Final Book

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Author Biography

I am Isais Justiniani, I am 23 years old, I was born in Panama and

grew up in Villa Grecia, I really like food, video games and
exercise, I live with my parents.

I studied a heavy equipment mechanic technician and graduated

from an industrial technical bachelor with a specialty in precision
mechanics and welding.


I dedicate this book to my friends and fans of anime and mythology, to

Professor Raúl García for giving the space to expose our creativity.


Since I was little, mythologies have always caught my attention, I think my

interest in this topic arose from Disney's Hercules, since, although changes
were made and the story was adapted for children, it is based on Greek
mythology, after this, games such as the GOW saga, Age of Mythology
and films that adapt stories based on mythology also made me interested
not only in the Greek, which is the most popular, but also in the Egyptian,
Chinese and part of the anime, Japanese mythology. I always wondered
why beings such as angels were not spoken of, since when they are
mentioned, they are given a name and title, this for me indicated that there
was a background in their origin, and here comes angelology, so I began to
read about them, and now that I was given this opportunity, I wanted to
make an original adaptation, but with the information I had.

Chapter 1
In the year 2028, the peoples of the world had exaggeratedly changed many of their
customs, the countries had just overcome a period of liberation from corrupt
governments that had left their inhabitants a great debt and societies around the world
were weakened by the few basic resources they had. They arrived, knowing this, the
hidden organizations decided to implement a kind of euthanasia through crime,
involving innocent people in terrible events disguised as terrorism, directing the glances
and criticism to the countries of the Middle East. Two years later, atrocious events such
as: kidnappings, rapes, drug trafficking began to gain momentum as if the experience
had not served as an example.

Two young brothers residing in Panama tried to help those who could and how they
could, they have lost their parents and lived with their uncles, the eldest was named
Anthuam Batista, he was a 20-year-old young man, very friendly, full of positive
feelings, full of Courage and willing to give everything for his sister and get ahead, he is
1.85 meters tall, with white skin, his eyes are chocolates and his straight brown hair, his
dream was to be able to give a better life to his relatives and change things in the
country at least, since he was aware that everyone was equally damaged, his sister,
Amina Batista, 4 years his junior, a girl excited to see a change, hardworking, loves
nature and always gives part of her food to a neighbor who became deaf from being
near the explosion of a building, apart from this she likes to help her brother in
everything he does, Amina is a girl who measures 1.60 meters, with cinnamon skin,
brown eyes, straight hair, dark with yellow reflections, both they are similar to her father
and mother respectively. As the educational system is in the process of being
inaugurated, they have not attended a school for 3 years.

In the old continent, exactly in Italy there were also two brothers with situations very
similar to the brothers from Panama, these are Zoé Santana and Arleth Santana, these
brothers were Spanish who had to emigrate to Italy to survive, because in their country
they were victims of kidnappings, but Zoé managed to escape with her brother when
the vehicle they were transporting suffered an accident. Zoé is a 19-year-old girl, she
works making clothes to get money and take food to her house where they rented with

a somewhat older couple, they see them as their grandparents, she is a girl who is very
beaten by what she has lived and she does not usually trust most people, even so, in
the few that he does trust, he sees them as their everything in this world, she is 1.70
meters tall, her hair is brown and reaches her shoulders, her skin, she was white but
she is a little sunburned and has green eyes, and Arleth is a 17 year old boy, he stays
at home helping his grandparents in everything he can besides selling ice at night near
a market of fish he is quite tall, he is 1.90 meters, when 2 years ago he was the same
size as his sister, his skin is white and he has green eyes that sometimes look gray, his
black hair is short.

