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Ea LM eLENOS TP PEI ene Ta Or “ TEACHER'S EDITION ~ Contents Introduction Plan of Book 2 ‘The new edition Student's Book overview ‘Teacher's Edition overview Course components Frequently asked questions Authors’ acknowledgments Classroom language ‘Teaching Notes 1 Atime to remember 2 Caught in the rush Progress check 8 ‘Time for a change! 4 Tve never heard of that! TTT TT TTT STIS s Progress check Ee 5 Going places Ce 6 OK. No problem! | Progress chee LC 7 What's this for? b B Let's celebrate! Progress chock bb 9 Back to the future Ec 10 I don't like working on weekends! Cc Progress check = 11 Tes really worth seeing! bb 12 It could happen to you! EC Progress check ~ 18 Good book, terrible moviot os 14 So that’s what it means! cc Progress check Kc 15 What would you do? > 16 What's your excuse? bE Progress check cE Interchange activities kK Self-study, audio seripts, and answer key Additional Resources Games Fresh ideas Photocopiables Language summaries Oral quizzes Written quizzes, audio scripts, and answer key Workbook answer key Appendix Acknowledgments iv vil =v viii 12 TB Tia 716 722 728 730 1:36 742 744 750 756 758 Téa £70 T2 r78 Tet 786 192 798 F100 7106 Tie nid 7132 ras rin9 P156 ri76 1192 7198 r236 17252 7253 Contents Introduction Plan of Book 2 ‘The new edition Student's Book overview ‘Teacher's Edition overview Course components Frequently asked questions Authors’ acknowledgments Classroom language ‘Teaching Notes 1 Atime to remember 2 Caught in the rush Progress check 8 ‘Time for a change! 4 Tve never heard of that! TTT TT TTT STIS s Progress check Ee 5 Going places Ce 6 OK. No problem! | Progress chee LC 7 What's this for? b B Let's celebrate! Progress chock bb 9 Back to the future Ec 10 I don't like working on weekends! Cc Progress check = 11 Tes really worth seeing! bb 12 It could happen to you! EC Progress check ~ 18 Good book, terrible moviot os 14 So that’s what it means! cc Progress check Kc 15 What would you do? > 16 What's your excuse? bE Progress check cE Interchange activities kK Self-study, audio seripts, and answer key Additional Resources Games Fresh ideas Photocopiables Language summaries Oral quizzes Written quizzes, audio scripts, and answer key Workbook answer key Appendix Acknowledgments iv vil =v viii 12 TB Tia 716 722 728 730 1:36 742 744 750 756 758 Téa £70 T2 r78 Tet 786 192 798 F100 7106 Tie nid 7132 ras rin9 P156 ri76 1192 7198 r236 17252 7253 Plan of Book 2 Tittes/Topics Speaking Grammar | | ‘Atime to remeraber Tatrodueing yourself, talking Past tense; used to for oxehanging ‘habitual actions People; childhood: memories about yor remembering your childhood ‘asking about someone's childhood school erodes Tilking about traneportation _-—-Adverbs of quantity with count and - ¢ Caught ja the rush ‘Transportation; transportation ‘and traneportation problems; ‘omenunt nouns: foo mary, £00 ‘problem ely services valnating cy azevices; acking much, fer eas ore Mt = for and giving information sagugh eur on = PROGRESS CHEDK PAGES 1-16 eee = [OCS = ‘Time for a change! ‘Daseribing positive and negative ‘Evaluations and comparisons with ~~ ‘Houses and apartments; lifestyle features; making comparisons; adjectives: not. .. enough, 100, - changes; wishes {Sling soon Hfésle changes; (rods, of; evaluations and = eapreseing wishes Comparisons with nouns: not 2 ‘enough = f20 musch/many S ‘hoes muBhimany.-- 08; = {ve never heard ofthat? ‘Talcing about food: exoreesing ‘Sicaple past vs. pregont perfect; ““ Pea epee instructions; cooking ikea and dishkee; deserting a aeqhonce adverbs: frst, then, next, a inethods fiers snack; efving imatruttions after shat, filly 2 PROGRESS CHECK, PAGES 20-28 2 WG 5 Going places Describing vacation pla " ‘Travel vacations; plans persis planning a vacation medals for necessity and suggestion: : must, need to, (dont) have to, better, : (ought fo, should (nt) 4 (UES Fro-port verbs will for rebnonding OK. No probes! Making requests; accepting and Geinplaines; household chores Mapes; complaining, ‘to requests; requeste With models fecquest; exenses: apologies Tooloeising giving excuses snd Wewtd you mind”. : PORES EK pages e243 Whats this for? ‘Describing technology; giving Tefnitives and garunds for uses : Mehul intrutins Ce eT Sh snd pangs; umperntivon and {bliin or ving supgestions 3 7 Descrsing hplidayn fessvale, Relative clauses of tres fastoms, a special events {uses of time: when, afer, before Holidays: feetivele; costoms; Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Reduced form of used to ‘Writing « paragraph about “Class profile™: Finding out about @ Listening to people talk about yur ehulahood clasemate’s childhood their part “Nicole Kidman: New Hollywood 7 Lstecisto ralty’= Reading about an ‘acuss thelr favorite career hilhoed memories ‘Syllable stress ‘Writing e letter to the editor “avi capla et Listening 1 a description of a “New Ways of Getting ‘ways to attract tourists toa ci unig uti Meo eseloata ‘Selfetady: Listening to people ask _**ensportation inventions for information Uaprenounced vowels Wiitng an email deserting “Wishfol dhiaking® Finding out “Lisantng ta people tek aboot an apartment about a elassmate's wishes opens Hotel “Besgh Toe Bad Hai Patudy: Listening to people ask about ways Sreciemmeneeeess LIRR sparanents Consonant dusters Waiting a recipe “Biky sano Calon Listening to descriptions of feeds “Food and Mood”: Reading about {information ee ‘Food and Mood" Reading abst Fe lasates Sp sucy: Lanveniog to peole “Pun vacations? Deciding or rade ai a COP ery Tied conde nih oven fy) Willing Wave uggortions Tistenog to trevelodico “Beting Avey From A Selfetudy immingte people ‘Reading tipe rom an Steass vocation plane Srpert backpacker Sous i ropa verbs ings ras “Thats po easel Apcogiing Listening to reels ofa wurvey NegiieriReatag — smmabne ocr ‘Selfstudy: Listening to poople cat dead wih neigabors ake rogues Spat vrnn “Wiking abe giving istrudona oT odin Giving vice Listaning ta «rao program TADayin Your Life ia the Year, to ausmaien Ktentny people eve in Sha Reng about ein fcetndy: Listening to people ‘he UE Siantencompotere. ‘Stress and rhythm ‘Writing a travel guide “Once in a blue moon”: Finding ‘ntening to a deseription “Qnique Customs": Reading about ot how clossinatas celerate ‘of Carnaval holidays and unusual customs: special events Seated Listening to emaone talk about Halloween PISO. = be L& —Pronuneiation/Listening —Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Reduced form ofueed 10 Writing a paragraph about “Class profile”: Finding out about a be Listening to people tolk about wud ccasangtat ehilchood Le thetrpest ‘Ried Kidnap: Ney Helly Due ay iaeeiig ts: aboot an be eople discuss their ferorite aves cance career be. ocd memories cé ‘Syllable stress Weiting a letter tothe editor “Tourism campaign’: Suggesting = Listening to a description of “New Ways of Getting ways to attract tourists to a city 1 ramportaton