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2B2 – June 2011

1. For a fuel oil system discuss

i) a) Fuel Oil Pumps
b) Suction Strainers
c) Constant Flow Valve
ii) Discuss a Fuel oil system, components and how it works

2. a) Use a sketch to describe how a flow nozzle operates, give one advantage and one
b) Use a sketch to describe how a venture tube with manometer operates, give one
advantage and one disadvantage

3. There was a diagram of a force balance controller with Proportional and Integral. The
question asked to describe the various operations of it and how it worked. Second part to
the question asked to describe the response of the controller to a set point increase using a
graph showing the set point increase, measured response and the error.

4. The question gave a Mass analysis of fuel including percentages of Carbon, Hydrogen,
Sulphur and Oxygen, the fuel is burned with 50% excess air.
a) What is the Air in kg per kg of fuel if the fuel is burned?
b) What would the mass of components in the flue gas be?

5. a) What are flame scanners and why are they important

b) What is Frequency Detection
c) What is Gas Ionization Detection

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