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-ah-c Ah-ah
What is hay fever?
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), is an allergic reaction. It is your immune system's response to foreign material in the air you breathe. Hay fever usually refers to allergies to outdoor, airborne materials such as pollens and molds. Hay fever is usually seasonal, but it can last all year long if the allergen stays throughout the year.


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Sneezing? Sni ing? Itchy eyes? You may have hay fever. And here's what may be causing it.
Can grow up to high
Commonly and wrongly blamed for causing hay fever.
Goldenrod blooms at the same time of year (late summer-early fall) as ragweed. About 125 varieties

150 cm
Only lives for one season

Main hay fever seasons:



Symptoms of hay fever are sneezing and runny nose, along with itchy eyes.

200 cm
high Its pollen is sticky and can be spread only by insects, not the wind, thus not likely to become airborne and inhaled.

Can grow up to

Pointed, lanceshaped leaves

When it comes to weed allergies, ragweed is the most notorious.
Accounts for most of the hay fever experienced in North America Its pollen is one of the most potent. Only a few ragweed pollen grains can trigger a reaction.

Clusters of small (2 cm) yellow owers

One ragweed plant can produce one billion pollen grains in a season!
Pulling the weeds from your own yard will not generally help alleviate your allergies as the pollen from area plants will still be in the air

Ragweed pollen has been found 400 miles out to sea and two miles up in space

Silver burr ragweed

Where to nd it
Found in meadows, forest edges, waste areas, along roadsides Likes full to partly sunny habitats Present Absent

Where to nd it
Thrives in disturbed soils Frequently found along roadsides Present Absent

Named for the raggedy shape of its leaves

Western ragweed

The various types of ragweed have di erent-looking leaves, but are all raggedy
Giant ragweed


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