system ‘Around Roading about new ce ‘Selfetudy: Listowing to people ask __ensportation inventions for information S ES Caprenouneed vowels ‘Wiitng en e-mail deocribing Wel kings Ping ot Listening to talk about an apartment a classmate’s wishes = Seeker met “Bresk Thooe Bad Hobite be —_Setevacy: Listening to people ask Reading shout ways to end LL tare eatin abt = apartments 7 E Consonant clusters: ‘Writing a recipe Hid beaiaee aes Listening to deseriptions of foods: “Fond and Mood”: Reading about personal informa! LC Satu ‘Listening to pees ‘how food affoete the way we fecl from classmates = tall about food =) ‘Linked oun ds with fr end iy? ‘Writing trevel suggestions — “Pun vacations"; Deciding on a trip BS Tistening to travel eavice “Geting Any From AN = s ‘astening to ‘upefom an LL —ee expert backpacker cS ‘Sisees in two-part verbs Wiiting o eet of guidelines “hate pe exesel Arsgcing om Listening to results of survey ‘eighbor ve. Neighbor’: Reading 828 Moaking wxeuses ae ‘Self-study: Listening to people about ways to deal with neighbors ce Syllae strens Witing a nua giving istrachons “Toll radio" Giving advico LE Listening to radto program; “ADay in Your Life Inthe Year GES 02-97 —t ‘So that's what it means! Interpreting body language; ‘Modals and adverbs: might, - Nonverbal communication; ‘explaining geokates and meanings; may, could, must, maybe, = ieee aod eaingy ons Getioingemolions; asking shout” perKape, posably, probobly, = Se See ged and prkiition = PROGRESS CHEK AGES 90-80 ios = gad guid you do? ‘Speculating about past and future, Unreal conditional sentences with hopes; predicaments; ‘events; describing 0 predicament; "if clauses; past one siving advice and suggestions fo | antlesd What’ your excuse? what people say; ‘Reported spooch: request; reported Requoats; excuses; invitatione ing requests, making speech: statements invitotions and exeuses| PROGRESS OH pages 112-112 Ea Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity ' ' ) ’ , ' L ) Tnvonntion i statements with ‘Wrting @ description ofa person “Consider the consequences": time phrases ‘ro You in Love?: Rexding about Ageing and disagreeing ) Listening to pesple tal the signs of being in love with lacemates about changes }—setptudy: Lsaning to poole j___aews tae i “Unroleased and released /Y and /Y Writing a covor letter fora job “Dream job": Dosing which job to ; Listening to people talk about application apoly for \ oe SER Wosding et bw to find Seifatudy: Listening to 9 stodent about how b lection debate the perfoct job The teter o Wiriting a ruidebook introduction “Who is this by Sharing { Listening to Asserptions of “A Guide to Uausual information about famous works ‘mocuments;Utentng for ‘Moseume’: Reading about { ic sac om interesting moseums { ey naan Shoat te staae $7 contrastive ress imrospenses ——_‘Wating a short story Listening to people alk about Child Prodigies": Reading about recent experiences gifted children ” Sleatuy Listening pent talk about events in thee carers Enophatic tress Writing « movie review amon feo Asking Listening for opinions; listening to “The Magic of Potter”: Readi lesamaled opinions abou peer ae ing o oat auauthorscareer Spoviev and TV thows study: Listaning to people tlk Sota eee Pitch ‘Writing a list of rules “Whats going on?” Interpreting ‘Listening to paople talk about the “Pearls of Wisdom": Reading ‘body Tamguage ings of sbont proverbs ‘Seffstudy: Vistening to people inouce broek signe ‘eduction ofhave “Witing a letter to wn “De the right thing: Deciding what Tibeexing ia people Gi aba advice clumnist, to-do in a dificult eiation Predicaments; nteaing toa redio “Ask Amy": Reading an Galt chow advice columa Seiftudy: Listening to people piel Redaction oF Aad and would ‘Wiiting a voice mail message "Rxcmes, meus”: Making ILstening for encuses;etoning to “The Truth About Laine” ‘up exrusee voice mall mesnages Reading about "white lies” eee : 7 , ; ; ; ; CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Working together Which Caer) are you going to take? Cae be Student A, @ swapsuor. ‘Many people use the Internet to meet penple. Here is soma typical information found in enine personel ads Tell us about yourself! aekgraund ‘Backaround Born: Dales Bory Buenos Ares Grow up: Las Angeles ‘Gram up: Los Angaes Profesional Information Professional information Exucetin: colag: degree Education: high schoo! cpioma (Occupation: computer specs: Cceupation: colege svudore Interests and hobbies Interests ane babies Hove o be outdoor. enjoy king | | ce go tothe movies andthe ong fand safrring, And Im 2 good cook, | walks, And Im learing to rine skal Do you think Ana and Ted coutd be friends? Do people in your country use personal ads? How else can people mest? Greate your own personal profile and compare it with a partner. How are you the same? different? @ CONVERSATION Where did you learn to skate? A ® Listen and practice. ‘Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. ‘Ted: Neither am I... . Say, azo you from South America? es, 1 am, originally. I was born in Argentina, jd you grow up there? fes, 1 did, but my family moved here ten years ago, when I was in junior high school. ‘Ted: And where did you learn to skate? ‘Ana: Here in the park. This is only my third time. "Ted: Well, its my first time. Can you give me some lessons? ‘Ana: Sure, Just fallow me. ‘Ted: By the way, my name is Ted. ‘Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. An B © Listen to the rest of the conversation. What are two more things you learn about Ted? A Ce CL EHH EL EE DEL EVEL SL VSL SLT SL ST SL SL SL ALE © Grammar rocus 1 : Could you tell me a little about yourself? Where ...,....... you born? B: I..........., born in Korea. AE es you grow up there? BENGT wD up in Canada. 2, A: Where you go to high school? B: I... to high school in Ecuador. A: And when you graduate? BI last year. Now I work as a salesperson. 3A you have a favorite teacher when you a child? B: Yes, T..... ices an excellent teacher named Mr. Woods. A: What he teach? B: He........... Engligh. B Pais work Take turns asking the questions in part A. Give your own information when answering. @ LISTENING Life as an immigrant A ® Liston to interviews with two immigrants to the United States. Where are they from? B © Listen again and complete the chart - Where were you born? When did you move to Los Angeles? =. *) = A Complete these conversations. Then practice with @ partner. * 1wes bom in Argentina, Imoved here ten years ago. | didn’t speak English, Were you born in Buenos Aires? you take English classes in Argentina? 1 ce Yes, Iwas. Yes, | did | took classes for a year. 1 No, I wasn't. !was born in Cordoba. No, | didn’t. My aunt taught me at home. } € Vator [1 nen aa hese move to he | United States? 2 What is difficult about being an immigrant? 3. What does he/she miss the most? PUA A time to remember © 3 @ SPEAKING Tell me about yourself. A Pair work Check (/) six questions below. Then interview a classmate you don't know very well. 1 Where did you go to elementary school? 