Final Demonstration Teaching

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) Identify the ways in prevention and control of non-communicable
b) Appreciate the importance of ways in prevention and control of non-
communicable disease.
c) Practice ways to prevent and control non-communicable diseases
a) Topic: Ways to Prevent and Control Non-communicable diseases
b) Materials: Instructional Materials, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation,
Pictures, Videos
c) Platform: Face to face
d) Reference: Module- Health 7 (4th Quarter)


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a. Greetings
- Good morning class. - Good morning, Sir
- How are you today? - We’re fine, Sir
- Did you all eat your snack already? - Yes sir, we’re done sir.
- I hope you have all the energy to do our
activities for today.

b. Prayer
- We cannot start the day without giving thanks,
praise, and glory to our God. So May I call
Quency to lead us a simple prayer for this day.
Let us all stand class. - “In the name of the father, of the son, and
of the holy spirit. Amen. Dear Lord, thank
you for this day, for giving us another day
to learn. We praise you for all the blessings
that you are giving us. We ask for
forgiveness for all the sins that we
committed. Give us wisdom and
knowledge to understand our lesson for
today, Lord. This we ask in Jesus’ Mighty
name. Amen.”
- Thank you very much Quency for leading us a
- You may now take a sit class. - (The students will follow)
b. Checking of Attendance
- Athena are you all present today? - Yes sir, we have a perfect attendance today
- How many boys are here today? - Sir, 11 boys.
- How about girls? - Sir, 9 girls.
- That’s good class that you are all present,
because today we have so many interesting
things that we need to learn.

d. Classroom Management
- Before we start, kindly check your surroundings.
- Please pick up the pieces of papers and candy - (The students will pick up the litters)
wrappers under your seat and make sure it is
- Are you done class? - Yes sir. We pick all the papers and candy
wrappers already.
- Thank you, class.

- To formally start our discussion. We have here a
simple mind exercise.
- Are you familiar with the game 4 pics 1 word, - We know that game sir.
- So, who among you already experienced playing - (The students will raise their hands)
that game?
- Ok it seems like almost all of you already played
the game.
- Now we will be going to play the same game.
- Are you ready class? - Yes sir, we are now ready.
- Ok then please read the instruction first, class.
- (Slide Presentation) - “FOUR PICS. ONE WORD”
Instructions: Identify the word that depicts
the four pictures being presented. Write
your answer on the board.
- Ok, did you understand the instruction class? - Yes sir.
- Let’s try to answer first this example.
- (slide presentation)

- Based on the pictures, what do you think is the - Sir, “EXERCISE” is the answer for that
right answer class? item sir.
- That’s right class. Can we start now class? - Yes sir, we can start now.
- Ok, so for our first Item we have here:
- (Cartolina will be posted in front)

- What is the answer for this class? - (The students are still thinking for the
- Did you know the answer now class? - The answer is “DISEASE” sir.
- Ok, that’s right Lizel. Very good.
- Kindly right the answer on the space provided - (The student will right the answer)
- Ok class, thank you for participating.
- So, there are two types of Disease. The first type
is the Communicable Disease/Infectious disease.
The second type is the non-Communicable
disease/Non-Infectious disease.
- To further understand what is the difference
between the two types of disease.
- May I call Carlo to please pull the definition of - (The student will pull the paper)
Communicable disease here in front.
- Please read the definition class. - “Communicable Disease- A disease
capable of being transmitted, by any means
of transmission, from one person to
another person”
- Thank you, class.
- One major example of a communicable disease
that is still evident today class is the Covid-19
- I’m sure you are all aware of that class.
- Will you name ways on how this virus can be - Sir through sneezing and coughing, sir.
transmitted from one person to another person - Another one sir is by using the things of
class? infected person such as spoon, fork, glass,
etc. sir.
- Thank you, Kareen and Angelo.
- Now for Non-Communicable disease, may I
request Joel to pull the definition of it. - (The student will pull the paper)
- Please read altogether class. - “Non-communicable disease- tend to be of
long duration and are the result of a
combination of genetic, physiological,
environmental, and behavioral factors.
- Thank you, class.
- In other words, non-communicable disease are
diseases that cannot be transmitted from one
person to another person, just like by touching or
face to face contact.
- Some examples of non-communicable disease
are cardiovascular disease which deals with heart
diseases. Another example are Diabetes, Cancer,
and chronic respiratory diseases.

