WEEK 3 MODULE 3 - Chemical Process Systems Modeling

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CHE 509: Process Dynamics

Chemical Process Modeling

Ayorinde Bamimore, Ph.D.

Department of Chemical Engineering
Obafemi Awolowo University
Generalization of linearization of nonlinear model

Consider the general nonlinear model where is a vector of n

state variables, u is a vector m inputs and y is a vector of r
output variables:

(2.2a) state equation

Obafemi Awolowo University 2

Chemical Engineering
Generalization of linearization of nonlinear model

(2.2b) output equation

The general nonlinear state space model can be casted as:

(2.3a) state equation
(2.3b) output equation

Linearizing Eqs.(2.3a-b) gives the (LTI) Model

(2.5a) state equation
(2.5b) output equation

Obafemi Awolowo University 3

Chemical Engineering
Generalization of linearization of nonlinear model

where the elements of the linearization matrices are defined





Obafemi Awolowo University 4

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.1: Two Interacting Tanks in Series

Consider the interacting tank heights shown in Figure 3.1

Constant density
Outflow varies linearly with height

Fig. 3.1: Two Interacting tanks in series

Obafemi Awolowo University 5

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.1: Two Interacting Tanks in Series

Accumulation = IN – OUT (3.2a)
Tank1: (3.2c)
Tank2: (3.2d)

Eqs.(3.2c-d) can be expressed as:

Tank1: (3.2e)
Tank2: (3.2f)

Obafemi Awolowo University 6

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.1: Two Interacting Tanks in Series

Linearizing the above gives




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Chemical Engineering
Example 3.1: Two Interacting Tanks in Series





Obafemi Awolowo University 8

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Consider an isothermal CSTR in which a first order irreversible

reaction takes place

Fig. 3.2: Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)

Obafemi Awolowo University 9

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
[1] Isothermal condition prevails, i.e., constant temperature
[2] The reaction rate parameters are constant.
[3] Constant volume.
[4] First order reaction wrt A implies
Mole rate of disappearance of A per unit volume=
Mole rate of formation of B per unit volume=

Recall the general material balance for reacting systems

Accumulation = IN – OUT + Gen. – Disap. (2.1a)

The quantity accumulating in the reactor is “moles”

Obafemi Awolowo University 10
Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Component material balance on A gives

moles A accum = moles A IN – moles A OUT + moles A Gen.
– moles A Disap. (3.4a)

Substituting for the reaction rate, we have:


Obafemi Awolowo University 11

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Component material balance on B gives

moles B accum = moles B IN – moles B OUT + moles B Gen.
– moles B Disap. (3.4e)

Substituting for the reaction rate, we have:


Obafemi Awolowo University 12

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Steady state behavior of the reactor

At steady state: (3.4i)
Eq.(3.4d) then becomes:

Eq.(3.4h) gives:


Obafemi Awolowo University 13

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Steady state responses of and to

Rearranging Eqs.(3.4j and 3.4k), we have:



Obafemi Awolowo University 14

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Steady state behavior of the reactor

is called “space velocity”
is called “residence time” or “space time” defined as the
amount of time taken for the reactor volume to be “swept
out” by flow.
Let’s take input variable

Obafemi Awolowo University 15

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

As gets large (i.e, ), Eq.(3.4j) can be written as:


This implies that, the reactant is flowing so fast through the

reactor that there is no time for any conversion of A to B.

As gets small (i.e, ), Eq.(3.4j) can be written as:


Obafemi Awolowo University 16

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

This implies that, at steady state there is a complete

conversion since corresponds to batch reactor and the
reaction is an irreversible reaction.

Obafemi Awolowo University 17

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Plot of dimensionless concentration (CAs/CAfs)
against residence time (V/Fs)
For near complete conversion of
A to B, large volume/feed
(residence time) ratio is needed.
In the design of CSTR, process
economics must be taken into
There must trade-off between
capital cost and operating cost.
Large residence time implies high
capital cost and low operating cost
Fig. 3.3: CAs/CAfs versus V/Fs
(complete version means no need for
recycling of unreactant A and vice

Obafemi Awolowo University 18

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Plot of dimensionless concentration (CBs/CAfs)against space velocity (Fs/V)

Because of high flow rate,

less A is converted to B.

