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Amount (US
Bill No Description

1 #REF! #REF!

2 Reeceiving Well & Mixing Tank 64,401

3 Flocculation Basin 3,027,203

4 Sedimentation Basin 1,035,646

5 Filter Basin 1,024,615

6 #REF! #REF!

7 #REF! #REF!

9 #REF! #REF!


Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)

Water Treatment Facility

2 Reeceiving Well & Mixing Tank 43,598.59 21,121.88 64,400.79

Earth Works of the Receiving Well & Mixing Tank including Site clearance,
2.1 Excavation, Disposal Soil, Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth LS 1 4,586.40 4,096.13 8,682.53
2.1.1 Excavate and carting away of excavated material m3 215.14 0.00 0.00 6.50 1,398.41 1,398.41
2.1.2 Disposal Soil m3 215.14 0.00 0.00 2.50 537.85 537.85
2.1.3 Backfilling m3 266.67 16.00 4,266.72 7.50 2,000.03 6,266.75
2.1.4 Crushed stone m3 13.32 24.00 319.68 12.00 159.84 479.52
Construction of the Foundation slab of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete
2.3 and including lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related LS 1 6,094.93 2,036.18 8,131.11
to construction of
2.3.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 6.66 86.00 572.76 28.00 186.48 759.24
2.3.2 Formwork m2 2.89 14.00 40.46 12.00 34.68 75.14
2.3.3 Concrete to base slab and sump C37 cube m3 31.80 95.00 3,021.00 28.00 890.40 3,911.40
2.3.4 Formwork m2 14.25 14.00 199.50 12.00 171.00 370.50
2.3.5 Reinforcement bar kg 2,218.99 0.88 1,952.71 0.28 621.32 2,574.03 140kg/m3
2.3.6 Concrete curing m3 31.80 2.50 79.50 2.00 63.60 143.10
2.3.8 Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 22.90 10.00 229.00 3.00 68.70 297.70 Outside wall

Construction of the Wall of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
2.4 LS 1 14,558.86 7,551.00 22,109.86
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction of

2.4.1 Concrete C37 cube m3 65.53 95.00 6,225.35 28.00 1,834.84 8,060.19
2.4.2 Formwork m2 312.04 14.00 4,368.56 12.00 3,744.48 8,113.04
2.4.3 Reinforcement bar kg 3,787.57 0.88 3,333.07 0.28 1,060.52 4,393.59 160kg/m3
2.4.4 Concrete curing m3 65.53 2.50 163.83 2.00 131.06 294.89
2.4.5 Scaffold m2 312.04 1.50 468.06 2.50 780.10 1,248.16
Construction of the slab of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
2.5 LS 1 1,775.46 940.83 2,716.29
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
2.5.1 Concrete slab C37 cube m3 3.17 95.00 301.15 28.00 88.76 389.91
2.5.2 Formwork m2 22.48 14.00 314.72 12.00 269.76 584.48
2.5.3 Reinforcement bar kg 1,132.13 0.88 996.28 0.28 317.00 1,313.27 140kg/m3
2.5.4 Concrete curing m3 3.17 2.50 7.93 2.00 6.34 14.27
2.5.6 Support m3 103.59 1.50 155.39 2.50 258.98 414.36
Construction of the Stair of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
2.6 LS 1 1,095.39 597.00 1,692.40
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
2.6.1 Concrete stair C37 cube m3 3.93 95.00 373.35 28.00 110.04 483.39
2.6.2 Formwork m2 26.83 14.00 375.62 12.00 321.96 697.58
2.6.3 Reinforcement bar kg 340.33 0.88 299.49 0.28 95.29 394.78 140kg/m3
2.6.4 Concrete curing m3 3.93 2.50 9.83 2.00 7.86 17.69
2.6.5 Support m3 24.74 1.50 37.11 2.50 61.85 98.96

Construction of the Internal Wall of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
2.7 LS 1 15,487.55 6,598.43 22,085.97 `
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction

