Reviewer in Life Work Rizal

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REVIEWER IN LWR 1494-Columbus confirmed the existence of the

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda Americans, Pope Alexander VI issued "Inter Caetera"
1. Domingo Lamco great grandfather of Rizal (Mercado dividing the Americans between Portugal and Spain,
ni Rizal) which they interpreted as applying to the whole non-
2. Sisters of Rizal- Christian world. In effect this gave Portugal the trade
Saturnina, Narcisa, Olympia, Lucia, Maria,Conception, routes of the Indian Ocean, while Spain got any it
Josefa,Trinidad, Soledad discovered in the Pacific Ocean.
3. Brother Rizal- Paciano (2) 1521 - Magellan discovered a westward Route, catching
4. Mother Teodora Alonso/Teodora Alonso Realonda y the pacific currents than go west along the equator.
Quintos 1565 - Andres de Urdaneta the eastward Route by
5. Father-Francisco Mercado / Francisco Engracio Rizal sailing along the Kuroshio • These Discoveries led to the
Mercado y Alejandro Manila Galleon Trade - the Spanish traded with Japan,
6. Concha -Conception (little sister ni Rizal) (8 child) Taiwan, Fuijan province of Ming Dynasty China, Macau,
7. Paciano Mercado - Rizal's older brother East Timor and the Spice Islands (Eastern Indonesia)
8. Josephine Bracken- Wife of Rizal Galleon-big ship that brought goods
9. Death Date - December 30, 1896 Mariana Islands-Las Islas de Los Ladrones
10. Age Died-35 years old 5 months 11 days Suez Canal-one of the most important waterways in the
11. Best friend- Ferdinand Bluemintritt world
12. Tutor - Maestro Celestino, Maestro Lucas Padus, -Opened Nov 17, 1869
Leon Monroy( (Rizal's tutor in Spanish and Latin, who is -163 kilometer long
his father's former classmates) -Man-made waterway
13. 1872-1877-Jose studied high school at Ateneo -Also called "crossroads of Europe, Africa and
Municipal de Manila Asia"
14. Licentiate in Medicine - Rizal's course June 18 1884 Impact of Suez Canal- the cheapest means of
15. Age Alphabet Learn-3 years old transportation
16. Novel Rizal - Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo -Instead 2months of travel naging 1 week only
NMT (Touch me Not )El Fill the Reign of Greed) - Import books, magazine and newspapers
17. First Poem ni Rizal - Sa Aking Mga Kabata Ferdinand de Lesseps-new route was built for 10 years
18. Mi Ultimo Adios - My Last Farewell by a French company (Suez Canal)
19. Segunda Katigbak- first crush The Philippines and World Trade-a saltatory rise in the
20. Leonor Rivera-Childhood sweetheart and Greatest level of foreign trade.
Love -Transform subsistence to an export economy
21. Dapitan-Rizal stayed 4years 13 days and few hours -1870 rice become an import commodity
22. Saba North Borneo- Rizal moved people Social Structures - Philippine society was predominantly
23. 22.000 lottery-6,200-win lottery, feudalistic.
-2,000 sa father ni Rizal -Upper, Middle and Lowe Class
-200 kaibigan sa Hong Kong Peninsulares-born in Spanish peninsula
-4k binili lupa -Pure Spanish blood
-Ticket no. 9736) -Can be Gov, Gen
24. Gov na nagpahamak kay Rizal(TRAYDOR) - Gov. Insulares-Spaniards born in the Philippines
Gen Blanco -Spanish blood but called Filipino
25. Birthday -June 19, 1861 sa Calamba Laguna Spanish Mestizos-offspring of Spanish father and Indio
26. All about UST-Umuwi sya ng Manila at nag enroll sa mother
school at pumasok. Nakakuha ng 3 na grade Mestizos de Sangleyes-offspring of Spanish-Chinese
27. Story Of Gamo- Gamo-Teodora read to Rizal parents
28. Hinamon ni Rizal – Pedro Mestizos Indios-offspring of Chinese-Indio mixtures
29. Tiyo ni Rizal - Tiyo Manuel Illustrados-privileged people/exchange students
30. Reason why Rizal took Medecine - For his mother -Econom prosperity to motiur indios
31. Eldest sibling - Saturnina Indios - Filipino
32. Youngest sibling - Soledad -Native of the country
33. Rizal in English-green field / Ricial -Christianized natives
34. Where Rizal killed - Bagumbayan now Luneta Park Indios Natural- natives of the island
35. Time Death-7:03 am Plain Indios-natives who had converted to Roman
19th Century-related to Rizal because born and died Catholism
-Industrialism, democracy and nationalism Gobernadorcillo-highest position to plain indios
-Relating to Middle Ages -Later called capitan
Galleon Trade-shipping line 150 years -The chief executive and chief judge of the
-Travel between New Spain (Mexico) and pueblo
Philippines Infieles - who resisted the indoctrination and lived
-Built in the Philippines outside the Spanish control
-Manned by Filipino Crew Indio Sangleye- pure blooded Chinese or Japanese