On the other hand, in Gala Nemeton, a place that only exists in the imagination of some
but is the reality of many beings, the Druids and Celts met practicing a cult, paying
homage to the gathered divine beings, they were seeing that humanity was I was going.
Through its third chaotic period stemming from its greed and mad greed, the first two
had been the first world wars, (To be exact, this meeting was taking place in the year
2029 of the time of mortals), at that moment the squad of archangels and cherubs
arrived to start a meeting and decide how to proceed with the possible blessings (grace
of God) that they were going to share with humans with the potential to bring light to the
world again, but unexpectedly the prince of the seraphim of the angels of God appears,
the scribe of God, the first of the angels, who is not another better known as Metatron,
proposing that he too would share his grace, and would choose the leader among
humans to lift the earth, to which others present are surprised because he was known
for not having a special empathy towards humans, having witnessed and written in
detail what happened in the world, including what humanity is unaware of, to which he
replies that he also wants to test humanity directly because where he is affected by his
selfish nature then he will attack them without distinction of good and bad, this was
being done by the upper middle rank entities and not by supreme divine entities, as
they had agreed not to interfere, but those present at the meeting could not bear to see
the terrible conditions in which many people and living beings were from the earth. The
meeting ended and they agreed that in the year 2030 for humans they were going to go
with this campaign to the earth, because they wanted to prepare to manifest
themselves individually to each chosen person, the sad thing about this is that the

information was leaked by one of the Celtic servants in the gathering, this Celt was a
descendant of a deceased Celtic deity called Morrigan, and he worked secretly for
Azazel, a fallen angel full of sadness because he began to doubt a few centuries ago of
his work which was to help humans to atone for their sins, he was chosen to this task
randomly, which infuriated him more, His physique was robust, black hair and beards,
with two black wings on one side, and blue eyes, he had the ability to become a crow
and a goat, his stature could change it up to a meter more or a meter less than His
natural height which he used whenever he wanted to project himself as the most
cunning being, he measured 2.50 meters, Azazel knowing this information began his
journey to earth before the first day of the year 2030, since he had already planned it
and had a human marked to fulfill his objective, this human is a 30-year-old man named
Thomas Smith.

Since the year 2028 Azazel was frequenting Thomas Smith, inducing him to commit
crimes, Thomas was not a good man, before the tragic events on earth he was a
member of a drug trafficking cartel and became a legislator in the United States, he
mediated. 1.90 meters, he was black, his eyes were gray, he was a little overweight.
When Thomas began to feel that something motivated him to commit crimes, he took
the initiative to speak when he was alone and ask who was there, this surprised Azazel
because despite not being a good person he could feel the presence of an angel, which
convinced him more to form an alliance with a human being full of evil. On October 30,
Azazel travels to earth on the night in which Thomas was enjoying a night of
uncontrolled debauchery, thanks to the fact that in his past life he accumulated a lot of
money and gave himself luxuries despite the situation the world was going through, and
even not satisfied with that, he kept stealing from those he could, when Thomas was
falling asleep in his room, The lights begin to blink and slowly go off when suddenly
Azazel appears in the center of the room, there he let Thomas feel the same sensation
as when he incited him to commit crimes, so Thomas said to him, you who and What
are you?.

Chapter 2

Azazel replied: interesting, before being surprised or intimidated you have the pride of
questioning a being that is capable of tearing you apart if it wishes, for your happiness I
came to something more productive, I am Azazel a divine being and I come to propose
to you to be who control the world with me, Thomas asks him why him? Azazel tells him
what he has seen in him and that he wants to offer him the opportunity to notice,
although he considers himself superior, similarities with him, what Thomas did not know
was that if he accepted, Azazel could act without his consent through him, but he
couldn't undo the pact unless he died, and he couldn't bring about its death, the fact of
accepting implied a shared coexistence in the human's body, this in exchange for the
human being able to acquire the archangel's abilities, Thomas accepted, and Azazel
suggested to Thomas that he look for people with whom to ally.

Thomas had in mind 2 people, the first is a young man of only 23 years of age but who,
due to his father's actions, was involved in the world to which Thomas belonged, his
name is Arath Haluf, he is of Hindu descent, he measures 1.80 meters, black hair, black
eyes and dark circles from the lifestyle he led, slim build, He lives in India and controls
the entire country from the shadows, his activities are to lend money to the poor and
then commit them to be his slaves in the factories where they packed cocaine and other
types of drugs, despite belonging to that world, Arath Whenever he could, he prayed to
his gods that one day he could free himself from that work, deep down he was a good
person, capable of helping whoever he could, but because of the pressure exerted on
him by those who joined him, he was forced to do this. His father was a bad man but he
was the victim of one of the attacks that occurred during the euthanasia period, this
caused Arath to initially feel hatred towards people who acted like this, he thought they
were only unconscious people who were dedicated to that and he turned to his parents'
friends to try to change the situation, Well, for him his father always showed himself as

someone neat and upright, but upon entering he signed his imprisonment in part of the
dark world that he wanted to destroy and realized the reality in which he lived.