2.7.1 Concrete Internal Wall 200mm thk. C37 cube m3 15.62 95.00 1,483.90 28.00 437.36 1,921.26
2.7.2 Formwork m2 122.62 14.00 1,716.68 12.00 1,471.44 3,188.12
2.7.3 Reinforcement bar kg 5,667.46 0.88 4,987.36 0.28 1,586.89 6,574.25
2.7.4 Concrete curing m3 15.62 2.50 39.05 2.00 31.24 70.29
2.7.5 Scaffold m2 122.62 1.50 183.93 2.50 306.55 490.48
2.7.6 PVC hole ф100 L=150 hole 64.00 4.00 256.00 1.00 64.00 320.00
2.7.7 Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 27.30 10.00 273.00 3.00 81.90 354.90
2.7.8 Waterproof m2 523.81 12.50 6,547.63 5.00 2,619.05 9,166.68
Civil works for installation of metal works (door, windows, ladders, platform,
2.8 LS 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
handrails, manhole cover, etc.)
2.8.1 Contingencies 10% L.s
Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)

Water Treatment Facility

3 Flocculation Basin 2,233,789.08 793,414.12 3,027,203.20

Earth Works of the Receiving Well & Mixing Tank including Site clearance,
3.1 Excavation, Disposal Soil, Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth LS 1 42,193.12 43,578.86 85,771.98
3.1.1 Excavate and carting away of excavated material m3 2,637.36 0.00 0.00 6.50 17,142.84 17,142.84
3.1.2 Disposal Soil m3 2,637.36 0.00 0.00 2.50 6,593.40 6,593.40
3.1.3 Backfilling m3 2,507.89 16.00 40,126.24 7.50 18,809.18 58,935.42
3.1.4 Crushed stone m3 86.12 24.00 2,066.88 12.00 1,033.44 3,100.32

