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Joshua James M. Ocampo P.

Gomez Eleme School

JHS Level Jay N. Iglesias

Civil and political rights

Civil and political rights are fundamental human rights that are essential for an individual's
dignity and well-being. Our country the Philippines, like any other democratic country, has its
own set of laws and regulations that govern the exercise of these fundamental rights. Firstly,
the Constitution of the Philippines, which was ratified in 1987, guarantee individual civil and
political rights. Under the Constitution, every person has the right to life, liberty, and property.
Furthermore, the right to freedom of speech, religion, and the press are also recognized by the
government. These rights ensure that individuals in the Philippines have the right to express
themselves freely without fear of persecution, censorship, or even incarceration. Secondly, the
country recognizes every person's right to vote in elections and participate in the government's
decision-making process. Every citizen has the right to the equal protection of the law without
discrimination, regardless of their race, gender, or religion. These rights protect every citizen
from any form of oppression and ensure that every decision and policy made by the
government is for the benefit of its citizens. Thirdly, the Philippines is also a member of the
United Nations' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The covenant
summarizes the civil and political rights that every person has the right to enjoy. The Philippines
is obliged to ensure that all the rights in the covenant are protected and promoted. The
country's adherence to this covenant highlights its commitment to good governance,
accountability, and respect for human rights. Fourthly, in recent years, many civil society
organizations have played an important role in promoting and protecting civil and political
rights in the Philippines. These organizations include human rights groups, civil rights
defenders, and other civic groups that advocate for better governance, transparency, and
accountability in the government. Their work has helped to hold the government accountable
and ensure that the fundamental rights of citizens are protected. And so, civil and political
rights are fundamental human rights that every individual should enjoy. The Philippines has
made significant progress in ensuring that these rights are protected and promoted. However,
there is always room for improvement, and the government should continue to work to
promote these rights.

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