Writing CV and Letter of Application Group 3

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supporting lecturer : Asep Darojatul Romli, M.Pd

FAJAR RIZKY K (22416261201492)
FAUZ ZAIDAN H (22416261201551)
PANDI SOPIAN (22416261201058)
SATRIO ADIPUTRO (22416261201373)



Praise to the presence of God Almighty (YME) for giving the writer the opportunity to finish this
paper. Thanks to His grace and guidance, the writer was able to complete the paper entitled Writing
CV and Letter of Application on time.
The writing cv and letter of application paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment of Mr. Asep
Durojatul Romli, M.Pd in the English subject at Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang. This paper
was created with the intention of supporting the development of knowledge in applying for jobs,
especially applying for jobs in companies and applying to any field
The author expresses his deepest gratitude to Mr. Asep Durojatul Romli, M.Pd as a lecturer in the
English course, this can add to his knowledge and insights regarding the field the author is engaged in.
The author also thanks all parties who have helped the process of preparing this paper.

FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 3
BAB I WRITING CV ............................................................................................................................. 4
1. Understanding and examples writing cv ..................................................................................... 4
A. Writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae) ........................................................................................... 4
B. CV Example: ........................................................................................................................... 5
BAB II Writing a Letter of Application .................................................................................................. 7
1. Letter of application .................................................................................................................... 7
Letter of Application Example:....................................................................................................... 7

1. Understanding and examples writing cv

Curriculum Vitae is a mandatory document that must be included when you want to apply for a job.
So, you have to make your curriculum vitae as attractive as possible. Curriculum vitae is a document to
provide a brief description of work experience, as well as explain a curriculum vitae which is generally
used as reference material when applying for or looking for a job.
Usually a curriculum vitae contains applicant information, such as personal data, educational
background, skills, work experience, and so on that is not known to other people.
In simple terms, a curriculum vitae is a clear, concise and concise description of yourself contained
in writing.

A. Writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae)

A CV is a document that details your personal and work experience. Here are some points to consider
when writing a CV:

• Personal Information
Begin with your full name, email address, and phone number. Don't forget to include a recent
photo of yourself.

• Education
List your highest level of education and the university or school you attended. Don't forget to
include academic achievements or grades that are relevant.

• Work Experience
List your work experience starting from the most recent to the earliest. Include the position you
held, company name, and duration of your employment.

• Skills
List your skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you're applying
for a marketing position, include your skills in marketing strategy or data analysis.

• Awards and Certifications

Include any relevant awards or certifications you have received.
B. CV Example:



Bachelor of Business Administration, XYZ University (2015-2019)

GPA: 3.8/4.0
Work Experience:

Marketing Manager, ABC Company (2020-Present)

Marketing Specialist, DEF Company (2019-2020)

Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, SMM)

Analytical Skills (Google Analytics, Excel)
Communication Skills (Verbal and Written)
Awards and Certifications:

Google Analytics Certification

Best Marketing Campaign Award, XYZ University
Writing a Letter of Application
1. Letter of application
A job application letter is an official letter made by a job seeker to be sent to an agency or
company with the aim of applying for a job. Usually a job application letter includes a resume or CV
that describes your profile and professional work experience.
A job application letter is important as initial information so that interested employers review
it and then continue the hiring process. Therefore you must make a good and correct job application
letter. How to? Check out the full review of what a job application letter is, the characteristics of a good
and correct job application letter, and what are the preparations before writing the following job
application letter.

• Introduction
Start by greeting the reader and introducing yourself. Then, explain why you are writing the
letter and the position you are applying for.

• Qualifications
Explain your qualifications and skills, and how they will help you perform the duties required
for the position.

• Experience
Provide an explanation of your relevant work experience. Don't forget to include your
achievements and contributions in the position.

• Closing
Thank the reader and express your hope for an opportunity to be invited for an interview.

Letter of Application Example:

[Your Name]


[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Position]
[Company Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Name] role at [Company Name]. I believe that my
qualifications and skills align with what you are looking for.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in [Field of Study] from [University Name]. I have worked as a [Position
Name] at [Company Name] for [Duration], where I developed my skills in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill
3]. My experience in [Field/Industry] has equipped me with a strong understanding of [Aspect/Topic].

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience and skills to [Company Name]. Thank you
for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further.

[Your Name]

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