- Ok, class is it clear now the difference of the two - Yes sir.
types of diseases?
- Anymore clarifications or any information that - None, sir.
you want to add?
- Then we can now proceed to our topic for today
- So, our topic for today focuses on non-
communicable disease, particularly the ways on
how to Prevent Non-Communicable diseases.
- Is that clear class?
- To further understand our topic class. I talked to - Yes sir.
one of my friends, He is a doctor from one clinic
that is near here in our school. He told me that he
is inviting us to his clinic to visit him and share
things that it is related to our topic.
- Are you willing to go class? - Yes sir. We are willing to come with you
in the clinic, sir.
- Ok class. prepare yourselves because at any
moment, our bus will now arrive here.
- (Play sound of the bus arriving)
- Our bus is here already. Stay disciplined at the - Yes sir. we will behave properly.
clinic when we arrive there, class.

- (Play sound of the bus leaving)


- (The bus will arrive at the destination)
- We’re here now class. be ready for some
exciting things that we can experience inside the
- Class, I want you to meet Dr. Ace, he is the
doctor here in this clinic and he is also my
- Say “Hello” to Dr. Ace class. - Hello, Doctor Ace. Good morning. Thank
you for welcoming us here in your clinic.
- Dr. Ace will leave early today because he will
need to visit another clinic that he is monitoring.
- But he still leaves an activity for us to learn - (The students will follow)
things from his clinic.
- To start our activity. Look at the color of the - Yes sir.
sticky notes on your nametag.
- Did you see it already?
- What I want you to do is to stand up and find
your groupmates according to the color of the
sticky notes on your nametag.
- For Yellow group, you will sit here in the first
row. Red group will sit on the second row.
Green group will sit on the third row while the - Yes sir, it is clear.
blue group will sit on the last row. - (The students will find their groupmates)
- Did you get it? - Yes sir
- Do it quietly and in orderly manner, class. - (The students will follow)
- Are you with your groupmates now, class?
- That’s good. Now, select one representative or - Yes sir.
leader per group. - Shaina sir for yellow team.
- Did you have your leader now? - Roldan for red team sir.
- So, who’s the leader of each team? - For Green team sir, Allen is our leader.
- While for blue team sir, Karen is our

- Thank you. - (The leaders will go in front)

- Group leaders, what I want you to do is to come
here in front and pick the color of the syringe
that corresponds the color of your team. - It’s clear sir.
- Is that clear.
- If you have the syringe, Paste it on the board
now. Follow the arrangement of each team,
Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue. - Yes sir.
- Are you done? - (The students will go back to their seats)
- Thank you, go back to your seats.
- Now, I will distribute to you a folder, in which it
contains information about our topic for today.
- (The teacher will distribute the folder)
- Our topic for today is all about the ways on How
to Prevent and Control non-communicable
- (Slide Presentation)
- When we say Prevention and Control, in Health
it means measures which include actions that can
be taken to reduce the potential of exposure to
- Ok, and the syringe that the group leaders paste
in front awhile back are the Ways on How to
prevent and control non-communicable disease. - (The student will go in front)
- For the first prevention and control, may I call
Selena to please come here in front. - (The student will pull the edge of the
- Now, I want you to please pull the edge of the syringe)
- Thank you, Selena. - Exercise Daily.
- Please read altogether class.
- Very good. So, the first prevention and control
of non-communicable disease is to Exercise
Daily or regularly.
- (Side presentation)
- Exercise involves engaging in physical activities
that increases the heart rate beyond resting
- (Slide presentation) - (The student will follow)
- What is the importance of Exercising daily?
- May I call the student from yellow group who
holds the folder and paste it in front. - 1. Physical activity removes disease-
- (The teacher will pull the edge of the paper) causing toxins through sweat.
- So, these are the importance of exercising daily, - 2. It prevents cardiovascular diseases and
kindly read class. respiratory problems
- 3. Reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.