Construction of the Foundation slab of Flocculation Basin complete and including

3.2 LS 1 1,761,617.31 542,393.66 2,304,010.96
lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction

3.2.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 43.06 86.00 3,703.16 28.00 1,205.68 4,908.84
3.2.2 Formwork m2 3.71 14.00 51.94 12.00 44.52 96.46
3.2.3 Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 17,907.80 95.00 1,701,241.00 28.00 501,418.40 2,202,659.40
3.2.4 Formwork m2 18.35 14.00 256.90 12.00 220.20 477.10
3.2.5 Reinforcement bar kg 13,175.92 0.88 11,594.81 0.28 3,689.26 15,284.06
3.2.6 Concrete curing m3 17,907.80 2.50 44,769.50 2.00 35,815.60 80,585.10
Construction of Flocculation External Wall including concrete pouring, curing and
3.3 LS 1 305,080.82 157,422.41 462,503.23
all contingencies related to construction .
3.3.1 Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 655.48 95.00 62,270.60 28.00 18,353.44 80,624.04
3.3.2 Formwork m2 5,521.42 14.00 77,299.88 12.00 66,257.04 143,556.92
3.3.3 Reinforcement bar kg 62,704.97 0.88 55,180.38 0.28 17,557.39 72,737.77
3.3.4 Concrete curing m3 655.48 2.50 1,638.70 2.00 1,310.96 2,949.66
3.3.5 Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 208.00 10.00 2,080.00 3.00 624.00 2,704.00
3.3.6 Scaffold m2 5,521.42 1.50 8,282.13 2.50 13,803.55 22,085.68
3.3.7 PVC hole ф100 L=250 ea 672.00 5.00 3,360.00 1.25 840.00 4,200.00
3.3.8 Concrete Slab C37 cube m3 28.46 95.00 2,703.70 28.00 796.88 3,500.58
3.3.9 Formwork m2 129.60 14.00 1,814.40 12.00 1,555.20 3,369.60
3.3.10 Reinforcement bar kg 2,445.74 0.88 2,152.25 0.28 684.81 2,837.06
3.3.11 Concrete curing m3 28.46 2.50 71.15 2.00 56.92 128.07
3.3.12 Support m3 543.80 1.50 815.70 2.50 1,359.50 2,175.20
3.3.13 Concrete C24 Stair m3 6.22 90.00 559.80 28.00 174.16 733.96
3.3.14 Formwork m2 19.35 14.00 270.90 12.00 232.20 503.10
3.3.15 Reinforcement bar kg 266.70 0.88 234.70 0.28 74.68 309.37
3.3.16 Concrete curing m3 6.22 2.50 15.55 2.00 12.44 27.99
3.3.17 Support m3 28.95 1.50 43.43 2.50 72.38 115.80
3.3.18 Waterproof m2 6,108.43 12.50 76,355.38 5.00 30,542.15 106,897.53
3.3.19 Plain Concrete C18 m3 40.37 86.00 3,471.82 28.00 1,130.36 4,602.18
3.3.20 Stop Gete Embaddet Fram m2 14.92 433.00 6,460.36 133.00 1,984.36 8,444.72
Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 3200 x 11200 complete and including
3.4 lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction LS 1 27,107.60 12,683.78 39,791.38
3.4.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 4.66 86.00 400.76 28.00 130.48 531.24
3.4.2 Formwork m2 3.14 14.00 43.96 12.00 37.68 81.64
3.4.3 Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 22.52 95.00 2,139.40 28.00 630.56 2,769.96
3.4.4 Formwork m2 13.22 14.00 185.08 12.00 158.64 343.72
3.4.5 Reinforcement bar kg 2,523.29 0.88 2,220.50 0.28 706.52 2,927.02
3.4.6 Concrete wall C37 cube m3 60.51 95.00 5,748.45 28.00 1,694.28 7,442.73
3.4.7 Formwork m2 298.54 14.00 4,179.56 12.00 3,582.48 7,762.04
3.4.8 Reinforcement bar kg 4,121.51 0.88 3,626.93 0.28 1,154.02 4,780.95
3.4.9 Concrete slab C37 cube m3 5.83 95.00 553.85 28.00 163.24 717.09
3.4.10 Formwork m2 25.56 14.00 357.84 12.00 306.72 664.56
3.4.11 Reinforcement bar kg 1,275.75 0.88 1,122.66 0.28 357.21 1,479.87
3.4.12 Concrete stair C37 cube m3 2.99 95.00 284.05 28.00 83.72 367.77
3.4.13 Formwork m2 24.50 14.00 343.00 12.00 294.00 637.00
3.4.14 Reinforcement bar kg 270.70 0.88 238.22 0.28 75.80 314.01
3.4.15 Concrete curing m3 91.85 2.50 229.63 2.00 183.70 413.33
3.4.16 Scaffold m2 298.54 1.50 447.81 2.50 746.35 1,194.16
3.4.17 Support m3 202.11 1.50 303.17 2.50 505.28 808.44
Waterproof m2 374.62 12.50 4,682.75 5.00 1,873.10 6,555.85

Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 1400 x 2800 complete and including lean
3.5 LS 1 3,600.99 1,584.02 5,185.01
concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction of