7 What other languages ean you speak? £1 Were you a good student in elementary schoo!? [11 Do you have a big family? © What were your best subjects? 1) Did you enjoy your childhood? 7 What subjects didn't you like? C1 Who was your hero when you were a child? 2) When did you first study English? 1 Did you ever have a parttime jab? B Group work Tell the group what you learned about ss Tan your partner. Then answer any questions, Pi Really? Me, too! A: Carlos went to elementary school in Mexico City. Sonn r B: Pam first studied English when she was 10. pea a ed C: Really? Where did she study English? WORD POWER A Complete the word map. Add two more words to each category. Then compare with a partner. o beach, bicycle eat collect comic books paint play chess rabbit serapbook snake ‘soccer ball summer camp tree house Gime) Rg ies B Pair work Choose three words from the word map and use them to deseribe ‘some of your childhood memories. A: I played chess when F was in elementary school. B: How well did you play? ‘A: Iwas pretty good, actually. I won several competitions. Ae Unitt POT EP EE my UU Oe a , . ’ ' PERSPECTIVES How have you changed? A ® Listen to these statements about changes. Check (7) those that are true about: you. B Pair work Look at the statements again. Which changes are positive? Which are negative? “T think the first one is a positive change. It’s good to be neat.” © Grammar Focus Used to rofors to something that you regularly did « in the past but don't do anymore. | used to be very messy, but now I'm very neat. : Did you use to collect things? » Yes, Lused to collect comic books, No, I didn’t use to collect anything, but now I collect at. What sports did you use to play? Inever used to play sports, but now | play tennis. ‘A Complete these sentences. Then compare with a partner. 1. In elementary school, I used to... 4, Ididn't use to... 2. Tused to be..., but 'mnot anymore. 5. After school, my best friend and I used to... 3. When Iwasa kid, [used to play... 6. My parents never used to... B Pair work How have you changed these things? Write five moro sentences about yourself using used to yourhairstyle the way you dress your hobbies and interests “Tused to wear my hair much longer. Now I wear it short.” A time to remember * 5 ~ fd © PRONUNCIATION Used to A ® Listen and practice. Notice thet the pronunciation of used to and use to is the same. g When I was a child, I used to play the trumpet. Lused to have a nickname. x I didn't use to have a bicycle. ¢ I didn't use to study very hard at school. B Pair work Practice the sentences you wrote in Exercise 8 again. Pay attention to the pronunciation of used to and use to. ® speaning Memories _ A Pair work Add three questions to this list. ‘Then take turns asking and answering the questions. What's your favorite childhood memory? What kinds of sports or gamos did you use to play when you were younger? Did you use to have a nickname? ‘Where did you use to spend your vacations? ‘How has your taste in music changed? pe Srna aRe B Class activity Tell the class two interesting things about your partner. @ WAITING About yoursett A Write « paragraph about things you used to do as a child. Use some of your ideas from Exereise 10. Just for fin, include one false statement. |_ Wher was four years old, my. family moved to Australia. We had an old __| | two-story house and a big yard My older bro! a | used to play. | together. In the summer, my favorite outdoor game was... B Group work Share your parographs and answer any questions. Can you find the false statements? @ INTERCHANGE 1 Class profite Find out more about your classmates. Go to Interchange 1 at the back of the book. 6° Unit? LECCE EEE EEE EELS [AMV UU AAA Aa aa VS READING Ra dn ora Cae ‘iress Nicole Kidman was born in Honolua, Hawaii, in 1967, Her father, ap Austral vwas.a student in Hawaii a the time, When she ‘was, the Family reurrned to Australia, andl Kiciman grew mp in a suburb of Sydney. Kidman became interested in acting early on. Her fiast experience came when she was 6 years old and she played a sheep in her school's Christias pageant. She trained in drama and dance through her wen years. She got a conple of TV parts before she made her breakthroughs In 1985, the Auscralian Film Institute named her Actress ofthe © Year for her role in the TV miniseries Vieinam. She ‘was only 17. ‘n 1988, Kidman appeared in the ereepy thriller Dead Cain. This performance earned her the lead role in her first American movic, Days of Thunder. ‘Her costar was Tom Gruise, Following a " whirtuind romance, Kidman and Cruise were married in Colorado on Christmas kre, 1990. Daring the marriage, Kidman's career continued * to grow. She and Cruise adopted nvo children, eee ld and they worked hard wo balance their carcers anil Family fife, Unforumately, the marriage didn tas. Kidman and Gruise divorced | in 2001. After the divorce, Ridinan threw herslt into ner work. She starred in a number of high-profile movies, inching dhe musical Moulin Rouge Then, in 2003, she wom both an Acideauy Avard andl a Golien Globe For her role as Virginia Woolf in the fle The Hows: And whar does she think of her fame? “Its a fleeting mament,” she has said. “How long will it lage? Who knovs? But it's here and it's now.” A Read the article. Find the words in italics in the article. Then circle ‘the meaning of each word or phrase. 1, When you make a breakthrough, you experience a sudden advance / accident, 2. When something is creepy, it gives you a feeling of joy and excitement / fear and disgust. 3. A whirhoind describes something that happens slowly / quickly. 4, When Kidman threw herself into her work, she worked very hard / stopped working. 5. When something is fleeting, it lasts a short / long time. B_ Number these sentences from 1 (first event) to 10 (last event). She divorced Tom Cruise. She had her frst acting experience. She won an Academy Award. She moved to Australia. She made her first American movie. eRoge sao f She won her first award. g. She adopted two children, 1... She was born in Hawaii i, Sho studied drama and dance. |. She married Tom Cruise. C Pair work Who is your favorite actor or actress? What interesting details do you know about his or her life and career? Atime to remember °7 | Dena in the rush 1) WORD POWER Compound nouns A Mateh the words in columns A and B to make compound nouns. (More than one answer may be possible.) subway + lation = subway station A B ‘i a taxi stand bicycle garage bus jam news Jane parking light street space subway stand text station trite stop train system B Pair work Which of these things ean you find where you live? ‘A: There is a bus system here, B: Yes. There are also a lot of traffic jams. ©) PERSPECTIVES Transportation services A © Listen to these comments about transportation services, a “What about the buses? “There should be fewer They are old, slow, and cars, but think that the cause toomuch pollution. biggest problemis parking. think there should be less There jus Isn'tenough pollution in the city” parking.” B Pair work Look at the comments again. Which stotementa do you agree with? AEE EEL ELL LEELA | With count nouns There are too many cars There should be fewer cars. We need more subway lines. ‘There aren't enough buses. may be possible.) There are . There should be There is . There should be 6. We should have GRAMMAR FOCUS Errore ena) A Complete theso statements about transportation problems. ‘Then compare with a partner. (More than one answer police officers. ..