- (Slide presentation)
- “Fun fact: You’re more likely to stick with your
exercise plan if you work out with a partner.”
- people who had a friends exercise more often
than those who worked out alone. The
encouragement and emotional support were the - (The students will follow the exercise)
most important factors.
- With this, Dr. Ace prepared a video of an
aerobic exercise. Stand now and we will execute
- (Video will be play)
- Very good class.
- That is the first way on how to prevent and
control non-communicable disease, which is to - None sir.
exercise daily.
- Any clarification class? - (The student will pull the edge of the
- If none we will now move on to the next. syringe)
- Maintain a healthy diet.
- May I call one from the red group to pull the
edge of the second syringe.
- Read it again class.
- Thank you, class.
- So, for our second way, we need to maintain a
healthy diet.
- (Slide Presentation)
- According to the World Health Organization,
consuming a healthy diet throughout the life-
course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its
forms as well as a range of non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and conditions.
- (Slide Presentation)
- What is the importance of Maintaining a healthy
diet in our life? - (The student will follow)
- Just like in the first group, the students who - 1. Improves growth and development.
holds the folder, come here in front, and paste it.
- Ok, Joel, pull the edge of the paper of the folder
and read what is written in it.
- Thank you, Joel.
- A balanced diet is crucial for children and
adolescents. As the body grows it is important to
receive the right nutrients so that cells are built
and maintained, and the body grows at the right - 2. Prevents diseases and infections
- Please read class.
- When you eat the full range of vitamins,
minerals, and other nutrients you improve your
immune system and your healthy diet may even - 3. Improves your mental health
help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, and stroke.
- Let’s read altogether class.
- Getting the right mix of nutrients can help to
ease symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- So those are some of the importance of
maintaining a heathy diet. Always remember to - “You will get a paper from the box and
- Now, we have here another activity please read identify if the food that was written on the
the instructions class. papers are healthy or unhealthy foods. Put
- (Slide presentation) the papers in the plate if what is written on
it is an example of healthy food and put it
in the trash bin if it is unhealthy food.”
- Yes sir.
- (The students will now paste their
- Are the instructions clear class?
- Ok, so I have here the box and get the papers - Yes sir.
now. After that place it in the plate or trash bin. - Sir the foods on the plate are nutritious
- Are you all done class? food, while the foods on the trash bin are
- What did you notice about the foods that you put junk foods sir.
on the plate?

- That’s right. That is the reason why we need to

check the nutritional value of the food that we
eat to know if these foods can be beneficial to -
our body and health.
- Random facts: Did you know that the fear of
Vegetable, is called “Lachanophobia”.
- Someone who is suffering from this condition
may endure extreme amounts of anxiety when in
the presence of vegetables or even when
thinking of them.
- That is for the second way of prevention and - Yes sir.
control of non-communicable class.
- Is that clear now?
- If no more clarification class. We will now - (Another student will go in front)
proceed to our next prevention and control.
- For our third way of prevention and control.
May I call another student from the green team
to pull the edge of the syringe here in front. - Getting enough sleep.
- Thank you. - Yes sir. At least 7-9 hours of sleep sir.
- Read it class.
- Are you all getting at least 9 hours of sleep
- That is good class. remember that at your age, - (Students will try to answer)
you should complete the recommended sleeping
time to support your growth. - (The students will pull the paper)
- What is the importance of getting enough sleep - 1. Has a strong effect on your ability to
especially at your age? concentrate and do well at school.
- Ok, so another student from green group, please - 2. Improves retention and increases ability
pull the paper to reveal some of the importance to pay attention.
of getting enough sleep. - 3. Strengthens your heart.

- Analysis found that compared with 7 hours of

sleep, each 1-hour decrease in sleep was - Yes sir.
associated with a 6% increased risk of heart
- Did you understand class?
- I have a question here
- “If I sleep around 9:30pm in the evening and - No sir.
woke up around 5:30 am. How many hours of - (9:30-10:30) 1 hr
sleep did I get? - (10:30-11:30) 2 hrs
- Did you get the answer class? - (11:30-12:30) 3 hrs
- Let me help you compute class. let’s start from - (12:30-1:30) 4 hrs
9:30 pm - (1:30-2:30) 5 hrs
- (2:30-3:30) 6 hrs
- (3:30-4:30) 7 hrs
- (4:30-5:30) 8 hrs
- You got 8 hours of sleep sir.