3.5.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 0.61 86.00 52.46 28.00 17.08 69.54
3.5.2 Formwork m2 0.68 14.00 9.52 12.00 8.16 17.68
3.5.3 Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 2.67 95.00 253.65 28.00 74.76 328.41
3.5.4 Formwork m2 3.10 14.00 43.40 12.00 37.20 80.60
3.5.5 Reinforcement bar kg 598.85 0.88 526.99 0.28 167.68 694.67
3.5.6 Concrete wall C37 cube m3 9.27 95.00 880.65 28.00 259.56 1,140.21
3.5.7 Formwork m2 44.16 14.00 618.24 12.00 529.92 1,148.16
3.5.8 Reinforcement bar kg 367.43 0.88 323.34 0.28 102.88 426.22
3.5.9 Concrete slab C37 cube m3 0.25 95.00 23.75 28.00 7.00 30.75
3.5.10 Formwork m2 1.20 14.00 16.80 12.00 14.40 31.20
3.5.11 Reinforcement bar kg 212.95 0.88 187.39 0.28 59.63 247.02
3.5.12 Concrete curing m3 12.19 2.50 30.48 2.00 24.38 54.86
3.5.13 Scaffold m2 9.27 1.50 13.91 2.50 23.18 37.08
3.5.14 Support m3 5.28 1.50 7.92 2.50 13.20 21.12
3.5.15 Waterproof m2 49.00 12.50 612.50 5.00 245.00 857.50
Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 45400 x 2800 complete and including
3.6 lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction LS 1 56,236.24 24,119.41 80,355.64
3.6.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 14.68 86.00 1,262.48 28.00 411.04 1,673.52
3.6.2 Formwork m2 4.50 14.00 63.00 12.00 54.00 117.00
3.6.3 Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 70.88 95.00 6,733.60 28.00 1,984.64 8,718.24
3.6.4 Formwork m2 22.50 14.00 315.00 12.00 270.00 585.00
3.6.5 Reinforcement bar kg 7,092.72 0.88 6,241.59 0.28 1,985.96 8,227.55
3.6.6 Concrete wall C37 cube m3 85.81 95.00 8,151.95 28.00 2,402.68 10,554.63
3.6.7 Formwork m2 408.60 14.00 5,720.40 12.00 4,903.20 10,623.60
3.6.8 Reinforcement bar kg 4,454.73 0.88 3,920.17 0.28 1,247.33 5,167.49
3.6.9 Concrete slab C37 cube m3 66.74 95.00 6,340.30 28.00 1,868.72 8,209.02
3.6.10 Formwork m2 127.12 14.00 1,779.68 12.00 1,525.44 3,305.12
3.6.11 Reinforcement bar kg 5,000.50 0.88 4,400.44 0.28 1,400.14 5,800.58
3.6.12 Concrete curing m3 223.43 2.50 558.58 2.00 446.86 1,005.44
3.6.13 Scaffold m2 408.60 1.50 612.90 2.50 1,021.50 1,634.40
3.6.14 Support m3 286.02 1.50 429.03 2.50 715.05 1,144.08
3.6.15 Waterproof m2 776.57 12.50 9,707.13 5.00 3,882.85 13,589.98
Civil works for installation of metal works (door, windows, ladders, platform,
3.7 LS 1 37,953.00 11,632.00 49,585.00
handrails, manhole cover, etc.)
3.7.1 Double Door (D2)Aluminium (1400x2200) set 1.00 414.00 462.00 114.00 114.00 576.00
3.7.2 Fixed frame Window (W1: 1040x1400) set 3.00 167.00 501.00 60.00 180.00 681.00
3.7.3 Grating Cover G1 : 8.76m2 set 1.00 3,793.00 3,793.00 1,165.00 1,165.00 4,958.00 AISI 304
3.7.4 Grating Cover G2 : 12.98m2 set 1.00 5,620.00 5,620.00 1,726.00 1,726.00 7,346.00 AISI 304
3.7.5 Grating Cover G3 : 8.76m2 set 1.00 3,793.00 3,793.00 1,165.00 1,165.00 4,958.00 AISI 304
3.7.6 Grating Cover G4 : 0.14m2 set 14.00 61.00 854.00 19.00 266.00 1,120.00 AISI 304
3.7.7 Grating Cover G5 : 1.15m2 set 2.00 498.00 996.00 153.00 306.00 1,302.00 AISI 304
3.7.8 Grating Cover G12 : 4.12m2 set 12.00 1,784.00 21,408.00 548.00 6,576.00 27,984.00 AISI 304
3.7.9 Ladder L1 :4270mm set 1.00 175.00 175.00 26.00 26.00 201.00 AISI 304
3.7.10 Manhole Cover 900x900 set 1.00 351.00 351.00 108.00 108.00 459.00


150 462
37 113.96
Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost
Unit Rate
Water Treatment Facility

