City Tour Bukit Larata

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from SMK 2 TONDANO and I will your tour

And I will explain about Bukit Larata.Indonesia
has many hills in various regions.Likupang
also has very beautiful views. This hill is
located in the village of Kinunang Mibahasa
Utara. Located on pall Beach and Pulisan
beach,Bukit larata has exotic views similar to
teletabies hill a wooden gate becomes the
Good Afternoon Ladies and gentelemeen
welcome to bukit larata.Im marisa santosa
entrance for this hill. Iecoted on the side of
the road there is banner as a market. Trekking
to this hill is only about 5 minutes.
So up on the hill.the traveler will be amazed
by the view.pall beach spreades wide in front
of the horizon. Thr blue of the sea contrasts is
very well with the green of the hills. The area
of this hill is about 8 hectars, there is nothing
but the beauty of thatch grass and hills. The
shady atmosphere is perfect for taking
photos. the later the day the temperature is
getting hotter.but take is easy the wind that
blows will dry the the sweat


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