-- public transportation, The government needs to build With noncount nouns There is too much traffic. There should be less pollution. We need more public transportation. There isn’t enough parking. . cars in the city. ways. noise. public parking garages, air pollution in the city. cars parked on the streets, 7. There is .. & There are B Group work Write sentences about the city or town you are living in. Then eompare with others. 6. There should be fewer 6. We don't have enough . .. . There should be less... . 8. We need more 1. The city should provide more... 2. We have too many: 3. There's too much . 4, There isn’t enough ... @ LISTENING Singapore solves it. A ® Listen to someone talk about how Singapore has tried to solve its traffic problems. Check (/) True or False for each statement, 1. Motorists ore never allowed to drive into the business district. F) 2. People need a special certificate to buy a car. a 8 8. Cars cost more than in the United States or Canada. a 8 4, Public transportation still needs to be improved Ci) B © Listen again. For the false statements, write the correct information. C Class activity Could the solutions adopted in Singapore work pt in your eity or town? Why or why not? Caught in the rush + 9 Aen rrr ee Onan © DISCUSSION You be the judge! A Group work Which of these transportation services are available in your city or town? Discuss what is good and bad about each one. .. taxi service coun the subway system... facilities for pedestrians the bus system... the train system. parking B Group work How would you rate the transportation services where you live? Give each item a rating from 1 to 6. VAULT « nN Sexcellent 4=good S=average 2 needs improvement 1 = terrible r ‘A: Ta give the taxi sorvice a rating of 4. There are enough taxis, but there are too many bad drivers. B: I think a rating of 4 is too high. There should be more taxi stands and... © WAITING A letter to the editor ’ ‘A Read this letter to a newspaper editor ged aE ite \ ‘about traffic problems in the city. ops ween tty conceit B Use your statements from Exercise 3 ‘There's too much traffic in this city, and its and any new ideas to write a letter to your getting worse! A fow years ago, ittook me ten local newepaper: _migutes to get downtown. Now it takes more r : than thirty minutes during the cush hour! Here” © Pair work Take turns reading your letters. are my suggestions to solve some of our traffic } Give your partner suggestions for revision. «robes, First of al, there should be more 1 “subway lines. I think people want to use public : transportation, but we need more «+ a @ swapsHoT ee | Common.Questions AAV AAA A AAA TEA AAA AAA LV, Soueens mumenaosecnicago com, mint oriandosiport. net Check (7) the questions you can answer about your city. What other questions could a visitor ask about your city? Talk to your classmates. Find answers to the questions you didn't check. < . $ % ‘ ‘ ‘ 10° Unit2 PERERA EEE Le = —, = s LC Le Ee i i 5 E © CONVERSATION Could you tell me A ® Listen and practice. Erica: Exeuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is? Clork: There's one upstairs, across from the duty-free shop. Erica: Do you know what time it opens? Clerk: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 A.M, Erica: Oh, good. And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city? Clerk: You need to check at the transportation counter. It’s right down the hall. Brica: OK. And just one more thing. Do you know ‘whore tho rest rooms are? Clerk: Right behind you. Do you see where that sign is? Erica: Oh. Thanks e lot B @ Listen to the rest of the conversation. ‘Chock () the information that Erica asks for. F7 the cost of a taxi to the city FT. the cost of a bus to the city FA the location of the taxi stand [1 the location of a restaurant GRAMMAR FOCUS direct questions from Wh-questions ©) a™ Wh- questions with be Indirect questions ‘Where is the bank? Could you tell me where the bank Is? ‘Where are the rest rooms? Do you know where the rest rooms: Wh-questions with do or did Indirect questions % ~ How often do the buses leave? Can you tell me how often the buses leave? What time does the bank open? Do you know what time the bank opens? , When did Flight 566 arrive? Do you know when Flight 568 arrived? 2 A Write indirect questions using these Wh-questions. ‘Then compare with a partner. 1. How mueh does a newspaper cost? _5. Where can you get a good meal? 2. Where is the nearest cash machine? 6. How late do the nightclubs stay open? 8, What time do the banks open? 7, How carly do the trains run? 4, How often do the buses come? 8 What is the best hotel in the area? B Pair work Take turns asking the questions you wrote in part A. Give your own information when answering. “Do you know how much a newspaper costs?" Caught ia the rush * 11 © PRONUNCIATION Sylable stress A. ® Listen and practice. Notice which syllable has the main stress in these two-syllable words. eo 60. subway garage traffic police B _® Listen to tho stress in these words. Write them in the correct column. Then compare with a partner. Ge ve buses improve newsstand provide hotel public taxis machine @ SPEAKING What do you know? A Complete the chart with indirect questions. lame: cs seenee | Mame 1. Where is the tourist information center? * Can you tell. me, where. 2, What time do the stores close? a 8. Where is the nearest hospital? 4, How much does a taxi to the airport cost? 5, Where can | find a good shopping mall? e # 6. Where is the nearest drugstore? 7 v 7. What is a good place for families with children t a B Group work Use the indirect questions in the chart to interview two classmates about the city or town where you live. Take notes, ‘A: Can you tel] me where the tourist information center is? B: Fm not really sure, but I think... © Class activity Share your answers with the class. Who knows the most about your eity or town? ® INTERCHANGE 2 Tourism campaign Discuss ways to attract tourists to a city. Go to Interchange 2 at the back of the book. 12 Unit2 See AAAS ELL rr READING Hf youtlove to take risks when you travel, this is “ for you: the Wheelman, The design i simple: ‘two wheels and a motor. You put your feet in the wheels. tt’ very similar to skateboarding ‘or suring, You use your weight to steer and * control the speed with a ball you hold in your hand. Why use two wheels when you can use three? ‘The Trikke Scooter looks a litle silly, but it's serious transportation. The three wheels make it vety stable. And because it's made of aluminum, it's very ight. It moves by turing tback and forth just like skiing on the street, 11 an instruction manual (a catalog B Answer these questions. 