4 Sedimentation Basin
Earth Works of the Sedimentation Basin including Site clearance, Excavation,
4.1 LS 1
Disposal Soil, Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth Works
4.1.1 Excavate and carting away of excavated material m3 4,669.69 0.00
4.1.2 Disposal Soil m3 4,669.69 0.00
4.1.3 Backfilling m3 3,825.67 16.00
4.1.4 Crushed stone bedding m3 390.42 24.00
Construction of the Sedimentation Basin Base slab complete and including lean
4.2 LS 1
concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
4.2.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 195.21 86.00
4.2.2 Formwork m2 12.69 14.00
4.2.3 Concrete base slab and sump C37 cube m3 972.83 95.00
4.2.4 Formwork m2 61.20 14.00
4.2.5 Reinforcement bar kg 60,790.38 0.88
4.2.6 Concrete curing m3 972.83 2.50
4.2.7 Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 45.40 24.50
Construction of Sedimentation Basin External Wall including concrete pouring,
4.3 LS 1
curing and all contingencies related to construction .
4.3.1 Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 954.64 95.00
4.3.2 Formwork m2 5,208.96 14.00
4.3.3 Reinforcement bar kg 104,363.11 0.88
4.3.4 Concrete curing m3 954.64 2.50
4.3.5 Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 125 24.50
4.3.6 Scaffold m2 5,208.96 1.50
4.3.7 PVC hole ф100 L=300 ea 1,056.00 6.00
4.3.8 Concrete Slab C37 cube m3 36.08 95.00
4.3.9 Formwork m2 293.96 14.00
4.3.10 Reinforcement bar kg 5,140.87 0.88
4.3.11 Concrete curing m3 36.08 2.50
4.3.12 Support m3 1,060.56 1.50
4.3.13 Concrete cubeU_Tran C37 cube m3 60.10 95.00
4.3.14 Formwork m2 665.47 14.00
4.3.15 Reinforcement bar kg 3,452.52 0.88
4.3.16 Concrete curing m3 60.10 2.50
4.3.17 Support m3 779.59 1.50
4.3.18 Waterproof m2 8,961.97 12.50
4.3.19 Plain Concrete C18 m3 345.39 86.00
Civil works for installation of metal works (door, windows, ladders, handrails,
4.6 LS 1
manhole cover, etc.)
4.6.1 Grating Cover G6 : 0.52m2 set 4.00 225.00
4.6.2 Grating Cover G7 : 0.30m2 set 20.00 130.00
4.6.3 Step iron (Steel Leder) L2 :3990mm set 12.00 164.00
4.6.4 Step iron (Steel Leder) L3 :3690mm set 12.00 151.00
Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$)

695,056.55 340,589.89 1,035,646.44

70,580.80 75,404.78 145,985.58

0.00 6.50 30,352.99 30,352.99 Earth Work

0.00 2.50 11,674.23 11,674.23 Earth Work
61,210.72 7.50 28,692.53 89,903.25 Earth Work
9,370.08 12.00 4,685.04 14,055.12 Gravel
167,281.28 52,694.97 219,976.25

16,788.06 28.00 5,465.88 22,253.94 Concrete

177.66 12.00 152.28 329.94
92,418.85 28.00 27,239.24 119,658.09 Concrete
856.80 12.00 734.40 1,591.20 Form
53,495.53 0.28 17,021.31 70,516.84 Re-Bar
2,432.08 2.00 1,945.66 4,377.74 Curing
1,112.30 3.00 136.20 1,248.50 WPW
449,914.47 210,862.15 660,776.61