The other person that Thomas wanted to convince a long time ago was a woman who
was quite cruel, her attitude of kindness and love towards society was so convincing
that no one would suspect that she was actually a dark and hateful woman, her name is
Rocío Cruz, a 25-year-old young woman, but with an attitude as if he had lived another
life, from a wealthy family, blond hair, very white skin, blue eyes, he was 1.70 tall, his
attitude towards society was instilled by his parents, he lived in different parts of the
world, his family had houses in the United States, Panama, Brazil, Switzerland, France
and the Philippines, What made her the way she is that for 10 years she suffered from
sexual abuse by her father, her mother died when she was 17 years old, which further
aggravated the situation that her father put her through, this created a double disorder
in her personality. She was aware of her problem, but she was using it to her
advantage. At the age of 20 she committed her first murder, killed her father with the
weapon of one of the security officers that she had cajoled days before, as they blamed
the bodyguard, all the personnel were replaced by her so as not to raise suspicions, as
she was older she took the reins of her home and began to climb in society, she hated
men more than anything in the world but before society she was the kindest person,
she created a foundation to house people on the street or with limited resources but
then he sent them to torture, we can imagine that many were affected because there
was poverty all over the world and only a few dedicated themselves to helping, the
governments were about to stop the direct attacks or in broad daylight, not by starting
investigations and less from people who were recognized for the opposite of the chaos
that existed in the world for which she was not so concerned, Those who work for her
were threatened people, these people were picked up at strategic points, sedated,
bandaged and taken to the place where they tortured people, she alone had created an
empire where she made those tortured with drugs work, if any were revealed it was
tortured with blows, if he died of exhaustion, his bodies were thrown into the sea with
shackles on his feet. For this reason Thomas considered her unique and it could be
said that he was obsessed with her, she accepted, but by imagining what she could do
if she saw a divine being and seize that power, interest began to grow within her. on the

subject, and was collecting information and studying more about angelology and other
mythologies from which she was able to find information when she learned of the plan
that Azazel had prepared for them about the campaign that the deities would undertake
to improve the world, and where she was also the protagonist.

The idea was simply to assassinate the chosen ones just before receiving the grace, in
this way the deities would have to wait an indefinite time to find new candidates, time
that was more than enough for Azazel, and take over the world as he had planned.

In Asia, specifically in South Korea, there were two foreigners who were traveling
together, but one was a young Chinese woman and the other a boy from Japan, both of
the same ages because they were studying together before the terrible events that
changed humanity occurred, their names are Jiaqí Zhang and Daiki Yoshida, Jiaqí is a
young Chinese woman, she was born in Shanghai, she is 1.60 meters tall, she is 28
years old, has scarlet red hair, brown eyes, quite athletic and willing to help people, she
separated from her family because of the fall of the Chinese government and he hopes
to meet them again, they communicate from time to time but he has not seen them
since 2028, Even so, she always says she is grateful that her family is still alive. On the
other hand, Daiki is a young Japanese man born in Kanagawa, he is 27 years old, he is
1.75 meters tall, he is a little overweight, but he is very kind to people who deserve it
and he is usually quite cruel to those he sees commit crimes, His physique has allowed
him to survive many fights, although he has been injured on many occasions, so much
so that Jiaqí thought of several of these that he would die at his hands, his parents
traveled a lot for work matters and died abroad, for this reason he lived with his
grandfather who taught him karate from a very young age, But despite learning the
discipline, since his grandfather died in a hospital due to negligence, he only uses it to
execute those who he considers deserve it.

These young people, like the others mentioned, were the candidates chosen by the
deities to receive divine grace and help raise the world from the ashes in which they

It was done on December 31, 2030, the campaign of the deities led by Metatron had
prepared to visit humans the next day, in the middle of the day that the New Year

should be celebrated, but due to the situation the world was experiencing then there
was no room for what is usually normal today on those dates, but on the other hand,
Azazel's side already knew on the part of the traitorous Celtic who they should kill just
before receiving the grace, with the economic power that Thomas, Rocío and Arath
had, they hired hitmen and they would indicate when to attack.