1. Which inventions have motors? 8, How do you steer the Wheelman? 4. What makes the Trikke Scooter stable? 5. How does the Trikke Scooter move? ae z ze If youre the kind of person who enjoys being ut at see, but suffers from motion sickness, the ‘OutRider will interest you. The boat is attached toa strenge-ooking ski, allowing itto move smoothly over the water, even at high speeds. Its perfect for those who refuse to give up Jove of boating over an upset storiach, Do you ever feel like surfing when the seas too flat? Then you need the PowerSki Jetboard, a board that makes its own waves. This creation brings together the ease of waterskiing and the freedom of surfing. A former pro surfer designed the lightweight engine to be able to stir up even the caimest water, AA Read the article. Where do you think it is from? Check (7) the correct answer. © anewsmagazine —) an encyclopedia 2. Where do you put your feet in the Wheelman’? CAAA AAU UU eA 6, What makes the OutRider move smoothly on the watar? 77. What two sports does the PowerSki Jetboard combine? 8. Who designed the engine for the PowerSki Jetboard? C Pair work Which of the above inventions is the most useful? the least useful? Would you like to try any of them? Caught in the rush + 13 @ Units 1-2 Progress check SELF-ASSESSMENT How well can you do these things? Check (+) the boxes. (mee Listen to and understand the past tense and used to (Ex. 1) f #2 Ask and answer questions using the past tense and used to(Ex.1,2) A Talk about city services using adverbs of quantity (Ex. 3) a fA Aa Ask for and give information using indirect questions (Ex. 4) 8 8 «8 LISTENING Celebrity interview A © Listen to an interview with Jeri, a fashion model. Answer the questions. 1. Where did she grow up? 2, What did she want to do when she grew up? 8. Did she have a hobby? 4, Did she have a favorite game? 5. What was her favorite place? B Pair werk Use the questions in part A to interview a partner about his or her childhood. Ask additional questions to get more information. DISCUSSION How times have changed! A Pair work Talk about how life in your country has changed in the last 50 years. Ack questions like these: How big were families 50 years ago? What kinds of homes did people live in? How did people use to dress? How were schools different? What kinds of jobs did men have? women? How much did people use to eam? B Group work Compare your answers. Do you think life was better in the old days? Why or why not? PAV AV ALA ADAG NAL VGA LOLA AL GEE GL EL EE CLA GLALGLOLALAL GL ALG LALLA GL ALOU SL AL GLO Veber % @ AOLE PLAY Could you tell me... 2 [AAT AAA AAA AAA AAA Aa ear © SURVEY City planner AX What do you think about these things in your city or town? Complete the survey. Cee eee Ce) places to go dancing nm n oO places to listen to music =} 0 a noise a o a | places to sit and have coffee [1 a o | places to go shopping a 9 Q | parking a nn qo | public transportation Al o a | places to meet new people, a B Group work Compare your opinions and suggest ways to make ‘your city er town better. Then agree on three improvements. A: How would you make the city better? B: There aren't enough places to go dancing. We need more nightclubs. C: I disagree. There should be fewer clubs, There's too much noise downtown! ‘Student A: Imagine you are a visitor in your city or town. Write five indirect questions about these categories. Then ask your questions to the hotel receptionist. ‘Transportation ‘Restaurants Sightseeing Entertainment ‘Shopping Student B: You are a hotel receptionist, Answer the guest’s questions. Start like this: Can I help you? Change rules and try the role play again. | Let me think. Ob, yas... | fv not realy sure, but! think... Sorry, I don't know. WHAT'S NEXT? Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything? Units 1-2 Progress check © 15 Time for a change! @ WORD POWER Houses and apartments A These words are used to describe houses and apartments. ‘Which are positive (P)? Which are negative (N)? bright rp dingy private comfortable expensive quiet convenient huge safe cramped inconvenient ....... shabby dangerous modern small dark so noisy spacious B Pair work ‘Tell your pariner two positive and two negative features about your house or apartment, “My apartment is vory dark and a little cramped. However, it's in a safe neighborhood and it’s very private.” PERSPECTIVES Which would you preter? A ® Liston to these opinions about houses and apartments, aren't big enough for fomilies es rave as many rooms a, uch money. ee ‘thave enough closet space. "t have as much privacy as apartments: B Pair work Look at the opinions again. Which statements do you agree with? ‘A: Lagree that apartments are too small for pots. B: And they don't have enough parking spaces! 16 AV AVAVAVAV GV AVAL ALA AV OL AVAL GLAAD AL AL ALAA LAVAL ALAN AAA OLE AAAAARARAERAARARRARAAR AAR AARRARARRARRRARAP © Grammar Focus —_ Evaluations with adjectives Evaluations with nouns Apartments aren't big enough for families. Apartments don’t have enough perking spaces. : Apartments are too small for pots. Houses cost too much money. ‘ Comparisons with adjectives Comparisons with nouns Houses sren’t as convenient as apartments. Apartments have just as many rooms as houses. Houses are just as convenient as apartments. Apartments don’t heve as much privacy as houses. + A. Imagine you are looking for a house or apartment, to rent, Read the two ads, Then rewrite the opinions below using the words in parentheses. Spacious, modern house [Smalt, older apartment 3 become, 1 batvoem: very pate; 2 bedrooms | blionr; located {beaten que sub; 2ca" garage, vrtoe,conenint othe subway, $950 per month : 1 pang space; $800 per monn, 1. There are only a fow windows, (not enough) 5. It's not spacious enough. (too) 2. I's not bright enough. (too) 6. It’s too old, (not enough) 3. It has only one bathroom. (not enough) 7. It isn’t safe enough. (too) 4, It’s not convenient enough. (too) 8, There's only one parking space. (not enough) ( [ie nt rah indows.