Fig. 3.4a: CAs/CAfs versus Fs/kV Fig. 3.4b: CAs/CAfs versus Fs/kV
Fig.3.4a and b are mirror images of each other
Obafemi Awolowo University 19
Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Dynamic behavior of the Isothermal CSTR

NB: The model Eqns. are nonlinear, hence we linearize:

Let, , ,

In state space, the linearized model will be:


Obafemi Awolowo University 20

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR





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Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR




Obafemi Awolowo University 22

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
The transfer function model

, , ,

, ,

NB: It is left as an exercise for students how these transfer

functions are obtained.

Obafemi Awolowo University 23

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
There is pole-zero cancellation in (s) since which
reduces the transfer function to first order.

The poles of the system are and , since they are

negative, the CSTR is open-loop stable.

Obafemi Awolowo University 24

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Numerical Example
Consider a CSTR with the following parameters:

, and

The state space Eq.(3.4q) becomes:



Obafemi Awolowo University 25

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR

Dynamic response of CA and CB to small step change in F/V


The response of the nonlinear

system matched well that of
the linearized system due to
small step change in (F/V).

Fig. 3.5a: Small step change in F/V of size 0.01

Thick line=nonlinear , dotted=linear
Obafemi Awolowo University 26
Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Dynamic response of CA and CB to large positive step
change in F/V

The response of the linearized

system deviated greatly from
that of the nonlinear system
due to large positive step
change in (F/V).

Fig. 3.5b: Large positive step change in F/V of size 0.2

Thick line=nonlinear , dotted=linear

Obafemi Awolowo University 27

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.2: Isothermal (Adiabatic) CSTR
Dynamic response of CA and CB to large negative step
change in F/V

The response of the linearized

system deviated greatly from
that of the nonlinear system
due to large negative step
change in (F/V).

Fig. 3.5c: Large negative step change in F/V of size 0.2

Thick line=nonlinear , dotted=linear

Obafemi Awolowo University 28

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Consider a non-isothermal CSTR in which a first order
irreversible reaction takes place

Fig. 3.6: Non-isothermal CSTR

Obafemi Awolowo University 29

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
[1] Perfect mixing
[2] Constant parameter values.
[3] Constant volume.
[4] First order reaction wrt A implies
Mole rate of disappearance of A per unit volume=
The reaction rate per unit volume (Arrhenius Expression)
Recall the general material balance for reacting systems
Accumulation = IN – OUT + Gen. – Disap. (2.1a)
The quantities accumulating in the reactor are “moles” and

Obafemi Awolowo University 30

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Defining variables and parameters

Obafemi Awolowo University 31

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Component material balance on A gives
moles A accum = moles A IN – moles A OUT + moles A Gen.
– moles A Disap. (3.6a)

Substituting for the reaction rate, we have:


Obafemi Awolowo University 32

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Energy balance gives:
Enthalpy accum = Enthalpy IN – Enthalpy OUT + Heat Gen.
by reaction – Heat Disap. by convection (3.6e)

In state space form, Eqns.(3.6d and f) can be written as:

Obafemi Awolowo University 33

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR

Steady state solution

At steady state ,

Given the model parameters, Eqs.(3.6i and j) can be solved
using “fsolve” subroutine in MATLAB.
This CSTR exhibits “multiple steady states”.

Obafemi Awolowo University 34

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR

Obafemi Awolowo University 35

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR

Obafemi Awolowo University 36

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Understanding multiple steady states using heat
generation and heat removal curves
Eq.3.6i can be solved for thus:

Eq.3.6j can be rewritten thus:

Multiplying both sides of Eq.3.6l by gives energy
removed and generated in the CSTR thus:

Obafemi Awolowo University 37

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR


Heat removed by flow and heat exchanger = heat generated by reaction

is a straight line Eq. with reactor temperature ( ) as the
independent variable. The slope of the line is and
the intercept is
Changes in jacket or feed temperature shift the intercept but
not the slope
Changes in UA or F affect both the slope and intercept

Obafemi Awolowo University 38

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR

Substituting for CAs gives


Eq.3.6p has a characteristic “S” shape for as a function
of reactor temperature.
From Eq.3.6m, a steady state solution exists where there is
intersection of and curves.