Chapter 3

Nuwa and Izanagi were the first to meet Jiaqí and Daiki and immediately recognized
them, it happens that both deities have helped them survive all this time in human form,
but this time they transformed in front of them in their real form and offered to share
their grace for being good people and having the ability to lead the world to a better
future, at that moment they hear the footsteps of the murderers who were after them,
they fight in the room they were in and for some reason that the deities did not know.
They were no able to touch the murderers and had to choose to create a blinding light
that would allow them to get their chosen out of there, these were taken to Greece, to a
temple that had a secret entrance to a garden in Gala Nemeton, they could only be
here if they were divinities or were protected by one, they left for later the ceremony of
sharing their graces and commented on what happened in Korea of the south to the
other divinities present to which for Vishnu was familiar and remembered that someone
belonging to the bad life in his prayers told him it would happen, which was Arath Haluf.
The deity Vishnu in an act of compassion for the young Arath, sent a last-minute
message to the troops of divinities who were going to earth; As his chosen ones were in
different parts of the world, Vishnu's messenger did not reach the one who was further
away, which was Metatron, he was at the North Pole, he could only warn Cherubiel,
Azrael, Artiyail and Nanael, and they immediately took to his chosen and escorted them
to Gala Nemeton; On the way north, the messenger was attacked by Azazel in order to
make way for Rocío who voluntarily wanted to take care of the one chosen by Metatron,
she really had a second objective which was to seize Metatron's cube; When he was
about to share his grace with he and exposed the cube that contained much of the
power of he, she with the help of Thomas who had the power of Azazel pushed
Metatron to a portal that led him to Limbo, and extensive circle steer to hell, nothing

would happen to him, but he would retain it for a time, time that Rocío use to get hold of
the cube and forcibly acquire part of Metatron's grace, this enraged the seraph of God
and for that fact decided not to help the human race, but to condemn it, Rocío murdered
the one chosen by Metatron to test his ability and power, she rejoiced in the abilities
she had, as she was able to acquire 3 pairs of wings, the ability to create elements such
as: fire, light and air currents, and intervene in the thoughts of people normal, as he
could not mentally control Thomas because the presence of Azazel accompanied his
consciousness, but she quickly flew to the nearest power that was the United States
and proclaimed herself the queen of the world, filling people with terror while on
cameras of television it was seen as it was destroying the country's military bases,
Thomas and Azazel to noticed this event was not foreseen had no choice but to accept
that Rocío would be their leader because Azazel knew that he was limited by Thomas's
abilities and could not face her, with the power that she theft. On the other hand, the
other divinities, when taking Anthuam, Amina, Arlet and Zoé, explain quickly who they
were and why they were chosen to which Anthuam agrees and says he is willing to do
anything in order to see a better world, but Vishnu who was watching what was
happening on earth, gathered the 6 chosen and brought them up to date, concluding
that, what at first seemed like a march to save humanity now turned into an eve for the
worst possible war that it could face, Vishnu told them that he would bring someone
who could be very helpful as an informant. Arath was taken without any warning to Gala
Nemeton where he told everything, Zoé with her distrustful character immediately
proposed to banish him from the place, but Azrael his guide angel tells him that
everything has a purpose and although his position is not wrong, it is necessary to have
it with them, in this way the 7 young people were taken to a room where they would be
given one by one the graces of the deities who took them there, they began with Zoé
and Amina, Azrael and Artiyail, they shared their grace, in the same way that happened
with Thomas and Azazel, they shared thoughts and feelings, Azrael is an angel who is
in charge of directing souls to be judged, habitant of the third level of heaven, in charge
he has a choir of angels to rescue the souls from hell and within the last level of hell he
has a place where he tries to keep the demons in their place, dressed in a tunic that
covers his entire body, he is 2.30 meters tall, like all angels, green eyes and blond hair,