__| B Write comparisons of the house and apartment using these words and ae... .as. Then compare with a partner noisy dig : eiriome expensive (| The house aha ooy os the opariment pachzoote node a) TV the apartment does have many bedoons athe space convenient =] mes private parking spaces C Group work Which would you prefer to rent, the house or the apartment? Explain your reasons. A; Td rent the apartment because the house costs too much. B; T'd choose the house. The apartment isn’t big enough for my dogs! Time for a chango! * 17 rp @ PRONUNCIATION Unpronounced vowels A @ Listen and practice. The vowel immediately after a stressed syllable ig frequently not pronounced. ve eve average comffrtable Giffgrent interesting septrate vegetable B Write four sentences using some of the words in part A. Then practice reading thom with a pariner. Pay attention to unpronounced vowels. d A @® Listen to Brad describe a “capsule hotel.” Cheek (V) the words that best describe it. 1 busy Cleonvenient (7 dangerous FV comfortable FJ cramped F) expensive B_ ® Listen again. In addition to a bed, what ‘else does the hotel provide? Write four things. C Pair work Would you like to stay in a capsule hotel? Why or why not? © WRITING A descriptive e-mail A. Imagine you've just moved to a new apartment. Write an e-mail to a friend comparing your old apartment to your new one. a Dest Emma Dear Emma, How are things with you? My big news is that lke and | just moved to ‘a new apartment! Do you remember our old apartment? It didn't have ‘enough bedrooms for us. Well, the new apartment has three bedrooms. ‘Also, the old apartment was too cramped, but the new one... B Pair work Take turns reading each other's e-mails, Is there anything else you'd like to know about your partner's new apartment? 18° Unit PAANANAANAIANAINAAANTANVAVVVAVAVV AVAL TARARRARAREER EERE RRA RAR RRR RRA ARAL @ snapsuor / Common Wishes People Have About Their Lives t Clad more hours te the day { Climprove my personality ‘Bazod on intarvews win seus Detween te ages of TB 2nd 5D Which of these wishes would be easy to do? Which would be difficult or impossible? Check (7) some of the things you would like to do. Then tell a partner why. What other things would you like to change about your life? Why? © CONVERSATION Making changes A @ Listen and practice. Brian: So, are you still living with your parents, Terry? ‘Terry: Tm afraid so. I wish I had my own apartment. Brian; Why? Don’t you like living at home? ‘Terry: It’s OK, but my parents are always asking me to be home before midnight. T wish they'd stop worrying about me, Brian: Yeah, parents are like that! Terry: And they expect me to help around the house. [hate housework. wish life weren't 60 difficult. Brian: So, why don’t you move out? Terry: Hey, I wish I could, but where else can I get free room and board? B_©® Listen to the rest of the conversation. What changes would Brian like to make in his life? Time for 2 change! * 19 e © Grammar rocus LEELA “live with my parents. Life is difficult. 3 = IWish I didn't five with my parents, wish itwere® easier. e * Iwi | had my own apartment. wish it weren't so difficult > Lean't move out. My parents won't stop worrying about mo. © * [Wish | eoutd move out. I wish they would stop worrying about me. =] | “*After wish, were is used with al! pronouns. A Read these facts about people's lives. Then rewrite the sentences using wish. (More than one answer is possible.) 1, Diane can’t wear contact lenses. «She. wishes. she could wear contact lenses... 2, Beth's class is so boring. ope ear SEO nih hcosnne aaa 3. My parents can't afford a new car, . eer 4. Dan can’t fit into his old jeans 5. I can't remember my PIN number. 6. Laura doesn't have any free time. B Pair work Think of five things you wish you could change. ‘Then discuss them with your partner. ‘A: What do you wish you could change? B: Well, I'm not in very good shape. I wish I were more fit. © SPEAKING Wish list A What do you wish were different about these things? ‘Write down your wishes. my bedroom my appearance my possessions amy sehook or job my family my skills B Group work Compare your wishes. Does anyone have the same wish? ‘A; Lwish my bedroom were a different color. Its not bright enough. B: Me, too! I wish I could paint my bedroom bright orange. C: [like the color of my bedroom, but my bed is too small. © INTERCHANGE 3 Wishtul thinking Pind out more about your classmates’ wishes. Go to Interchange 3. 20° Units SVAN DAA NAIA ATTA PARRA UU aR ARR RR READING Break Yhese wad ial ihe COM eee Gorm people enve work ntl the atmo tf Us can't stop gossiping, and others always arrive to events late, These aten’t serious problems, but they ‘are bad habite that can cause trouble. Habits ike these ‘waste your time and, in some cases, might even afect ‘your relationships. What can you do about them? Read this advice to end your bad habits for good! EG@an/Dolt,Tomorrow 1 PROBLEM: Do you leave projects unttl the very last minute and then stay up all night tofinish them? SOLUTION: People often put things off because they seem overwhelming. Try dividing the project Into smaller steps. After you finish each task, reward yourself with a snack or a call toa friend. GUESS ji 3 PROBLEM. Do you try not to talk about other 3 PROBLEM: ‘Areyoualways late? Do your people, but can't help yourself? Do you often friends invite you to events a half hour carly? feel bad after you've done it? SOLUTION: Set an alarm clock. For 4 SOLUTION: Fist, don't listen to gossip. I exemple, fa movie starts a 80 and someone tells you a secret, just say, “Really? it takes 20 minutes to get to the theater, I haven't heard that.” Then think of some you have to leave at 7:40. Set the alarm other news to offer — about yourselt. to go off at the time you need to leave. A Read the article. Then check (7) the best description of the article. (211. The article starts with a description and then gives advice, (0 2. The article starts with a description and then gives facts. 1B. The article gives the writer's opinion. B Where do these sentences belong? Write the number of the paragraph where each sentence could go. ‘You can also ask a friend to come to your home before the event. ‘Ask yourself: “How would I feel if someone told my secrets?” Do you ever make up excuses to explain your unfinished work? . Are you ever so late that the people you're meeting leave? ‘You can also ask a friend to call you to ask about your progress. Are people afraid to tell you things about themselves? epee C Pair work Can you think of another way to break each of these bad habits? Time for a change! «21 I've never heard of that! SNAPSHOT Corrs [ined red 4 Beef marinated ‘Adish made of back Adish nade fom a withsoy sauce and fens, gat, spices, fish head cooked in the spices and pork arich eu souce Which dishes ere made with meat? with lish or sealood? Have you over tried any of these dishes? Which ones would you lika to uy? What ethnic foods are popular in your country? 