Module 8 - Standalone Promotions

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Module 8:

Standalone Promotions
Standalone Promos
Look.. 80% of your promotions will be done beneath successful tweets and the
other 20% will be done as Standalone Promotions.

A standalone promotion is written without another tweet above it. It’s a

single-tweet promotion. As mentioned earlier, standalone promotions do not
receive much engagement (meaning they’re shown to very few people).

That being said, when done correctly they can bring you a massive amount of
Standalone Promos
You should only run standalone promotions in these situations:

- There has been an update to the product

- You are running a Limited-Time offer
- The price is increasing soon
- You have results to share

Sticking to these situations are what allow you to run an effective promotion
without a massive amount of traffic.

I recommend adding an image with text to standalone promos and here’s why...
Images in Standalone Promos
Images with text require readers to click on them in order to read what they say. Twitter
counts these clicks as “engagements” and therefore boosts the reach of the promotion
Testimonials from other users, screenshots of your own results, or conversations you had
with someone about the product are perfect for this.

Bonus Tip: Tag the creator in the promotion.

- You can do this by including their Twitter “@” in the promotion or by tagging them in
the image. This way the creator will see the promotion and might even retweet you.

Let’s look at an example in the next slide..

Example of Standalone Promo with Image

The promo I posted above got 719 engagements, 366 of which were media engagements (over 50%).
This means the image played a crucial part in how many people ended up seeing the promo.
Examples of Standalone Promos
Examples of Standalone Promos
The Perfect Promo
The perfect standalone promo includes this:

1.) An image that requires your audience to click in order to read

2.) An image that shows results you got from that product (could be the same
image or an additional)
3.) A limited-time offer that is INSANELY valuable
4.) All performed right before a product’s price increases

This is the perfect mix of engagement, social proof, value, and urgency.

Last time I did this, I sold nearly $2000 of product in 2 days.

Yes.. Price increases are “rare” but that shouldn’t stop you from using #1-3 to your
My Advice for Standalone Promos
I recommend doing 2-3 standalone promotions each week.

Promote using your results, mention what the product taught you, tag the creator,
post screenshots, talk about your offer, list what people could learn from the
product, etc..

Don’t be afraid to promote.

The right products will sell themselves and you WILL get better over time. Keep
writing promos, try new things, and take note of what works.

Continue to Module 9: “Other Tips & Tricks”

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