-Last galleon arrived in Manila in 1815 (escaped the arrived in the Philippines)
-Age 18-60 years old Cabeza de Barangay-leader or chief of barangay or
Manila Galleon-ships that from Manila barrio
-Manila Galleons (1565 to 1815) were large The Educational Decree of 1863-was published in the
Spanish ships that sailed across the Pacific between Philippines
New Spain (Mexico) and the Philippines. Boleta- ticket
Cuadrilleros-night ship
Pueblo-town Educational Decree 1863- an effort by Spain to reform
Guardia Civil-corps of the provincial police with native the Philippine colonial education
rabks system.
-Armed with rifles and officered by Spaniards Moret Decree of 1870- a decree that gave freedom to
Ministro de Ultramar-Spain governed the Philippines all slaves who were sixty or older and all slaves
Royal Audiencia-the system of courts was centralized. belonging to the state.
-Pyramidal organization branded by royal audiencia. BOURBON REFORMS
Legislative- No regular body that took charge of Spanish Bourbon King Philip V (1700-1746) - advocated
enacting laws. a century long effort to reform and modify the Spanish
Corrupt Colonial Office- many colonial offices become empire.
rich by illegal means or by marrying illnesses or rich The Bourbon Reforms-consisted of a series of changes
Filipino Families. that were introduced by the monarch of the bourbon
Alcades en Ordinario (vicemayor) - both chief executive dynasty of the Spanish Crown during the 18th century,
and chief judicial magistrate. and that focused on economic, political and
- refers to the judicial and administrative officials administrative matters, which were applied in the
Alcaldes Mayores (mayor) were a type of provincial peninsular territory and its overseas possessions both
governor for the metropolis and for all its colonies.
Barangay or barrio-smallest unit of government Advantages- Trade was liberalized and new trading
Governor General Dela Torre - from 1869-1871 ports were opened; The extraction and processing of
-Spanish soldier and politician silver was boosted; The Jesuits were expelled; Spain
-Spanish general assigned in the Philippines became the first producer and exporter of silver in the
The Tribute or Tribuno-- Filipinos were compelled to world, The economy of the crown was increased.
pay tribute called TRIBUTO, to the colonial government Disadvantages- The ability to accumulate old and silver
The Encomienda- The country was divided into parcels was lost; The town councils lost their power and were
and assigned to deserving Spaniard to govern and care. replaced by Spaniards; New taxes were created for the
Royal Encomiendas - belonging to the King American population; there was discontent of the
Ecclesiastical Encomiendas-belonging to the Church Hispanic Americans and demonstrated it with wars and
Private Encomiendas - belonging to private individuals rebellions against Spain.
Encomiendero- To defend his encomienda from Spanish Cortes 1812- Promulgating the Cadiz
outsiders. Constitutions.
The Polo or Forced labor- the polo or forced labor is
another the Spanish that had created discontent among
the Indios during the Spanish times.
-All able-body males, from 16 to 60 years old, except
Christians and their elder sons, were required to render
labor for this various project in the colony.
King Ferdinand VII- Violently opposed of the liberal
reforms granted by the French provincial governments.
The Democratic Rule of Governor De la Torre- He (El
tulisan) the leader of bandits in Cavite. With the
restoration of the Spanish monarchy and the return of
conservation in Spain, de la Torre was removed from
1884-The year when he began writing Noli me Tangere
March 1187- The year when Noli Me Tangere was
officially published.
Germany-Place where Noli Me Tangere was officially
October 1887-The year when he started writing El
1891 - The year when El Filibusterismo was published.
Belgium-place where El Filibusterismo was published.
The Philippine League - the organization created by
Rizal to help the Filipinos fight the Spaniards against the
President Aguinaldo - he issued the first official
proclamation making December 30 of that year
as Rizal's Day
Andres Bonifacio-known as Supremo and heads the
Katipunan movement and even recognized the
leadership of Rizal.
Hero - a prominent or central personage talking part in
an admirable action or event R.A 1425 - also known as
bill which was enacted in 1956 and contains the ruling
that result course should be included in the curriculum
in collegiate level.
Claro M. Recto-father of Rizal Law

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