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words that indicate a change in ideas or direction in a text.

some signal words can be used in more than one context.
it is important to pay attention to the overall meaning to
determine the appropriate signal words.

COMPARISON: similarity between 2 ideas Similarly Likewise In the same way

CAUSE AND EFFECT: between 2 ideas As a result Therefore Consequently

CONTRAST: difference between 2 ideas However In contrast Nevertheless

TIME: show sequences or orders Firstly Secondly Finally

SUMMARIZING: indicates a summary or

In conclusion To summarize In summary

ADDITION: to add on different ideas Furthermore Moreover Additionally

EXAMPLE: to show example For example Such as Including

EMPHASIS: emphasize a point or idea Indeed Certainly In fact

ENUMERATION: to show a list or sequence

Firstly Secondly Thirdly
of ideas

CONCESSION: admission of a point Nevertheless Admittedly Although

1. Informative Language Function - communicating
information such as facts
2. Expressive Language Function - reporting feelings or
attitudes or evoking these feelings in the reader /
3. Directive Language Function - using language to cause
or prevent actions such as in commands or request

making sense of the data give in one form and
transferring them to another.
it can be more effectively processed and retained by the
reader / listener.

Example of Transition Devices that are often used

Pictures Tables
Pie Charts Chronological Sequence
Drawings Tree Diagrams
Bar Charts Subtitles
Maps Cyclic diagrams
Flow Charts Notes

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