1 } ; @ CONVERSATION Have you ever. A ® Listen and practice. Steve: Hey, this sounds strange ~ snails with garlic. Have you ever eaten snails? Kathy: Yes, have. I had them here just last week. Steve: Did you like them? Kathy: Yes, I did. They were delicious! Why don't you try some? : No, Idon't think so. Have you decided on an appetizer yet? 7 Yes. TI have a small order of the snails, please. + And you, sir? think I'll have the fried brains. ied brains? I've never heard of that! It sounds seary. B _® Listen to the rest of the conversation. How did Steve like the fried brains? What else did he order? oe ae ee OEE OE EA EEA DEED PE PTC TTT EPPA @ PRONUNCIATION Consonant clusters A © Listen and practice. Notice how the two consonants at the beginning of a word are pronounced together. Ik fe fend int Ipt Ad au skim start smart snack == spare brown blue sean step smile snow speak gray play B Pair work Find one more word on page 22 for each consonant cluster in part A. Then practice saying the words, GRAMMAR Focus {Use tho simplo past for completed ovents at a definite time in the past. * * Use the present perfect for events within a time period up to the present. “Have you ever eaten snails? ave you ver baum te eS © Yes,| have. tried them last month. No, | haven't. But late at a Thai restaurant last night. Did you like them? Did you go atone? * Yes, | did, They were delicious. No, | went with some friends ; Sa A Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner. L. At Have you over ws... (be) to a pienic at the beach? B: Yes, 1 We (cook) hamburgers. 2. A: Have you (try) sushi? BE NOD oecsone, , but Pd like to, 3. A: Did you (have) breakfast today? YOST + Pesornroe (eat) a huge breakfast. 4. A: Have you ever 2... (eat) Mexican food? B: Yes, 1 “Tn fact, T (eat) some just last week. 5. Az Did you.......... (drink) coffee this morning? YWe8, Tesssnsiee « Posaevnsen (Have) some on my way to work, B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in part A. Give your own information. LISTENING What are they talking about? ® Listen to six people ask questions about food and drink in restaurant. Check (7) the item that each person is talking about. 1. Ql water 2GQameal 9. soup 4.C coffee 5.1) cake 6, £ the check TD bread Cl aplate 7 pasta Mi themest C1 coffee (3 the menu Ive never heard of thé +3 SPEAKING Tell me more! Pair work Ask your partner these questions and four ‘more of your own, Then ask follow-up questions. Have you ever been on a diet? Have you ever tried ethnie food? Have you ever been to a vegetarian restaurant? Have you ever eaten something you didn't like? A: Have you ever been on a diet? q B; Yes, have, A: Did you lose any weight? B: No, I didn't. I actually gained weight! ; @ INTERCHANGE 4 Risky hisaces Find out some interesting facts about your classmates. Go to Interchange 4. © WORD POWER Cooking methods A How do you cook the foods below? Check (7) the methods that are ‘most common in your country. Then compare with a partner. steam fish shrimp beef potatoes onions eggplant bananas a a 0 n ao 1 a n Q a q a on a Q 0 a 8 c 0 n 0 e 0 n a : a «@ 0 n a B Pair work What's your favorite way to cook or eat the foods in part A? A: Have you ever steamed fish? fo, [haven't. I prefer to bake it. PREV UU WU VU UU UU UU UU UU PERSPECTIVES Family cookbook B® Listen to this recipe for Elvis Presley's favorite peanut butter and banana sandwich. 43 tablespoons peanut butter 2 slices of bread. 4 banara, mashed, 2 tablespoors butter, melted. ° Firsb, mix the peanst tuiter and mashed. banana together. Then lightiy toast the slices of bread. " Nek’, spread, the pearub butter and banana mixture on the toast, After that, close the sandwich and. pub ib an a pan with melted. butter. * Finally, fry the bread until it’s brown on both sides. B Pair work Look at the steps in the recipe again. Number the pictures from 1 to 5. Would you like to try Elvie's specialty? © Grammar Focus First, mix the peanut butter and banana together, ‘Then toast the slices of bread. Next, spread the mixture on the toast. } After that, put the sandwich in a pan with butter. <, Finally, fry the sandwich until i's brown on both sides. Ai Here's a recipe for barbecued kebabs. Look at the pictures and number the steps from 1 to 5. Then add a sequence adverb to each step. C2. ........... put the meat and vogetables on tho skowors. C.......... put chareoal in the barbecue and light it, C1... take the kebabs off the barbecue and enjoy! ll put the kebabs on the barbecue and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, turning them over from time to time. a «Cut up some meat and vegetables. Marinate them for 20 minutes in your favorite barbecue sauce. B Pair work Cover the recipe and look only at the pictures. Explain each step of the recipe to your partner. I've never heard of that! * 25 — — @ SPEAKING My favorite snack ® WAITING A recipe LISTENING Tempting snacks A ® Listen to people explain how to make these snacks. Which snack aro they talking about? Number the photos from 1 to 4, popeorn toasted bagel E guacamole dip B Pair work Choose one of the recipes you just heard about. Can you remember how to make it? Tell your partner. Group work ‘Take turns describing how to make your favorite snack. ‘Thon tell the class about the most interesting one. ‘A: What's your favorite snack? B: Well, [like to make . . C: How do you make it? B: First, you... saeurerncnececanense een neorinen ee A\ Read this recipe for a popular Hawaiian dish. Notice how the information is divided into a list of ingredients and how to make the dish. Lomt Lomi Salmon From the kitchen of, 4/4 cup shredded. salmon, uncocked. 1 green pepper, diced, 1 wahlta orion, chopped. 3/8 cap vinegar 1 green onions, sliced, 2 tablespeens sugar 2 tomatoes, diced salb and. pepper, to taste Mix all ingredients together in a. bowl, Cover and, refrigerate overnight. Eat with vice as a. light meal or on crackers a5 an appetizer. B Now think of a dish you know how to make. First, write down the ingredients you need. Then describe how to make the dish. C Group work Read and discuss each recipe. Then choose the most interesting recipe to share with the class. 26 * Unit 4 or a a ed AOL OA LOGE SLOT AAR & & Le Le = E - CT ARARAR REAR @ zanna ‘Skim the article. Then check (71 the statement you think vall be the main Wea IR Certain foods cause stress and depression. __ Il Certain foods affect the way we feel. Wigton zo alm down or cheer up when wel fing sess or depressed. Now new research suggests there's a reason: Food changes our brain chemistry. ‘These changes powerfully influence our moods, But can certain foods really make us fecl better? Nutrition experts say yes. But what should we eat and what should we avoid? Here: are the foods that work the best, as well as those that can make a bad day worse. To Qutsmart Stress ‘What's good? Recent research suggests that foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, and pasta, can help you ccalm down. Researchers say that carbohydrates cause the brain to release a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin sakes you feel better What's bad? Many people drink coffee when they feel stress ‘The heat is soothing and the caffeine in coftes might help you think more clearly. But if you drink too much, you may become even more anxious and irritable. To Soothe the Biues What's good? Introduce more lean meat, chicken, seafood, and whole grains into your diet. These foods have a lot of selenium, Selenium is a mineral that helps people