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C h a p t e r 1 7

Electrical Stimulation

Janna Johnson, David Levine

Terminology Used in Electrical stimulators (EMSs) have been identified with

Stimulation muscle reeducation, prevention of muscle
atrophy, and enhanced joint movement.
Electrical stimulation (ES) is a commonly used Accurate terminology dictates that almost all
modality in physical therapy, which is effec- electrical stimulators are TENS units, as they
tive for many purposes, including increasing work transcutaneously through surface elec-
range of motion (ROM), increasing muscle trodes to excite nerves. In the typical scenario
strength, muscle reeducation, correction of where the muscle is innervated by a motor
structural abnormalities, improving muscle nerve, NMES is the appropriate terminology,
tone, enhancing function, pain control, accel- and when a muscle is denervated and requires
erating wound healing, edema reduction, direct muscle fiber activation through electri-
muscle spasm reduction, and enhancing trans- cal stimulation, the term EMS is used.
dermal administration of medication (ion- Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NM
tophoresis).1 Terminology associated with ES), the primary focus of this chapter, is a form
electrical stimulation can be confusing, and in of clinical electrotherapy used to treat a wide
1990, a committee of the electrophysiologic variety of physiologic disorders or injuries in
section of the American Physical Therapy humans and is beginning to be recognized as a
Association (APTA) developed the Standards promising treatment modality for similar disor-
of Electrotherapeutic Terminology, a docu- ders in veterinary patients. By definition, NMES
ment created to unify and standardize the is the administration of an electrical current
terms and definitions used by biomedical generated by a stimulator that travels through
engineers, researchers, educators, and clini- leads to electrodes placed on the skin to depo-
cians. Historically, electrical stimulators and larize the motor nerve and produce a skeletal
the terminology related to them have been muscle contraction. Stimulation of motor end
referred to by their specific rehabilitative plates with electrical current causes nerve depo-
application, by the use of the inventor’s name, larization and subsequent activation of muscle
or by the commercial companies that pro- fibers.2,3
duced them. Examples include galvanic cur- This chapter will describe the myriad
rent, faradic current, diadynamic current, high potential clinical uses of electrical NMES, and
voltage, low voltage, low frequency, medium therefore this term will be used throughout. In
frequency, transcutaneous electrical nerve addition to the discussion of general uses of
stimulation (TENS), electrical muscle stimula- NMES, specific attention will be paid to rup-
tion (EMS), functional electrical stimulation tured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)/cra-
(FES), Russian stimulation, and interferential nial cruciate ligament (CrCL) rehabilitation
stimulation. Unfortunately, the multitude of because of the relatively high incidence in
names has created confusion regarding the man and dogs and the amount of research
physiologic effects and clinical results. TENS information that is currently available on the
has been widely used to identify stimulators use of NMES for knee/stifle rehabilitation.
that modify pain, while neuromuscular elec- The emerging use of electrical stimulation to
trical stimulators (NMESs) or electrical muscle treat pain in the dog will also be examined.

History of Electrical Stimulation (2) continuous alternating current (Figure 17-

1, B), and (3) pulsed current (either AC or DC)
Electricity has been used therapeutically since (Figure 17-1, C). Continuous direct current is a
Scribonius Largus used an electric ray in a foot- unidirectional electrical current that flows for
bath to treat gout. Benjamin Franklin used elec- 1 second or longer; alternating current
tric shock to treat a frozen shoulder in 1757.3 changes the direction of flow at least once
EMS has been specifically used in physical every second. Continuous direct current (also
therapy since the mid-1700s, when electrostatic called galvanic current) has been used for
generators were used to treat patients with wound healing, iontophoresis, and in the
paralysis. In 1791, Galvani used galvanic cur- treatment of denervated muscle. In current
rent in in vitro experiments using neuromuscu- clinical practice it is used only for iontophore-
lar preparations. By the early 1800s Faraday sis. Continuous alternating current is not used
had invented the faradic current generator, therapeutically, but is our typical line current.
which is the basis for most modern muscle (See Box 17-2.)
stimulators. Documentation of NMES to
reduce the loss of muscle weight and prevent
atrophy in denervated muscles occurred in the BOX 17-1 Typical Parameters
early to mid twentieth century. Electrotherapy Available in NMES Devices
has since become commonplace in physical Waveform: The shape of the visual representation of
medicine for the restoration of muscle function pulsed current on a current/time plot or voltage/time
after injuries, before patients are capable of vol- plot. Can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, balanced,
untary exercise training.4 unbalanced, biphasic, monophasic, polyphasic, and so
Amplitude: The current value in a monophasic pulse or
Basic Concepts of Electrical for any single phase of a biphasic pulse.
Phase/pulse duration: The duration of a phase or a pulse,
Stimulation usually measured in microseconds.
Pulse rate or frequency: The rate of oscillation in cycles
To understand the benefits that electrical stim- per second, expressed as pulses/sec (pps) or hertz (Hz).
ulation may provide in veterinary practice, a Often labeled as pulse rate or pulses/sec, or frequency
basic explanation and definition of the electri- on stimulators.
cal current parameters used is summarized in On/off time: The amount of time the stimulator is deliv-
Box 17-1. ering current compared to the rest period between con-
tractions, usually measured in seconds.
Ramp: The time from the leading edge of the phase at zero
Electrical Current/Waveforms current to peak amplitude of one phase.
Polarity: Electrode may be either the anode (+) or cath-
Three types of currents are commonly used:
ode (−) (this is not relevant when using AC).
(1) continuous direct current (Figure 17-1, A),


