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National Teachers College

First Semester, School Year 2022-2023

Name: Karen Nicole B. Maddela Date: November 14, 2022

Year & Section: 2.1 BEED Prof. Veronica Caro

Who is the 21st century learner? How do you think

he/she learns? What are his/her traits?

I, the 21st -century learner millennial. As a 21st -century learner, Learning happens
when we build or make things. We are also forced to construct new mental models,
analogies, memories, and synaptic connections while we build or create things to add to
our world. I understand that constructing is a foundation of existing understandings and
experiences. Like me, they have preconceived ideas about how the world actually works
when they enter the classroom, and these ideas have a big impact on how they interpret
what they are taught. They might not understand the new ideas and material being taught
if their prior knowledge is not used, or they might learn it for the sake of a test yet continue
to hold their preconceived ideas outside of the classroom. Conceptions that students have
about natural events have an impact on their learning. Learning happens when we think
about things. We make observations, we process feedback from our environment, we
simulate and predict and then we update our predictions. All of this is really hard to see so
we have come up with things like tests and assessments to try to get at how people have
started thinking differently based on readings, observations, and conversations. There’s still
a lot more to learn about how we think and how we modify our thinking over time. Also,
when we want to survive and thrive among a group of people that have a shared
collection of practices. Maybe we want to be able to do what they do. Everyone has good
and bad traits but a good learner is a leader, honest, brave, respectful, and

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