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Luminus Technical University College -

Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in computing
Language of
Student Name
College ID:
Pearson ID:
Unit Number and Title 9. Software Development life Cycle
Academic Year 2022/2023
Unit Tutor Amneh Shaban, Safaa Bani Essa, Ghena Barakat
Internal Verifier Name Balqees Al Dabaibeh Approval Date: 27/3/2023
and Approval
Assignment number and 1 Restaurant System SDLC Analysis
Issue Date (1St 28/3/2023 Submission Date 18/4/2023
Submission) (1st Submission)
Issue Date (2nd 30/4/2023 Completion Date 3/5/2023
Submission) (2nd Submission)
Submission Format
The submission is in the form of 1 document. You must use font Times New
Roman size 12, Headings size 14, set number of the pages and use multiple
line spacing at 1.15. The reference follows Harvard referencing system.

Students are mandatory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way
requested by the Tutor. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
the LMS (D2L).

The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by, from another
student, or from books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams)
from books, journals or other sources, you must reference your sources,
using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference properly,
and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely
will not pass.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles.
LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study.

Transferable skills and competencies developed

Communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and

interpretation, Life cycle model, and feasibility criteria.
Vocational scenario:

Everest Restaurant is a Local Restaurant in Amman, Jordan. The owners of

the Restaurant (Sireen Mahmoud and Saif Mohannad) wanted to expand
their restaurant services for the customers. The owners want the Software
System to be smart, user friendly and intuitive. Therefore, they contacted
Planet of Technology for Software Solution Company to build their System.

The Everest Restaurant has good reputation and loyal customers. The
owners are willing to expand their restaurant locally by opening new
branches in Aqaba and Irbid. They are expecting an increase in the
restaurant profits after building this system, which will help them to success
more by reaching new areas and new customers.

Therefore, Everest Restaurant Owners required some features and

functionalities for the system from Planet of Technology for Software
Solution Company , which are the following:
 Customer can log in through his/her phone number or Email.
 The Menu should be smart based on questions asked to the Customer
and then provide Food Courses (Main, Appetizers, Dessert and Drink)
based on their taste.
 The system should have secure payment processing gateway to handle
online payments.
 Customer can place orders and pay for the orders through the system.
 The Cashier should be connected to the system to calculate the total
amount of the order for each Customer.
 The Waiter, Waitress should be connected to the system to receive
the orders through a smart device and provide the customers with soft
drinks once they make an order.
 The Chefs should be connected to the system to receive the orders
through a smart device and start working on the order.

Assignment activity and guidance

You as a Software Engineer Developer that works in Planet of Technology for

Software Solution Company has to build the system with your team.
For that reason, you have to create a full report about Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) Models, their risks, and feasibility study, which will be useful
to help you in the design and implementation phases of building the system.

In the beginning you need to Explain the below adaptive and predictive SDLC
Models. Include eah model advantages, disadvantages, when to use it as well
how the sdlc model works. In addition, you should also include an image
drawn by your own of the model to make it more clear.
 Waterfall Model.
 Joint Application Development (JAD) Model.
 Prototype Model.
 Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model.

After Explaining the Models you should Specify how each model manages
risks by providing the approach for each model of risk handling.

You have enough information about SDLC Models. Based on the

requirements in the scenario, Outline which SDLC model is best for “Everest
Restaurant System” and explain why it is the most suitable? Provide your
answer with a real software example.

One of your team member has suggested to use Waterfall model for this big
and clear enough system functionalities. Analyse the benefits of applying
waterfall model to a large software development life cycle project like
“Everest Restaurant System” to Review why your Team member chose it.

Each Software needs a feasibility study. Make Clear why it is important and
required before building and developing the system. In addition, what are
the feasibility study areas that should be conducted for the “Everest
Restaurant System”. You need to provide your answer with examples related
and based on the “Everest Restaurant System”.

After analysing and exploring the details of Everest Restaurant System,

Outline in details what decision is better for the system based on the below
Comparisons (Include Why you Choose it , Advantages, Disadvantages ):
a. Software on Tablet vs Mobile Application.
b. What Programming Language You would Choose (HTML, CSS, JavaSCript,
Python, React)
c. (Cash vs Visa Wifi or Online Through Mobile).
d. Internet of Things (IoT) in the Kitchen vs Smart Kitchen Electrical Tools.
Based on your understanding of the feasibility study and its components,
Resolve a detailed information of those Feasibility Report components to help
you within your software analysis. You need to provide your answers with
examples based on the Everest Restaurant System.

Different feasibility criteria should be considered in a software investigation. It

is your responsibility to consider and Estimate the impact of these varying
factors on any Software System. Reflect these various feasibility criteria impact
on “Everest Restaurant System”.

Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting
point in your research – the list is not definitive.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Describe different software development D1 Assess the merits of

lifecycles. applying the Waterfall lifecycle
model to a large software
P1 Describe two iterative M1 Describe, with an development project.
and two sequential example, why a particular
software lifecycle lifecycle model is selected
models. for a development
P2 Explain how risk is
managed in the Spiral
lifecycle model.

LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study. D2 Assess the impact of

different feasibility criteria on
P3 Explain the purpose M2 Discuss the a software investigation.
of a feasibility report. components of a
feasibility report.
P4 Describe how
technical solutions can
be compared.

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