Time Time
Figure 17-1 A, Continuous direct current. B, Continuous alternating current.

Pulsed current consists of a unidirectional symmetrical (Figure 17-3, A). If the time-
or bidirectional flow of charges (AC or DC) dependent and amplitude-dependent fea-
that periodically stops for a finite time period. tures differ, then the biphasic current is
All NMES devices are pulsed current stimula- termed asymmetrical (Figure 17-3, B).
tors. Phase duration (also referred to as phase
width) is defined as the time in which the cur- BOX 17-2 Current Parameters for
rent flows from the baseline in one direction Strengthening
and back to the baseline (Figure 17-2).
Frequency: Generally between 25 and 50 Hz (these have
Pulse duration (also referred to as pulse
been shown in humans to produce strong tetanic con-
width) is defined as the time during which tractions while minimizing fatigue)
charge flows in both directions (see Figure Waveforms: Many waveforms exist and any waveform
17-2). In a monophasic current, the pulse dura- capable of depolarizing the muscle is acceptable
tion and the phase duration are the same. In a Pulse or phase duration: Between 100 and 400 microsec-
biphasic current, two phases make up one onds
pulse. Pulsed current consisting of a bidirec- Ramp up/down (rise and decay time): Adjust 2-4 seconds
tional flow of charge is called biphasic pulsed up to increase comfort, 1-2 seconds down
current. On/off time: A 1:4 or 1:5 ratio; 10 seconds on, 40 or 50 sec-
When the flow in each direction is the same onds off is commonly used. This may be decreased as
muscle strength improves. A 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 ratio is
in time- and amplitude-dependent features,
usually used for muscle endurance training.
the biphasic current pulse is considered



Time Time
Figure 17-1 cont’d C, Pulsed current.

Phase duration

Pulse duration
Time Figure 17-3 A, Symmetrical biphasic current. B, Asymmetri-
Figure 17-2 Phase and pulse duration. cal biphasic current.

Amplitude (mA)

Time Time
Figure 17-4 Balanced asymmetrical biphasic pulsed Figure 17-6 Amplitude.

Skin produces resistance to current flow by

ohmic resistance and capacitive impedance.
Capacitive impedance is patient dependent
and cannot be modified. Clipping or shaving
the coat hair and cleaning the skin with alco-
hol to wash away skin oils or other substances

helps to lower ohmic resistance. Lowering the

skin resistance diminishes the driving voltage
that is necessary for current penetration of the
skin, potentially making the treatment more
Increased current amplitude is required to
produce a given amount of muscular force if
the pulse or phase durations are short.
Time Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic pulsed
Figure 17-5 Unbalanced asymmetrical biphasic pulsed currents use intermediate current amplitude
current. levels. Portable NMES units are not always
capable of producing the current output that
clinical models can produce; however, most
Balanced asymmetrical biphasic pulsed cur- units sold for electromedical purposes are
rent occurs when the total charge in one phase usually adequate. Some bargain simulators
equals the total charge of the other phase possess a very low phase charge (<10 micro-
(Figure 17-4). If the total charge in each phase coulombs) and cannot create adequate con-
is unequal, it is termed unbalanced (Figure traction of large muscle groups.
17-5). Both pulsed AC and DC current forms Pulse durations of 200 to 400 microseconds
are commonly used in portable and clinical produce powerful contractions while mini-
model NMES units. mizing the likelihood of recruiting many pain
fibers.1,3 Some stimulators that are made only
Stimulator Parameters for NMES do not allow control of pulse dura-
tion, but will typically be set in this range. As
Current amplitude (also called magnitude or the pulse duration increases, smaller diameter
intensity) is defined as the vertical distance pain fibers are recruited.
from the highest to the lowest peak during one Pulse rate (also called frequency and pulses
electrical wave and is typically measured in per second, pps) is the number of pulses deliv-
milliamperes (mA) (Figure 17-6). Increasing ered per second and is measured in hertz (Hz).
the amplitude induces a stronger force of Tetanic muscle contractions may be produced
muscle contraction by additional recruitment with frequencies as low as 20 Hz, but only
of muscle fibers at greater distances from the submaximal muscle contraction will typically
electrodes.1,3 be produced in this range. Maximal force of

time Ramp Ramp
up On down Off
Off time time

Time Time
Figure 17-7 Duty cycle. Figure 17-8 Ramp.