Obafemi Awolowo University 39

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR

Multiple steady states using heat generation and removal curves

Slope(Qrem) Slope(Qgen) Slope(Qrem) Slope(Qgen)

Fig. 3.7: Possible intersection of heat generation and heat

removal curves.

Obafemi Awolowo University 40

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Discussion of Results in Figure 3.7
Fig. 3.7 shows different possible intersections of the heat removal and heat
generation curves. If the slope of the heat removal curve is greater than the
maximum slope of the heat generation curve, there is only one possible
intersection (Fig3.7a)

As the jacket or feed temperature is changed, the heat removal lines shifts to the
left or right, so the intersection can be at a high or low temperature depending
on the value of jacket or feed temperature.

Notice that as long as the slope of the heat removal curve is less than the
maximum slope of the heat generation curve, there will always be the possibility
of three intersections (see Fig.3.7a) with proper adjustment of the jacket or feed
temperature (intercept).

Obafemi Awolowo University 41

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Linearization of CSTR
Recall the nonlinear dynamic state equations
The state space equation is given by:
where and

Obafemi Awolowo University 42

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR





Obafemi Awolowo University 43

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Stability of Diabatic CSTR
The stability of the Diabatic CSTR is determined by matrix A,

The characteristics equation is give by:


The stability of the CSTR is determined by the eigenvalues of


Obafemi Awolowo University 44

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Stability of the Diabatic CSTR
Operating Point Eigenvalues Stability
1: kgmol/m3 Stable
2: kgmol/m3 Unstable
3: kgmol/m3 Stable

Obafemi Awolowo University 45

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Multiple steady states using phase plane analysis

Fig. 3.7X: Phase plane plot

for process parameters
case 2:

Stable points(operating
points 1 and 3) are
marked with (o)

Unstable point (operating

point 2) is marked with

Obafemi Awolowo University 46

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.3: Diabatic CSTR
Obtaining transfer function model
The stability of the Diabatic CSTR is determined by matrix A,
The transfer function model is obtained from

Obafemi Awolowo University 47

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column
(An example of Linear Equilibrium Stage System)

Fig. 3.8: Gas absorption column with n stages

Obafemi Awolowo University 48

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column
Definition of variables

Obafemi Awolowo University 49

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Modeling Assumptions
 We assume that the major component of the liquid stream is
"inert" and does not absorb into the gas stream.
 We also assume that the major component of the gas stream is
"inert" and does not absorb into the liquid stream.
 It is assumed that each stage of the process is an equilibrium
stage, that is, the vapor leaving a stage is in thermodynamic
equilibrium with the liquid on that stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 50

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column
The Equilibrium stage

Fig. 3.9: A typical Gas absorption column stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 51

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Solute balance around stage i

The total amount of solute on stage i is the sum of the solute
in the liquid phase and the gas phase=

Accumulation = IN – OUT (2.1*)


Obafemi Awolowo University 52

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Assumption I: Since the liquid is much dense than the vapour,

the major contribution to the accumulation term is
Eq.3.7a then becomes:


Assumption II: The liquid molar holdup is constant

Eq.3.7b can then be written as:


Obafemi Awolowo University 53

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Equilibrium relationship


gas phase composition in (mole solute/mole inert liquid)
liquid phase composition in (mole solute/mole inert vapor)
the equilibrium parameter
th stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 54

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column
The modeling equation for any stage i
Substituting for the vapor/liquid equilibrium relationship, we have

Eq.3.7e can be rewritten in the form


Eq.3.7f will yield a matrix with tridiagonal structure

Obafemi Awolowo University 55

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

The modeling equation for Top stage (Stage 1)


Where is liquid feed composition.