fee! more relaxed and happy. You can also try eating a Brazil nut every day. One Brazil nut contains a lot of selenium. ‘What's bad? When they‘ feeling low, many people turn to comfort foods — or foods that make them feel happy ot secure. These often include things like sweet desserts. A chocolate bar may make you feel better a first, but within ‘an hour you may fee! worse than you did before. A Read the article. The sentences below are false. Correct each sentence to make it true. eneapepe We often eat when we feel calm. You should drink coffee to relieve stress. Foods like chicken and seafood are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cause the brain to release selenium, Serotonin makos you fool more anxious and irritable, People usually eat comfort foods when they're feeling happy. ‘You shouldn't eat more than one Brazil nut a day. Chocolate will make you fee! better. B Pair work What foods do you eat to feel better? After reading the article, which of the advice will you follow? I've never heard of that! © 27 Units 3-4 Progress check SELF-ASSESSMENT How well can you do these things? Cheek (/) the boxes. Make evaluations and comparisons using nouns and adjectives (Ex. 1] Listen to, understand, and express wishes (Ex. 2) n Telk about food using the simple past and the present perfect (Ex. 3) 77 Deseribe recipes using cooking methods and sequence adverbs (Ex. 4) 1) aoaa 30093 SPEAKING Apartment ads A Pair work Use the ad and the topics in the box to write an ad for an apartment, Make the apartment sound as good as possible. Quiet, Private Apartment age windows parking Sal ery cor, wih ny vero size bathroom(s) cost See oes location bedrooms) noise B Group work Join another pair. Evaluate and compare the apartments. Which would you prefer to rent? Why? ‘A: There aren't enough bedrooms in your apartment. B: But it’s convenient. C: Yos, but our apartment is just as convenient! LISTENING | really need a change! A. ® Listen to three people talk about things they wish they could change. ‘Check (/) the topic each person is talking about. 1. Pileisure time 1 school 2, (1 skille 1D hobbies 3. Mopportunities 7) appearance B © Listen again. Write one change cach person would like to make. C Group work Use the topics in part A to express some wishes. How can you make the wishes come true? Offer suggestions. WANA Wh VA NAYAK Nh NYDN NN Ma Md WOOP ‘ POW VUVTUUUTUOUUUUTTYUUVUT CTY © SURVEY Food experiences A Complete the survey with your food opinions and experionces. ‘Then use your information to write questions. 1. Ive wied . , but | didn't really like it. Hove you ever tied 2 What did you, think of it? 2. One of the bost foods I've ever eaten is ... = Piieseesttarars one.of.the. best foods you've ever. eaten’, ‘3. One of the worst foods I've ever eaten is but Id Tike to. 4. Ive never tried... 5. ve made .. for my friends and family. B Class activity Go around the class and ask your questions. Find people who have the same opinions and experionese. Write a classmate’s name only once. A: Have you ever tried peanut butter? B: Yes, Thave. A: What did you think of it? B: I didn't really like it. ROLE PLAY tron Chef Group work Work in groups of four. Two students are the judges. Two students are the chefs. dudges: Think of a list of throe ingredients for the chefs. on Chef & to use. You will decide which chef ereates the a nea best recipo. , Chefs: Think of a recipe using the three ingredients the judges give you and other basic ingredients. Name the recipe and describe how to make it, “My recipe is called... . To make it, first you ....Then.... Next...” Change roles and try the role play again. WHAT'S NEXT? Look at your Self-ascessment again. Do you need to review anything? Units 3-4 Progress check * 29 Going places SNAPSHOT 1 take language or 1) catch ‘cooking lessons fi visit museums galleri Bra06 on inlemaion rm US: New ard Wd Repo, Amarean Damographics Which activities do you like to do on vacation? Check (/) the activities Which activities did you do on your lest vacation? Make a list of other activities you like to do an vacation. Then compare with a partner, @ CONVERSATION What are you going to do? A @ Listen and practice. Julia: Pm so excited! We have two weeks off! ‘What are you going to do? Nancy: Pm not sure. I guess I'l just stay home. Maybe I'l watch a few DVDs. What about you? Any plans? Julia: Yeah, I'm going to relax at the beach with my cousin for a couple of weeks. We're going to go surfing every day. Naney: Sounds like fun, Julia: Say, why don’t you come with us? Naney: Do you mean it? Td love to! Tl bring my surfboard! B_@ Listen to the rest of the conversation. Where are they going to stay? How will they get there? SV AVSVSLEV SLL SY SLL SY SELL SY 81 8 4 LAVAS STAAL ALAA AAO AANKAAARMAARAA AAR AAR RAPA RRR GRAMMAR FOCUS ie kes + "Use be going to + verb for plans —_Use will + verb for possible plans _ you've decided on. before you've made a decision. _ What are you going to do? ‘What are you going to de? eapeiig aac at the hase i'm nt surg. gio Fl oe stay era et We're going to go surfing every day. Maybe I'll watch a few DVDs. - I'm not going to do anything special. I don’t know. | think I'l go camping. I probably won't go anywhere, — A Complete the conversation with appropriate forms of be going to or will. Then compare with a partner. ‘A: Have you made any vacation plans? B: Well, P've decided on one thing ~ To ceeeseees, 80 camping, A: That's great! For how long? BI be away for a week. Tonly have five days of vacation. ‘A: 80, when are you leaving? B: I'm not sure. 1 .... probably leave around the end of May. A: And where ........ You 0? B: I haven't thought about that yet. I guess Lar snees 0 t0 one of the national parks. A: That sounds like fun. B: Yeah. Maybe I. go hiking and do some fishing. A you rent a camper? B: I'm not sure. Actually, I probably rent a camper — it's too expensive. AS cig TOM go with anyone? B: No. I need some time alone. Tice travel by myself, B Have you thought about your next vacation? Write answers to these questions. (If you already have plans, use be going to. If you don't have fixed plans, use will.) 1. How are you going to spend your next vacation? 2, Where are you going to go? im going to take my next vacation 3, When are you going to take your vacation? 4, How long are you going to be on vacation? 5. Is anyone going to travel with you? C Group work ‘Take turns telling the group about your vacation plans. ‘Use your information from part B. Going places +21 ene ©@ WORD POWER Travel planning A Complete the chart. Then add one more word to each category. backpack first-aid kit overnight bag __ shorts vaccination cash hiking boots passport suitease visa creditcard medication plane ticket —traveler's checks windbreaker B Pair work What are the five most important items you need for these vaeations: a trip to a foreign country? a rafting trip? a mountain-

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