contraction generally occurs between 60 and

100 Hz. However, as frequency increases, the Electrodes
rate of fatigue also increases. Lower tetanic Many types of surface electrodes are available.
frequencies in the range of 35 to 50 pps reduce The main criteria in choosing electrodes are as
muscle fatigue while still providing strong follows:
muscle contractions.1,3 1. Flexible enough to conform to the tissue
Duty cycle is the ratio of on-time to total 2. May be trimmed to a specific size
cycle time, expressed as a percentage (Figure 3. Have a low resistance (typically 100 ohms)
17-7). On-time is the period of time in which a 4. Are highly conductive
series of pulses or bursts is delivered to the 5. May be used many times
patient. Off-time is the time between on-times. 6. Are inexpensive
A single on-time duration plus a single off- Some commercially available electrodes are
time duration constitutes the total cycle time. effective for only a few uses, and some may be
For example, a stimulator that causes a muscle used 100 or more times (carbon-impregnated
to contract for 10 seconds followed by a 30- silicon rubber electrodes). Conductive per-
second rest would have a 25% duty cycle, or a formance of any electrode decreases over
1:4 ratio. As on-time increases, muscle fatigue time. Electrodes require a medium to transmit
increases.2 Optimal duty cycles vary, depend- current. Commonly used media include gels,
ing on the patient. A patient with severe atro- sponges, or paper towels; some electrodes
phy may require a longer off-time to recover have the media already applied. Sponges and
between contractions. Many clinicians start paper towels tend to dry out, and rewetting is
with duty cycle ratios between 1:2 and 1:5 and necessary every 30 minutes. Electrodes should
watch for signs of fatigue, which indicates the be of the appropriate size to stimulate the
need for a longer off-time. desired muscle without stimulating unwanted
Ramp is a feature of NMES that helps muscles in close proximity. The smaller the
improve patient comfort. It involves a grad- electrode, the higher the current density that
ual increase or decrease in current amplitude enters the muscle, and the more painful the
such that the number of recruited motor units stimulus may be.
gradually increases the force of muscle con-
traction or gradually decreases the force of
contraction (Figure 17-8). The ramp time is Recruitment
the period of time over which the pulse NMES recruits type II (fast twitch) fibers first,
is increasing or decreasing. No data to date then type I (slow twitch), which is the reverse
have identified the optimal ramp time. of the muscle recruitment pattern in a voli-
However, a ramp up of 2 to 4 seconds is com- tional contraction.5-7 Increasing the pulse
monly used to maximize comfort, with a 1- to duration increases the recruitment of smaller
2-second ramp down.1 Suggested current diameter motor units at the same depth, but
parameters for muscle strengthening are increasing the pulse duration too much may
listed in Box 17.2. stimulate undesirable fibers (small-diameter