The modeling equation for Bottom stage (Stage n)


Where is vapor feed composition.

Obafemi Awolowo University 56

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Problem 1: Develop the model equation for a 5-stage absorption

column and express the equation in a state space form.






Obafemi Awolowo University 57

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

State variables =
Input variables = (liquid feed composition) and
(vapor feed composition).
Liquid and vapor flow rates are assumed constant

In matrix form, the equations can be written as:

Obafemi Awolowo University 58

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column


Eq.3.7i is now in the state space form


To determine the steady state values of x, set and

solving for x gives
Obafemi Awolowo University 59
Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

Problem 2: Parameters for fifth stage absorption column

Let the liquid feed flowrate L=80 kgmol inert oil/hr, vapor feed
flowrate V=100 kgmol air/hr, equilibrium parameter = 0.5, liquid
feed composition 0.0 kgmol benzene/kgmol inert oil, and
vapor feed composition kgmol benzene/kgmol air. Let's
operate with units of minutes, so L= 4/3 kgmol inert oil/min and
V= 5/3 kgmol air/min. Assume that the liquid molar
holdup for each stage is M = 20/3 kgmol.

Obafemi Awolowo University 60

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

The numerical values yield the following matrices

Obafemi Awolowo University 61

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Absorption Column

The steady state input is given by:

The liquid product composition (leaving stage 5 is

The vapor product composition leaving stage 1 is

obtained from linear equilibrium relationship,
benzene/kgmol air.

Obafemi Awolowo University 62

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

Fig. 3.10: Schematic diagram of a distillation column

Obafemi Awolowo University 63

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

Assumption 1: Phase (Vapour/Liquid) Equilibrium

x=mole fraction of the light
component in the liquid phase
y=mole fraction of the light
component in the vapor phase

The vapor phase is richer in

the light component while the
liquid phase is richer in the
Fig. 3.11: Closed loop system with heavy component.
liquid and vapor in equilibrium

Obafemi Awolowo University 64

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Vapour/Liquid equilibrium diagram
For ideal mixtures, the phase
equilibrium relationship is
based on constant relative
volatility. Thus,


Fig.3.12 is plotted based on a

Fig. 3.12: Vapor/liquid equilibrium
relative volatility,

Obafemi Awolowo University 65

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
What goes on in a typical distillation column tray
The liquid from one tray goes over a
weir and cascades down to the next
tray through a downcomer.
As the liquid moves across a tray, it
comes in contact with the
vapor from the tray below.
Generally, as the vapor from the
tray below comes in contact with
the liquid, turbulent mixing is
Assuming that the mixing is perfect,
Fig. 3.13: A typical distillation column sieve
it allows one to model stage as a
lumped parameter system.

Obafemi Awolowo University 66

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Conceptual material balance for a typical stage

Fig. 3.14: Conceptual material balance diagram for a typical stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 67

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

Conceptual material balance for the feed stage

Fig. 3.14: Conceptual material balance diagram for the feed stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 68

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Dynamic material balance equations for all stages
except feed, condenser and reboiler

Recall, Accumulation = IN – OUT (3.2a)

Component balance for the liquid phase of a typical stage:
Accumulation= liquid from vapor from Liquid Vapor
tray above tray below leaving leaving

where, Liquid molar holdup on stage i
Assumption I: Liquid and vapor flowrates are constant from
stage to stage: (3.7c)
Obafemi Awolowo University 69
Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Vapour and liquid balance around the feed stage
Let quality of the feed=liquid percentage of the feed
If the feed is a saturated liquid, then
If the feed is a saturated vapour, then
Vapor molar flow rate leaving
the feed stage

Liquid molar flow rate leaving

the feed stage

Obafemi Awolowo University 70

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Total balance around the condenser and reboiler
If the condenser is a total one, then
Flowrate of the vapor from = Reflux flow + Distillate flow
the top tray


