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Cor. Rizal & Bates Sts., Old Albay, Legazpi City
Tel Numbers: (052) 480-1239/820-4128

A Distinct Filipino Cultures

Bryan Buendia


Understanding various individuals and their cultures is perhaps of the most effective way we can gain
from one another, and get familiar with ourselves. As societies become more interwoven on a
worldwide scale, worlds' socioeconomics broaden, and our multifaceted trades become more culturally
diverse. Our world is getting greater, more extravagant, and all the more socially assorted.
Understanding various cultures is more than having an appreciation for our disparities, yet preparing for
another world where we as a whole stand together.

Etiquette and Customs

Filipinos are known for being welcoming and friendly. Like the other countries, Filipinos seem to have a
lot of proud culture and characteristics that are simply unique and amazing. Filipinos are very fond of
their culture and traditions. They are very religious in the way that they are used to going to church
every week, having strong faith to God, and celebrating holy days. There is the celebration of traditional
occasions such as "fiesta sa barangay", festivals, having the longest Christmas celebrations and many

The Filipinos are just great with their talent in arts and architecture. The Philippines is having one of the
famous artists who have made history in the field of arts since then until now. Artists like Fernando
Amorsolo, Juan Luna, Benedicto Cabrera, Anita Magsaysay-Ho and many others are really admired for
their talent in painting. Not only here in the Philippines but also in other countries.
In terms of special trait, Filipinos are one of the most respectful people in the world. Compared to other
countries, Filipinos are used to respecting their elders. While France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America
and others do the air kisses on the check in showing respect to someone, Filipinos have their own way of
showing respect espeacially to elders. Mano or pagmamano is an "honoring-gesture" used in Filipino
culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of requesting a blessing from the elder.
Similar to hand-kissing, the person giving the greeting bows towards the hand of the elder and presses
their forehead on the elder's hand. Usually performed with the right hand, the person showing respect
may ask "Mano po" or "[Pa-]bless po" to the elder in order to ask permission to initiate the gesture.

"Bayanihan" or the Filipino way of group work is foremost among Filipino values. This is one of the
proudest customs of Filipinos that you rarely see in other countries. "Bayanihan" refers to a spirit of
communal unity and cooperation. It is the communal desire of Filipinos to show acts of kindness to
those in need particular during disasters. Not only those but there are many others that we can really be
proud of. Although many things are changed by modernization and the trend of time, these cultures still
remain with us.

The traditions and culture inherited from the ancestors remain alive especially among the ethnic groups.
They are very good at preserving their culture and their consistency to it symbolizes the pureness of
them. Their work is just amazing and the love for their culture is absolute. Like the cultures of other
countries, the uniqueness of their traditional practices is something to be proud of.

Indigenous People

There are an estimated 476 million Indigenous people around the globe and spread across more than 90
countries. Indigenous Peoples are social groups that share aggregate ancestral ties to the grounds and
natural resources where they reside, possess or from which they have been uprooted. The land and
natural resources on which they depend are inseparably connected to their identities, cultures,
livelihood, as well as their physical and spiritual prosperity.

Indigenous people from different countries have several distinctions, however, binds by their cultures
and love to their ancestors. For example, the Amis of Taiwan and the Bontoc of the Philippines do not
distance themselves from their native culture. The traditional way of life that they inherited from their
ancestors is still being done such as farming, fishing, and making different architecture that are in line
with their beliefs are still alive. Not only are they close in distance to each other but their culture is
almost the same.
The Igorots

Igorot, (Mountaineer) any of different ethnic groups in the mountains of northern Luzon, Philippines,
every one of whom keep, or have kept up to this point, their conventional religion and lifestyle. A few
live in the tropical forests of the lower regions, however most live in tough field and pine woods zones
higher up.

The Cordillera region of Northern Philippines is the ancestral domain of the Igorots. It is comprised of
the six provinces of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and Mountain Provinces, plus the lone city
of Baguio. The Igorots are grouped into six ethno-linguistic groups, the Bontoc, Ibaloi, Ifugao, Isneg (or
Apayao), Kalinga, and the Kankana-ey. There is no specific group in other countries who is termed the
same as the "igorot" of the Philippines. However, some other ethnic groups in other countries such as in
Malaysia wears almost similar style of them. They are comparable the way they value their traditions
and cultures. Not just in Malaysia but also those indigenous people of Britain. Their clothing style and
ways of living are almost the same.

Bontoc House and Villages and Amis of Taiwan

To compare the culture of the Bontoc House and Villages to the culture of another country, I see a big
similarity between them and the Amis of Taiwan in terms of housing. Taiwan and the Philippines are
both real neighbors and the distance between them is just nearly close. There are several indigenous
groups in Taiwan and Amis is the largest group according to them. Similarly, in the Philippines the
"igorot" tribe is the largest among indigenous tribes located in Northern part of the country. Most of
them can be found in Cordillera Regions. One of the largest of these regions is the Mountain Province
which is comprises of several ethnic groups including bontoc and having the most population.

The Tafalong houses of Amis of Taiwan are form of cottages. They use it as the tribal assembly hall as
the center and farmlands, hunting grounds, or fishing areas around the community. Tafalong is
composed of a residence, a barn, and a pig shed or cattle housing. Inside the house, Amis partition the
kitchen, the living room, and bedroom with wood or bamboo, with the stove (paruod in the Amis
language) make with three stacked stones as the center (Zhongpang & Xinzhuang, 2021).

The Bontoc Houses and Villages back then are organized in wards called "Ato". The wards were used as a
meeting place where the men assemble to discuss significant matter related to war and peace. The Ato
were built as political unit and not the village as a whole. They are set around the stone where several
ceremonies are held such as headhunting, and served as a dormitoy for unmarried boys and girls. The
dormitory has categorized into a separate room where "pabajunan" designated for boys and "olog" for
girls. Boys and girls made stay at such dormitory over a long period of time until such time when they
are ready for a trial marriage. However, after many years this method was gradually changed. This
tradition was lost due to the changing system of life. Although their tradition has disappeared, Ato is still
alive in the area and will remain remarkable.


The Yapayao-Isneg Tribe from Adams, Ilocos Norte is but one of the many indigenous people living in
that part of the Philippines who, just like any other tribes, possesses unique knowledge about animals
that symbolizes their culture. Their communion with animals as well as their perception on the
significance of these animals in their daily lives speaks volumes that would differentiate them from the
rest of the other tribes. From the information gathered during the course of the study, it was stipulated
by the interviewees that their belief and customs, their tradion and culture with regards to the
importance of animals varies as to the occasion which necessitates the participation of the animals –
from hunting to farming, during sickness and healing, in omens and even in death rites.


Developing a positive, tolerating, culturally different society permits us to embrace multiculturalism and
rethink old convictions. We consider what we consider to be typical or unusual and challenge ourselves
to see the world according to new points of view. By understanding and seeing new cultures, a
significant lesson turns out to be profoundly imbued in our mind — that we don't have anything to
acquire from passing judgment on a person or thing, we don't know.




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