pain fibers). Increasing either the amplitude or produce knee extension with locking of the
the pulse duration affects the strength of con- knees to allow weight-bearing. Within 3
traction because additional muscle fibers are weeks of spinal cord injury, up to 50% of
recruited. Increasing the frequency results in quadriceps muscle loss may occur; in one
the existing motor units firing at a faster rate study, NMES returned quadriceps muscle
and will increase the strength of contraction, mass to near normal.10 In a patient with an
but it also causes more rapid fatigue. incomplete quadriplegic spinal cord injury,
Application of NMES at an optimal frequency NMES was used to strengthen a paretic
results in an optimal physiological response hand. Two weeks of NMES produced a 33%
while minimizing fatigue. In a healthy unin- increase in muscle force with no loss of
jured individual, a maximal voluntary muscle strength 4 weeks after the treatment was dis-
contraction produces a greater torque (more continued.10 Children with mild cerebral palsy
powerful contraction) than occurs in an elec- treated with NMES had statistically signifi-
trically induced contraction. However, cant improvements in gross motor, locomotor,
patients with injuries or immediately follow- and receipt/propulsion skills.9 NMES has also
ing surgery may be unable or unwilling to been used on tibial muscles of children with
produce a maximum voluntary muscle Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.
contraction. In these patients, NMES may NMES resulted in mild, short-term increases
produce a stronger muscle contraction. in muscle strength, but it did not alter muscle
fatigue. Whether chronic stimulation pro-
What to Look for When Buying duces beneficial long-term effects has yet to be
a Unit for NMES In addition to the clinical use of NMES in
An acceptable NMES unit should allow flexi- people with neurologic and orthopedic disor-
bility in a number of parameters, including ders, it has been used in denervated muscle to
frequency (adjustable from at least 1 to 50 Hz), retard atrophy and improve recovery after
adjustable pulse duration, on/off times, ramp, reinnervation in rats with surgically severed
phase charge of 30 microcoulombs or greater peroneal nerves. The use of NMES in improv-
(avoid budget units), and multiple channels ing reinnervation recovery in other species
(at least two to allow cocontraction or alter- warrants further study, as it may be useful to
nating contraction of two different muscle those with denervation injuries.12
groups). Acceptable clinical units may cost There are a number of circumstances in
$500 or more. which electrical stimulation should not be
used (contraindications), and other circum-
stances in which electrical stimulation should
Indications and only be used with caution (precautions). Box
Contraindications for NMES 17-3 outlines these contraindications and
NMES is commonly used in the rehabilitation
of human patients who have had orthopedic
or neurologic injury. A few examples are
Effects of NMES in the
patients recovering from fracture repair, ACL Rehabilitation of Patients
reconstruction, and meniscal debridement or With Reconstructed ACLs
repair. Patients with neurological conditions,
such as cerebrovascular accidents, closed head The specific physical effects of NMES on mus-
injuries, spinal cord injuries, or other neuro- cle enzymes, fibers, and perfusion has been
logic disease involving paralysis or paresis, examined experimentally in human patients
may also benefit from NMES. NMES has been with ACL injuries. The effects of NMES on
used to increase joint mobility, decrease joint dogs recovering from CrCL rupture are also
contracture, decrease edema, enhance circula- beginning to be investigated.
tion, minimize disuse atrophy, improve mus-
cle strength, retard loss of volitional control,
improve sensory awareness, decrease spastic-
Effect on Muscle Enzymes
ity, diminish pain, and correct gait abnormali- In a study regarding the effects of low-
ties.8-11 frequency electrical stimulation on the meta-
In human patients with low thoracic spinal bolic profile of skeletal muscle, a portable
cord injury, functional NMES has been used to NMES unit was used to stimulate the knee

BOX 17-3 Contraindications and gery is significant. NMES may be more effec-
Precautions for the Use of NMES tive than volitional exercise in preventing
atrophy and overcoming the effects of reflex
Contraindications inhibition in the first few days to weeks after
● High-intensity stimulation directly over the heart
surgery. Electrical stimulation also recruits
● In animals with pacemakers
● In animals with seizure disorders
type II muscle fibers first, thereby retarding
● Over areas of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
their atrophy to a greater degree than type I
● Over infected areas or neoplasms muscle fibers.5,6 As type II fiber augmentation
● Over the carotid sinus occurs, the force of contraction increases and
● Any time active motion is contraindicated therefore strength increases. With volitional
● Over the trunk during pregnancy contraction in humans, a selective or preferen-
tial activation of fast-twitch motor units has
Precautions not been demonstrated. Slow-twitch motor
● In areas with impaired sensation
units with type I skeletal muscle fibers are
● Over abdominal, lumbar, and pelvic regions during
recruited first, followed by the fast-twitch
● In areas of skin irritation or damage
motor units with type II skeletal muscle fibers
● Near electronic sensing devices such as ECG monitors
being recruited as the demand for force
(possible interference) increases.6
NMES of the triceps brachialis muscle in
monkeys did not affect the distribution of
muscle fiber types but enhanced oxidative
extensor muscles of sedentary men and capacity and caused an increase in fiber size.16
women 6 days a week for 6 weeks.13 No There was a preferential recruitment of large
changes in creatine kinase and glutaraldehyde motor axons that innervate fast-twitch fibers.
phosphatase concentrations were found in The activation of fast-twitch motor units was
vastus lateralis muscle samples before or after not exclusive. Motoneurons and muscle fibers
NMES. There was a small decrease in phos- were recruited primarily in the superficial
phofructokinase, the rate-limiting enzyme of portion of the muscle. The morphological and
glycolysis in human muscle, which was only biochemical adaptations that occurred with
significant in men. Hexokinase, a regulatory NMES were similar to those occurring after
enzyme of skeletal muscle glucose phosphory- voluntary heavy-resistance exercises.
lation, was only significantly increased in the
vastus lateralis of women. Krebs’ cycle and
electron transfer chain marker enzyme activity
Effect on Perfusion
of fatty acid oxidation increased significantly NMES also induced capillary proliferation in
in both sexes, with the greatest change occur- monkeys in response to increased muscle
ring in women. The authors concluded that blood flow. Because blood flow increased in
NMES can significantly increase the skeletal capillaries around type II fibers to a greater
muscle aerobic-oxidative potential of seden- degree than around type I fibers, there was a
tary subjects. In a study by Arvidsson et al,14 stimulus for proliferation of endothelial cells.16
there was no difference between a postopera- Transcutaneous electrical stimulation was
tive ACL reconstruction–NMES-treated group used on rat muscle to demonstrate that
and an isometric exercise group in the activity microvascular perfusion depends on evoked
of the oxidative enzyme citrate synthase or muscle contractions. This finding suggests
phosphofructokinase. Research by Wigerstad- that NMES should be applied at intensities
Lossing et al15 showed no significant reduc- that produce muscle contraction so that
tion in the activity of the oxidative and microvascular perfusion of stimulated skeletal
glycolytic enzymes citrate synthase and muscle is enhanced.17
triphosphate dehydrogenase in NMES patients
following knee ligament surgery compared
to control patients, which had decreased
Overall Effects of NMES
enzyme activity. The net physical effects of NMES are an
increase in muscle strength, muscle mass, and
oxidative capacity.5,13,15,16,18,19 Another benefit
Effects on Muscle Fibers of NMES is the ability to overcome the effects
The muscle fiber atrophy that occurs with dis- of reflex inhibition on the quadriceps muscles,
use atrophy following cruciate injury and sur- and the potential enhanced effect of NMES on

