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Module Instructor: Aamir Mahar –

Grammar Usages Parts of Speech Rules

Identifying the Parts of Speech
Articles (A, An and The)

Sentence Structuring Compound Words

Types of Sentences:
Function-based sentences: declarative,
interrogative, imperative, exclamative
Structure-based sentences: simple, compound and
Sentence Parts
Verb (Tenses)
Subject and Dummy Subjects
Object (Direct & Indirect objects)
Subject-verb Agreement
Punctuation Marks
Phrases and their Types
Clauses and their Types
Conditional Sentences & Inversions
Active Voice and Passive Voice
Direct and Indirect Narration

Vocabulary (for BS- 17 general Synonyms

recruitment tests, in particular) Antonyms
Fill in the blanks

NOTE: This section may also be treated by the FPSC, even

though not mentioned in the actual syllabi for the lower than
BS 17 general recruitment tests and the format will be the
‘fill in the blanks’ in the tests.

Current Affairs (Issues/ Challenges at Personalities (Superlatives, Obituaries, Books) and

National and International Level Government & State Heads (Elections, Resigns)
during the last two years) Countries (Clashes, Disputes, Protests)
Sports (Awards, Achievements)
Cups and Tournaments
Awards (Global and National Awards)
Developments in Space and Technology
Military Exercises and Exhibition
Official Visits (to and from Pakistan)
MoUs if signed.
Pakistan in Rankings and Indices
Their publications
International Days and their Themes
Conferences and Summits
Their declarations signed
Pakistan Economic Survey, highlights
Inaugurations by Pakistani Head of Government or
Latest updates from
Developed countries
Neighboring countries of Pakistan

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

Everyday/ General Science General Topics

Various Sciences
Scientific Instruments
Inventions and Discoveries
Systems of Measurement, SI
Sound (Characteristics and Phenomena of Sound,
Sound Waves and Music, Ultrasonic and
Supersonic Sounds, Speed of Sound)
Light (Composition & Phenomenon of Light,
Mirrors, Lenses)
Heat (Latent Heat, Temperature, Evaporation,
Transfer of Heat, Radiation, Convection and Laws
of Thermodynamics)
Mechanics (Matter, Mass, Weight, Density, Force,
Friction, Energy, Surface Tension, Motion and
Work, Work, Elasticity)
Electricity (Electric Current, Heating Effect of
Electricity, Fuse Wire, Magnetic Effect of
Electricity, Types of Electricity, Units)
Laws of Physics (Pascal's Law, Hooke's Law, Lenz's
Law, Dalton's Law, Faraday's Laws, Archimedes'
Principle, Avagadro's Law, Newton's Laws,
Coulomb's Law, Ohm's Law)
Elements (Types of Elements and basics about the
Periodic Table)
Chemical Nature of Metals, Steel and lron, Non-
metals, Alloys, Minerals
Chemical Compounds (the Chemical Reaction
and Change, Air, Water, Important Gases)
Industrial Chemistry (Basics about the Soaps,
Glass, Cement & Coal)
Organic Chemistry (Carbon Compounds,
Organic and Inorganic Compounds, Carbon,
Petroleum, Synthetic, Rubber, Synthetic Fibre,
Readioactivity, X-rays)
Chemical Tests, Chemical Formulae, Laws of
Chemistry and Chemical Processes
Biology, Zoology and Botany
The Cell, General Classification of the Living
Organisms, Important Phenomena such as
Photosynthesis, Metabolism, Respiration,
Fertilization, Transpiration
Related to Humans: Eyes structure and functions,
Blood, Bones, Skeletal System, Food nutrients,
Diseases and disorders
Biosphere and Biogeochemical cycles
Environmental Agreements (MEAs) / Conventions/
Protocols (Pakistan)

NOTE: Limited topics of this section will be covered in hard

copies. The rest topics will be shared in the soft form on our
WhatsApp group.

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

Geography World Geography (Continents, Universe, Plants Facts,
Related to Earth- Earth Movement, Seasons, etc)
Pakistan Geography (General Facts, Mountainous and
Hilly Areas, Plateaus, Plains and Deserts, Water
Resources - Lakes, Rivers, Barrages, Dams, Flora and
Fauna, Mountain Passes, Additional Pointers)

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar


Back to the Ice Age

Three-Phase Framework
Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC)
The South Asian Prespective-
The Aryans and the Vedic Age
Rise of Buddhism and Jainism
End of Persia and Rise of Alexandria
The Kingdom of Three Dynasties
Coming of Chandragupta Maurya
The Kushan Dynasty
The Gupta Dynasty Era
The Empire of Harsha
Mesopotamian Civilisation
Egyptain Civilisation
Chinese Civilisation
Iranian Civilisation
Greek Civilisation
Roman Civilisation


Khmer Empire
Medieval Europe
Emergence of Feudalism
Arab Civilisation
Medieval China
Medieval Japan