he shares his grace with Zoé and she acquires the ability to calm the masses, It can fly
with its 2 pairs of wings, it can also see the soul of people, it has a dagger that can turn
into a scythe that when touched with it any human, demon or angel below the level of
Azrael, who is an archangel, falls into a dream similar to death and will only wake up if
he decides, in this case Zoé. On the other hand, Amina would share the grace of
Artiyail which was to eliminate pain in beings, both physical and sentimental, this would
allow her to instill hope in the world, just as most could fly with two pairs of wings
because she also had within she the power of an archangel; Nuwa and Izanagi then
came forward to share their grace to Jiaqí and Daiki. Nuwa, this female deity, shared
her abilities to transform into a great red snake, she can also instill love in people to
avoid unnecessary conflicts, Jiaqí can move at great speeds and he acquired an
enormous strength for his physique, Izanagi the first thing he did was give Daiki the
sword with 10 fists, a spiritual weapon that gave him the power to seal any dark soul
with a cut he made, He gave the power to create fire by focusing his gaze with his left
eye, to blind enemies with his right eye and to summon storms with his breath, unlike
the others Daiki could not alter his stature, but this was not a disadvantage for him;
Then Anthuam and Arleth came to the front, who made a quick friendship, they were
guided by Cherubiel and Nanael, Cherubiel, is the commander of the cherubs, has the
ability to move at the speed of lightning, his strength is enough to pierce the ocean and
reach the center of the earth, it is also known as the bull of heaven, second in
command, because despite being considered a cherub, this was one of the few warrior
angels with the power to resist Metatron's attacks, has the ability to transform into a
child and lion with wings, Anthuam was chosen by him for being a human of great will
and physical strength, someone with the ability to see the good and positive of things
within the bad, upon receiving grace from Cherubiel, he immediately got 3 pairs of silver
wings and radiated a light every time he swiftly moved his arms, on the other hand,
there was Arleth who had received the grace of Nanael, this is considered the angel of
light, guide and protector of the lost, he gave him the sword called Royal, this had a
blue blade, with a cutting force similar to the explosion of 500 powder tanks, his wings
were 4, Nanael was a young angel compared to the others so his strength was still
growing, but he was seen as a prospect within the hierarchical ranks of angels; Finally,

Arath was taken to the center and Vishnu gave him 3 of his divine objects, these were
tied to him on the condition that if he betrayed his allies, he would be consumed by
each of them, these were, a mallet with which he could crush any enemy, a shield and
a lotus flower. The chosen ones having received the graces, they thought they would
take action immediately, but were braked and taken to a training ground closer to the
center of Gala Nemeton where time passed slower, and each deity began to train their
chosen one, Anthuam became very close to Zoé so they began to fall in love, since
they both had a similar past and understood how difficult the current world was, the
funny thing is that from the first moment Zoé could feel that Anthuam was someone in
whom she could trust, on the other hand, Amina was interested in Arleth but he had not
noticed and treated her as a friend. The group of young people became very united,
they all shared the idea of carrying out a mission that they did not seek or want to do,
but they knew it was necessary to get ahead; For them 2 and a half years passed, but
in this period of time, they only spent 3 months on earth, but these 3 months have been
of absolute devastation and Rocío's dominance, the young people arrived on earth and
immediately Anthuam along with Daiki and Zoé they led the attack on the dominions of
Azazel, the rest began to safeguard the injured humans and exterminate the fallen
angels and demons followers of Azazel that swarmed nearby, Thomas with the powers
of Azazel could not face the 3 young people and Daiki was only enough to retain him
and allow Anthuam and Zoé arrived in Rocío. Daiki's battle against Thomas continued
as they both pounced and clashed their weapons, Thomas had a sword forged by the
Celtic traitor and Daiki used his sword with 10 fists, Thomas's sword could absorb the
powers of its wielder making it capable of emitting cuts dark ones that caused pain to
Daiki, But he knew that it would only be enough with an accurate cut of his sword to end
the fight with Thomas, they continued fighting and each shock they gave created waves
that the demons and fallen angels were involved in the storm of blows that both
generated, Daiki used his right eye to blind Thomas as he had gotten bigger, here the
combat was already on Daiki's side and he placed himself behind his opponent's back
and turned it on using his left eye and then sealed it with a cut with the sword of the 10
fists. While Daiki was fighting, Anthuam and Zoé were reaching where Rocío was, she
was in a castle in Russia, both boys felt capable of anything together, they faced a