subsequent voluntary use of previously elec- patients received treatment for 3 weeks during
trically activated motor units.5 The negative the first 6 postoperative weeks. After their
effects of NMES include muscle fatigue and respective treatment period, bilateral maximal
possibly increased pain. Muscle fatigue is the isometric measurements of gravity-corrected
decrease in force-generating ability of a mus- knee extension and flexion torque were
cle due to recent activity. The rate of muscle obtained. Greater extension and flexion torque
fatigue during NMES is much greater than and higher individual thigh-muscle strength
that which occurs during volitional exercises. gains were reported when NMES was pre-
The reverse recruitment order induced with scribed early in postoperative rehabilitation.
NMES probably contributes to increased Lieber et al22 compared maximal voluntary
fatigue. However, stimulation intensity, stim- thigh muscle contraction after 4 weeks of
ulation frequency, and duty cycle may be treatment in 20 NMES patients and 20 volun-
altered to reduce muscle fatigue.20 Increased tary contraction patients who had undergone
current levels may recruit pain fibers and ACL reconstruction within 2 to 6 weeks of the
result in painful muscle contractions. In addi- study. They compared the two groups under
tion, discomfort is also associated with psy- conditions where the total muscle tension in
chological factors in humans. Pain may be both groups was matched. When exercise
controlled by decreasing the current intensity intensity was matched between the two
to a level that elicits comfortable muscle groups, the magnitude and time course of
contractions.21 strength gains were identical. Given the vari-
able intensity of maximal voluntary contrac-
Efficacy and Clinical Trials tion that NMES patients tolerate, variability
of NMES for the ACL in outcomes may be expected between NMES
strengthening and voluntary contraction
Reconstructed Knee groups. The authors concluded that when
Currier and Kellogg18 used NMES to treat strong muscle contractions can be elicited
seven patients after ACL reconstruction. with NMES, significant strengthening is
Treatment successfully reduced thigh girth possible.
loss compared to three control patients during Wigerstad-Lossing et al15 compared NMES
the first 6 weeks. using a portable unit and voluntary muscle
Snyder-Mackler et al5 studied the effects of contractions to voluntary muscle contractions
clinical NMES on thigh muscle strength and alone in patients immobilized in a cast follow-
gait in 10 patients undergoing ACL recon- ing ACL surgery. Thirteen patients were ran-
structive surgery. Patients were randomly domly assigned to the treatment group and 10
assigned to NMES and volitional exercise or to the control group. Electrical stimulation
volitional exercise alone for 4 weeks. Values was applied to the quadriceps muscles only,
obtained for cadence, walking velocity, stance through windows in the cast, and was initi-
time on the affected limb, flexion excursion ated on the second postoperative day and con-
of the knee during stance, thigh circumfer- tinued until the sixth week after surgery.
ence, and extension and flexion torques were Preoperative data were compared to data
improved in patients receiving NMES. The obtained in the sixth postoperative week, and
knees of the patients receiving NMES were the authors concluded that NMES in combina-
stronger in the eighth postoperative week tion with simultaneously performed volun-
than reported averages for non-NMES tary muscle contractions can limit muscle
patients years after ACL reconstructive sur- weakness, muscle wasting, and reduction in
gery. The authors concluded that NMES not oxidative and glycolytic muscle enzyme activ-
only increased muscle strength but also ity during immobilization after knee ligament
improved functional use of the muscles at surgery.
least in the immediate postoperative period. In another study, 18 male and 20 female
The increased muscle strength likely results in patients undergoing ACL reconstruction were
partial compensation for the loss of ACL randomly assigned to one of two groups.14
receptors. Individuals in an NMES group received a cast,
DeLitto et al19 compared clinical NMES and isometric muscle training, and NMES with a
isometric contraction to voluntary exercise portable unit. Individuals in the control group
and isometric contractions in 20 patients that received a cast and isometric training alone.
had undergone ACL reconstructive surgery. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the
Each group consisted of 10 patients. NMES quadriceps was initiated during the first post-