Renaissance (Italy)
Reformation (Germany)
Geographical Discoveries
Cortés and the Fall of the Aztec Empire
The Conquest of the Inca
England’s Glorious Revolution, 1688– 1689
The Magna Carta/ The Great Charter, 1215
The Industrial Revolution (England)
American Revolution, 1775– 1783
French Revolution, 1789– 1799
Napoleon I, the Emperor of France
The Congress of Vienna, 1815
The Unification of Italy, 1848– 1870
The Unification of Germany, 1848–1871
First World War or Great War, 1914– 1918
The Russian Revolution of 1917
The Chinese Revolution of 1911 & 1949
Declaration of the Turkish Republic, 1923
The Black Thursday, October 24, 1929
Benito Mussolini and the rise of fascism in Italy
Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Japan - The Rise of the Militarists
The Hindenburg Disaster of 1937
The Second World War, 1939–1945
The Cold War, 1947– 1991 and contd
Nuclear Arms Race, Timeline
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The Brezhnev Doctrine & Collapse of Détente
The Korean War, 1950–1953
The Suez Canal Crisis, 1956
The Vietnam War, 1954– 1975
The Iran- Iraq War, 1980– 1990
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 1990
The Bosnian War, 1992– 1998
The US- Afghan War, 2001– 2022
The Second Gulf War, 2003
Russo- Ukrainian War, 2022
Personalities and their Titles
Seven Wonders of the World (Ancient Period, Middle
Ages, Modern Ages and New Ages)
International Treaties and Pacts
226 (Topic-wise) Practice Questions
Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

Islamic Studies/ History Allah (SWT)'s Prophets & Messengers

Islam in History — Timeline
The Arab period (570 AD — 1258 AD) & Ottoman
Turks (1299 AD — 1922 AD)
Islamic Studies — Miscellanea
Family of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
Themes of the Qur'anic chapters
Facts about the Holy Qur'an
Prophets and their Epithets
The Six Articles of Faith
The Five Pillars of Islam
Sahah Sitta (The Authentic Six)
The Four Schools of Fiqh
Additional Pointers

Pakistan Studies/ History The Rise of Islam in South Asia

The Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526)
The Dynasty of Slaves (1206–1290)
The Khilji Dynasty (1290–1320)
The Tughlaq Dynasty (1320–1414)
The Sayyid Dynasty (1414–1451)
The Lodhi Dynasty (1451–1526)
The Age of Mughals (1526–40/ 1555-1857)
Leading Personalities of the Subcontinent
The Coming of the Europeans in India
The Rise of British Imperial Power in India
Under the East India Company (the Regulating
Act of 1773, Pitt’s India Act of 1784 and the
Charter Act of 1793, 1813, 1833 and 1853) and
under the British Crown: the Govt of India Act
1858, Indian Council Act 1861, Indian Council
Act 1892, Morley- Minto Reforms 1909, the Govt
of India Act 1919, 1935 and 1947.
Social and Religious Movements: Madrassah
Rahimiya, Dar Al-Harb, Brahmo Samaj, Jihad
Movement, Arya Samaj, Faraizi Movement, Darul-
Uloom Deoband, the Theosophical Society, The Cult
of Shivaji, Nadva-Tul-Ulama, Anjuman Himayat-e-
Islam, Sindh Madressatul Islam, Tehreek-e-Reshmi
Rumal, Anjuman Khuddam-i-Kaaba and Khilafat
Viceroys in India (1858 – 1947)
The Mutiny & Great Revolt, 1857
Government of India Act, 1858
The Indian Councils Act, 1861
The Hindi-Urdu Controversy, 1867
Establishment of the INC, 1885
The Indian Councils Act, 1892
Durand Line Agreement, 1893
The Partition Of Bengal, 1905
The Swadeshi Movement, 1905
The Simla Deputation, 1906
Establishment of the AIML, 1906
The Indian Councils Act, 1909
The Kanpur Mosque Tragedy, 1913
The Lucknow Pact, December 1916
The Home Rule League, September 1916
The Montague –Chelmsford Reforms, 1919
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, 1919
The Khilafat Delegation in England, 1920
Gandhi's Satyagraha Campaign, 1920
The Moplah Uprising, August 1921
The Chauri Chaura Incident, 1922
The Delhi-Muslim Proposals, 1927
The Simon Commission, February 1928
Quaid’s Fourteen Points, March 1929
The Communal Award, August 1932
Three Round Table Conferences (RTCs)
The Gandhi–Irwin Pact, 1931
Rule of Congress Ministries, 1937-39
The Cripps Mission, 1942
General Elections, 1945-1946
The Cabinet Mission, 1946
The 3rd June Plan, 1947
Additional Pointers
The Making of Pakistan - 1947 onwards
End of PM Imran Khan’s Tenure, April 2022
Military Operations in Pakistan

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar

Basic Arithmetic Number System

Number Series
Number Bases
Average Problems
Time and Work
Time and Distance
Indices/ Surds
Solving Equations
Profit and Loss
Discount and Partnership
Permutations and Combinations
Ratio, Proportion and Variation
Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Basic Geometry Formulae and Definitions

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