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Subject : Translation in Language Teaching

Name : Katrin Oktavia K. Sihombing

Class : English Education 2021 D
Student Registration Number : 2213321009
Date : Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Follow the instructions below carefully:

A. Answer the following questions carefully. Provide some brief explanation.

B. Send your document file (Word or PDF) to Google Drive within the set time limit
(Wednesday 29 March, 10.00 – 11.00 AM).

1. How can ‘Translation’ can be defined? And what are the key aspects of ‘Translation’?
2. What are the different types of equivalence in translation? What can be done to achieve the
equivalence with the source language in the process of translation? You may also include
the different translation methods/strategies.
3. How is translation related to culture?

Good luck!


1. Translation can be defined as the process of converting written or spoken text from one
language to another while preserving the meaning, style, and tone of the original text.
The key aspects of translation include:
• Accuracy: The translated text must accurately convey the meaning and intent of
the original text, while also taking into account cultural and linguistic differences.
• Clarity: The translated text should be clear and easy to understand, without any
ambiguity or confusion.
• Style and Tone: The translated text should maintain the style and tone of the
original text, whether it is formal, informal, technical, or artistic.
• Cultural sensitivity: The translator should be sensitive to the cultural context of
both the source and target languages and cultures, and ensure that the translation
does not inadvertently offend or misrepresent any cultural values or beliefs.
• Domain-specific knowledge: Depending on the subject matter of the text being
translated, the translator may need to have specialized knowledge in a particular
field such as law, medicine, or finance, to ensure accurate and effective
• Professionalism: Translation is a professional service, and a good translator should
have the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to provide high-quality
translation services that meet the needs of their clients.
2. There are different types of equivalence that can be considered in the process of
translation. Here are some types of equivalence:
• Linguistic equivalence: This refers to the correspondence between the linguistic
elements of the source and target languages, including grammar, syntax, and
• Functional equivalence: This refers to the preservation of the communicative
function of the source text in the target text, while also taking into account the
cultural and linguistic differences between the languages.
• Textual equivalence: This refers to the overall structure and organization of the
text, including the use of headings, paragraphs, and other formatting elements.
• Cultural equivalence: This refers to the accurate representation of cultural
references and nuances in the target language, while also taking into account the
cultural context of the target audience.

To achieve equivalence with the source language in the process of translation, the
translator can use various methods and strategies. Here are some examples:

• Literal translation: This method involves translating the words of the source
language directly into the target language without any modification. This
approach can be useful for technical or scientific texts, but may not be appropriate
for literary or creative works.
• Transposition: This method involves replacing one grammatical structure or part
of speech with another while preserving the meaning of the source text. For
example, changing an adjective to a noun or a verb to an adverb.
• Modulation: This method involves changing the perspective or point of view in the
target language to reflect the cultural differences between the source and target
languages. For example, translating a statement from a formal to an informal
• Adaptation: This method involves making changes to the source text to
accommodate the cultural or linguistic differences of the target audience. For
example, changing cultural references or idioms to ones that are familiar to the
target audience.
3. Translation is closely related to culture as it involves the transfer of meaning from one
cultural and linguistic context to another. Culture is an essential part of language, and
language is a primary means through which culture is expressed and transmitted.
Therefore, translation cannot be separated from culture because it involves transferring
not only the linguistic elements of a text but also the cultural references and nuances.
Culture influences the way people communicate and express themselves, including their
values, beliefs, customs, and traditions. Therefore, translating a text from one language
to another involves not only a transfer of words but also a transfer of cultural knowledge
and understanding. This requires the translator to be aware of the cultural differences
between the source and target languages and to be able to convey the intended meaning
of the source text in a way that is appropriate and understandable for the target audience.
In conclusion, translation and culture are deeply interconnected, and a translator's ability
to understand and convey cultural references and nuances is essential to the success of
the translation process.

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