operative week and continued for a total of proprioceptive training, and increased running
5.5 weeks. Quadriceps muscle wasting was and agility programs are progressed as toler-
assessed with computed tomography (CT) ated. Advancement from one level of activity to
before and 6 weeks after surgery. Percutaneous another is based on physical examination, knee
muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus laxity testing, and isokinetic and functional
lateralis muscle before surgery, and 1 and 6 testing.15,24,27-29
weeks after surgery. Electrical stimulation sig- Postoperative rehabilitation and the role of
nificantly reduced the amount of vastus medi- the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in
alis muscle wasting in female patients as improving stifle function have largely been
measured by CT, but there was no significant ignored in veterinary medicine. Postoperative
difference in males. Muscle fiber area revealed care of dogs, regardless of the surgical tech-
that cross-sectional area of individual fibers nique used, has traditionally included several
decreased less in NMES patients than in con- days to weeks of external support to reduce
trols, but the difference was not significant. postoperative swelling and provide joint
The authors concluded that transcutaneous immobilization. This is done to protect the
electrical stimulation was effective in signifi- surgical repair until pericapsular fibrosis
cantly reducing vastus medialis atrophy as occurs in the case of extracapsular repair, to
measured on CT, but had no significant effect provide protection of an intracapsular graft
on the vastus lateralis. while it remodels and to protect the site of
The results of clinical trials using NMES for fixation of the graft, and to permit healing of
postoperative rehabilitation of the ACL- the osteotomy and repair site with a tibial
deficient knee in people generally have plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO).30-41
demonstrated increased thigh girth, increased However, immobilization exacerbates muscle
thigh muscle strength, improved cadence, atrophy and weakness and produces dele-
improved walking velocity and stance time, terious effects on cartilage, bone, and liga-
and increased oxidative and glycolytic muscle ments.4,14,15,23,25
enzyme activity. Veterinary surgeons should not make the
error of using all aspects of the accelerated
Rehabilitation Programs for volitional rehabilitation protocols designed
for human patients in their veterinary patients
Treatment of ACL Deficiency post-CrCL stabilization. The majority of
In human surgery, rehabilitation of patients human ACL surgical repairs involve using the
after ACL reconstruction is necessary for an bone–patellar tendon–bone technique, which
optimal outcome.23-26 Controversy exists regard- is strongest the day of surgery and loses
ing what constitutes the ideal postoperative strength as tendon remodeling occurs. The
rehabilitation program for human patients. majority of canine CrCL-deficient stifles are
Current trends in volitional exercise regimens stabilized using the extracapsular lateral
are geared toward accelerated rehabilitation fabellar suture technique, which relies on col-
programs. Typical accelerated programs in- lagen formation and scar tissue as the primary
volve ROM exercises and cryotherapy started stabilizer of the joints.42 This technique results
immediately postoperatively, and crutch use for in immediate strength following surgery
2 to 10 days. Closed kinetic chain exercises in because of the stabilization sutures, and the
the form of exercises in which the foot is fixed periarticular structures gain strength as tissue
and motion at the knee joint is accompanied by healing and collagen maturation occur over
motion at the hip and ankle joint (such as time. Intracapsular techniques are typically
squats) are initiated as early as 7 days postoper- not as strong, and the graft weakens over sev-
atively. Closed kinetic chain exercises appear to eral weeks before regaining some strength.
decrease knee joint compressive forces, thereby Therefore rehabilitation protocols for canine
decreasing the anteroposterior translation of the patients must be based on the surgical stabi-
tibia, as compared with open-chain knee exten- lization technique used. However, NMES may
sion exercises.27 NMES is commonly used dur- be useful in the rehabilitation of the stifle
ing the first 3 to 6 weeks of rehabilitation, without compromising the stability of the
depending on the ability of the patient to voli- repair.
tionally contract the quadriceps. In general, at The negative effects of quadriceps reflex
approximately week 10, light jogging, Stair- inhibition leading to quadriceps atrophy fol-
master, and agility drills may be attempted. lowing ACL injury and the positive protective
From weeks 12 to 24, strengthening programs, effects of hamstring muscle strengthening to

