation. The first and third column images were recorded at 3,000×, and the second
and fourth column images were recorded at 12,000×

temperatures. The genotypes having lower pod‐set percentages under not available in soybean; thus, understanding the effects of high tem-
HDT had shrivelled pollen grains with abnormal exine ornamentation, peratures on pistil fertility and associated pod‐set percentage will also
and few columellae heads (Figure 5). The exine originates from the help in developing high‐temperature‐tolerant genotypes.
tapetum, and premature degeneration of the tapetal layer under high Results from in vitro studies showed that soybean genotypes var-
temperature stress might have affected the translocation of carbohy- ied in response to temperature for cardinal temperatures for pollen
drates to developing pollen grains leading to abnormal exine ornamen- germination (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax; Table 3 and 4; Figure 3). Overall,
tation and loss of pollen viability (Djanaguiraman, Prasad, & between Experiments I and II, the cardinal temperatures for pollen
Schapaugh, 2013; Djanaguiraman, Boyle, Welti, et al., 2018). Studies germination (Topt and Tmax) varied little (<1°C; Tables 3 and 4), and
in sorghum have shown that apart from tapetum degeneration, high the mean Topt and Tmax value of cultivars was higher than PI lines in
temperatures also induce accumulation of reactive oxygen species in both experiments I and III (Table 2). The high Topt and Tmax value of cul-
pollen grains leading to loss of pollen viability (Djanaguiraman et al., tivars is associated with high pod‐set percentage (Figure 3). The differ-
2014; Djanaguiraman, Boyle, Welti, et al., 2018; Prasad & ences in Topt and Tmax reflected cultivar susceptibility or tolerance to
Djanaguiraman, 2011). However, in pearl millet, the pistil is found to high temperature because the cultivars that had a higher Topt also
be more sensitive to high temperature than pollen grains had higher Tmax values or vice versa as observed in rice (Coast et al.,
(Djanaguiraman, Perumal, Ciampitti, et al., 2018). Such information is 2016) and peanut (Craufurd et al., 2003). However, in sorghum (Singh
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FIGURE 6 Correlation coefficients (r) for the

relationship between spectral reflectance in
400 to 1,050 nm and photosynthetic rate
(μmol m−2 s−1); thylakoid membrane damage
( F o/ F m ratio, unitless); chlorophyll index (Soil
Plant Analytical Development units); and pod‐
set percentage. (a) Experiment I and (b)
Experiment III. Wavebands are 10‐nm
intervals, and reflectance is the percentage of
a white reference panel. Dashed lines
represent significance at the P < 0.05 level

et al., 2016) and cotton (Kakani et al., 2005), high‐temperature toler- genotypes by crossing female plants with pollen grains exposed to
ance is not associated with cardinal temperatures for pollen germina- 35°C for 15 min, suggesting that pollen could be used to screen cotton
tion. This study provides evidence that in soybean, cardinal cultivars for high‐temperature tolerance. Our earlier studies have
temperature for pollen germination (Topt and Tmax) is associated with showed that percent pollen germination at 38°C was ~50% of the pol-
pod‐set percentage (Figure 3). The observed Tmax value for soybean len germination percent at optimum temperature (Djanaguiraman,
was higher than or equal to most of the field crops (rice, 42.2°C, Coast Prasad, Boyle, & Schapaugh, 2013; Djanaguiraman, Prasad, &
et al., 2016; sorghum, 43.2°C, Singh et al., 2016; cotton, 46.2°C, Schapaugh, 2013). Therefore, the ability of pollen grain to germinate
Kakani et al., 2005; peanut, 46.3°C, Kakani et al., 2002; soybean, and grow well at temperature of 38°C was assessed, and the result
47.2°C, Salem et al., 2007; and pearl millet, 50°C, Djanaguiraman, indicated a strong positive association between in vitro pollen germi-
Perumal, Jagadish, et al., 2018). The cardinal temperatures are based nation at 38°C and pod‐set percent (Figure 1a,b). Based on the pollen
on incubator temperatures (the actual tissue or medium temperatures germination, it can be concluded that cardinal temperatures for pollen
could be about 1°C to 2°C cooler because of air circulation and loca- germination (Tmin and Topt) and pollen germination at 38°C could be
tion of the sensor that controls incubator temperature), and the qua- used as a high‐throughput phenotypic tool to identify soybean geno-
dratic equation used to calculate the Tmax does not account for the types tolerance to high temperatures.
frequently observed decline of developmental rate at supraoptimal Spectral reflectance of a plant is closely associated with the struc-
temperatures (Yin, Kropff, McLaren, & Visperas, 1995). Rodriguez‐ tural and physiological characteristics of the canopy (Lobos & Han-
Garay and Barrow (1988) bred high‐temperature‐tolerant cotton cock, 2015). The results present in Figure 6 reveals that it is possible
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to capture the effect of HDT on photosynthetic properties of soybean HDT tolerant and susceptible, respectively. The presence of extensive
genotypes in terms of their spectral signature in two regions (visible, genotypic variation for photosynthetic rate, pollen germination, and
VIS; 400–700 nm) and near‐infrared (NIR, 700–1300 nm). There was pod set supports the view that plant breeding can potentially mitigate
a subtle difference in the shape of the canopy reflectance curves some of the adverse effects of HDT. However, further research is
between cultivars and PI lines in the above regions under HDT (Figure required to understand the sensitivity of female gametophyte to
S8). All the cultivars had low reflectance in the green and red regions HDT, response of pollination and fertilization process to HDT, and
and high reflectance in the red‐edge and near‐infrared regions com- whether the differences in HDT tolerance among the genotypes are
pared with the PI lines (Figure S8). Leaf pigments, including chlorophyll associated with differences in sensitivity to HDT per se or diurnal tem-
a, b, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and other accessory pigments are perature difference or combined temperature and VPD effects.
associated with light harvesting reactions of photosynthesis and are
abundant in healthy plants causing less canopy reflectance (Asner, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
1998; Babar, Ginkel, van Klatt, Prasad, & Reynolds, 2006; Chappelle, We thank the United Soybean Board for financial support. Feed the
Kim, & McMurtrey III, 1992; Yao, Zhu, Tian, Feng, & Cao, 2010). The Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable
higher reflectance in the visible spectrum in the PI lines indicated Intensification (Grant No. AID‐OAA‐L‐14‐00006) 593 funded by
unhealthy and loss of the chlorophyll pigments under HDT. This was United States Agency for International Development is acknowledged.
validated from chlorophyll index values of cultivar and PI lines We also thank Dr. Dan Boyle, Division of Biology, Kansas State Uni-
(Figure 2a). Apart from this, low reflectance in NIR regions of the cul- versity, for the help in pollen morphology analysis. We thank Tamil
tivars might be due to a higher ratio of spongy mesophyll to palisade Nadu Agricultural University, India, for permitting Dr. M.
mesophyll cells (Ollinger, 2011). Increased spongy to palisade meso- Djanaguiraman to conduct postdoctoral research at Kansas State Uni-
phyll cells helps in rapid diffusion of CO2 to the chloroplasts causing versity. This publication has a Contribution No. 18‐255‐J from the
higher photosynthetic rate. This is consistent with the finding of Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
Slaton, Hunt Jr., and Smith (2001), who found a strong correlation
between NIR leaf reflectance and the photosynthetic rate. This was ORCID
confirmed in this study by a significant negative correlation between
Henry Nguyen
visible spectrum reflectance and chlorophyll index and photosynthetic
P.V. Vara Prasad
rate (Figure 6). Generally, thylakoid membrane damage is negatively
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