horde of enemies sent by her, both were facing the offensive using the gifts they had
received and perfected at that time, Anthuam gave a blow to the air that blew up any
enemy that was in front, leaving Zoé's way free, because at the same time he left a
beam of light that did not let the demons and angels around him see for a moment, this
one entered first to the castle and he stayed cleaning the entrance of the enemies that
were there, then he entered and saw how Rocío was cornering her partner, he entered
transformed into a lion to intimidate Rocío, but this instead continued fighting and gave
them a tough battle where Anthuam ended up with a few broken ribs and Zoé
unconscious, but in the end they stripped the girl from Metatron's cube, Zoé cutting her
with her dagger that, although she could not sleep, wounded her and with Anthuam's
blow, the spiritual cube left the body, creating waves that warned Metatron where it
was, after this Rocío fell asleep, and the cube was kept in a heavenly box, When they
were leaving the castle, Amina was waiting for them outside and began to heal them,
when suddenly meteorites filled with black fire began to fall from the sky that pierced
some areas of the earth, Arath and Arleth began to hit them and return them, and in a
Blink Metatron appears in front of them and pierces them with his fists, Amina runs
towards them, and Metatron tells her that where she took another step forward she
would be liquidated at this she takes Arleth's Royal and tells him that she is willing to
stop him because he did not understand that everything was solved, he without thinking
rushed forward. She with her fist loaded but with difficulty Anthuam stops him and says,
do not touch my sister because she is not lying to you, Metatron felt inside the young
man who stopped him while the force he received from Cherubiel was enhanced, he
thought that for the first time he would face someone capable of defeating him, while
thinking this he received a blast of Anthuam blows and he replied, Jiaqí with his
strength charged Arleth and Arath and together with Daiki and Zoé they took them away
so that Amina would heal them, but before that Arath threw at Anthuam's back the lotus
flower that allowed him to withstand any fatal blow, but to be done. this died before
reaching where they tried to cure them, Metatron realized that he was very equal in
strength with Anthuam and wanted to put an end to it using a holy arrow that contained
the same force as his cube, he separated from Anthuam remaining on the ground and
Anthuam in the air and he suddenly gave a scream that It seemed more like a roar and

tells him to stop that they have already solved everything, while throwing a fist at him
and Metatron his arrow, the impact of his fist was surrounded by light and collides with
the arrow, giving another scream, he flies directly to the powerful shock and pushes the
arrow with another blow, changing its direction and causing it to get stuck in two of
Metatron's wings, this is trapped against the ground of the earth, Anthuam tells him just
look and look for the essence of your cube, and you will realize that this fight is
unnecessary, and he realized that his cube had already been recovered and stopped
the attack, withdrew his troops and promised to help them regain stability in the world.


The young people held a meeting among all and together with the deities that helped
them, these separated from them but left a little of their power in case they needed it,
the celestial war caused the deterioration of many of the businesses of the underworld,
so now there was only work to recover the economies of the countries, Before heading
to their destinations, they paid tribute to Arath who despite being an enemy at first, in
the end gave his life as an ally, they went to India where they gave his body to his
family and told him how brave he was. After this Anthuam was elected leader of the
group and he would be notified of any inconvenience that arose, Arleth asked Amina to
stay with him in Europe and Zoé went to live with Anthuam in Panama, while Daiki and
Jiaqí would meet with their respective families, both in Japan and China, the latter
would be in charge of watching over the eastern part of the world, Arleth and Amina in
the central area and Zoé and Anthuam in the western area. The youth group was going
to take care of the different areas of the world. They were going to be distanced, but
now they had the ability to communicate with each other in case they needed support in
their assigned areas.

Rocío was imprisoned and tried for the crimes committed, Thomas and Azazel were
sealed by Daiki, and could only be freed if the sword with the 10 fists was destroyed
and it was guarded by Izanagi, the only one who left no trace and the young people
continue to search is the traitorous Celtic.

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