enhance stability and constraint of the stifle follow that post-ACL reconstruction rehabili-
following CrCL injury have not been ade- tation methods in humans could be applied to
quately addressed in veterinary medicine. the dog. Rehabilitation of the stabilized knee
Clinicians may wish to consider adapting determines the success of surgical outcome,
ACL-protective rehabilitation procedures to especially in the physically active human
the dog, to protect the surgical repair. patient. Appropriate rehabilitation would
Improved postoperative functional outcome seem especially important to enhancing surgi-
following ACL reconstruction in humans is cal outcome in large working dogs used for
positively correlated with return of quadri- hunting, obedience trials, service, tracking, or
ceps strength.5,18,25 Although the hamstring police work. Loss of function in the working
muscles also atrophy following ACL injury dog not only affects the quality of life of the
and surgery, the atrophy is generally less than patient but may also lead to economic losses
that found in the quadriceps muscles, proba- associated with an animal’s inability to work.
bly because the hamstring muscles cross both Surgical stabilization of the stifle is the treat-
the knee and hip joints, which results in con- ment of choice in large-breed dogs, but all
tinued function and muscle contraction, affected stifles appear to develop DJD and
thereby diminishing the degree of atrophy.25 joint laxity regardless of the surgical interven-
To date, only a few studies have reported
NMES Use and Clinical the use of NMES in the rehabilitation of dogs.
Recommendations in the Dog In a study by Johnson et al,43 NMES was used
following CrCL surgery in experimental dogs,
The Use of NMES in Veterinary and the portable units used in this study
proved quite feasible for use in dogs. The
Medicine affected thigh was clipped and scrubbed with
In establishing a rehabilitation program, the isopropyl alcohol. A limb-positioning device
cost-benefit ratio must be assessed. For a pro- was constructed to maintain the limb in a nor-
gram to be cost and labor effective, there must mal stance position during stimulation. The
be earlier or more protected return to function, rationale for maintaining the limb in a normal
increased joint ROM, increased muscle stance position was that stimulating the mus-
strength, and an overall improved outcome.5 cles in this position would be more functional.
Although cost is a major concern in veterinary Adhesive tape was used to fix the limb-
medicine, of equal importance is how the a positioning device to the lateral surface of the
rehabilitation program is applied to the dog. affected pelvic limb during the 30-minute
Obviously, the use of crutches, limb immobi- treatment session.
lization devices, and functional knee bracing Carbon electrodes (4.5 × 4.6 cm) were
are not directly applicable to the dog. How- placed over the distal portion of the biceps
ever, external coaptation with soft padded femoris muscle, and the proximal portion of
bandages and cage rest appear to be practical the semitendinosus muscle. Additional carbon
alternatives. Bicycling, weightlifting, proprio- electrodes (5.1 × 10.2 cm) were also positioned
ceptive training, and jumping rope, which are over the distal portion of the vastus medialis
the mainstays of rehabilitation of people, are muscle and the proximal portion of the vastus
generally not possible in dogs. A practical lateralis muscle. Water-soluble electrode gel
rehabilitation alternative to enhance operative was applied as a coupling agent, and the elec-
outcome is needed for dogs. Electrical stimu- trodes were fixed in position with paper tape.
lation provides a cost and labor effective Channel 1 was connected to the hamstring
means of establishing early, protected return muscle electrodes, and channel 2 was con-
to function, as well as the possibility of nected to the quadriceps electrodes. The
decreased degenerative joint disease (DJD) parameters for the program were as follows:
and increased muscle mass.43 Channel 1: Ramp up—3 sec; ON: 12 sec; ramp
NMES is an effective means of rehabilita- down—2 sec; OFF: 25 sec
tion of the ACL-deficient knee in people and is Channel 2: Ramp up—2 sec; ON: 12 sec; ramp
considered by some to be more effective than down—1 sec; OFF: 25 sec
volitional exercise, especially during the early Channel 2 started 3 seconds after channel 1,
rehabilitation period. Since the CrCL-deficient automatically eliciting cyclic hamstring and
dog has been used extensively as a model for quadriceps cocontraction. A symmetrical
ACL deficiency in humans, it would logically biphasic waveform of 35 pulses per second