- Ok, that is right class. and that is also how you - No sir because you sleep late which causes
count the number of hours of your sleep. tiredness and being sleepy for the
- For the second question. following days.
- “If I sleep late around 12:00 am and woke up
at 6:45 am. Can I still get a healthy sleeping

- Very good class.

- It is important that we need to have a proper
sleeping pattern, because sleeping helps us - Yes sir. it is clear.
recover the strength that we exert during the
whole day.
- Did you get the importance of getting enough
sleep class?
- Very good. So, for our last prevention and - Eliminate Smoking and Drinking alcohol.
control - None sir.

- (The teacher will pull the paper) - Sir it causes lung cancer.
- Ok class read it again.
- I hope no one here smoking a cigarette and
drinking alcohol class. it will destroy your body. - (The students will pull the paper)
- Did you know the effects of smoking cigarettes - 1. Weakened immune system
class? - 2. Risk of heart disease (Stroke)
- Thankyou Rico. - 3. Risk of vision problem
- Ok so here are the effects of Smoking cigarettes
and drinking alcohol. Please pull the paper, any
members from the blue team.

- Thank you.
- Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes
class. it will destroy your body. You can enjoy
life without risking your health by trying to
smoke and drink alcohol.
- Fun fact: Muscles absorb alcohol faster than fat. - Yes sir.
- Clear sir. we understand the different way
As a result, people who have more muscles and on how to prevent and control non-
less body fat have higher alcohol tolerance. communicable disease.
- Did you understand class?
- Are we clear now with the prevention and
control of non-communicable disease class?

- Now that we already know the good practices to - Sir, by informing my friends or classmate
prevent and control non-communicable disease. I to eat healthy food
will ask a question. - Inviting my friend to have Zumba dance
session, sir.
- “As a student, how will you promote a healthy - By telling my relatives to avoid smoking
lifestyle to prevent non-communicable cigarettes.
disease” - Telling my parents to avoid drinking
alcoholic beverages.

- Ok class, your answers to my question are - Sir its importance is that we would know
excellent. It looks like you really acquire some how to avoid things that can be harmful to
valuable things from our discussion. our body, that may cause diseases.
- I have another question here class.
- “What is the importance of knowing the - Another importance sir is we can also help
different ways on how to prevent and control other by informing them and educating
non-communicable disease?” them about the prevention and control of
- Very Good, Althea. Non-communicable disease
- Another one?

- Excellent answer, Russel.

- Thank you, class, for your answers.
- It seems like you really understand the
discussion from the clinic of Dr. Ace.
- Ok, if that’s the case, let us now say “Thank
you” to Dr. Ace for letting us visit his clinic and
understand more from the different ways on how
to prevent and control non-communicable
- (Play bus’s sound going back to school)
- Ok class. we are now here in our classroom.
- Did you enjoy the visit on the clinic class? - Yes sir.
- That’s good. Before we go home let’s finish first
this activity. Please read the instruction of the
activity class.
- “Choose the letter or the best answer i
each question. Write your answer on t
space provided before the number of e
item. You will be given 3 minutes to f
the quiz”
- Is that clear class? - Yes sir.
- Ok, so I will give the test questions now.
- (Questions number 1-10)
- (The students will now start to answer
- Are you done class? - We’re done sir.
- Let’s check your answers now.
- Exchange your paper with your seatmate’s class.
be honest in checking the answer.
- (Checking answers item 1-10) - We’re done sir.
- ok, class pass your papers. - (The students will pass their papers)

- Thank you, class. it seems like you learn a lot

from our little adventure awhile back.
- I’m glad class. thank you. I hope I can bring you - It is a fun experience sir.
again visit to another clinic class.
- So, here’s my simple gifts and rewards for you - Thank you so much sir.
- Thank you for your active participation.
- Goodbye class.
- Goodbye sir.

Grade 7-Health Module. Read the Self-Monitoring to prevent Nob-
Communicable Diseases, Programs and Policies, and the Agencies
responsible for Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control.
REFERENCE: 4TH Quarter Week 6-8

Prepared by:



Checked By:

Critic Teacher




Supervising instructor

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