A total material balance around the reboiler yields

=reboiler molar flowrate, bottoms product molar flowrate

Obafemi Awolowo University 71

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Summary of the modeling equations

The rectifying section (Top section above the feed stage)

Liquid molar flowrates (3.7i)
Vapor molar flowrates (3.7j)

The Stripping section (Bottom section below the feed stage)

Liquid molar flowrates (3.7k)
Vapor molar flowrates (3.7l)

Obafemi Awolowo University 72

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Summary of component balance equations
Assumption: Constant liquid phase molar holdup ( )
Overhead receiver component balance
The rectifying section component balance (from to NF 1)
The Feed stage component balance ( )
The stripping section component balance (from to NS 1)

Obafemi Awolowo University 73

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Summary of component balance equations

Reboiler component balance


Obafemi Awolowo University 74

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Solving steady state equations
Overhead receiver component balance
The rectifying section component balance (from to NF 1)
The Feed stage component balance ( )
The stripping section component balance (from to NS 1)
Reboiler component balance

Obafemi Awolowo University 75

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Problem 3: Steady state solution of a 41-stage
distillation column
Consider a 41-state distillation column with the overhead
condenser as stage 1, the feed tray as stage 21 and the
reboiler as stage 41. The following parameters and inputs

mole fraction of light component
(i.e, saturated liquid feed)

Obafemi Awolowo University 76

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

From an overall material balance, the bottoms product flow
rate is mol/min

The stripping section flow rate is:


The balance around the reboiler yields


Obafemi Awolowo University 77

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Steady state composition distribution across the column
For nominal reflux
rate, R=2.706 and
Boilup rate, V=3.206
+1 %
-1 % Overhead composition
(stage 1)=0.99
Bottoms composition
(stage 41)=0.01

Fig. 3.16: Liquid phase composition (mol fraction of light component) as a

function of stage number. Solid = nominal reflux, dashed= + 1 reflux,
dotted= 1% reflux

Obafemi Awolowo University 78

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Steady state composition distribution across the column
For , Steady state
gain=change in
output/change in
input is
large for R 2.7
small for R 2.7

For , Steady state

gain is
small for R 2.7
large for R 2.7

Fig. 3.17: Steady state input/output relationship

Obafemi Awolowo University 79

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

Problem 4: Dynamic response

Consider now the previous problem, with the initial conditions
of the stage compositions equal to the steady-state solution of
Problem 3. The additional parameters needed are for the
dynamic simulation are the molar holdups on each stage. Here
we use the following parameters:

M1=MD=overhead receiver holdup=5mol

M2=feed tray molar holdup=0.5mol
M3=bottoms(reboiler) molar holdup=5mol

Obafemi Awolowo University 80

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Dynamic response of xD and xB to step changes in reflux rate
+1% in R causes
small change in XD

-1% in R causes large

change in XD

+1% in R causes
large change in XB

-1% in R causes small

change in XB

Fig. 3.17: Dynamic response of xD and xB to step changes in R

Obafemi Awolowo University 81

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
State space linear distillation column
Recall, linear state space model:

Liquid/gas phase equation: (3.8c)

Stage 1(i=1):

Obafemi Awolowo University 82

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Rectifying section (i=2:NF – 1)
Feed stage (i=NF)

Obafemi Awolowo University 83

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Stripping section (i=NF+1: NS – 1)
Reboiler stage (i=NS)


Obafemi Awolowo University 84

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Linearizing to obtain Matrix B

Stage 1(i=1):
Stage (i=2:NS – 1):

Obafemi Awolowo University 85

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column

Bottom Stage (i=NS):

Linearizing to obtain Matrix C
If the output variables are the overhead and bottoms
compositions, then:
for (3.8v)
for (3.8x)

Obafemi Awolowo University 86

Chemical Engineering
Example 3.4: Ideal Binary Distillation Column
Obtaining transfer function model
The transfer function model can be obtained by using

The steady state gain matrix can be obtained thus:


Multiplicity behavior
Distillation process has been known to demonstrate multiple
steady states.

Obafemi Awolowo University 87

Chemical Engineering

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