was used. Amperage was increased to the tol- study was not statistically significant.
erance level of the animal and was reduced if Maximal extension of the stifle was signifi-
gross movement was noted at the stifle joint or cantly greater in the rehabilitation group
if the animal displayed any signs of distress, beginning halfway through the initial 2-week
including turning its head in recognition of period and remained greater throughout the
the stimulus or becoming agitated. Amperage rest of the study. Maximal flexion was not sig-
was reduced to a level below that which nificantly different between the two groups.
produced these signs. Each treatment session The presence of moderate to severe osteo-
lasted 30 minutes once daily, five times per arthritis at the time of surgery retarded recov-
week, for 4 weeks. Outcome measures were ery in both groups. Interestingly, meniscal
assessed at weeks 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, and 19. injury at the time of surgery had no effects on
Outcome measures included radiographs, any of the measured parameters in the short
force plate analysis, subjective lameness term. In this study, muscle mass and maxi-
scores, drawer sign, thigh circumference, mum range of stifle motion were improved
ROM, palpable crepitation during ROM, and with postoperative physical rehabilitation.
postmortem evaluation of stifle joints. The increased muscle mass in the dogs receiv-
Radiograph results demonstrated that the ing rehabilitation may have been due, in part,
NMES group had significantly fewer bony to NMES.
changes associated with osteoarthritis over NMES has been used clinically on dogs for
time. Thigh circumference was significantly many purposes, including to diminish joint
greater in the NMES group at weeks 9 and 13, contractures and to decrease muscle atrophy
and subjective lameness scores were also associated with a variety of disorders such as
improved over time in the NMES group (p < inherited Labrador myopathy, postoperative
0.001). The postmortem evaluation revealed atrophy, and nerve injury. Other uses have
that the NMES group had less cartilage dam- included improving limb function, decreasing
age (p < 0.07), less palpable crepitation during pain, decreasing muscle spasm (commonly
ROM, and less osteophyte formation. ROM, associated with intervertebral disk disease),
force plate analysis, and joint laxity were not and decreasing edema.
significantly different between the groups. NMES may be valuable as part of the treat-
Meniscal damage was significantly greater in ment for postoperative rehabilitation of dogs
the NMES group, however.43 undergoing femoral head and neck excision. It
In a study by Millis et al45 a clinical trial was may also help to improve the outcome of sur-
designed to compare the outcomes of postop- gically repaired chronic hip luxations, or any
erative physical rehabilitation to traditional other surgical procedure where quick return
postoperative care in dogs surgically treated of muscle mass is beneficial. NMES may also
for cranial cruciate rupture. Ten dogs receiv- be used for the conservative treatment of
ing treatment for cranial cruciate rupture were shoulder instability45 or iliopsoas muscle
randomly assigned to either a treatment group trauma.46
for postoperative physical rehabilitation, or a
control group. Lateral fabellar-tibial stabiliza-
tion was performed in each dog by the same
Animal Reaction and Safety
surgeon. Dogs in the control group were cage Precautions should be taken to avoid injury to
rested and walked on a leash for 20 minutes the handler and animal. A muzzle should be
twice daily for 2 weeks. Dogs in the treatment applied and the animal placed in lateral
group received passive ROM exercises, recumbency during the initial treatment. In
NMES, and walking exercises for the same 2- some cases, tranquilization may be necessary
week period. Thigh girth measurements and if the animal is anxious. We recommend that
maximum angles of flexion and extension treatment only be given under the supervision
were taken every other day during the 2-week of trained personnel.
period and 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery.
The influence of other variables, such as Preparation and Electrode
meniscal injury and the degree of preexisting
osteoarthritis, on outcome were also assessed.
By the end of the 2-week period, thigh girth The hair over the area to which electrical stim-
was significantly larger in the rehabilitation ulation will be applied must be clipped to
group and remained greater throughout the lower impedance (Figure 17-9). The skin
rest of the study, but the difference late in the should be cleaned with alcohol before

Figure 17-11 Application of electrical stimulation for

cocontraction of the cranial and caudal thigh muscles.
(Courtesy D. Millis.)
Figure 17-9 Preparing the skin for treatment.

twitch contraction will be more obvious and

will become stronger as the electrode moves
closer to the motor point. An indelible mark-
ing pen is then used to draw a circle around
the electrode. This allows the electrode to be
placed in the same area during subsequent
treatments, without having to repeat the
process of motor point location. Remember
to adjust the frequency to the desired setting
(25 to 50 Hz) before beginning the actual

Treatment Time and Frequency

Although the optimum time and frequency of
treatment are unknown, most clinicians
Figure 17-10 Application of electrical stimulation for con-
traction of the caudal thigh muscles. (Courtesy D. Millis.)
believe that electrical stimulation should be
applied to the desired area(s) for 15 to 20 min-
utes, three to seven times per week.
treatment. It will be necessary to locate the Occasionally, a patient may experience muscle
motor point (the area where the motor nerve soreness early in the treatment program if
enters the muscle), so that an adequate con- electrical stimulation is used too frequently,
traction is obtained with as low a current as for treatment periods that are too long, or
possible to minimize discomfort to the patient. with application of current that is too great
Electrodes may be placed solely on one mus- (muscle contraction is too strong). In these
cle to cause a contraction and motion at the cases, skipping treatment for a day or two and
joint the muscle acts upon (Figure 17-10), or resuming treatment with reduced treatment
they may be placed on opposing muscle time, frequency, or strength of contraction is
groups to cause a cocontraction (Figure 17-11) usually adequate to resolve the problem.
that may simulate an isometric contraction Cocontraction of opposing muscle groups
and result in little or no joint movement. should be considered if no joint motion is
Motor point location is performed by first desired.
applying gel to the skin, and then placing the
electrode over the general area of the motor Electrical Stimulation for Pain
point. With the unit on, the electrode may then
be moved around until a good contraction is Control
achieved. Setting the frequency at 1 Hz will A recent study examined the effects of TENS
help in motor point determination because the on osteoarthritic pain in the stifle of dogs.47

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