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LOGIC – Midterm Examination Title: Kimberly Achas (situation)

Name: Kristine Joy B. Crescini BSN 3 A


Kimberly Achas dies on Saturday afternoon, March 11, after being stabbed by her live-in partner
Edson Jamisola 27 yrs. Old in Don Carlos, Bukidnon. In cctv footage the two of them, were seen
having a heated fight. Jamisola was also seen kicking Achas and hitting her with a chair. The suspect
stabbed Achas with shattered glasses. Until, Achas was rushed to the hospital but was declared
dead on arrival. Jamisola attempted to escape but was arrested. He will face murder charges.
According to the Bukidnon Provincial Police, Jamisola was probably under influence of drugs.


The case of Kimberly Achas, is not humanitarian situations. Whatever the reason is or how much
the fight went to. Nobody should do such injustice thing; whereas, people had to lost their lives for
such thing. Many situations had revealed that using illicit drug is the reason why most of the
people are prone to the crime such as murder, rape, human trafficking, and etc. Those are the
reasons why people are afraid to spend night outside, having a relationship to anyone, staying in
with their friends and etc. Because there is people around that can do such thing.

Problems or Issues:

In this situation, the police may focus to the Illegal drug operation to any barangay or place that is
quite suspicious so that people are aware or might frighten for the next operation. The barangay
officials may participate to operation. Anything that is illegal should immediately report to the
police station to lessen the use of illegal drugs. A termination of illegal drugs is the solution to stop
the crime in our country.


In conclusion, an illegal drug is the root of evil why crime happens. Whoever uses a drug should be
in sentence. That way of proclamation of law will lead to peace, unity and justice to the nation.


Some people have same recommendation that prohibition of the use drugs should be adhere for
our nation. However, some people want to have death penalty for equal justice for both victims
and suspects. I would recommend both. For me, prohibition of drug might lessen but crime might
still happen. To equalize, both might be good.
POP CULTURE – Midterm Examination Title: Good Manners and Right Conduct

Name: Kristine Joy B. Crescini BSN 3 A Block A


Good manners convey respect to those you interact with, and also commands respect from those
you interact with. Right conduct is living in a moral and ethical way in the absolute sense rather
than by the standards of any particular time or society.


Etiquette and Customs: Filipinos tend to dress modestly. They treated the elders with respect.
Filipinos have relaxed interaction and punctual for the designated time especially in meetings,
appointment or when visiting. It is a common practice to leave their shoes before entering
someone’s home. They provide the best cutlery and all. If someone id eating and someone walks
past, they may offer food as sign of respect. In eating, all meals are served with rice. They usually
use spoon and fork. In gift giving, presentation is important because it gives sentimental value.
Some of the gifts might not open when received and it is just set aside for a while.

In other country : While eating it is okay to burp it is a sigh that you are satisfied with your meal.
Spitting is considered normal in Kenya it is a sign of good luck and prosperity. In Middle East you
should shake hand with right hand as greetings. Using left hand is rude to them. In Southeast Asia,
slurping is fine when eating noodles.

Indigenous People: Indigenous people shared participation and knowledge, time and experience.
Indigenous people are generous, kind and adventurous.

In other country: Indigenous ethics resonate with the values of honor, trust, honesty, and humility;
they reflect commitment to the collective and embody a respectful relationship with the land.

The Igorots: The Igorot people are known to be resilient, self-sustaining, village-oriented, and we
are used to simple living, simple living being the root of the culture's survival.

In other country: Igorot is a group of people that usually led to somewhere in mountain and tend to
protect their places and field. They are courageous and firm.

The Bontoc’s House and Villages: Man must not steal, one should not gossip to other things that is
not necessarily in the topic, men and women should not commit adultery, one must be temperate
in eating and in drinking alcoholic drinks, and all people must live simple and industrious lives. They
usually consume camote, corn and millet as alternative for rice. The Bontoc also catch and gather
fish, snails and crabs for consumption or for sale. In the earlier days, Bontoc men usually brought
tobacco and matches when hunting for wild deer and wild pigs. In the forests, they also gather
rattan, edible fruits, beeswax and honey, and wild edible or ornamental plants. The Bontoc describe
three types of tattoos. The tattoo in chest of the head taker, the tattoo in arms of men and women
and for all other tattoos of both sexes.
In other country: The bride and girlfriend will visit the house of the groom. This is when they ‘start
entering each other’s houses’. They will have to leave immediately also, but they will be invited
again on the following morning for breakfast. They are resilient and hardworking.

The Isneg Culture: Isneg society did not develop a form of village leadership strong enough to be
recognized as an indigenous political authority by all Isneg communities in the region.

In other country: It described as of slender and graceful stature, with manners that were kindly,
hospitable, and generous, possessed with the spirit of self-reliance and courage, and clearly artistic
in their temperament


Treating others the way you would like to be treated is the easiest rule to follow and encourages
others to treat you in kind. Even the most polite people in the world can occasionally say the wrong
thing or make mistakes, but being kind, considerate, and generous on a daily basis shows true



Sherwood, J. and Anthony, T. (2020), "Ethical Conduct in Indigenous Research: It’s Just Good
Manners", George, L., Tauri, J. and MacDonald, L.T.A.o.T. (Ed.) Indigenous Research Ethics: Claiming
Research Sovereignty Beyond Deficit and the Colonial Legacy (Advances in Research Ethics and
Integrity, Vol. 6), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 19-40.


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