90,690.80 28.00 26,729.92 117,420.72 Concrete

72,925.44 12.00 62,507.52 135,432.96 Form
91,839.54 0.28 29,221.67 121,061.21 Re-Bar
2,386.60 2.00 1,909.28 4,295.88 Curing
3,062.50 3.00 1.50 3,064.00 WPW
7,813.44 2.50 13,022.40 20,835.84 Scaffold
6,336.00 1.50 1,584.00 7,920.00
3,427.60 28.00 1,010.24 4,437.84 Concrete
4,115.44 12.00 3,527.52 7,642.96 Form
4,523.97 0.28 1,439.44 5,963.41 Re-Bar
90.20 2.00 72.16 162.36 Curing
1,590.84 2.50 2,651.40 4,242.24 Support
5,709.50 28.00 1,682.80 7,392.30
9,316.58 12.00 7,985.64 17,302.22
3,038.22 0.28 966.71 4,004.93
150.25 2.00 120.20 270.45
1,169.39 2.50 1,948.98 3,118.36
112,024.63 5.00 44,809.85 156,834.48
29,703.54 28.00 9,670.92 39,374.46

7,280.00 1,628.00 8,908.00

900.00 69.00 276.00 1,176.00 Concrete

2,600.00 40.00 800.00 3,400.00 SUS
1,968.00 24.00 288.00 2,256.00 SUS
1,812.00 22.00 264.00 2,076.00
Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Construction Costs
Material Cost Labor Cost
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount Amount Remarks
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility

5 Filter Basin 694,940.86 329,674.12 1,024,614.98

Earth Works of the Sedimentation Basin including Site clearance, Excavation,
5.1 LS 1 69,317.92 69,920.48 139,238.40
Disposal Soil, Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth Works
5.1.1 Excavate and carting away of excavated material m3 4,141.42 0.00 0.00 6.50 26,919.23 26,919.23
5.1.2 Disposal Soil m3 4,141.42 0.00 0.00 2.50 10,353.55 10,353.55
5.1.3 Backfilling m3 4,022.53 16.00 64,360.48 7.50 30,168.98 94,529.46
Crushed stone bedding m3 206.56 24.00 4,957.44 12.00 2,478.72 7,436.16
Construction of the Filter Basin slab complete and including lean concrete, concrete
5.2 LS 1 103,702.49 33,602.90 137,305.39
pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction .
5.2.1 Lean Concrete C18 m3 103.28 86.00 8,882.08 28.00 2,891.84 11,773.92
5.2.2 Formwork m2 10.96 14.00 153.44 12.00 131.52 284.96
5.2.3 Concrete base slab and sump C37 cube m3 558.33 95.00 53,041.35 28.00 15,633.24 68,674.59
5.2.4 Formwork m2 165.26 14.00 2,313.64 12.00 1,983.12 4,296.76
5.2.5 Reinforcement bar kg 41,822.57 0.88 36,803.86 0.28 11,710.32 48,514.18
5.2.6 Concrete curing m3 558.33 2.50 1,395.83 2.00 1,116.66 2,512.49
5.2.7 Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 45.40 24.50 1,112.30 3.00 136.20 1,248.50
Construction of Filter Basin External Wall including concrete pouring, curing and
5.3 LS 1 521,920.45 226,150.74 748,071.19
all contingencies related to construction .
5.3.1 Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 766.40 95.00 72,808.00 28.00 21,459.20 94,267.20
5.3.2 Formwork m2 4,142.45 14.00 57,994.30 12.00 49,709.40 107,703.70
5.3.3 Reinforcement bar kg 65,241.46 0.88 57,412.48 0.28 18,267.61 75,680.09
5.3.4 Concrete curing m3 766.40 2.50 1,916.00 2.00 1,532.80 3,448.80
5.3.5 Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 214.00 24.50 5,243.00 3.00 642.00 5,885.00
5.3.6 Scaffold m2 4,142.45 1.50 6,213.68 2.50 10,356.13 16,569.80
5.3.7 Concrete cube Slab C37 cube m3 131.83 95.00 12,523.85 28.00 3,691.24 16,215.09
5.3.8 Support m3 2,161.21 1.50 3,241.82 2.50 5,403.03 8,644.84
5.3.9 Formwork m2 560.16 14.00 7,842.24 12.00 6,721.92 14,564.16
5.3.10 Concrete curing m3 131.83 2.50 329.58 2.00 263.66 593.24
5.3.11 Reinforcement bar kg 14,083.23 0.88 12,393.24 0.28 3,943.30 16,336.54
5.3.12 Concrete Stair C37 cube m3 5.07 95.00 481.65 28.00 141.96 623.61
5.3.13 Support m3 24.37 1.50 36.56 2.50 60.93 97.48
5.3.14 Formwork m2 29.62 14.00 414.68 12.00 355.44 770.12
5.3.15 Reinforcement bar kg 243.30 0.88 214.10 0.28 68.12 282.22
5.3.16 Concrete curing m3 5.07 2.50 12.68 2.00 10.14 22.82
5.3.17 Concrete Filter Media Support. C37 cube m3 121.68 95.00 11,559.60 28.00 3,407.04 14,966.64
5.3.18 Air Dispersing Pipe t=150 pcs 312.00 3.00 936.00 1.25 390.00 1,326.00
5.3.19 Under Train Block h=241mm m2 405.60 40.00 16,224.00 20.00 8,112.00 24,336.00
5.3.20 Porcus Concrete t=65 m2 26.36 95.00 2,504.58 28.00 738.19 3,242.77
5.3.21 Filter Sand m3 405.60 130.00 52,728.00 32.00 12,979.20 65,707.20
5.3.22 PVC hole ф100 L=300 ea 36.00 6.00 216.00 1.25 45.00 261.00
5.3.23 Stainless Steel Weir Plate set 8.00 69.00 552.00 21.00 168.00 720.00
5.3.24 Stop Gete Embaddet Fram set 16.00 79.00 1,264.00 24.00 384.00 1,648.00
5.3.25 Ladder L4 =2800 set 8.00 115.00 920.00 17.00 136.00 1,056.00 AISI 304
5.3.26 Ladder L5 =2200 set 1.00 90.00 90.00 13.00 13.00 103.00 AISI 304
5.3.27 Ladder L6 =2500 set 8.00 103.00 824.00 15.00 120.00 944.00 AISI 304
5.3.28 Ladder L7 =2500 set 3.00 103.00 309.00 15.00 45.00 354.00 AISI 304
5.3.29 Ladder L8 =2150 set 1.00 88.00 88.00 13.00 13.00 101.00 AISI 304
5.3.30 Grating G8 =72.96m2 set 1.00 31,592.00 31,592.00 9,704.00 9,704.00 41,296.00
5.3.31 Grating G9 =1m2 set 2.00 433.00 866.00 133.00 266.00 1,132.00
5.3.32 Grating G10 =0.48m set 1.00 208.00 208.00 64.00 64.00 272.00
5.3.33 Grating G11 =0.58 set 12.00 251.00 3,012.00 77.00 924.00 3,936.00
5.3.34 Manhole cover 900x900mm set 13.00 351.00 4,563.00 108.00 1,404.00 5,967.00
5.3.35 Waterproof for filter m2 6,216.94 12.50 77,711.75 5.00 31,084.70 108,796.45
5.3.36 Plain Concrete C18 m3 34.08 86.00 2,930.88 28.00 954.24 3,885.12
5.3.37 Single Door (D1)Aluminium (1400x2150) set 1.00 452.00 452.00 111.00 111.00 563.00
5.3.38 Double Door (D2)Aluminium (2000x2150) set 6.00 645.00 3,870.00 159.00 954.00 4,824.00
5.3.39 Fixed frame Window (W1: 1040x1400) set 9.00 167.00 1,503.00 60.00 540.00 2,043.00
5.3.40 Sliding Window (W1: 2200x1400) set 3.00 354.00 1,062.00 126.00 378.00 1,440.00
5.3.41 Concrete block wall for Ventilation m2 5.70 40.00 228.00 9.00 51.30 279.30
5.3.42 Handrail H=1.1m m 1,388.10 48.00 66,628.80 22.00 30,538.20 97,167.00

Earth Work
Earth Work
Earth Work




Filter M.
Filter M.
Filter M.
Filter M.

Filter M.


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